Character Castle!

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  • #118796
    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 4732

      @koshka @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12

      Also I don’t mind Nyx calling Crosshair a snake. He actually kinda does remind me of that. HE might not like it. But I’m the author, not him, so he’s gonna have to deal with it.



      “No, can’t say I have….but to be honest, I didn’t have a lot of friends. Never fit in. Maybe…never will.” Ezra replied.

      Crosshair understood, although he didn’t say it out loud.

      He and his brothers had always been the outcasts.

      Most of the time they’d used that to their advantage. Even took pride in naming their squad after a phrase formerly used to taunt them. Flipped the insults on the others.

      But that didn’t mean it hadn’t hurt when they’d teased them sometimes.

      Aaaand another emotional rabbit trail. Time to abandon that train of thought.

      He turned his attention to the others, where Nyx was grumping about how he wouldn’t trust some of these characters if you paid him a million credits.

      Not like Crosshair cared. If the little fox wanted to start a fight, it wasn’t his problem. He’d already tried to get through to him, which evidently had no effect.



      (And now he’s back to his normal self, yay!)

      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @godlyfantasy12. NOVEMBER!!!! NOOOOO!!!!! 😭💔 @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. (alright, I’m gonna get Isabel and Leon reunited, if no one minds, so Steve’s coming back over)


        November nodded, but he wouldn’t meet Riker’s eyes.

        Riker squeezed his hand. “November…come on…kid…you can talk to me…”

        November didn’t respond.

        “…Please November. I…I want to help you.”


        What in the world had Jayden gone through?

        And what was wrong with November and Riker?

        Leon took in a deep breath.

        So much brokenness…and he didn’t know what to do.

        Isaiah would.

        Yosef would.

        Louisa would.

        Aadelheide would have.

        But Leon was lost.

        He didn’t have any answers for any pain…not when he couldn’t figure it all out himself.

        But he wished he could.

        He bit his lip.

        “We’ll find your Dad soon…”

        “You promise?”

        Steve…and then…a young voice. Beautifully familiar.

        But it couldn’t be…

        could it?

        Leon stood, hoping.

        Please…could it be?

        Steve came around the corner, a little girl perched on his shoulders.

        Blonde hair.

        Bright blue eyes that could light even the darkest room.

        Leon took a step towards Steve. “…Isabel?”

        Her eyes lit up. “Daddy!?”


        Leon ran towards her, and Steve set her down.

        Leon pulled Isabel into his embrace, kissing the top of her hair…her forehead. “Isabel…my cupcake.”

        “Daddy…I didn’t see you…”

        “I’m here now. I promise…I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” He promised, weeping into her hair.

        Isabel’s arms wrapped around his neck. Leon held her close. “I’m here…I’m not going anywhere…I promise…”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @freedomwriter76 YAY LEON AND ISABEL!!! Aww Riker’s so sweet!



          “…Please November. I…I want to help you.”

          November’s heart thudded in his chest. He really didn’t want to worry anyone else…

          To be more of a bother…

          They needed to get going, and he was just getting in the way.

          But…Riker’s words made him…want to open up.

          So badly.

          Just like Ara…

          But…this…with his scars…

          What had happened in the catacombs…

          There were things he hadn’t even told her….

          He clutched his jeans until his knuckles turned white, a pinch of guilt squirming through him.

          He hated not being entirely honest with Ara. But she already felt so…so guilty. And he couldn’t add anything else to her, could he?

          But he knew…

          Ever since the underground…

          Since his injuries…

          Something had been…different inside him.

          It wasn’t just the small bouts of pain he struggled with, or the side affects. The lack of perception, or the sudden dizziness and fatigue.

          It was…something inside of him. Something deep down that…that had shifted.

          The voice in his head had gotten louder. Crisper. Clearer.

          Or maybe it was just his imagination.

          And he sometimes things just…didn’t feel right.

          His clothes felt off. His skin crawled at random moments. Sounds were too loud. Lights were too bright.

          Everything was different.


          And…no one knew.

          “It’s…” November searched for the right words. A way to tell Riker what had happened without having to go in depth. Without worrying him too much.

          Without saying too much. Without making a mistake. 

          “It’s chronic.”

          He wasn’t entirely sure if that word was correct, but it was the best he had. And he could tell by Riker’s face that the man didn’t wholly accept it, but…

          He just couldn’t burden anyone….he couldn’t…

          He couldn’t mess up again….

          “We…we should go.” He cleared his throat, using Riker’s arms to steady himself as he tried to stand. The man helped him to his feet. He was a bit shaky, but otherwise fairly okay.

          His head was still hurting some, a mild headache, and his vision was a bit off still, but he would hopefully be good enough to continue on.

          He glanced over at Leon and the little girl that had arrived with Steve. He smiled.

          He’d heard bits and pieces of their reunion. Leon’s daughter, if he heard right. Isabel.

          He was glad they were reunited. At least it was a bright spot in the otherwise dreary moment.

          “November…” Riker helped the boy get moving. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

          November sucked in a breath, forcing a large grin on his face. “I’ll be fine. Trust me.”



            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1558

            @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


            Another corridor opened in front of them. Good. They were well out of the tower by now.

            Not that those guards behind them couldn’t follow…

            Nyx’s voice broke in on his mental calculations. In his head. Is there no peace even in my mind? He sighed and resigned himself to the fox’s ranting.

            “and Zlatan? I don’t trust him.” The voice turned hard, wounded. “never will.”

            Those words…he had heard those words before, only in a very different place. Old wounds he had believed healed started talking again, sending fire across his back and shoulders.

            Never will. Never will.

            His troop trusted him. He was their officer, their commander, the one responsible for everything and everyone. He had proven himself a good officer.

            Never will.

            Hollow eyes, sunken faces. Prisoner after prisoner marched to interrogation. Children.

            No. He had proven himself a murderer. He had seen what was done, and he hadn’t stopped it. Their blood was on his hands.

            Oh God! Forgive me. Forgive me.

            But Someone else’s Blood covered him. Mercy had been given where judgment should had been. Song awoke in his heart, sparks turning to flames.

            He looked up, suddenly realizing he had far out walked the others. He stopped, walked back down the hall till he caught sight of them again.

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @koshka awww Zlatan!!!! If u don’t mind my asking, what exactly happened with Zlatan and those children he keeps referring back to??

              He and Riker probably have a bit in common…from how this last RP has gone…


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                Imma RP as Arabella. She’s pretty intuitive about these kinda things and I feel like she’s gonna be concerned for Zlatan and wanna make things right somehow…

                @keilah-h @freedomwriter76


                Zlatan had walked past the group, his eyes distant. He wasn’t there anymore. She could tell.

                She knew the look well.

                Wherever he was, the memories didn’t seem too pleasant, as his face held a grim expression, masking a deep pain most wouldn’t be able to see.

                Ara let out a breath.

                Eva had settled into a steady pace back beside Jareth, enjoying the lad’s company. The group behind was caught up in their own conversations, not paying mine to the young man in front of them.

                Full of pain…and hurt.

                Ah Nyx…

                She knew he must’ve heard the little fox. It was rather impossible not to; he’d been standing only a few centimeters behind them.

                Ara looked down at the furry bundle in her arms. He was more alert now, though still nuzzled into her chest. His eyes and ears ticked with every echo. Every movement.

                She frowned, nodding her chin to her neck.

                “Nyx…those things you said weren’t exactly…friendly.”

                Did you expect them to be?”

                “Well…no, but-“

                She asked, I told her. Simple as that.”

                Ara sighed. But it wasn’t that simple. Not for some. Ara peered back at the dark-haired man, thankful he’d returned to the group.

                Nyx eyed him, tails twitching slightly.

                Ara quirked her lips, wondering how she could somehow get the little fox to…get past some of his insecurities.

                Lyn was much better at reaching him then she was, but…there had to be some way.

                Ara knew the little fox was a bit…distrusting.

                He had been when they first met, and now…even more so.

                And frankly?

                She couldn’t blame him.

                After everything that had happened, she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to trust people either.

                Frankly, it was hard to trust people without having Lyn and Nyx’s background.

                And as for Zlatan?

                She knew why the little fox pointed him out from the crowd.

                From his black hair, to his blood red cape, to even his name….

                Too many things…

                Too many reminders…


                Too much recent trauma.

                How was she supposed to try and help those things heal, at least enough for Nyx to open up a bit more?

                Because…well…while she hated to think it, what if they did get separated again?

                Nyx would need these people…despite what he thinks.

                No matter how much he disliked it, he really was still just a kit…

                “You know…you really do owe them your thanks, Nyx,” Ara said softly. Nyx glared up at her.

                For what?”

                “For helping you. Splinting your paw, getting you away. Just…for their help. Did you ever thank them?” Nyx gave a sideways frown, narrowing his eyes. He shrugged. “Well maybe you should…”

                Nyx rolled his eyes.

                “Starting with Zlatan?” Ara offered.

                Nyx’s head jerked up. “That’s what this is about. Listen, you may be able to make friends with everyone around you, but not me. Who I trust and don’t trust is my business, so stay out of it, will ya?” Nyx huffed, fur fluffing agitatedly.

                Ara’s eyes shot up. “I-I’m sorry, Nyx.”

                Put me down, would you?”

                Ara frowned, but complied, gently setting the fox on the ground. She winced with every limping step he took, but knew better then to pick him up again.

                She sighed.

                Troubled souls were always….

                So difficult…


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @koshka. ZLATAN!!!!! 😭😭😭 Okay, now I most CERTAINLY need that convo between him and Riker! 😭😭😭 @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon.


                  “I’ll be fine. Trust me.” November reassured.

                  But it wasn’t reassuring at all.

                  Riker rubbed his head.

                  Stupid injury, causing all these headaches.

                  He was helping November move.

                  But Asher and Jayden were still behind, as Asher tried to sooth his brother.

                  Jayden was still sobbing.

                  Something inside of Riker urged him to go over there…but November needed him too.

                  And Jayden had Asher…right?

                  Besides, wouldn’t Riker only mess it up?





                  he always did. 

                  Always had.

                  Always would. 

                  He shouldn’t even be with November…after all…he’d just ruin everything.

                  Jayden had Asher…and he was kind.

                  He didn’t deserve to have a mistake help him.

                  “Don’t cry…”

                  Riker felt fingers grace his cheeks.

                  He glanced over, only to see a smiling, blonde-headed girl in Leon’s arms.

                  Isabel…Leon’s daughter.

                  “Why are you sad?”

                  Riker angrily swiped away at the tears.

                  What was he!? A baby!? “I…I’m fine.”

                  Isabel pursed her lips. “Then why were you crying?”

                  “I’m fine.” Riker replied.

                  Leon kissed Isabel’s forehead. “Shh…it’s okay…I don’t think he wants to talk about it…”

                  Isabel nodded.

                  Riker took in a deep breath.

                  Wiped away more tears.

                  No more tears.

                  No more weakness.


                  Jayden’s sobs slowly subsided.

                  He pulled away from Asher’s uniform and looked up at Asher.

                  Asher smiled and silently wiped away his brother’s tears. “It’s okay…we can stay here a little longer…” He whispered.

                  Jayden slowly nodded. Sniffed.

                  Asher held him close and rocked him, gently, in his arms.


                  All this…emotion.

                  Chaos…it wasn’t surprising.

                  But he hadn’t encountered it in a while.

                  And to be perfectly honest…



                  it was terrifying.

                  “Buck…hey…you good?” Steve asked, coming up at his side.

                  Bucky nodded. “Uh…yeah. I’m fine.”


                  Well…Alyona was down.

                  Angelina grabbed Franz’s hand. “Come on Father…let’s follow.”

                  Franz nodded and followed her.

                  Before long, they were down with Jocelyn and the Alyona, as Vulkasin went back up for Feather and Rinzler.

                  Angelina turned to her father. Grinned. “Wasn’t that fun?”

                  Franz shrugged and walked away. Leaned against the wall. “I suppose if you think so…”


                  Crosshair hadn’t replied.

                  Ezra saw Arabella set Nyx down. Watched as Nyx limped.

                  Why didn’t he want anyone’s help?

                  Didn’t he know that Arabella cared about him…a lot?

                  Ezra sighed.

                  Shifted Naja’s weight to his other arm. She was awake now…and didn’t seem like she was going to sleep anytime soon. Not without her daddy around.


                  “Yeah, Naja?”

                  “…Do you think my Daddy is very sad?”

                  “Why would you ask that?”

                  Naja shrugged. “…I don’t know. Oma died…and Daddy misses her…and Daddy always seems sad…”

                  “I don’t…I don’t know Naja…”

                  “But Daddy can be happy…because of Jesus…like Mama always says…”

                  “Yeah…he…he can…”

                  Naja smiled. Wrapped her arms around Ezra’s neck. “Jesus loves Daddy…Jesus loves everyone…” She whispered. And almost instantly went back to sleep.

                  Jesus loves everyone…repeated over and over again.

                  But what if someone completely and entirely failed?

                  Ezra was a pilot.

                  A good one…respected by his crew…but he had failed…and…and…










                  Yoshua died. All because…






                  …of him…

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 well Bucky this is what happens when u get a group full of broken/trauma filled young men/boys in a room together…..



                    also…poor Ezra!!! I really can’t imagine if my best friend died. Whenever that happens in movies and stuff I always try to put myself in their shoes and it’s sooo hard…like I cannot imagine……



                    also…once we kinda get this outta the way, do y’all wanna move on and meet @elishavet-pidyon’s side character?? I do lol


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      Go back and forth from sad to happy 🤣


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @godlyfantasy12. I’m fine with meeting her character! 😀

                        Yeah Bucky…this is what happens…you should just expect it, man! 🤣

                        AGHHH!!! ME NEITHER!!!! And yes…poor baby…especially blaming himself for it…😭😭😭😭😭😭

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12. Speaking of Bucky…he hasn’t gotten to talk about much yet… 😉

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @elishavet-pidyon do u wanna RP as Viktor??? I don’t think we mind if u get us going forward


                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1558


                              Do you want the long and detailed version, or the short and boring one?

                              Short version: a child indirectly woke up his conscience, then he basically gave his life to save a bunch of kids from the prison camps where he’s a guard.

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1558

                                Because to give a real explanation I’d need to tell practically half his entire plotline, so it’d have to go on the spoiler page.

                                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @koshka WAIT WAIT WAIT….gave his life as in literally or just figuratively?

                                  Cuz I need ZLATAN


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