Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      And she’s so sweet! How do we do these things to our characters. Talk about cruel and unfair treatment…

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @koshka true nuff….


        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4740

          @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12



          Rinzler leaped down easily. Feather was a little more careful about it.

          Lyn and Vulk were chatting up on top of one of the trees. Alyona was beneath, trying not to get bonked on the head with falling nuts.

          Rinzler decided climbing was a good idea.

          He scaled the tree easily, looking out at the view. “Pretty nice,” he whispered to himself. Then he continued, to the top where the others were.

          “What are you up to?” he asked when he got to them.




          Zlatan seemed a little lost.

          Maybe Nyx’s comments had offended him?

          Arabella had let go of Nyx, who was now limping across the floor.

          Jareth held Crow away when Nyx got close, not wanting another fight. Crow wriggled and squealed loudly, distracting Ezra and Naja, who’d been quietly chatting.

          “Crow, quiet.” Jareth whispered.

          They were out of the tower by now. Good. The guards probably hadn’t reached this area yet.

          But what about the others?

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @keilah-h @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


            His tails curled in agitation as his pained paw accidentally swiped against the stone floor. He winced, biting against his tongue.

            Nyx raised his paw higher, hoping that would keep any further accidents like that from happening.

            He limped a little ways behind Ara, having been slowed due to his pain.

            Crow was screeching and skittering beside him. Jareth could barely hang on. Nyx gave the creature a side glare. His hackles raised and he hissed, showing his canines.

             “Don’t try it.”

            Jareth blinked at the little fox, having heard him too. The little boy drowned, continuing to grapple with his own animal.

            Crosshair’s eyes narrowed.

            Nyx merely returned his gaze forward, ignoring them all.

            “Nyx…?” Naja’s sleepy voice called. He didn’t answer. Maybe she’d forget about him.



            He sighed, turning his head to face her, still carefully hopping along. “What?”

            “You’re grumpy…” She giggled.

            Nyx huffed.

            No kidding….

            “Do you want a hug?” She asked, eyes brightening as she looked at the fluffy animal.

            His fur bristled.

            Definitely not.”

            “Oh. Okay,” The little girl’s eyes drooped slightly.

            Nyx turned back to watch where he was going, listening as Ara gently explained to Naja that he wasn’t really in the mood.

            He rolled his eyes.

            Why couldn’t people understand his not wanting to be hugged or pet or coddled all the time?

            Just because he was smaller then them, and had fur didn’t give them any right to just touch him whenever they wanted.

            How he hated being small.

            Being vulnerable.

            He glanced at Crosshair’s weapon, a gun, he believes he heard it called. Remembering when Crosshair had threatened to stun him with it.

            His spine arched with a jolt at the thought.

            The thought of…being helpless.




            He…he had to save Lynnie!

            From that…that boy…that dark-haired liar! Betrayer! 

            But he couldn’t move…


            “Nyx….Nyx? Nyx!”

            His thoughts shattered in an instant and he snapped, nearly biting Ara’s hand. She gasped, recoiling.

            His eyes widened, ears flattening against his skull and tails tucking under his legs.


            The two stared for a moment, before Nyx looked away, shame filling his features. “I-I’m sorry! I-I didn’t…”

            Ara’s brows furrowed, gentle hands reaching out to wrap around Nyx’s torso. She lifted him to her chest.

            “Shh, it’s okay Nyx. It’s okay, I know you didn’t…”

            Nyx stiffened at the gentle contact, but eventually gave in and snuggled against her.

            Wh-where’s everyone else?”

            “They’re up ahead. You…kinda stopped for a moment. I told them to go on.”

            Nyx’s ears flopped down. “I…I really am sorry, Arabella.” His voice was smaller, softer. “For…for everything. I…I just…”

            “Don’t be. You’ve…been through a lot, Nyx. It’s normal to lash out…but…sometimes you have to let people in.”

            The little kit nodded gently, sighing. “Yea…I guess so.” She chuckled, still hearing the wariness in his voice.

            “And we’re going to find Lyn. I promise.” Nyx smiled at that, nuzzling deeper into Ara’s arms.


            She stood, still holding him close and turned to walk back towards the group, but not before noticing Zlatan, standing a few feet away, watching with a concerned gaze.

            Ara smiled.

            “We’re good. Thank you for checking on us.” The young man nodded, walking back with her to the group.

            Nyx caught eyes with him for a moment, and…

            For once…

            He didn’t see those familiar, betraying eyes looking back.

            Instead, he saw someone different.

            He saw…just Zlatan.

            Maybe he could try to be a bit more open.





            But only a little bit.









            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4740

              @godlyfantasy12 Yay! Nyx is opening up! Who’s the betrayer he’s talking about though?

              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1558


                *Gaspeth* Did Nyx actually just think that?!? THREE CHEERS FOR THE FOX!

                He really is adorable though.

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @keilah-h someone from the book he and Lyn are introduced in.


                  it should be in the spoiler chat?? I believe…if not I don’t think it’s a big deal to share it here cuz I’ve done shared the name multiple places soooo 😂


                  but it is a spoiler for the book


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    He’s mostly a betrayer not because of what he did (cuz it comes to be proven as self defense) but because he doesn’t come out to confess it and instead manipulates, and it’s just a big mess…so in Nyx’s small mind he is a betrayer…



                    again things are just a mess and as of rn Nyx is still only the age of 10-11 (going of our standards, so literally the mind of a 10-11 year old, which also explains some of his temper.)


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @koshka IKR!! And thank you! I think so too! He’s adorable savage! You should see him and Grimm together 🤣


                      it’s that whole Little brother VS Sister’s boyfriend thing lol


                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4740

                        @godlyfantasy12 Ohhh, ok. That makes sense.

                        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          Tho Grimm isn’t Lyn’s  love interest  right off the bat cuz he’s that stoic “not gonna say I love you” type XD


                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 4740

                              @godlyfantasy12 Yeah….I have a bit of experience with characters like that….

                              Crosshair was kinda like that too. Feather’s sister, Star, bothered him about her all the time and he was always like “Star, just leave me alone.”

                              He and Grimm might get along, or they might not. Really hard to tell with those kinds of characters.

                              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                OOH ALSO KINDA RANDOM XD BUT! @freedomwriter76 you have a lot of siblings in ur stories and idk if u like songs for brothers and sisters but I have 2 I listen to for a certain…secret sibling duo



                                UGH MA HEART 😭



                                anywaaay (these songs fit sooo perfectly for them thoooo)

                                And I wanted to share them. Mainly so y’all could imagine these said secret siblings (y’all know who I’m talking bout if you’ve been on the spoiler chat 😉) while listening lol!


                                one is called Hey Brother but it’s the version by Jada Facer and Kyson Facer. UGH MY HEART!



                                and the other is called Brother by Madds Buckley. Okay, one thing about this one is, there’s no bad words but she does say the word “hellfire” as in talking about actual fire, but if some people aren’t comfortable with that word usage wanted to let you know up front!


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. *busts into the castle* I AM FINALLY HERE!!!! I was busy all…day…long. XDXDXDXD Alright…there’s a lot for me to read through…XD

                                  OOH, @koshka, I didn’t even think of that!!!! Tbh, Bucky would probably have a panic attack. Just because of what happened…and YESSSS!!! WE NEED TO GET THE TWO GROUPS BACK TOGETHER!!!!

                                  . AHHH!!!! I LOVE HIM ALREADY!!!! <3<3<3<3<3

                                  . I MUST listen to those songs!!! And AWWW, NYX!!!! YES BABY, YOU’RE IMPROVING!!!!! <3


                                  “Where are you from?”

                                  Michael turned to Mikkel with a smile. “I’m from America. I’m a US Marine.” (THE UPPITY SERVICEMEN!!!! XDXDXDXD *Ezra glares at me* Whoops, my bad. Forgot you hate that, boy-o! XDXDXDXD)

                                  Mikkel nodded.

                                  “Massachusetts, specifically. Only a few miles out of Boston, actually.” Michael chuckled. “Can’t say I miss all the business. But…the quiet…it can get…uncomfortable sometimes…” He shrugged. “But you learn to live with anything.”

                                  He heard someone talking, and noticed an old man talking, about Steve at the moment.

                                  Then the man turned and faced him. Michael grinned.

                                  “Ah! And here is a good Voyager. Although again in disguise, with better taste.”

                                  A stifled laugh sounded, coming from Bucky’s direction. The man turned away from Michael and to the others.

                                  “But! What will you tell me your names are?”

                                  Michael leaned towards Mikkel. “…What’s a voyager?”


                                  “N-November Elrond…” November introduced.

                                  The old man slowly nodded, then turned to face Riker. “And your names!?”

                                  “Riker. Riker Schind.” Riker replied respectfully.

                                  “Leon Wagner. And this is my daughter Isabel.”

                                  Isabel gave the man a wave and warm smile. “Hello sir.”

                                  The man smiled.

                                  Turned to the others. “And what of all of you!?”

                                  “Steve Rogers.” Steve replied, still seeming in a bit of shock at being called a prince.

                                  “Asher Carter. This…is my brother…Jayden.” Asher introduced, walking over, steadying Jayden.

                                  Riker’s brows furrowed together.

                                  Something was wrong…but what?

                                  He’d been fine…and suddenly…




                                  he wasn’t.

                                  Of course…Riker well knew exactly what that felt like.

                                  Too well.

                                  But he couldn’t help…how could he?

                                  Again…he’d mess it up…like he always did.

                                  Just like he messed up everything.

                                  Riker let go of November’s hand.

                                  November had so many people around him now.

                                  He didn’t need Riker…




                                  nobody did. 

                                  Everyone else would be better for him anyways.

                                  Riker walked away as some of the others introduced themselves.

                                  Leaned against a wall, as far away as possible from the others.

                                  Sank to the floor.

                                  Leon had his daughter back.

                                  He’d found her…so easily.

                                  She’d been…right there.

                                  But Riker couldn’t find Naja.

                                  Leon had been forced from his family…into the camps…

                                  but Riker had worked…

                                  and…voluntarily did so…




                                  “Hah. You really are no better than your Father, are you?”

                                  (Speaking of Franz…)


                                  Franz leaned against the wall. Finally…everyone was down.

                                  But why in the world were Vulkasin and that stupid blonde girl up in a tree!?

                                  Ugh…they were both children.

                                  And stupid ones, at that.


                                  He turned to face Angelina. “…What?” he asked gruffly.

                                  She squeezed his hand. Frowned. “You seem…frustrated.”

                                  “I have good reasons to be.”

                                  Angelina pursed her lips. “…Are you sure? They’re only in a tree.”

                                  “And acting like children. That’s all I’ve dealt with this entire time…children.” He scoffed. “And they’re all stupid ones at that.”

                                  “Father…we can at least try to be polite.”

                                  “They’ve tried my patience.”

                                  Angelina sighed.

                                  Franz watched her.

                                  She couldn’t keep this up forever.

                                  …Could she?

                                  “Father…you’ve been very angry lately…much angrier…since Mother died.”

                                  “…What? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

                                  “You lash out more…you’ve been getting frustrated with the smallest things…getting angry at the smallest mistakes…”

                                  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Franz replied with a scoff.

                                  She didn’t understand.

                                  She was just a stupid girl!

                                  She had no idea what he’d been through.

                                  “You’re grieving…but you can’t be taking it out on everyone else.”

                                  “Shut it. We won’t talk about it anymore.” Franz snarled.

                                  Angelina nodded and silenced.

                                  Franz turned away.



                                  Before she saw the tears that began to course down his cheeks. 


                                  Angelina took in a deep breath, holding back tears.

                                  She missed Jennie…her mother.

                                  She always had wise wisdom.

                                  And oh, dear Lord…she really needed it right now.

                                  Franz was getting angry almost all the time now.

                                  At everyone…but…but…

                                  especially Riker.

                                  But why him specifically, Angelina always questioned.

                                  Yes, Franz had…well…abused Riker when he was younger. But this recently…being angry at Riker almost 24/7…it wasn’t…normal.

                                  Not for Franz.

                                  It wasn’t his…normal.

                                  And he’d been more…reserved and quiet…since Jennie died.

                                  She’d detected guilt in his eyes since Jennie died.

                                  Maybe he blamed himself…

                                  and suddenly…it hit her.

                                  Franz was always angry at Riker…always getting frustrated with and annoyed with Riker recently for the smallest things…because Riker…






                                  reminded him of Jennie.

                                  It wasn’t an excuse…but as she thought about it…Angelina saw it too.

                                  In Riker’s eyes.

                                  His smile.

                                  His face.

                                  It was…their Mother.

                                  It was Jennie.

                                  Completely and totally.


                                  Angelina glanced back at Franz, her father.

                                  And tears filled her eyes.


                                  Nyx was back into Arabella’s arms.

                                  That had happened…fast.

                                  Naja sniffed.

                                  Ezra looked at her. “Naja…what’s wrong?”

                                  “I want my Daddy…” She whimpered. Rubbed her eyes, wiping away tears.

                                  “Naja…it’s going to be okay…we’ll find him soon…I promise…”

                                  “I want him…”

                                  “I know. We’ll find him soon.” Ezra replied. Carefully wiped away her tears.

                                  Naja looked up at him.

                                  Ezra smiled. “Do you…want a better view Naja?”

                                  “What?” She giggled.

                                  “Do you want a better view? That’s what I asked.”

                                  Naja giggled. “It doesn’t sound like that.”

                                  Ezra laughed.

                                  She was giggling at his accent.

                                  “I’ll show you what I mean!” He grabbed her from under her arms.

                                  Naja squealed as he set her up on his shoulders.

                                  She set her hands on his head. Giggled. “This is fun!”

                                  “That’s the point!” Ezra cried. “Alright…arms out, airplane style.”

                                  Naja did so, and Ezra held onto her legs tighter. He didn’t want to drop her, after all.

                                  “And time for takeoff!”


                                  Eva smiled as Ezra rushed ahead of them, Naja on his shoulders, arms outstretched to be a plane.

                                  “And back!” Ezra cried, as he rushed back.

                                  He stopped right in front of Eva.

                                  “Oh, pilot, we have an obstacle in the way.”

                                  Naja giggled. “Hello Eva!”

                                  “Hello Naja. And Ezra Lee Roberts…how dare you call me an obstacle?” Eva teased.

                                  Ezra smirked. Leaned towards her.

                                  Eva laughed and placed a finger on his lips. “Hold that thought, Lieutenant. You need to get your pilot back to base.”

                                  Ezra laughed and grinned. “Fine…fine. Pilot, prepare for landing.”

                                  Naja squealed as he set her down.

                                  Eva smiled. “Was that fun?”

                                  Naja nodded fast.

                                  Grabbed Ezra’s hands. “Again!”

                                  Ezra laughed. Picked Naja back up. Gave Eva a brief kiss on the cheek before setting Naja back on his shoulders.

                                  “Here we go again!”

                                  (Hehe, I loved writing that Ezra/Naja moment way too much. XDXDXDXD)

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