Character Castle!

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    E. M. Trepke
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 145


      Awesome, me too! Homeschoolers unite!

      We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
      -The Doctor

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @e-m-trepke. EPICCC!!!! YES!!!! Homeschoolers unite!!! 🤜🤛

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4732

          @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76



          A young woman, about Feather’s own age, was standing there, watching them as they leaped off the wall.

          “More people?” Rinzler eyed her.

          “Don’t be rude.” Feather chided him. She walked up to the newcomer. “Hi there! My name’s Feather, and my friend is Rinzler. What’s your name?”




          Ezra just wanted to talk.

          That was fine. Perfectly fine.

          No it wasn’t.

          Why not?

          He’s going to hate you for it.

          Since when did Crosshair care whether someone hated him?

          They’d been doing it for years anyway. Someone had even nearly drowned him once, although that wasn’t completely on purpose……

          “I noticed your outfit….is that a uniform?” Ezra asked.

          “Katarn-class commando armor.” Crosshair explained. “Marked with the emblem and colors of my squad. Clone Force Ninety-Nine.”

          Ezra nodded, even though he evidently had zero idea what any of that was.

          “I was a sniper in the Grand Army of the Republic, and later a commander in the Empire that followed.”

          That’s all you need to tell him. Don’t go into detail about what the Empire made you do.

          He sighed. “That later time…..wasn’t the best choice I could’ve made.”



          (I kinda liked writing some internal conflict right there. Let’s torture my boy some more!)


          (I did not seriously just say that, did I???


          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4732

            @koshka I like Vulkasin’s description of Feather…….

            And Rinzler too. That’s great.

            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 311

              I’m new, like got my account today new, so here goes nothing…

              Allow me to introduce you to Rigate and Gilgan Cerff but before I can do that I must explain some background…

              They are both from Carpenta a country in the fictional land Khavaria. In Carpenta last names function as titles not last names as we think of them. The last name Cerff (pronounced serf, in Kharvia most c’s are pronounced as s’s) basically means you are a slave. Also in this universe Magi are looked down on for reasons too complicated to get into here and the magic system is based on the moon cycles. Rigate and Gilgan both escaped the Fey mines after Rigate started manifesting as a Magi (around 10-13 years of age). Now they are thieves.



              around 15-17 years of age (he doesn’t know)

              Has long-ish black hair that looks like it hasn’t been brushed in years (it hasn’t). He has the beginnings of a beard as he doesn’t shave and wears ragged clothes. He is Middle Eastern in ethnicity. Rigate is pessimistic a bit cynical, paranoid, and very crafty. Rigate is most skilled at using the Magic of the 6th moon which mostly involves crafting illusions and temporarily slowing down time. Rigate is usually the “brains” of operations.



              not Rigate’s brother

              around 15-17 years of age (he also doesn’t know)

              He is also of Middle Easterner descent but has short er black hair. Gilgan cares a lot about his appearance and wears a suit he found in the trash once. Gilgan is optimistic, peppy, and very good at acting. He does not have magic and is sometimes a bit naive. He usually listens to Rigate and tries his best to stick to the plan although he sometimes gets carried away.


              All moons are full except the broken moon which is New

              Rigate – the castle treasury

              Holding up the illusion was tiring. Even if Cieth was high and Oskirkion was new, Rigate could still only continue to hold up an illusion this big for a few hours before he would pass out from the Strain. What was taking Gilgan so long this should have been an easy job everyone said the old castle was abandoned anyway so there would be no guards. Rigate knew he shouldn’t have agreed to Gilgans plan. Gilgans plans always ended badly.

              “Stand here and make the door to the vault invisible. Oh and make this crack in the castle wall  invisible to then no one can follow us through.” Gilgan would say. Knowing Gilgan he probably found a cat or something and was trying to get it to come to him so that he could adopt it. Rigate hated cats. Suddenly the world seemed a bit less stable.

              “Xithith!” He was almost out of magic. He should really stop relying on magic as a substitute for sleep. As the last of the magic energy he had stored ran out of sleep called out to Rigate. He was unconscious before he hit the floor.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @folith-feolin nice go meet ya! Luv ur charries!!! I like boys who are thieves, they steal ma heart 😂


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  I’ll try to RP as corvina in a few mins! She’s gonna have some very mixed emotions about Isabel being in this group….


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @folith-feolin. Interesting characters! 😉

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @freedomwriter76 @e-m-trepke


                      A little girl stood a few feet away, staring at the group. Corvina grimaced.

                      What was a child doing around here?

                      Vesper was talking to her, telling her she wouldn’t be harmed, but….

                      Corvina didn’t care for the look on Viola’s face.

                      The raven-haired girl huffed, drawing the attention of everyone. She eyed the little girl, whose eyes were large and hair was, oh so bright. Corvina swallowed, trying hard to keep the onslaught of memories from hitting.

                      “Where’s your…ah…guardians, kid?” She asked.

                      “Kid? She’s barely a bit younger than you,” Hans scoffed. Corvina glared. She was obviously much younger then Corvina, but she knew the man just wanted to be a pain.

                      “I..I don’t know,” the child frowned.

                      Corvina returned it. Great. Now they were going to have to care for a child.

                      “Not too late to leave.”

                      Corvina sucked in a breath.

                      It was true.


                      Could she really leave this child with these…strangers?

                      “Are you really any better?”

                      Corvina glared at herself. I’m not going to hurt her.

                      Oh? Hm. Softie.”

                      Shut it…

                      Always did have a soft spot for kids.”

                      I said, shut it.

                      “Can’t blame you though, considering….Must be the guilt.”

                      Corvina’s fists clenched and her breath hitched. The little girl caught eyes with her, concern taking over her features. Corvina scrunched her nose, looking away. Why did she always have to be so obvious about things? (Runs in the family I guess XD)

                      She sighed, blowing a strand of hair away from her face. Whatever. Guess the kid was staying with them for a while…

                      “Well…unless someone here has a problem with it…I guess you’re free to join us. Till we find your…ah…parents?” It was a bit of a question.

                      Had she really just said that.

                      “Yes, you did.”

                      Huh. Maybe she was getting soft.

                      “But whatever we do, I thought you two had a group to…ah…watch.”


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. @e-m-trepke.


                        “Hi there! My name’s Feather, and my friend is Rinzler. What’s your name?” One of the women called.

                        Angelina slowly inched out from her hiding place as the woman, Feather, came near. “I…I’m Angelina. Angelina Schind.”

                        Then, she saw familiar black, now graying, hair.

                        He turned.

                        And their eyes met.


                        “…Father!” She rushed at him.

                        Enveloped him in a hug, even if he didn’t like it.

                        At least she knew someone here.


                        “I was about to ask the same!” She cried. Laughed. “Father, how did you get here?”

                        Franz chuckled. “No clue.”

                        Angelina laughed, but then her smile faded. “…Wait. Is anyone else here?”

                        “Riker and Naja.”

                        Angelina gasped. Her brother and niece were here!? “Where are they!?”

                        Franz shrugged. “I don’t know. We got separated. And I got stuck with these…children.”

                        (Uh oh, he’s gonna make Vulk annoyed, lol. XDXDXD)


                        “But whatever we do, I thought you two had a group to…ah…watch.”

                        “Yes. We do.” Hans hissed.

                        These women were getting on his last nerves!

                        Couldn’t they just keep to themselves!?

                        “There is a group we’re watching, so we better keep watching them.” Viola added.

                        And now a child was joining them. Just great. 

                        The little girl came over, hesitantly.

                        Viola smirked. “What’s your name, little girl?”

                        “I…Isabel.” She whispered, stumbling over her name.

                        She was scared, that was for sure.

                        But not as scared as he had expected.

                        “Well…our group is moving on, so let’s follow them. Corvina, stay with the little one, will you?” Viola ordered.

                        Hans followed behind her as they began to follow the group. Corvina, Vesper, and Isabel falling in behind.


                        “That later time…..wasn’t the best choice I could’ve made.”

                        Ezra slowly nodded.

                        There was obviously a lot more to Crosshair than just scary looks.

                        “…Do you wanna talk ’bout what happened? It’s okay if you don’t! I…I understand. There’re some things I don’t like talkin’ about either.”

                        Like Yoshua…

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1558

                          @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                          Vulkasin folded his arms and stared at the man, standing in his full hight.

                          ChildrenDid that man insinuate that he was a child, without an ability to contribute to the Pack? Not even a youth, a person of seven years or more, thus belonging to the tribe although not full grown. Still unproven. Vulkasin’s jaw clenched.

                          Surely not. He wouldn’t dare. Not if he understood the Traditions…which on second thought, it didn’t appear he did.

                          Perhaps Franz needed to learn a little.

                          Sirrah. Understand, I took my kill years ago. I am a Vulk, even if still youth-faced.”

                          (That means he hunted down a mountain goat {on foot, with only a knife}, killed it, then cleaned and carried it back to camp. On his own. {he actually didn’t do it entirely on his own, as he convinced/forced his twin to go at the same time, but no one but their father and Mother found out. They were about 13})

                          He then unfolded his arms, smiled, and turned to Alyona. “Do you need help down, M’lady?”

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @koshka GET’EM VULK!!


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 @e-m-trepke

                              OK SO!! I’m planning on having Corvina spot November in this one….which causes some ah…..magic/scar trauma for them both LET’S GO 😂


                              Corvina clenched her fists. Hans had regulated her to babysitting…..

                              She glared daggers at the man, taking her place further back in the group, next to Isabel.

                              Any other time she’d have pushed at him. Challenged his authority. But…she supposed for now, it would best best to play nice.

                              No matter how hard it was going to be.


                              The smaller group walked for a few moments, and, for a bit Corvina wondered if they even knew where they were going. She probably would’ve done a better job leading, considering she’d been with the group they were looking for at one point in time…but…whatever.

                              “Ah..who exactly are we looking for?” Vesper whispered.

                              “Hush!” Hans barked, making Isabel jump. She inches closer to Corvina, making the girl stiffen. Corvina glared again at Hans, disliking his tone…

                              Or maybe it was the way he’d scared the girl….

                              The way the girl’s fear was so…familiar.

                              Corvina was about to ask him why he was in such a foul mood when her eyes caught sight through the shadows.

                              They were hidden well, she had to admit, with a wonderful viewpoint of the group she’d once been apart of.

                              She recognized the two blonde men from before right away, Jayden and Asher, as well as the strangers that had been joining when she’d left.

                              The two kids were still there; Verity and Trevyn. And Payton.

                              Hm. No sign of Sorren. Guess they finally took her advice and left him. She smirked.

                              Her eyes searched the group, brows quirking as she noticed a few….new people in the group.

                              Man…she was glad she left when she did…that was…

                              A lot of people.

                              A young man, in…some sort of uniform (not sure what Mikkel wears tbh XD), a slightly older man, with kind eyes and a bandage over his head; he seemed to be helping Leon, who was stumbling along for some reason.

                              A young boy…only a couple years younger then her. Brown hair. Kind eyes. Definitely a Light Follower, she could tell.




                              Corvina nearly choked.


                              The boy.

                              Corvina’s eyes widened slightly.

                              W-When had he….

                              ”Good thing you left when you did….”

                              She blinked.


                              Now, you can follow him! He’ll lead you to the girl! The princess, remember? And the other ones! Then…you can take them all out.”

                              Corvina swallowed.



                              Her mission.

                              She sucked in a breath, glancing down at the shadows beneath her feet. Her power had become agitated by the swarm of sudden emotions, causing the darkness around her to writhe slightly. Thankfully no one seemed to notice.

                              “Are you okay?” A tiny voice.

                              Corvina winced.

                              No one except the little girl.

                              Of course.

                              Children always knew.

                              “Fine.” Was her curt reply.

                              But, as Corvina’s eyes fell back on November, a familiar, stinging sensation ran through her right hand.

                              It began in her fingertips, like cold needles, piercing deep into her skin, reaching into her bones. She grimaced, rubbing her knuckles. Her palm ached and her muscles spawned in deep pain. She bit her tongue to keep from groaning, drawing blood.

                              “I…need a moment.” She whispered, walking away to have a moment to herself, to try and make the pain subside.


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon

                                So I’m gonna RP as November now, because He and Corvina’s pain is connected. So here goes!


                                Viktor had told of his family, making November smile. It was…nice, hearing about his sisters. His mother and father.

                                But…the way he looked off afterward made November wonder if there wasn’t a bit more to the story.

                                He left it alone though, keeping to himself.

                                A sudden tremor ran down his spine, his hair standing on edge. He shuddered, a cold sweat falling down his neck. His eyes ticked from side to side.

                                “November?” Riker’s gaze was kind, but concerned, speaking a question.

                                “I…I’m good…just…” November swallowed. He glanced over his shoulder.

                                No one there but Steve and Bucky….

                                He sighed. “Just…um…a bit on edge, I guess.”

                                Riker offered a sweet smile, placing his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Nothing to be worried about.”

                                The boy nodded.

                                Yet…he couldn’t shake the feeling that….

                                He was being watched.

                                He shook his head, figuring it was just his imagination. Just some kinda of paranoia due to recent events.

                                Yea. That was it.

                                He blinked.

                                Rubbed his eyes.

                                Blinked again.

                                Wh-Why is everything blurry….?

                                He paused in step, staring ahead. He blinked again, realizing it wasn’t both eyes that were blurry. Just…just one.

                                His brows arched in fear as a familiar throbbing started behind his left temple. He rubbed at his head, trying to make it stop, to no avail.

                                It only got worse.

                                “November?” Riker stopped, still holding up Leon. “What’s wrong?”

                                The boy frowned. “N-Nothing….it’ll pass…”

                                Riker frowned, slowly releasing Leon, after making sure the man was okay to stand on his own.

                                The rest of the group had stopped at this point, turning to see what was happening.

                                The pain behind November’s eye soon became a slow burn; like someone holding out a torch, bringing it ever closer to his face. He whimpered, blushing as he did so, though he couldn’t help it.

                                He gripped his head with one head, the other over said eye, waiting for the pain to end. Like it always did.

                                It always ended….

                                Sooner or later…



                                But it didn’t.

                                The burning grew, until it felt like he was being branded. He let out a groan, tears trickling from his eyes.

                                “November!” He wasn’t entirely sure who said his name that time, or who was touching him, but he allowed himself to sink into their arms, still crying.

                                After a few minutes, the buzzing in his ears faded, as did the immense pain on the left side of his face, allowing him to breathe once again. Instinctively, he found himself curling against whoever was holding him close, his vision still blurry on the one side.

                                “Is he gonna be okay?” A younger voice asked in the background.

                                “I…I think so.” Riker….

                                “What happened?”

                                “I-Don’t know…”

                                “It happened before, didn’t it?” Mikkel? Maybe? November didn’t know. Everything was too loud. “At the tower. Just…not at this scale.”

                                November grimaced, shuffling slightly. His eyes drooped and his breaths shallowed.

                                When had he gotten so…sleepy?

                                But…but he couldn’t sleep…he…he had to…to go. To find Ara…

                                Couldn’t be…be carried.




                                And with that, everything faded.






                                so that kinda escalated as I wrote it XD hope y’all don’t mind buuuuut we also kinda needed something to happen at the same time 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk XD but ya


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. NOVEMBERRRRRR!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (I’ll try to do Franz later today, but I simply MUST do this group nowwwwww!!!!!)


                                  November drifted off to sleep.

                                  So suddenly.

                                  “…What just happened?” Leon asked, his brows furrowing in concern. He slowly got down onto one knee beside Riker.

                                  Riker held November in his arms. Riker slowly, carefully, rocked November in his arms. What happened?

                                  What caused him to fall asleep?

                                  Riker wrapped his arms around November, still rocking him.

                                  “No sign of injury.” Jayden mused, looking him over. “Has he hit his head at all recently?”

                                  Riker shook his head. “No…just me…”

                                  Jayden turned to Mikkel. “You said this happened before?”

                                  Mikkel nodded. ““At the tower. But…he seemed to get over it quickly…”

                                  He also had Arabella, Riker thought.

                                  Jayden bit his lip. “…I have no idea what it is then…if it happens more than once…”

                                  Riker nodded. “None of us do.”


                                  November had just collapsed…so suddenly.

                                  They all seemed to be trying to figure out what was wrong.

                                  Verity had lapsed into silence and was now clutching Bucky’s hand. Bucky picked her up and set her on his shoulder.

                                  Steve stopped. He almost swore that he could hear footsteps…and…voices. (Steve has enhanced hearing due to the serum he was given. Just now remembered that. XDXDXD)

                                  And one of them sounded familiar.

                                  Too familiar.

                                  He walked ahead. Tapped Michael’s shoulder. The redhead turned to face him. Grinned. “Hey, Steve, was it?”

                                  “Yeah. Hey…I thought I heard voices. I’m going to go check it out…can you stay on guard?”

                                  Michael nodded. “Sure. Do you…need any backup.”

                                  Steve smiled. Strapped back on his helmet and grabbed his shield. “Not at the moment, no. Thanks for taking over for me.”

                                  “No problem.”

                                  Steve began to walk away, back the way they came…following the voices.

                                  (Steve’s going to find them if they don’t move! XDXDXD)

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