Character Castle!

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  • #118457
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156

      My poor Steve baby. 😭

      Ava Blue
        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 222

        Hey guys, I don’t wanna butt in but would I be allowed to join or are there already too many people in here? (none taken if thats the case 🙂 )

        Monsters creep
        In the silent dark-deep
        In the filling-eye hills
        In the shriveled hand-keep

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @freedomwriter76 AHH STEVE 😭

          of course! The castle is open to all!!


          Ma poor November XD


          Riker was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. “….Well?”

          November swallowed. He was sure his face was redder then a cherry tomato by now….

          Why couldn’t someone jump in and save him? He’d even take tripping over his own feet at this point…

          Could he fake a fall??

          Nah…that’d be stupid…

          Verity was grinning too, staring at November and waiting for him to answer. He knew from personal experience she wouldn’t be please if he shrugged off the question.

          His mind went back to when Lyn had, very quickly, discovered his not-so-secret crush on his best friend.


          November’s hand flew to the nape of his neck and then to his curls, gently tugging at a strand.


          His thoughts soared.

          What did he say?

          He blinked.

          In truth, thinking about Ara…there were….

          So many things he could say.

          But every one of them made his face feel like it was on fire. And admitting his thoughts out loud, in front of people? Made him feel extremely exposed.

          Though, he supposed that was the point.

          Despite the uncomfortableness, November couldn’t help but also feel a small rush of warmth.

          Before recent adventures, he’d never been teased by anyone other then Ara.

          Not playfully anyway.

          He’d been bullied…teased in a mean way, but not in a fun, sibling-like way, except by Ara. And maybe one or two others he knew…

          But now?

          He had people who…



          Cared enough to joke with him.

          Like Jocelyn.

          And now Riker.

          November sighed, accepting his fate.

          “Well…she’s-erm-she’s..” November’s eyes crinkled in thought, “She’s…sweet. And-and ah…and kind.”

          He caught Riker smiling out of the corner of his eye and looked away.

          “Yea..she’s umm…really good at…” November’s eyes lit up in awe, at the very thought of her, “Everything.”

          He chuckled nervously, “Ah, the opposite of me…heh.”

          Everything went quiet for a moment, the silence making November a bit nervous. He swallowed apprehensively.

          ”Umm…anyway…any-anyone want to go next?”


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon anyone on btw?


              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1556

              @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12


              “I’ve never heard of Marines before, but a Mariner is a special soldier trained for the water, land, air, and sea. Now medics….we always need more of them. The bravest of us really.” Mikkel glanced back at the young man, eyes spilling gratitude.”I have a friend who is…” He choked on the words. Closed his eyes for a moment. “Was.”

              His voice rasped and cracked off. Like a school boy’s.

              Oh fiddles.

              He ran a hand through his hair, winking away the dampness clouding his vision. “Forgive me. Perhaps he could take a look at Riker’s head. Poor chap may need stitches, and, well, I’m no doctor.” He pasted on a cocky smile.

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @koshka Poor Mikkel 😩😭


                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1556


                  I know!!!!


                  Sure! Only, I would join in one of the smallest groups…the more characters start running around in one scene the more difficult it becomes to control them.

                  And we all know what happens when charies run away…

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                  E. M. Trepke
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 145

                    Hullo everyone!
                    I think I’m going to pull out Hesh and throw in a different character who needs a bit of development. Here are his specs:

                    Name: Vesper

                    Appearance: tallish, silvery eyes, pale hair

                    Background: heir to the throne of Ulmire, squire to a knight of Eudor… I’ll reveal more in his POVs.
                    mwahaha! 😏


                    Now here’s Vesper:

                    Vesper rubbed his skull and groaned. The dragon… He squinted his eyes open and flinched as pain rushed behind his eyes like a knife. He had been falling… his father… the seal… broken?

                    The pain began to fade and he scanned his surroundings. A passageway… just great. He could be anywhere. He stumbled to a nearby window. Mist… shadows… mystery. Where was he?

                    Voices echoed up the hallway behind him. He turned around, instinct causing his fingers to rest on the hilt of his sword. After the events of today, he was ready for anything.


                    We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                    -The Doctor

                    Elishavet Elroi
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1056

                      @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @koshka

                      Ahhh, Leon… and Riker and November and Mikkel. I’m enjoying this way too much. lol!

                      And for some reason this has taken longer than usual to write.


                      Something was dreadfully wrong. Viktor watched in alarm as Leon slowly crumbled into himself. The man was leaning against the wall for support, full of the darkness inside him. A shadow of himself.

                      “Leon…are you alright?” Viktor said softly.

                      “I’m fine.” Leon glanced at him and nodded. “It’s nothing. Really. I’m fine. Shouldn’t you be worrying about your friends?”

                      The thought struck him with surprising force, sidetracking him for a moment.

                      ‘My friends?’ Were they really friends? Viktor wished he could have a friend, one like a brother. Not but that his sister was his best friend, but…

                      He shook away the thoughts, forcing himself to return to the present. Leon didn’t know his story.

                      And he didn’t know Leon’s.

                      But whatever the man’s story was, it weighed heavy on him. Leon’s knees bent and he began to slide down the wall. Viktor reached out to catch him, his heart pounding. It was if he was watching someone drown.

                      Leon twisted away, his breath labored, his eyes narrowed.

                      “Sir, please.” Viktor’s voice broke and he sank down beside Leon. He longed for great words of wisdom, for something to break the breaking inside this man, but what came out?


                      He sat quietly, fighting for speech as his young heart broke for Leon.

                      ‘Oh, Lord, you know how to comfort. Please be here for him.’

                      Silence had gathered: the others had far outstripped them. Viktor leaned back on his heels and took a deep breath.

                      “Sir?” he reached out to touch Leon’s arm, trying to ignore how ghastly his hand looked in the bad light.

                      Sometimes he hated his hands.

                      “I don’t know your story. I don’t know your pain.” He sighed. “I just know mine. And I understand you don’t want conversation at this moment, but perhaps a little would do well for us.”

                      Leon raised an eyebrow, not much help. Viktor floundered for a moment, then struck ground again.

                      “I’m not sure what you meant by friends, but I’m not as concerned about the others,” with a nod up the passage, “as I am for my sister. I don’t know where she is. She could meet death, or worse,” He bit his lip, “and I couldn’t help her.”

                      He stood and held out a hand to Leon. His right hand, so the slightly better one.

                      “And the fact that there is a host of guards hunting us. That’s rather worrying for me, especially if they realize I’ve been living here under their nose for the last few days.”

                      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                      Elishavet Elroi
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1056


                        but of course you can join!




                        Aw, November is so precious.

                        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @elishavet-pidyon thank u! As is Viktor!!! Ah he’s so sweet!!!

                          also @freedomwriter THAT SONG 😭 FITS THEM SOOOO PERFECTLY AGH it has been officially added to the November playlist AND the November x Ara playlist


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @e-m-trepke btw I’d join a smaller group if u plan on joining someone…Cuz the bigger groups are gonna be getting hard to handle lol


                            E. M. Trepke
                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 145


                              It would be interesting if he joined Corvina and the Hydra agents (Viola and Hans?) (for certain reasons). Btw, what have those three been up to lately?

                              We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                              -The Doctor

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @elishavet-pidyon. I’m enjoying it way too much too. XDXDXD Also, so sweet Viktor!!!! <3<3<3 @godlyfantasy12. Sweet, precious November!!!! <3 And YESSSS!!!!! When I listened to that song, I was like: “Yep. This is Riker’s song.” XD @koshka. Y’all, when I listen to songs, I can’t help but think about y’all’s characters too! XD


                                “Forgive me. Perhaps he could take a look at Riker’s head. Poor chap may need stitches, and, well, I’m no doctor.” Mikkel said. Plastered a smile on his face.

                                The fakest smile Asher had ever seen.

                                And he knew what they looked like. Jayden sported them all the time, to try and convince Asher, Daddy, Mama, and Maggie that he was fine.

                                When he was the exact opposite.

                                “I’m sorry about your friend. I…I know that’s tough.” He whispered. “Oh…and…yeah, Jayden could take a look at it. We’d…uhm…have to stop somewhere though.” Asher finished.

                                Silently sent up a prayer to the Heavens for Mikkel.

                                Lord only knew how much he needed it.


                                “Umm…anyway…any-anyone want to go next?”

                                Riker gave November a smile and a reassuring squeeze on his hand.

                                Verity smiled brightly. “She sounds nice! Now, who else wants to go!?”

                                Riker smiled. “I think everyone else is already talking.”

                                “I know who hasn’t gone! Bucky! Tell us about your friends!”

                                Riker turned to face the brunette following close behind them.

                                His eyes went wide.

                                “Go on Bucky! I want to hear about your friends!” Verity cried.

                                “Uhm…I…I…” Bucky stammered, running his…metal hand through his brown locks.

                                His hand…it was…odd.

                                And it wasn’t just there.

                                From his shoulder down was…metal.


                                And to be perfectly honest, he was much scarier looking than his friend Steve.


                                They’d put him on the spot.

                                Bucky didn’t have too many friends. Certainly not close ones. Other than Steve…and okay…maybe Sam.

                                But otherwise…he and the Avengers…they weren’t really…all that…close.

                                “Uhm…well…there’s…uhm…Steve. But you have all met him. Then there’s Sam. He’s nice, but he can be a nuisance sometimes too.” Bucky couldn’t help but smile. “But he can make everyone laugh…”

                                “He sounds nice!”

                                “Then there’s a few others…but…I’m not really…close to them like I am Steve…” Bucky trailed off. Rubbed the back of his neck with his metal hand.

                                Not that he hated them or anything…he just…he just had…trust issues.

                                “Then you gotta be friends with them!”

                                “Verity…” Trevyn hissed.

                                “I’m just trying to get to know him better! Bucky, what are your other not close friends like!?” Verity asked, skipping ahead.

                                Bucky smiled ever-so faintly. “Uhm…Bruce is quiet….but smart. Clint is funny…and skilled…and…well…a good cook. Natasha can be pretty fierce…but she’s actually nice when you get to know her. Peter is energetic and smart. Thor is…funny…strong…but he can talk people’s heads off…just like Loki…his brother…who’s also a big troublemaker. And Tony…he’s…well…intelligent …but reserved.”

                                Verity smiled. “They sound very nice! You gotta be friends with them! Anyone else want to go!?”


                                “And the fact that there is a host of guards hunting us. That’s rather worrying for me, especially if they realize I’ve been living here under their nose for the last few days.”

                                Leon sighed. “I’m sorry about your sister. But…I…I really don’t want to talk.”

                                He didn’t take Viktor’s outstretched hand, instead using the wall to help him stand.

                                But the memories…they still wouldn’t leave.

                                Leon quietly groaned as his head pounded.

                                No. He had to keep moving.

                                No showing weakness.

                                He took a step, pushing Viktor’s hands away, gently, when Viktor tried to help him.

                                But he began to collapse.

                                Suddenly, footsteps sounded, and someone caught Leon before he hit the floor.
                                “Are you alright?”

                                He looked into the blue eyes of Steve, the blonde with the…odd outfit. He nodded. “Yeah…I’m…I’m fine. Thank you.”

                                Steve helped him stand, but Leon couldn’t take a step without stumbling. Steve caught him again. “Are you sure?”

                                “I’m fine.” Leon replied through clenched teeth. But he wouldn’t be able to walk on his own.

                                Steve raised an eyebrow. “You might need someone’s help. I have to take the rear; else I’d help you. So…uhm…we have to find someone else.”

                                Steve glanced around the room.

                                Leon let out a quiet curse in Hebrew, and Viktor raised a shocked eyebrow. (Leon, we must be nice!)

                                Just his stupid luck.

                                Steve waved someone over, but Leon wasn’t paying attention.

                                Hopefully someone closer to his height than Steve, so he didn’t have to feel like he was being carried rather than helped.

                                “What is it?”

                                Oh, Leon wanted to take it back.

                                He’d rather do Steve, or anyone else for that matter. Even being near Verity, the girl who was talking everyone’s heads off, would be better.

                                Or even Asher and Michael.

                                “Leon, are you okay?”

                                “Like you would care.” Leon snarled in response to Riker.

                                Riker flinched.


                                Let him feel the guilt.

                                Steve quickly explained what had happened, and Riker nodded. “…I can help him.”

                                Leon inwardly groaned.

                                Helped by Riker, or otherwise likely have to be carried?

                                Leon chuckled.

                                Was this another way God was showing just how much he really cared about Leon?

                                Which was zero care. He didn’t care. Not after he’d let Aadelheide die.

                                But…Leon would rather walk than be carried.

                                He wrapped an arm around Riker’s shoulder, and Riker steadied him.

                                They walked. And Leon didn’t fall, thank goodness.

                                They got over to where November and the others were, Viktor possibly following them, Leon didn’t know, and walked.

                                “God cares…that’s the biggest lie I’ve heard in my life.” 

                                (LEONNNNN!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭)

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  Wow…that was a long one. XDXDXD

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