Character Castle!

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  • #110434
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @elishavet-pidyon OOH NICE!!

      Jocelyn & Nyx

      “Missy, what do you mean by your impertinence?” The man’s eyes narrowed, taking on a menacing glare. “What are you doing here? You are not one of the servants. Are you a spy?”

      Jocelyn pursed her lips and tilted her head. Okay, not friendly.

      Nyx hissed and she snapped her head in his direction, only to find him standing in front of her, hackles raised.

      “SERVANT?! And he called you impertinent?!” To anyone else, hearing an eight-year old get so uptight would’ve been humorous, and, in truth Jocelyn still found it a bit so, but it was really quite endearing. And she knew, if not calmed quickly, Nyx would leap before he thought.

      “Now darling, don’t worry,” Jocelyn was all smiles, despite the unchivalrous remarks, “I’m sure he didn’t mean.”

      Nyx still hissed, his ears flattening against his head as his three tails swished.

      “I don’t like him, Lyn. And I don’t like his smell either. Smell’s like prunes.”

      At that Lyn laughed. Making the man before her furious.

      Yup, time to leave. In a swift motion, she scooped up her friend, just before he jumped into action, and took off back through the door she’d come through. She heard the man yell something behind her, and he did not sound pleased.

      ”Should’ve let me claw his tongue out!” Nyx growled. His threats were adorable really.

      ”I’m sure you could’ve tried, but perhaps that wasn’t the best move, love. Especially if he owns this castle?”

      Nyx huffed, placing his nose in his paws, pouting. “Fine. I guess you have a point.”

      “Yes, yes I do. Now, let’s pick up the pace, shall we?” Lyn placed the fox on her shoulder as she ran all the faster.



      Elishavet Elroi
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1293


        Whoo hoo! Nyx is so good. XD


        The girl smiled at his rebuke.

        “Now darling, don’t worry,” she said to the little beast, or she had better be talking to it, because darling would be the crowning insult of her many rude comments. “I’m sure he didn’t mean.”

        The creature was nothing abated. It continued to hiss and spit, swishing it’s three tails, three that was most strange, and flattening it’s ears.

        Then the girl laughed.

        Who did she think she was? No servant or good citizen would behave herself in such a manner.

        If that thing jumped, it would get a good beating from Ocran’s torch. Then the girl would be locked up for a day and then sold to the Dorwains to teach her decency.

        But before Ocran could call a gaurd, she scooped up her Nyx and went flying back down the passage.

        Ocran commanded her to stop, but she took no more mind of him than a shepherd does of the stench of his sheep.

        She rounded a corner and disappeared.

        He followed hard after, his light swaying at each step.

        The foolish girl. Did she think she’d escape? He’d have the castle searched till she was found.

        Ocran came to a place where the passage split. Which way had she gone?

        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6691

          @elishavet-pidyon I am really loving this! Writing Nyx and Lyn is so much fun! I’m honestly enjoying this RP because it’s helping me get into their Charries and I don’t know when the last time I’ve had this much fun writing has been honestly!! (That’s why I keep posting a lot btw. Sorry if I bother anyone XD. I have no life ROFL)

          Jocelyn & Nyx

          Lyn grinned. Her hair was flying wildly behind her and she winked at the moon as she passed by one of the windows. The path had split moments earlier; she’d taken the left, not even stopping to question it. She ran off of feeling and intuition, not thought and logic.

          For where was the fun in that?

          Though, intuition could get one into trouble. She knew that all too well. Her grin faded at the dismal reminder.

          “Lynnie?” Nyx’s voice was soft in her head, like a calming breeze. His fur nuzzle against her cheek and his tails wrapped around her neck, like a scarf, giving her warmth. She smiled at him.

          He’d sensed her sudden shift in mood. Sensitive little thing.

          The two were knit together. Quite a special bond they shared. She was no more his master then he was her pet. No, they were family.

          Brother and sister, truth be told.

          “Not to worry dearest,” she pecked him on the nose and slid to a stop, glancing over her shoulder. The man wasn’t near. She supposed they’d lost him; she was a swift runner, though she knew pride never did one any good.

          “Ha! He ate your dust,” Nyx grinned.

          Her companion, however, had yet to learn such lessons on pride. She chuckled as he jumped from her shoulder and stretched. His nose wrinkled in disgust. “Nasty man. If I ever see him again-” Nya’s ears pricked and he turned to the direction they’d come from.

          Lyn jumped to attention, knowing exactly what Nyx’s alert expression meant. She listened close.


          The man must’ve been quicker than they’d thought. And he must’ve heard Lyn talking to Nyx and discovered which route she’d taken. She frowned. She’d have to be more careful.

          “Let’s go!” She scooped him up.

          “We can’t run forever!”

          “I know that,” she whispered. “We just run, until we find somewhere to hide!”

          “Yea…or until he catches us,” Nyx grimaced.


          Elishavet Elroi
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1293


            Yes!! This is fun. I’ll have to take a pause in after this to get ready for church tonight, but maybe I can hop back on later.


            Aha! Someone was holding a one-sided conversation down the left hall. Definitely that Jocelyn girl.

            He sped up the hall, passing darkening windows on his left.

            He’d catch her soon. He always succeeded.

            Well, not quite always, but in the end the little things didn’t matter.

            Those rumors returned to hus thoughts but he pushed them away. Groundless mumblings of the people, nothing more.

            Suddenly he realized he had taken a turn without considering which way he was to go.

            This was foolish; he aught to have a whole company of guards searching this place, not just himself. He took out his copper horn and blew two blasts.

            There. Let her try to escape: he needed the entertainment.

            Ocran set off again, the smile of victory creeping into his eyes.

            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6691


              Jocelyn & Nyx

              A horribly loud sound rattled down the hall. Lyn tried to ignore it, but Nyx’s ears plastered to his head and he let out a shrill shriek. He dropped to the ground, paws over his head.

              “Nyx!” Lyn skidded to a stop. She bent beside him, gently stroking his back.

              Another terribly loud blast of sound. Nyx shrieked.

              Nyx’s eardrums we’re ringing, his head dizzy from the noise that had been amplified by the stone walls surrounding him. He whimpered with pain as sharpness jabbed against his skull. His tail tucked between his legs and he felt Jocelyn’s soft hands lift him.

              “Oh Nyx,” She crooned, holding him close. She looked back, her lips pulled taut.

              Now she was mad.

              She sucked in a breath and headed further down the corridor. The further she went, the darker it got, and the more tired her feet.

              Worse, there were no doors for her to enter. No places to hide. Her only hope was to outrun this rude man.

              Where’ve she was, it was turning out to be a very unpleasant place.

              Nyx whimpered, but his ears were slowly returning to their normal position. His eyes were misty, to Jocelyn’s horror. She held her close to her chest as she ran, keeping one hand over his ears, for fear of anymore blasts of sound.

              “Nyx? You gonna be alright?”

              ”Never….better.” He whined.


                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 141



                “Sorry sweetheart, dunno who this Malcom character is.” The girl looked around at the room, probably studying it; Zoe watched her, trying to understand what was happening. Why couldn’t things be easy and simple, like an order to “go here” or “do that”? Would this stranger be like Malcolm, and brutal?

                “Does this, Malcolm,” the girl picked at her nails, “Own this place?” Zoe didn’t reply, trying to gauge her answer and how much she would get in trouble for replying if Malcolm heard or disapproved. “Look kid, I’m not with whoever you think I’m with, okay? So let’s get those pleasantries out of the way.”

                The black haired girl marched forward, her cape flowing behind her. Zoe drew away slightly, but her years with Malcolm kept her from shifting more than an inch. Don’t move; don’t breath.

                Zoe studied the stranger, particularly eyeing her dark hair, convincing herself it was because the girl was a wolf-changer like Ric and Nic.

                “I am Corvina. And I’m looking for someone. Another girl, about your age. Brown hair. Have you seen her?”

                The question caught her off guard. Was it an order? Malcolm often phrased his orders as questions, to test her.

                But, what should she say? And if she answered that question, she might as well answer the first. What was it? She had to remember! “Does Malcolm…” Did Malcolm what? Why couldn’t she remember! She wanted to remember, to obey the girl. “Does Malcolm… own this place?”

                “Hey, kid.” The girl turned back toward Zoe from where she’d walked to while Zoe was distracted, thinking.

                Zoe pulled up straighter, ready for an order to speak that must be imminent. If it was an order, she was ready. Nervous, because Malcolm might not be with this girl, or the girl with Malcolm, but perhaps she could protect Zoe from him.

                “What’s your name?”

                “My identification is Wolf 3. Human name: Zoe. Wold name: Snow.” It jerked out of her without a thought. Malcolm had demanded the answer from her so many times over the years, it was now automatic. And sometimes it was the only thing she had left of her own: her names.

                “I do not know if Malcolm owns this castle. It does not look like his. I have not seen any girl since I found myself here, except you.” Now that her tongue was loosed and she had begun, she answered all of the girl–Corvina’s questions or orders.

                “Can I help you? I am taught to serve, in any way I can, or–” She stopped, unsure of whether to plant the thought of punishing her in Corvina’s head. Perhaps if she didn’t, Corvina wouldn’t think to punish her, like Malcolm always did.

                "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6691



                  This was a waste of time. But, this time, the girl’s jaw unhinged as soon as the question left Corvina’s mouth.

                  “My identification is Wolf 3. Human name: Zoe. Wold name: Snow.”

                  Corvina’s brows lifted in shock, surprised to finally heat the girl speak. She was standing straight now, like a little tin soldier.

                  Wolf? Hmm. Must be a shifter like her.

                  “I do not know if Malcolm owns this castle. It does not look like his. I have not seen any girl since I found myself here, except you. “Can I help you? I am taught to serve, in any way I can, or–” She stopped, abruptly.


                  No answer. Corvina sighed. Back to one-sided conversations. Though, from the look on the girl’s face, Corvina wondered if she already knew the answer.

                  Obviously this girl had a reason to be scared of this “Malcolm” person.

                  “Remind you of anyone?”

                  Corvina looked away, not giving herself an answer. She sucked in a breath.

                  “Tell ya what,” she started, “maybe you can help me. But this,” she waved her finger between the girl and her, “Isn’t gonna work. I’m not working with someone who won’t give me any answers. I get enough of that.” She rolled her eyes at the thought of Eder’s constant vague riddles.

                  The girl seemed to consider Corvina carefully, but didn’t say anything. Of course.

                  “Well? You want to help or not?”


                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 141




                    Zoe didn’t continue. She didn’t have to. If the girl had ordered her, and not just asked, then she would have continued. But it wasn’t an order.

                    “Tell ya what,” Corvina started, “maybe you can help me. But this,” she waved her finger between Zoe and herself, “Isn’t gonna work. I’m not working with someone who won’t give me any answers. I get enough of that.”

                    How do I respond to that? Its… this… I don’t know what she wants. She’s not asking any questions. Or giving orders. Malcolm always asks or gives orders. She made a decision: she’d be quiet until there was a question or Corvina ordered her to speak.

                    “Well? You want to help or not?”

                    “I will help you, as you command.” Corvina looked started at her words. Hadn’t she asked for Zoe’s help? Why was she startled? “I will–” Want? Corvina had said ‘want’. Zoe didn’t get to want. Corvina–Corvina must be testing her, trying to catch her up to report her to Malcolm so she’d get in trouble. Zoe would have nothing to do with ‘want’s. I want nothing; if I want, Malcolm takes. I want nothing.

                    Deep inside her, a tiny voice stirred and dared to whisper: you want the twins. She ignored it, frightened; she pushed it deep down, slicing it to pieces. The thought must not remain where Malcolm could find it!

                    “I will do as you command.”

                    "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                    Elishavet Elroi
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1293


                      …and I’m back!


                      The castle corridors wound on and on, and the light from the windows was mostly moonlight now. He had changed his torch thrice since the hunt began.

                      He would catch her, and when she did she’d pay for it. She showed too much if that easy bravery, that unquenchable friendliness that more than bordered on cheek.

                      And her little beast was too loyal. Only the great war dogs could afford to show such loyalty, and they usually only showed fear: the highest form of respect.

                      Of course the people would say otherwise, they would say that love was the highest form of respect. They were wrong, though, mostly at least.

                      And the Eagle would say… nothing, because the Eagle was dead. Ha!

                      [Author’s note: Sorry if all the references to his victories are getting tiresome. I’m trying to get a feel for how he sees the War of Possession, and hence, his character/motives. By the way, do you think Jocelyn should run into Ara and the others, or should she go into a different part if the castle?]


                      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6691



                        ”I will do as you command.”

                        Corvina’s gaze was expressionless. Or at least, she hoped it was. Inwardly, her mind was screaming.

                        “Ah, sweet memories. Remember when you were like that?” It took everything to keep from growling. “Tsk, tsk. Poor thing. Ah, but maybe she’d come in handy…hm?”

                        Yea? For what? I doubt she could do anything useful.

                        ”Pssh. If she’s a shifter, then you know better. Besides, you should know not to underestimate children. You were one, remember? Well…guess you still are, technically.”

                        Corvina pulled her lips tight and steeled herself, trying to focus on the girl-Zoe- and not her own hissing voice inside.

                        “Well…okay then.” Corvina shrugged, turning back towards the door. “Guess I’ll let you tag along.” She glanced back only to find Zoe hadn’t moved. “You coming?”


                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 141



                          “Guess I’ll let you tag along.”

                          Zoe hesitated. Should she really do this? If Corvina turned out to be against Malcolm, he might kill one of the twins. He would never kill me; he would never kill is favorite pet.

                          Corvina looked back at her. “You coming?”

                          Corvina was either working with Malcolm, or not, and Zoe hoped that if she wasn’t, she could protect Zoe from Malcolm. Because, she took a step forward and committed herself: she went with Corvina.

                          “I am coming.” She shivered a little, deeply aware of the contrast between Corvina’s relaxed way of speaking and her own full sentences. Malcolm insisted on that, too.

                          As they left the room, Zoe noticed that the light coming though the windows lit everything with the fire-red of sunset. Would she change tonight, or not?

                          “I–” Should she tell Corvina? Yes. “I might shift to wolf form, with the setting of the sun. I will still obey your orders, as well as I can.”

                          Corvina didn’t speak for a moment, continuing to walk ahead of Zoe; Zoe was content to follow. Corvina’s commanding demeanor set her at ease. With Corvina in charge, Zoe didn’t have to think; she had only to obey.

                          And, Zoe hesitated to admit, Corvina’s black hair–so similar to Ric’s and Nic’s–calmed her and made her trust Corvina, like she trusted the twins.

                          "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 141


                            The courtyard occupants did not answer her, so she walked away from the window, wandering and wondering what to do.

                            The castle walls irked her, setting her on edge. She felt at home among the trees of a forest or standing on a ship at sea. But in buildings, her spirit crawled inside her, fighting to be free of the wood or stone confines.

                            And the musty smell of dust itched her nose.

                            Somewhere, a horn blasted its call and echoing noisily through the stones; another thing Sofia despised about stone buildings: their way of amplifying noise and casting it in all directions so one never knew where it came from.

                            She turned right, pushing back her cape to finger the handle of her small ax, ready to slip it from her belt and swing at anyone slightly hostile she encountered. It never hurts to be prepared, she justified herself, when Morna’s voice popped into her head saying: you should try to figure out whether they actually mean you harm or merely go armed, like you do.

                            Morna could keep her advice; Sofia had never failed with her way, and she’s suffered many less bruises than the younger woman as a result of her “attack first” method.


                            , @godlyfantasy12, Sofia could meet Ara, November, Zlatan and Vulkasin…? (and maybe take a swing at the latter two, before being stopped, heh)

                            "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6691

                              @elishavet-pidyon UMM NO I AM LOVING THE REFERENCES!!! It honestly reminds of the Wingfeather saga in an AWESOME way and also the other stories I’ve read that like tie into Jesus (I’m guessing like tying into the Shepherd and such??) ANYWAY XD I love it. Soooo how bout we have them meet again huh?

                              Jocelyn & Nyx (btw when I do both charries like this it’s both their POVs so it can switch)

                              Jocelyn rounded a corner, glancing down only to check on Nyx. He was alert now, looking back every few minutes to see their progress.

                              ”Are you sure you’re alright?”

                              ”I’m fine! Stop making a fuss!” Nyx pouted, crawling onto her shoulder.

                              “I’m just double-checking, don’t get your fur in a knot.” She teased.  “I was just…worried for a second.” She frowned.

                              Seeing him disabled like that had reminded her of a moment not too long ago. A moment when everything had been upside down and inside out. She shuddered as the scene replayed in her mind and-

                              “Dead end!” Nyx cried. Jocelyn gasped, coming to a sudden stop. She found he was indeed correct.

                              Before them was a solid stone wall, nothing but the candlelit torches along the path. They were stuck. They needed to turn back.

                              ”No worries!” Lyn scratched one of Nyx’s ears and turned around, running the opposite direction, but as she ran she found a shadow growing against the wall.

                              Nyx began to hiss as his hackles raised. Jocelyn grabbed him off her shoulder and held him tight, refusing to let him jump in front of her.

                              “Let go! If he threatens you I’m going to claw out his tongue!” Nyx struggled, but Lyn held him tight.

                              ”No! Hush!” She hissed, stepping back, headed for the stone dead-end wall. “You’re not gonna do anything! Just…chill. Maybe…maybe we can still talk to him.”

                              ”Yea, and I’m a dragon!”

                              “Nyx, please!” Lyn whispered. “You’re not going near him! Just stick with me. Trust. Me.” Lyn’s eyes scanned the corridor.

                              Nyx calmed down slightly, but he was still tense, especially as the footsteps grew louder. He sighed.

                              “Always, Lynnie.” 


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6691

                                @emilysf fine with me if it’s good with Koshka! Maybe wait till @koshka makes a scene replying to Ara and November about corvina, but then yea, totally!


                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1980

                                  @godlyfantasy12 @emilysf

                                  I’m fine with that! I’m working on the next scene at the moment, sorry about the delay. Life goes on.



                                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                                  Fork the Gork

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