Character Castle!

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  • #119038
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      Also may not be on as much for a bit yall!! So yea! But feel free to RP without me just look at that outline story thing if ya need to remember what we are doing XD!! @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


      also u can go ahead and get November running away if ya want, or kinda just walking away lol


      Elishavet Elroi
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1058

        @koshka @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h @freedomwriter76


        So, instead of writing Ocran’s, I’ll write Viktor’s really quickly, then wright the Vulture’s.


        Surely Riker didn’t mean all that. Surely he didn’t believe it. It was horrible.

        Because Viktor knew Riker did believe it. Somehow, the kind man was guilty of blood, and he was now laying all blood on his head.

        Except for that of the Pure Sacrifice. Riker had no Meshiach . No Advocate. No one to change the filthy garments for robes of white and a fair mitre.

        And he wished he was dead.

        The thought twisted in Viktor’s stomach like a knife. He clenched his teeth against the pain, his eyes burning with tears.

        And a flame of righteous anger kindled in his heart.

        “Lord, please do something!” 

        He looked up and into November’s face. The other boy was staring at Riker as if all purpose had been drained from his young soul. Bitter lies rolled down his cheeks and turned his nose red.

        Then November dropped his head and ran.

        Viktor never thought about what to do, but ran after November with his heart in his mouth.

        “November!” Riker’s pained voice called out behind him. “Wait!”

        November didn’t have, or couldn’t hear, and disappeared around a corner. Viktor followed hard.

        Quick steps behind him warned him of Riker’s presence. The two ran wordlessly till they rounded another bend and came upon a small, bent figure with sunset-red curls.

        November had tripped.

        Viktor sat beside November, grabbing his hand before the other lad could bolt again.

        “Oh, November.” He wrapped an arm around November’s trembling shoulders and mouthed to Riker, “HELP ME.”

        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @loopylin. So…I’m actually thinking about pulling Iris and the boys out, so I have 2 other characters that can meet yours, if you’d like! 😀

          So…without further ado…let me introduce you to…

          Wayne and Zayn! (from my possible Fantasy/Allegorical WIP) So…twin brothers…Wayne and Zayn are both 24 years old.

          But COMPLETELY different…XD

          Wayne is quiet, reserved, follows all the rules, formal, and can be pretty stern and is VERY serious.

          Whereas Zayn is…well…the exact opposite. He’s loud, says whatever is on his mind, really couldn’t care less about following all the rules, polite but informal, and is very laid-back.

          So…yeah…those two have conflict a lot. XDXDXDXD

          So…I have a pic for them! 😀

          Wayne is the black-haired one, the other one is Zayn! 😜

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. NOVEMBERRRRR!!!!! VIKTOR, YOU SWEET BABY!!!!!!! *hugs him tight*


            “Oh, November.” Viktor whispered. Wrapped his arms around November’s shoulders.

            Riker stopped running, as Viktor turned to face him and mouthed “HELP ME”. 

            What could Riker do?

            It was his fault anyways…like it always was…

            …like it always had been…always would be.

            But Riker got down onto his knees beside Viktor and November.

            Began to reach for November, to comfort him.

            Oh…but if Riker were him…he’d pull away.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. My, y’all really love those two, don’t you? Especially Riker…who seems to be the crowd favorite…lol. XD

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @loopylin. So, would you like me to start, or do you want to? 🙂

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1560


                  Oh but you see, Riker reminds me so much of my own characters, and Leon…

                  Natan. *Sob*

                  Those two are just sooooo similar…only completely different at the same time.

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @koshka. Hehe, Riker and many of your characters (at least the ones I know!) do seem to have a lot in common, don’t they? 😉

                    I’m just glad y’all love them! 😀

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2334

                      @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76

                      Ok this plan sounds good! Don’t worry y’all weren’t being rude. I understand how big RPs can be overwhelming.

                      Ok, here I go…

                      Eddie awoke on a cold, hard floor. She didn’t move for a moment as she slowly realized this isn’t my ship. She leapt to her feet and scanned the room, reaching for her gun. She seemed to be in a small bedroom in some kind of stone fortress. Ellie, her sister, sat slumped against the wall holding her head.

                      “Eddie? Did we crash? …Again?”

                      “No, I don’t think so…” Eddie tried to remember what had happened before. We had just caught a prisoner and were taking him in, when… nothing. She cursed.

                      “If that crazy pyro had something to do with this, I swear I’m gonna-”

                      “Ed, hush.” Ellie stood, alert, and crept silently to the far wall, pressing her ear to the door.

                      “There’s someone outside.”

                      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2334


                        Sorry! I started before I read the part about Wayne and Zayne. I think what I wrote will still work tho…

                        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                        E. M. Trepke
                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 145



                          Sorry it’s been so long. Life is crazy. By the way, happy Thanksgiving!

                          From what I understand, Corvina has left Viola and Hans.


                          He stood there for a moment, weighing his options. Hans and Viola were still stalking the same group of people— he still didn’t understand why they were stalking the group— and Corvina had snuck off to follow another group that broke off from the first one. Should he stick with the… snake… dragon… ah, Hydra people, or should he go after the girl? She seemed… off, conflicted, as if she was facing an impossible destiny—or an unwanted destiny. Or just a fate she didn’t understand yet. He knew exactly how she felt. At least, he thought he did.

                          He tugged his hair and groaned. Decisions were hard. He glanced again at the small figure darting from shadow to shadow and his eyes hardened. He made his choice.

                          “Sorry,” he muttered to the agents. Was he crazy?

                          He followed Corvina.

                          We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                          -The Doctor

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            Cool VESPER!!! Yea! Tho Corvina will probably be like WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!



                            @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h


                            He felt like an idiot.

                            Why did he run?


                            Because you’re a failure…a mistake…it’s all you can do.

                            All you ever do….

                            November’s eyes had blurred as the voice grew louder and the terrible memories racked his brain. Until-

                            His feet weren’t under him anymore.

                            His hands scraped against stone floor, slicing them. He winced, rising to his knees.

                            The tears continued to fall, despite his incessant wiping. The raw skin on his hands screamed and he let out a small whine.

                            Something warm gripped his shoulders and he instinctively flinched. Hard.

                            “Oh, November…”


                            November frowned, looking away as heat crept up his skin. Embarrassment and shame flooded him as more footsteps sounded.

                            He glanced down, realizing his trousers were ripped at the knees, bits of blood mixed with gravel seeping out.

                            His stomach knotted.

                            Anothee hand wrapped around him, gently pulling him to a sitting position. He glanced up and found a Riker staring back at him, guilt and regret evident in his features.

                            November scrunched his eyes, feeling his own amount of shame at the way he must have looked.

                            Why was he always such a…a mess?

                            “I’m…I’m sorry…” He whispered.

                            Riker’s eyes widened, his mouth opening but no words coming out.

                            The curly haired boy looked away, scrubbing his eyes one more time. What a mess he’d made.

                            Mikkel rounded to the front, facing him. “Are you hurt? I mean…physically,” a gentle smile played at the young man’s lips.

                            November just shrugged slightly, glancing at his hands, and then his knees before growing a bit queasy again.


                            Why was he such a baby…?


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645



                              The boy had left.

                              Run off.

                              Something had upset him. Yelling, trauma….

                              Corvina clenched her fists, remembering the curly-haired boy’s face vividly.

                              Too vividly.

                              It was a look she knew well.

                              A look she wore well.

                              A look that spoke of a childhood misspent. A childhood filled with brokenness and…and pain.

                              Maybe not exactly the same kind…but…it was still there.

                              Corvina could tell.

                               “You’re feeling empathetic for him, aren’t you?”

                              What? No.

                              You are…”

                              Shut up.

                              “Admit it, Corvina. You’re feeling empathy. You’re feeling sorry for the boy. Pity.”

                              No, I’m not.

                              “Hm,” she hummed. “Well good. Because we don’t need your feelings getting in the way of anything, do we?”

                              Corvina rolled her eyes. “As if.”

                              “Um, sorry?”

                              Corvina straightened, spinning around like a top. The shadows around her grew, enveloping the space like a void, sucking out the light.

                              Whoever was near cried out at the sudden change.

                              “Who-! What-!” The shadows faded slightly, and Corvina recognized the figure. She scowled. “What. Do. You. Think. You’re. Doing?

                              Vesper blinked as the shadows began to return to normal, light returning to the hall. She watched him gulp and found herself smirking inwardly. Imagine, a 16 year old girl having that affect.


                              E. M. Trepke
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 145



                                By the way, Vesper is about eighteenish.


                                Corvina was behaving erratically. Some sort of internal conflict…?

                                “As if,” she muttered.
                                “Um, sorry?”
                                Corvina spun around and the light disappeared, seemingly swallowed by thick shadows. Coming from Corvina. Vesper cried out at the sudden change.

                                The blackness faded to a deep grey. Corvina grit her teeth. “What. Do. You. Think. You’re. Doing?” she hissed.

                                It was too similar… Vesper gulped. She was… like his father. A shadowchaser. She seemed pleased.

                                He frowned. “Where are you going?” She remained silent. “Well, wherever you’re going, whatever you’re doing, I’m coming with you.”

                                She looked at him in a way that clearly meant: Go away.
                                He sighed. “Someone needs to keep you safe.”
                                Now she smirked— probably remembering his reaction to her shadows. Vesper groaned inwardly. He should have been more careful, but the memories… were too much.

                                “I don’t need protection.” Corvina locked her icy gaze on Vesper.

                                “Yes, you do. From yourself.”

                                We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                                -The Doctor

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645



                                  “…From yourself.”

                                  Corvina stiffened, fists clenching until nails dug into skin.

                                  Her blood ran cold with anger and she glared, but the young man stood his ground. Had to respect him for that…

                                  But…the audacity!

                                  Protect her?

                                  From herself?!

                                  What did that even mean…?

                                  She nearly snarled, the voice in her mind growling, begging for control. To give this man a piece of her mind.


                                  She resisted.

                                  She turned around, back to him. Her eyes narrowed at nothing, staring off into the darkness, hear breaths shallow.

                                   “Make him go.”

                                  Corvina swallowed, fingers moving aimlessly at her side, playing with the shadows in the corner.

                                  She could try and force him…


                                  You don’t want to…do you?”

                                  Corvina wasn’t entirely sure…

                                  She huffed. “And do you have a reason?”

                                  Maybe…Maybe he would be of use…eventually.

                                  Or maybe you’re growing SOFT!

                                  Corvina squeezed her eyes shut at the scream, growling inwardly.

                                  Do you HAVE to be so loud?!

                                  Only when you refuse to listen!”

                                  “Umm…ar-are you okay?” Vesper asked.

                                  Corvina’s shoulders rose in agitation. She turned to give him a cold glare.


                                  A few beats of silence passed. She sighed.

                                  “Alright look. If you’re gonna follow me, then you’re gonna play by my rules. Which means no talking. Though I have a feeling you’re not going to be able to obey that one…” She huffed.

                                  “But at least try to be quiet, okay? And just…don’t be annoying. And don’t get near me. Just…stay back. Clear? Kay.”

                                  Corvina stomped away, before Vesper could answer.


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