Character Castle!

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  • #118723
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @freedomwriter76 @e-m-trepke


      Her hand was on fire. She squeezed her eyes shut, forcing tears out.

      Ah…she hated this.

      She hated crying…

      Hated looking so…weak.

      But man….did this ever hurt.

      She wasn’t sure what had happened to her in those catacombs that day….but whatever it was….it had…changed her.

      That boy had done something to her.

      Ever since then….it was like everything was…amplified.

      Her thoughts. Her emotions. Everything.

      And the pain…the random bursts of pain in her wrist and fingers….the same hand she’d scratched him with.

      And then….

      It was gone.

      As quickly as it had come, the pain left, leaving only a dull throb in it’s wake.

      She let out a breath, hastily wiping her tears.

      Straightening, she forced any sign of discomfort from her face. She needed to get back to the group now.

      Needed to be strong.

      Never show weakness.

      She sucked in a breath of air, steadying her raging heart, and headed back to where they stood.


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @koshka @elishavet-pidyon do y’all wanna go in this group???


        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4732

          @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12



          Children?? Who did this Franz dude think he was?!

          Rinzler was nineteen, thank you very much! Almost twenty!

          The other guy with the weird name–Vulkasin, whatever sort of name that was–also looked annoyed.

          Good, at least there was someone who agreed with him.

          At least Franz’s attitude was a little better now that his daughter was with him.



          “Do you want to talk about what happened? It’s okay if you don’t…..” Ezra told him.

          Don’t tell him.

          Don’t do it.

          “It seemed like they gave me everything I wanted. But they really took everything from me.” Crosshair snarled, his voice low. “My siblings, terrified of me. My free will, temporarily gone. Feather…..the only one who ever loved me….”

          One side of his mind countered that with That’s not true. She wasn’t the only one.

          The other, stronger side went off with Great. The one topic that can make you emotional. Now he’ll think you’re crazy.

          He shook off that thought and looked up at Ezra, really wishing the conversation to be over. “Do you know what that feels like? When you watch the ones you thought were friends scatter at the very mention of your name? When you want to save someone you love from the weapon held in your own hand?”

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            Ahhh anyone on rn? Tbh I’m kinda bored…. 🤣

            @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @e-m-trepke


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. I am. Whatcha wanna do? (but I don’t know how much longer I’ll be on tho…XD)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @godlyfantasy12. @e-m-trepke.


                The black-haired girl came back over.

                Isabel thought she heard someone say Corvina…but she wasn’t sure.

                “Is your name Corvina?”

                The girl paused for a minute, then looked at Isabel.

                Isabel smiled.


                Isabel nodded. “…Are you okay? You looked…sad.”

                Corvina didn’t respond.

                “My Mommy used to say that it’s okay to be sad…but we can’t stay sad. Because there’s always happy after the sad.” Her hand slipped into Corvina’s. “My Mommy also used to say that we aren’t supposed to be alone…”

                (She’s such a SWEET BABY!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3)

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @elishavet-pidyon u wanna RP?


                  @freedomwriter76 @e-m-trepke


                  Her fists clenched.

                  We aren’t supposed to be alone.

                  Corvina stared ahead, refusing to look at the girl, her gaze was cold, piercing.

                  “Sometimes it’s better to be.” It came out as almost a whisper, but she knew the little girl heard. She watched as the bright child’s face contorted out the corner of her eye.

                  Isabel frowned.

                  A small hand reached out.

                  Corvina flinched, glaring pointedly at the girl. Isabel gasped, recoiling.

                  Corvina swallowed, her lips pulling right as she looked away. She hadn’t meant to scare her…she just…

                  Wasn’t one for physical contact…

                  She huffed, annoyed, and walked off, joining the rest of them. She crossed her arms, leaning against the wall and glancing back at the group.

                  Something must have happened while she was gone…

                  They were now surrounding the curly-haired boy…


                  She straightened, shifting uncomfortably. She couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. And…why she felt drawn to him….

                  Why she cared.

                  ”Strange, isn’t it? He did something to you, Corvina.”

                  Don’t you think I know that.

                  Her eyes scanned the group.


                  Someone was…missing…

                  She stood straight. The man in the colorful uniform.

                  Where was he?

                  Her eyes narrowed, searching once more.

                  He definitely wasn’t there.

                  She turned.

                  ”We need to go.” She hissed.

                  ”Excuse me?” Hans raised a brow. She sighed, rolling her eyes.

                  “I don’t have time to argue with you. One of their group is gone. He probably heard you scrounging around, and he probably heard you two when you burst in unannounced,” she pointed a finger at Hans and then at Vesper and Isabel. “Either way, we need to hide before someone finds us. Or, you can stay here. Be my guest.”


                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1057

                    @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76  @keilah-h @koshka

                    Y’all, Y’ALL, Y’AAALLLLLL!!

                    I’m a little excited about how this is going.

                    So, there’s a scene much later in Heir of Ashes that has Viktor and *cough* Fritz stuck in a ravine, waiting for rescue because both boys are rather battered from a recent encounter with bitterness personified. And Fritz is fading away… And theres nothing Viktor can do.

                    And O! it tears him up.

                    Because by then Fritz has become Viktor’s brother-friend.

                    And it was his fault Fritz is hurt. (Or so he thinks. Really, Fritz knew exactly what he was doing, but anyway…)

                    Yeah, that might be his Dark Night of the Soul. We’ll see.

                    Anyway, *ahem* to the unintentionally neglected RP.


                    November lay curled in Riker’s arms, pale and quiet. The scars on his face glowed scarlet in contrast to his bloodless face. He was still. Too still. (Maybe I went overboard on the descriptions, but oh well. XD)

                    Viktor fell to his knees beside his friend, unable to breathe for fear the other couldn’t either. He caught November’s wrist and leaned close to listen for a heartbeat.

                    For a moment, his panic twisted tighter, but then he caught the faint but strong pulse.

                    “Oh, Lord.” He sat back and sighed in mixed relief. November was just asleep, but it wasn’t the natural sleep of rest.

                    He glanced up at Riker to ask, but realized his question had already been asked and answered.

                    There was no imedeiate explanation. Maybe November was ill, maybe he had a weak heart, or maybe God had struck him with a trance like the prophets of the scriptures. Anything could be possible; he sure didn’t know.

                    Viktor hugged his knees and tried to let his own pulse slow to a healthy rate.

                    Thump, thump.

                    Would November be well?

                    Thump, thump.

                    Only the Lord knew.

                    Thump, thump

                    Where they still being chased? Did they need to carry November?

                    Thump, thump.

                    He shouldn’t be afraid. The Lord held them as the apple of His eye, in the covert of His wings.

                    Thump, thump.

                    What if November doesn’t wake up?

                    Viktor sighed and lifted his chin from his knees. A quick glance around showed nobody knew exactly what to do.”

                    Lord, we need November to wake up.’

                    He stood and began to pace the shadows. The hall was all shadows, really, except he couldn’t quite tell where the light was that cast them.

                    (By the way, do you want Isabel to get found by Steve or someone from this group? For her to get reunited with her daddy?)

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @elishavet-pidyon AWW VIKTOR!!! And ur descriptions were perfectly fine!! He’s so sweet!!


                      Also @freedomwriter76 that’s a good question…

                      if so….

                      Corvina may suggest Isabel stay behind, knowing she might be better off with the other group instead. (For all her huffiness she’s a real softie especially with kids. She’s actually struggling with that fact XD)


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        Also after @koshka goes I figure I’ll start waking up November (unless u want me to do that before Koshka)


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          Also imma go ahead and RP with Ara and Nyx cuz it has been a HOT MINUTE YALL!!!!

                          YEESH XD I really just didn’t have much to do with them tbh but now I’m like LETS DO IT XD (also strap in and grab some popcorn cuz it’s gonna be a long on. And freedom I hope u don’t Mind me using Eva)

                          @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h


                          Nyx still wasn’t feeling up to par…

                          She’d tried talking to him, but he’d only give her grunts and moans. She frowned.

                          She hadn’t meant to upset him…

                          But this separation from Lyn seemed to be taking a toll on him…

                          She wondered, had they ever been separated before?

                          Other then…

                          She shook the memories loose.

                          Eva stepped up beside her, peering at the little bundle in her arms. She gave a soft smile.

                          “Not much of a talker, hm?”

                          Ara blinked. She looked from the young woman and then back to the fox. She smiled, a cheeky grin, remembering when Nyx had first began speaking to her and November.

                          “He….has his moments…”

                          Nyx, hearing them speak of him, ruffled in her arms, one eye peeked out from underneath one of his tails, glaring at the two. Ara merely smiled.

                          “Could barely get him to speak two sentences to us. Well…without him yelling that is,” Eva winked playfully.

                          Didn’t have nothin’ to say.”

                          Ara shook her head, a small laugh escaping. The attitude of the little fox could be unbearable sometimes…but, other times?

                          It was…well…a breath of humor in an otherwise dreary situation.

                          “Well, might you now?” Eva pushed.

                          Nyx shifted uncomfortably. He huffed.


                          Ara sighed, shrugging her shoulders and offering Eva her best, At least you tried, look.

                          But Eva was persistent.

                          “What about Jocelyn? Hm? Would you talk about her?”

                          Nyx was quiet for a moment.

                           “What’s there to talk about? She’s the best. She’s my girl.” He stated it so matter of factly.

                          So…heartfelt and confident.

                          “And what of your other friends?” Eva continued.

                          “They’re alright.” Ara pulled her lips right to keep from laughing, knowing the fox was speaking of her and November.

                           “This one here’s okay.” Nyx looked up with a cheeky smirk. Ara let out her laugh. “She’s…nice. I trust them both.”

                          She stopped laughing.


                          Had…Nyx said that?

                          Her heart warmed.

                          She’s always known the little fox would never let her get close to him, much less hold him if he didn’t trust her… but….

                          She’d never actually heard Nyx say it…

                          Though the other one,” Novembee, Ara mused, “Is something else….”

                          Eva laughed. Ara quirked her lips.

                          “What’s that mean?” Eva asked.

                          Nyx shrugged. “He’s just….a bit…I don’t know…he’s cool, I like him. He’s just sooo obvious.”

                          Eva laughed again, a sweet softer laugh this time. Ara’s brows furrowed. She wasn’t entirely sure what Nyx meant by that…..

                          Eva shook her head, sighing after her laughing fit, and then, Ara realized…

                          She’d done it…

                          She’d gotten Nyx to talk…. 

                          Huh…Maybe Ara could take some hints from Eva…

                          “Well, I for one think you and your friends make a wonderful team,” the woman smiled. Ara returned it, blushing slightly. “Ah….but what do you think of us?” Her brows raised, a smirk on her lips.

                          Ara blanched. She glanced back.

                          A few of the group were…ah…still within earshot….

                          “Um…perhaps we should…end our little discussion here…” But Nyx had already started.

                          Because once you did get him talking….it was hard to shut him off.


                          (Okay kinda disclaimer for this next part….I know Nyx comes off as rude and a brat a lot of times…yes he kinda is, but in truth he’s just BRUTALLY HONEST. He’s savage. (And yes he is just being a brat sometimes XD) he has trust issues and such. Not trying to glorify his flaws or say it’s ok to be bratty cuz when he’s being a brat he’s being a brat, but as of rn, he really is just being brutally honest about how HE feels/sees things….soo….this is about to get interesting…especially if any other charries hear him and take offense 😅)



                          You really wanna know?” Nyx’s eyes narrowed, his head pulling out from underneath his bundle of tails.

                          “Only if you want to share.”

                          Nyx straightened, fluffing his fur. “Alright then. To be quiet honest, I don’t trust most of you as far as I can throw you. And the rest I find stupidly annoying.”

                          Ara’s eyes shot up. “Nyx!”

                          “For instance,”

                          Oh please don’t call names….please don’t call-

                          Your…umm…boyfriend thing? Annoying. Along with you. No offense.”

                          Ara let out a long sigh.

                          Naja? Cute, but annoying. Jareth? Eh, don’t really know him so can’t say yet…his friend though? Don’t like him. At all. Gives me the creeps.” Nyx made a point to look back at Crow. The two made eye contact and Nyx hissed. “And I wouldn’t trust Crosshair if you paid me. Guy looks like a snake!”

                          Riker? Guess he’s alright. He takes care of November, so…that makes him pretty okay. Still don’t fully trust him though. He’s just…off. Franz, however?” Nyx’s hackles stood on end. “I’d just really like another go at him to be honest.”

                          “Nyx!!” Ara exclaimed again. But the fox was too far gone in his rant. He was now counting on his paws.

                          Alyona seems alright. So does her brother. Wouldn’t really trust them though…”

                          He tilted his head.

                          I’m missing someone.”

                          Ara sighed. If he was going to do this, May as well finish. “The twins.”

                          Nyx’s tails twitched and brows shot up. His eyes ticked to where Zlatan was walking. “Oh…right…Well…Vulkasin seems okay….I guess…Lyn seems to trust him. He makes her laugh, guess he’s pretty funny.”

                          “And Zlatan?”

                          Nyx looked away. “Don’t like him. Don’t trust him.” His eyes glazed over. “Never will.”

                          Ara swallowed. Well….

                          That had been…something….







                          u guys can react however U want, Eva can react however she wants also the character don’t have to hear what Nyx said but if they want to they can and react to it.




                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. Yeah, they can leave Isabel behind. Hans and Viola would think she’d get in the way anyhow, tbh. And Steve can find her. 😀 Poor VIKTOR!!!!!! (also, Elishavet, do you wanna RP as Alyona?) And Godly, I don’t mind at all! That’s very much like Eva! And also…I just LOVE NYX!!!! Some of my characters can be brutally honest…like Angelina, lol. XDXDXD @koshka. @e-m-trepke.


                            Hm…Steve was coming their way.

                            “Let’s go…oh but leave the girl. She’ll get in the way.” Viola ordered.

                            Hans nodded. “Agreed. Corvina, Vesper, come along.”


                            “Do you know what that feels like? When you watch the ones you thought were friends scatter at the very mention of your name? When you want to save someone you love from the weapon held in your own hand?”

                            Ezra met Crosshair’s eyes. Saw the pain in them.

                            Ezra glanced at his boots. “No…can’t say I do…” He whispered. “But to be honest…I didn’t have a lot of friends. I never fit in.” He shrugged. “Never have. Maybe…never will.”

                            Then, he heard Nyx talking.

                            Lord have Mercy…he had a lot to say.

                            “Your…umm…boyfriend thing? Annoying. Along with you. No offense.”

                            Ezra laughed. Annoying?

                            Eh…he’d been called a lot worse.

                            Naja stirred and her eyes opened.

                            Whoops. He’d woken her up.

                            Ezra rubbed her back. “It’s fine…Naja…you can go back to sleep.”

                            “Have we found Daddy yet…?”

                            Ezra slowly shook his head. Held Naja closer. “Not yet.”

                            Naja held onto him tighter. Almost chokin’ him now.

                            But he didn’t mind.

                            When Nyx finished, Eva spoke again. “Ezra…did you just laugh?”

                            “Yeah…sorry ’bout that.” But he laughed again.

                            Eva joined him. “What are you laughing at? See, you’re making me laugh now!”

                            “Nyx called me annoying.”

                            “I’m sorry about that.” Arabella apologized.

                            Ezra shrugged. “Don’t apologize, ma’am. I found it funny. Trust me, that little fox doesn’t bother me. I’ve been called a lot worse.”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @elishavet-pidyon. Also…one QUICK question…would Ocran ever capture anyone, or just…you know…get rid of them? (don’t ask why…just don’t. XD)

                              Elishavet Elroi
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1057

                                @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76  @koshka

                                I’m thinking that after November wakes up, or around that time, I’ll bring in my crazy side character. He would probably not stay with the group, but rather get them moving along and provide amble opportunity for conversation/fluff. He’s a hilarious old meddler.

                                As for the questions, first off, Ocran would rather use you than kill you, even if he despises you. Now, if you won’t be useful/manipulatable, he will want revenge (although, to be manipulated by him is his favorite form of revenge). Epecially if you offend him. XD Then he wants to see you pay, but that may not necessarily mean your death, although it definitely could. For instance, he only killed the Ra’ahrí (the Eirtanian “Shepherd King”) after he realized he couldn’t turn the two royal brothers against each other and overthrow the kingdom that way. He wants Nyx dead and Jocelyn sold to the Dorwains.

                                And I will now try to write Alyona’s. I would have last night, but it was too late.

                                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @elishavet-pidyon AIN’T NOBODY KILLING NYX OR SELLING MY JOCELYN XD


                                  also if Ocran tries to hurt Nyx he will see the dark side of Lyn….that’ll be fun 🤣


                                  I feel like he’d probably try to manipulate Arabella and November then, but Jocelyn just annoyed him right off the bat XD


                                  Ara might be a bit too much like Viktor for his taste, and so he might end up just totally disliking her.

                                  People good and bad are often drawn to November though…so be interesting see how that would play out.


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