Character Castle!

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  • #118778
    Elishavet Elroi
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1057


      It was astonishing how much Franz changed when his daughter there.

      It was also astonishing how offense the term “child” was to at least two in the group. Alyona suspected that Vulkasin had practiced a rare bit of self control.

      And had he really called her aĀ lady? She pinched her lips together to try to stifle her sudden humor.

      “Ah, a little perhaps. Thank you.”

      She wasn’t sure what his help would look like, but considering his height, he could almost be a ladder.

      She sat on the edge, weighing the air beneath her.

      And nearly fell off in surprise as Vulkasin dropped down, hanging for a split moment from the wall, then fell the remaining couple feet.

      He was a young giant!

      Jocelyn cheered from the garden path amid the gasped from the rest of the group.

      But it didn’t seem quite so far down, now. What were twelve feet when there was a seven foot cousin to catch you? She turned and began her decent.

      Three footholds down and she felt his hand guiding her feet. Soon she was safely down, laughing at the height she had just left.

      “Next?” Jocelyn bounced on her toes beside her.

      “Why are we climbing down here anyway” one of the ladies from the wall top called down

      “Vell,” Vulkasin shrugged. “Zere might be a few dozen blockheads coming. And vell, ze seemed to have some sort of problem.”

      Alyona bit her lip. He made it feel so simple, so natural. Perhaps for him,it was.

      Still, he cleared it up very much, if she took the confused looks from above as proof.

      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @elishavet-pidyon. Good to know… šŸ˜‰

        He prob. wouldn’t like Leon or Asher then…XDXDXD Jayden…he’d try to hurt him…


        . I must be honest…I’d kinda want to see Lyn’s dark side…XDXDXD Not sure why…XDXDXD

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon Imma go ahead and start waking up November since Koshka might be busy rn šŸ˜Š


          His head throbbed with the beginnings of a headache. Sleep was leaving him, though a part of him wished it would stay.

          Noā€¦you have to wake up.

          But why? Why did he have to wake up?

          He stirred, feeling his body meet resistance as he moved. Something warm was wrapped around him, cradling him.

          His lids slowly opened, wincing at what little bit of light their was, though there wasnā€™t much.

          He frowned again at the onslaught of blurry faces around him. The eyes peering down, staring.

          At him.

          He let out a small groan, his main fuzzy with sleep.Ā Who were all these people?

          ā€œShh, Itā€™s alright, November.ā€ The voice was familiar, comforting.

          ā€œAraā€¦.ā€ His head swiveled, searching for the girl in the sea of faces.

          ā€œSheā€™sā€¦sheā€™s not here right now, November. Itā€™s okay,ā€ Whoever was holding him gently rocked him.

          His vision cleared as the haze in his mind began to fade. He blinked, the faces slowly becoming more vivid.

          Now, he could put names to them. Memories.

          He looked up at the man who held him.


          ā€œIs-Is he awake?ā€ Someone asked.

          Novemberā€™s face grew hot, his ears blushing at the realization that all of their attention was on him.

          Heā€™d messed up big this time, hadnā€™t he? Worried everyoneā€¦.

          He blushed harder at the realization of what heā€™d asked for in his dazed state. Or, well,Ā whoĀ heā€™d asked for.

          Of course she isnā€™t here, idiot.

          He shuffled in Rikerā€™s arms, slowly moving into a sitting position with the manā€™s help. He glanced once more at the sea of faces, seeing a mix of emotions.

          Worry, curiosity, fear.

          His brows furrowed.

          Guess he had a bit of explaining to doā€¦.


          Not that he had much of an explanation himselfā€¦..



            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            HEā€™S AWAKE YALL!! RP AS U WILL XD


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. SWEET, PRECIOUS NOVEMBER!!!!

              DON’T CALL YOURSELF AN IDIOT!!!! YOU ARE WONDERFUL IN EVERY WAY!!!!!!!! *hugs November tight*

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @freedomwriter76 IKR!! HE WAKES UP AND HEā€™S ALREADY BEATING HIMSELF UP

                šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø BOI!


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12. I KNOWWWW!!!!!!!

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 u wanna RP?

                    u can also RP as Jayden and Asher cuz itā€™s been a bit since their POV but thatā€™s up to u lol


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @elishavet-pidyon u can also RP if u want as Viktor (Iā€™m excited about when u introduce ur side Charrie guy lol)


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @keilah-h @koshka @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon soooooā€¦.anyone on?


                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1558


                          I sort of am? But I won’t be for too long.

                          I’m also trying to minimize my time spent on media, so if I’m a bit unsteady on here, that’s why.

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @koshka ur good! Totally understand šŸ˜Š


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. I am now!!! (Finally! XD) Lemme get to Asher, Jayden, and maybe a couple others. šŸ˜‰

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @godlyfantasy12.


                                November was awake…thank the Lord.

                                Asher sent him a silent prayer, then walked over.

                                “Is he okay?” He asked Leon, getting down onto one knee beside the dark-haired man, glancing at November, his brows furrowing.

                                Leon nodded. “…We think so.”

                                Asher nodded. But something wasn’t okay…even if it wasn’t physical.

                                “November…how are you feeling?” Asher asked quietly.


                                Jayden backed away from the others.

                                He…didn’t like being surrounded.

                                It made him feel vulnerable.

                                And something about November suddenly falling asleep…it was familiar…but still…still not quite the same.

                                Jayden laughed as he ran around the yard.

                                Grayson ran after him. ā€œJay-Jay! Iā€™m gonna get you!ā€

                                ā€œYou never will!ā€ Jayden cried. Ā 

                                Grayson laughed, then suddenly stopped.

                                He collapsed into the grass.

                                Jayden stopped running. “GRAYSON!”

                                “…Jayden?” Trevyn squeezed his hand.

                                Jayden jolted out of the flashback. Squeezed Trevyn’s hand. “I…I’m fine.”

                                Trevyn slowly nodded. Came closer to Jayden, almost completely in his arms.

                                Jayden smiled.

                                He was fine.

                                He was…he was…he was not fine.Ā 

                                Hadn’t been…not in a long…long time.

                                Days? No. Weeks? No. Months? No. Years?

                                Yes. And many of them.


                                “I’m fine Trevyn. I…I’m…I’m…” Jayden trailed off. For some reason…he didn’t feel like lying right now. Not to Trevyn. Oh, what was he saying!?

                                He wasn’t going to burden anyone with his problems.

                                Especially a kid!

                                What’s wrong with you!?

                                Jayden removed his helmet. Rubbed his head as it began to throb. He knew what was wrong with him.

                                He knew exactly what was wrong with him…







                                He should be helping November…but no. He was being useless. Like always.

                                She was right.

                                She’d alwaysĀ been right.Ā 

                                Jayden was a mistake.

                                What did he ever do except mess everything up?

                                “Jayden, are you okay?” He blinked.

                                Oh…Verity was over here now.

                                Bucky was crouching over close to the others…helping November…like JaydenĀ shouldĀ have been doing. But then again…he would have messed everything up…just like he always did.

                                “I’m fine.” The words came out louder and stronger than he had meant.

                                “You don’t have to be angry…” Verity pointed out. Pursed her lips. “Now…are youĀ really okay?”

                                “I’m fine, alright Verity!?” He hadn’t meant to get that loud. He hadn’t meant to yell.

                                Trevyn shrank back, hiding partially behind Verity.

                                Almost everyone turned to face him.

                                “I’m sorry Trevyn…I…I didn’t…” Jayden grabbed his helmet.

                                He always messed everything up.

                                She’d always been right.

                                His mother had been right.

                                No one should be cursed to have him as a son. Or brother. Or friend, for that matter.

                                All he would do is ruin their life anyhow.

                                Through blurred vision, he grabbed his helmet and stood.

                                He needed to go.

                                He wasn’t…couldn’t…mess something else up.

                                He already cared about these people too much to mess up their lives.

                                “Jayden, what are you-”

                                “I’m going. You’ll all be better off without me anyways. Don’t stop me Asher.”

                                Dirt hit the coffin.Ā 

                                Jayden, tears coursing down his face, looked around, looking for that smile…that laughter…that always-working imagination.Ā 

                                Only to remember…it’d never be back.

                                Grayson was gone.

                                And it…it…was…

                                …all his fault.

                                He should have been able to save him.

                                He should have been able to just do…something.Ā 

                                “I’m leaving.”

                                “Jayden…no…don’t.” Asher replied, standing.

                                “I have to…” Jayden whispered, barely able to see through his tears.

                                He couldn’t hurt them too.


                                “Jayden…don’t. Come on…I need you.”

                                Jayden shook his head. “No…no you don’t…no one does.” Jayden replied, beginning to walk away.

                                “I can’t let you leave. You’re not going anywhere.” Asher whispered, grabbing him from around the waist.

                                “You’re not going anywhere, understand me, wretch!? Bad enough you can’t help me afford anything, all because of your school! What’s all that math and reading good for anyhow!?”

                                “It’s teaching me a lot Mama! Lots! I’m learning a lot of stuff that will help me-“

                                Her slap came without warning. “Did I tell you that you could talk!?”

                                Jayden shook his head, tears beginning to course down his cheeks.Ā 

                                “Then you’re not supposed to talk.” Maria gripped his wrist. “Come along…you’re spending the night in the basement.”

                                “Mama! Please, Mama, not the basement! I don’t like the dark!”Ā 

                                “N0! Let go! Please!” Jayden begged, tears coursing down his cheeks.

                                But he was no match for Asher’s strength. Asher only held him closer, sinking back down to the floor.

                                “Let go!”

                                “No…I can’t do that…”

                                Jayden fought him, but still…his strength didn’t even compare to Asher’s. But…he did get a few hits in.

                                Eventually…Jayden’s body tired of fighting…his body went limp…

                                …and he gave in to racking sobs.Ā 

                                Uh, yeah, so…Jayden got out of my control. Some of those last parts almost broke me. My sweet, precious, traumatized baby. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 AWWW JAYDEN!!! šŸ˜­ šŸ’”



                                  Everyoneā€™s eyes were on Jayden now, though many of the group still linger near November.

                                  Jayden wasā€¦sobbing. Held in his brotherā€™s arms. Novemberā€™s heart lurched at the sight and sound, a lump forming in his throat.

                                  Had he caused that?

                                  Heā€¦he hadnā€™t meant toā€¦

                                  He glanced at Leon, then Mikkel, and then Viktor, who was a few feet away, face pale but eyes shining withā€¦relief? November winced.

                                  He looked at Riker.

                                  ā€œI-Iā€™m sorry,ā€ he cleared his throat. Riker glanced down. ā€œI..I didnā€™t meant to make everyone worryā€¦.ā€

                                  Novemberā€™s eyes ticked back to the heartbreaking scene of Asher and Jayden, frowning. It reminded him a bit too much of the catacombs in Aā€™Grend.

                                  Of Araā€™s tearsā€¦her blaming herself for his painā€¦and the sheā€™d blamed herself for it ever since.

                                  When really, it was allĀ hisĀ fault.

                                  Rikerā€™s hand rested on his shoulder. ā€œNothing to apologize for, November.ā€ His voice was soothing, but November still felt terrible.

                                  They shouldnā€™t have been worried about himā€¦

                                  ā€œHeā€™s right, kid,ā€ Leon said. November blinked, surprised to hear him agreeing with the other man for once. ā€œYou couldnā€™t help it.ā€

                                  November glanced at his hands. ā€œY-Yea, butā€¦itā€™s ahā€¦not really a big deal. I-Iā€™m good now.ā€ He forced a smile, gently rubbing the side of his face where his scars lay.

                                  Rikerā€™s brow raises. ā€œYou sure?ā€

                                  November nodded mutely, refusing to look him in the eye.



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