Character Castle!

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  • #118486
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


      The group’s talking was interrupted when Steve called Riker over. November glanced back and his eyes went wide, realizing that Leon…wasn’t doing too well.

      What had happened?

      He frowned as the man stumbled beside him, arm wrapped around Riker’s shoulder.

      He didn’t seem very pleased with this situation. He muttered under his breath in a language November didn’t understand.

      November rubbed his arms, wondering what to say, if anything.

      The group grew silent once again, the conversation having dulled.

      “Well…” Verity sighed. Clicking her tongue. “Any other suggestions for topics?”

      No one said anything. Some shrugged.

      “Hum…ah…oh! Ah, I know!” Verity eyes turned to Asher who was up ahead with Mikkel. “Hey Asher!” She waved. The man turned around.


      “You and Jayden are brothers right?”

      “Yup!” The man gave a large grin.

      Ah…that cleared up some things…

      “Do you have any other siblings? What’s your family like?” The little girl bounded over to the blonde, eyes wide.

      November stiffened.

      Without any warning the air around them grew tense.

      They we’re going to talk about…families.


      And…from the extreme tension and looks on the other men and boys faces, he wasn’t the only one with these sentiments.


      Ah…it wasn’t Verity’s fault though…

      She…didn’t know…

      But…well…if she wanted them to learn about each other…

      She may get more then she bargained for…





      Hoo boy….XD Verity does not even realize.



        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        Literally like %95 of the guys in this group have family trauma….



        Payton- father labeled a traitor according to Sorren

        Trevyn-according to a flashback his father probably died or was taken, and he was in slavery.

        Riker-abusive father, dead mother

        Asher-great family but adopted brother has PTSD

        Jayden-Abusive mother, lost his baby brother

        November-abusive father, doesn’t even know his mother yet still feels responsible for that somehow….

        Not sure about Mikkel and Michael

        Viktor-memory drama XD

        Leon- HIS WIFE!!

        Bucky and Steve- Not sure but considering they’re from the past and Bucky has memory problems…well…yea.


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          These guys rlly are messed up in the family department XD


          all we need is Paxton added into the mix 🤣


          E. M. Trepke
            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 145


            I know Vesper won’t likely be in this group (due to its size), but he has some family issues too. Let’s see… his mother is mad, and his father is evil (it’s a bit more complicated than that, but I’m trying to keep it simple here). Vesper was always trying to prove himself to his father, but not measuring up. His father had been basically consumed with his need to accomplish a certain goal, so he neglected Vesper. And Isleen (his mother) was… not in a state of mind to take care of him. Vesper had always looked up to his father… until… spoilers!

            We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
            -The Doctor

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. Steve’s dad died before he was born and his mom died when he was 18.

              Bucky…I don’t think he has “family trauma” but he also can’t remember them much due to…well…Hydra!

              Oh, and also, Leon’s mom died when he was 5 and his dad died shortly before he and Aadelheide married. *sniff*

              And Michael’s parents are divorced, and he lives with his Dad, who’s emotionally distant. Not abusive in any shape or form, but emotionally distant. And Michael’s been trying to prove himself to his dad basically his entire life.

              Verity has touched on a very touchy subject and doesn’t know it. Poor girl. XD

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @freedomwriter76 poor girl and charries but YAY US CUZ NOW WE GET TO WRITE IT AND HAVE THEM ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT IT SORTA WITH OTHERS 🤣 Finally…maybe November and Riker (and Jayden and etc XD) will realize all the stuff they have in common, and Riker will finally realize why November gets the way he does sometimes….


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12. Yep, yay us. XDXDXD Can I just say…I can’t wait for Riker to talk about Jennie!!! *sniffs and sobs* @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


                  “Do you have any other siblings? What’s your family like?” Verity asked, bounding over to him.

                  Asher smiled. Daddy…Mama…Maggie. “…Wonderful. Yeah, me and Jayden have a younger sister Maggie. She’s around your age.” (just guessing Verity’s age here. XD) “And she’s very sweet…caring…and energetic. Kinda like you.”

                  Verity grinned. “Really!?”

                  Asher nodded. She reminded him of Maggie. A lot. “Her name is Maggie. Then there’s Mama and Daddy. Mama is sweet…generous…hospitable…and always makes people feel worthy and loved. And Daddy…well…he’s caring, loving, generous, honest, hard-working…he’s the pastor of our town church. He always does what’s right…and loves everyone…even when they don’t deserve it.”

                  Asher smiled.

                  He missed them.

                  A lot much more than he had ever imagined.

                  “And y’all know Jayden.” He said, nodding towards his adopted brother. “He was adopted into our family about five years ago. But it’s almost like he’s always been with us.” He smiled.

                  Verity nodded. “They sound very nice! Who wants to go next!? November!? Riker!?”


                  Riker stumbled, almost making both him and Leon collapse to the floor.

                  But he steadied them both.

                  His heart threatened to beat out of his chest.


                  His father. His sister. Grandparents…who were dead now…had been for a while. Iris. Jonathan. Naja. Eli. And…and…Jennie. 

                  “Darling, don’t you dare give up. You are wonderful. You are loved. God has a wonderful, beautiful, perfect plan for you, no matter what other people say.”

                  Riker stared at his mother, tears coursing down his face.

                  Jennie pulled him into her embrace. Hugged him, tight.

                  “Don’t let this world destroy your loving heart, Riker. Have courage. I will always be here for you, darling, understand?”

                  He hadn’t even gotten the chance to say goodbye.

                  He hadn’t been able to apologize.

                  She was happy.

                  She finally didn’t have to suffer anymore.

                  She had prepared Riker for so much…but no one could ever prepare him for losing her.

                  His eyes filled with tears, but he forced them back in.

                  “I don’t need a weakling for a son! Only weak men cry!”

                  Riker held back the tears.

                  He’d done so…many times…for 28 years.

                  “…Someone else can go.”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    AGHHHHH!!!! MY PRECIOUS BABBBYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Y’all, his mother’s death totally breaks him. And I don’t want any readers to tell me he’s a baby. SHE MEANT EVERYTHING TO HIM. She was the one person (other than God, of course) who had loved him when no one else did. She was there for him when everyone else wanted nothing to do with him.


                    Maybe I’m a little overprotective of Riker? Naw. XD

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1556

                      @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12

                      Poor fellows. We don’t even need a villain to torture our characters.

                      Yeah uh, I suppose Mikkel has a bit of family trauma. Both of his parents were loving, and to be honest pretty awesome.

                      However, Mitchel, his dad, was killed in action during the first generation of the war. (Otto, Mikkel’s guardian, was actually their father’s comrade in arms, and the two had promised each other to care for the other’s family if something happened.) His mother slowly died a few years later, due to poisoning/cancer developed from working a munitions plant. Mikkel cared for her as much as he could, along with Annia who was only about three years old. He was about seven.

                      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645



                        Arr narrrr…


                        Man Riker just keeps yeeting November under the bus…. 🤣 XD



                        His nerves shot up like a rocket at the sound of his name.

                        Nope. No.

                        No thanks…

                        Talk about his father? 

                        After Asher just talked about his incredible family?

                        That…that’d be like…trying to put Riker on the same page as Ara’s parents.


                        November swallowed, hoping Riker would speak up, but he seemed just as anxious.

                        After a few seconds ticked by Riker spoke, “…Someone else can go.”

                        November winced.

                        Verity nodded sweetly, “Okay!” She was a sweet little girl, just…didn’t really understand discretion…

                        Or boundaries.

                        Just like Jocelyn, he mused.

                        Her eyes landed on him, waiting expectantly.

                        His brows raised and he hated the involuntary whimper that escaped his lips. He looked away, heart leaping into his throat.

                        He glanced from person to person; Asher, Steve, Jayden, Bucky, Payton, Leon each one staring at him now.

                        Even Viktor, Mikkel and Riker, the one’s he’d been traveling with this long…

                        They didn’t even know about his father….

                        He grimaced.

                        “Ah… probably don’t wanna hear about my…er…family,” he tried for a smile but it fell short.

                        “Ah, sure we do kid,” Asher offered a smile, misreading his nervousness.

                        November flushed.

                        “O-Oh…uh…Okay..” He frowned. “W-Well…umm..I-I live…erm…lived,” he cleared his throat, “with my..uh…da-“ He paused. “My father. Before this whole adventure thing started. Umm…there’s not really much to say…”

                        “What about your mother?”

                        “Verity!” Trevyn hissed.

                        “No-ah-it-its okay…” November shrugged. “Umm..I, never met her. At least, not that I remember…”

                        In truth…November had always wondered what happened to her. But every question asked had been quickly disregarded and hopes of ever finding out had been dashed at a very young age.

                        Secretly…November had a feeling he was somehow to blame for his mother’s absence…though he wasn’t entirely sure how.

                        “What’s your father like?” Verity asked.

                        November stomach coiled into knots.


                        A traitor.

                        A liar.

                        November searched for the right words, feeling his skin crawl as the seconds ticked by.



                        His squeezed his eyes shut, hating the words that ran through his brain, though they were all true.

                        He could see his father’s dark, slicked back hair and even darker blue eyes staring down at him. Peering inside of him.

                        That disapproving glare…

                        The one that could search him out…find every secret…

                        “He-he…” November stuttered, before finally lowering his head in resignation, letting his eyes droop to the toe of his boots. “He’s…not great….”

                        He could feel worried eyes on him.




                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          WELP now Riker, Viktor and Mikkel at least know that November’s dad isn’t the greatest and will probably be like “umm TIME TO DO SOME SLEUTHING 🤣


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @koshka poor Mikkel!! And fr, we just torture them ourselves!!!



                            also just so y’all know.

                            While November does know now his dad is a traitor, liar and overall bad dude, he still believes that his father was speaking the truth when talking about him (that’s he’s a mistake, failure, etc) that’s his big lie throughout the series.

                            That being said, I’m also thinking he’s still really confused on the whole “is this abuse?” Thing.

                            because a lot of times kids who aren’t actually Physically abused, struggle with not realizing they’re being abused.

                            If it’s verbal and mental it’s a lot harder to point out and know that a child is being abused AND for the child themself to know.

                            thus November is still struggling with that part of things as well. While he knows his father isn’t a good guy, he still struggles with the “was he actually abusive tho?” (Yes, yes he was)

                            because he never got physical (until a scene in the first book where he hits him) but he did give unjust punishments. He just tore him down and kept the boy under his thumb.

                            so yea. Meanwhile if he tells what Riven really did to him to anyone else, they be like “uhh YEA THAT’S ABUSE!”



                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1556



                              NO! It takes strong people to cry, break, and the get up and keep going.

                              Annddd…I may be a slightly influenced by Otto of the Silver Hand on the topic of weeping soldiers. But anyway…


                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 I put Riker instead of Riven in one part of my RP and it won’t let me edit it XD sorry bout that 🤣


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. Uhm…actually…he’s MY baby! XDXDXD And you’re good. I understand typos. What writer doesn’t!? XXXXD @koshka. AGREED! Ooh, what is that? 😉 @elishavet-pidyon.


                                  “He’s…not great….”

                                  November’s gaze fell.

                                  Riker watched him, his brows furrowing in concern.

                                  There was a lot that was left unsaid.

                                  But Riker understood…wait a second.

                                  November had reacted when Franz had acted the way he did.

                                  Was November…was he…abused…too?

                                  Something in Riker’s head clicked.

                                  That’s…that’s why November…had…had…reacted that way to Franz.

                                  He…he…he understood.

                                  A weight he hadn’t known was there came off his chest.

                                  That meant…there were other people…who…who understood.

                                  “Riker! Do you want to go now!?” Verity asked.

                                  Riker jumped out of his thoughts.

                                  Leon looked at him, eyes narrowed.

                                  “Sorry.” Riker apologized. His throat threatened to clam up. But if November…if November had the courage to do it…then the least Riker could do was show him that he wasn’t alone.

                                  Riker took in a deep breath. “My wife Iris…is…wonderful. My four kids…Jonathan…Naja…and Eli…they’re…wonderful in every way.” He smiled as he saw their faces. Naja was safe. He just…knew it. Deep down inside.

                                  “My sister Angelina…she’s sweet…bubbly…and a wonderful artist. Loves to write…and draw…and sing. She’s always been my…biggest cheerleader. Always has believed in me.”

                                  Riker took in a deep breath.

                                  This…this was where it got hard.

                                  “My father Franz…he’s not nice…not like I said earlier. Sorry for lying Verity…” He glanced her way. She merely watched him with waiting eyes.

                                  “It’s okay.”

                                  But she didn’t understand.

                                  Riker took in another deep breath. “…He’s…the…opposite. Hard…not very nice…” It was an understatement. “But my mother…she is…was…wonderful. She…she…died months ago.”

                                  He glanced at Leon, and his eyes had softened.

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