Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @godlyfantasy12. Alrighty! And yeah, I kinda guessed. XD But that’s for clarifying. 😉


      Corvina smirked, and Hans’ face contorted, as if he were angry that a mere girl would talk to him that way.

      Viola grinned.

      This girl had some…spunk.

      And Viola enjoyed that. Very, very much. Maybe she wouldn’t be as annoying as Viola first thought.

      “Well, Corvina, if you’d like…you can join us.”

      (I’ll do some of the others in a few. I gotta eat lunch. I should be back in about an hour or two!)

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4732

        @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


        Ok, so you guys mind if I move Feather and Rinzler over to one of the groups? Their rp was going really slow, and I kinda want to get back into using them. Which group do you think? The one Crosshair and Jareth are in, so they can all be together? Or the large one that just formed (although I’m not sure if that one is too large to add some new characters)? Or wasn’t there another one?


        Either way I’m going to rp as them: (they’re in a kind of ventilation shaft right now)

        Feather and Rinzler

        They’d sort of been separated from their group. Feather could only hope Hesh, Kent, Everett and the rest were okay, after she’d heard the howling of dogs and the yell of soldiers.

        At least Rinzler was still there with her.

        “Feather, do you hear that??” he asked. “Voices!”

        He opened a nearby vent. There were voices, and they were close. “You think we should check it out?

        Feather nodded. “Maybe we’ll find some more allies.”

        The two wriggled out of the vent and approached the voices.

        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @keilah-h the one with November and all them might be a bit too large.


          it’s up too u and the others on whether u want to join the group Crosshair is in, and there’s also the smaller group with Franz, Jocelyn, Vulkasin and Alyona, they’re currently on the roof about to climb down I believe


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            SPEAKING OF!! Let us resume that group shall we?!

            @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


            Lyn grinned as she leaned over the wall of the roof, peering into the gardens below.

            At last! The moment she’d been waiting for!

            Her foot tapped with barely held excitement and her nerves twitched as she forced herself still.

            It was the same feeling of adrenaline she had just before a performance. That rush she felt surge through her, that said anything was possible.

            And she wanted to go.

            But she doubted the rest of her group would be very…amused if she were to immediately bound over the wall and leap, scale, or slide to the garden floor-whatever suited her in the moment.

            Plus…they had to be more careful, now that they were being sought for.

            Ahh…but the seconds seemed to tick on as Alyona drew near and Franz was…Achingly slow.

            Not to be rude, of course.

            Lyn turned on her heels, facing the group with a wide grin. She rocked on the bottoms of her feet.

            “Well…?” Her voice wavered with enthusiasm. “Can we go, or…?”

            Her eyes ticked from person to person, waiting for a reply.

            If Nyx had been there he probably would’ve told her to go ahead without them.

            Ah…how she missed his voice….

            Nonetheless, she waited, not-so-patiently, for an answer.


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @keilah-h. I don’t mind at all! The more the merrier! 😀 @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @godlyfantasy12.


              Asher fell into step beside Mikkel, the one who had taken Sorren out. Michael stayed on his other side, still on the alert. Just in case.

              Thank God Mikkel and the others had shown up, else Asher…well…may have finished what he’d started earlier.

              Yes, he knew it was wrong.

              Did Sorren deserve it? Yes, he did.

              But did that mean Asher had a good excuse to take Sorren out permanently? No. It didn’t.

              He had to show mercy…like Jesus did.

              “Are you alright there, chap?”

              Asher almost jumped out of his skin, before he realized it was Mikkel. “Oh…uh…yeah. I’m fine. So…uhm…Mikkel…if you don’t mind me asking…where’d you learn to fight like that?”


              At least they were finally on the move.

              Maybe Leon’s thoughts would finally leave him alone.

              Not likely, his past reminded.

              These people seemed nice…but…he…he had a hard time trusting anyone anymore. The numbers on his arm were perfect evidence of why.

              He rubbed his left arm, slightly pushing his jacket out of the way, but making sure no one could see the numbers forever tattooed there.


              Leon closed his eyes.

              “Prisoner 55463, step forward.” 

              He stepped forward, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest. He’d only been trying to help Isaiah and Yosef. He had only tried to make sure they got better. 

              The gray-haired officer smiled a smile full of malice…a smile so…twisted. 

              “Are you alright?”

              Leon jumped out of his skin. Turned to the one who had asked. “Uhm…uhm…yeah…I’m…I’m good.”

              (Y’all can decide who struck up a convo with him…oh wait, Viktor’s the only one left. XDXDXD)


              “November…November…are you okay?” Riker asked.

              November’s hand had slipped from his…and now he was staring off…at things that weren’t there.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomeriter76


                His eyes didn’t turn to meet Riker’s, not exactly feeling up to seeing the man’s concerned gaze.

                “….Fine.” He didn’t even try to be convincing, sliding his hands into his pockets. He could feel Riker’s eyes on him, but refused take a peek, his face flushing.

                Instead, he tried to focus on those around him.

                He found a bit of solace in the two walking beside him; Jayden and Trevyn…

                He thought.

                It was a bit hard to keep up with the names…

                Needless to say, it made November feel a bit better that he wasn’t the only one who’d needed someone holding his hand.

                Though…Trevyn still looked a bit younger then him. (Just guessing here)

                The boys met eyes.

                November blanched at having been caught staring. “Ah…sorry..” he chuckled awkwardly, jerking his head to look at his feet instead.

                This, was a mistake….

                (ahh ma poor babe XD)

                As November went to take a step, he miscalculated the distance, quickly finding himself falling backwards with a yelp.



                (btw someone can catch him or he can just fall. Whatever XD. It happens. Also…the miscalculation thing is some side effects from his scar/injury. He does have some, including an issue with depth perception and things.) yeaaa his injury did not help with his already accident proneness…(which was actually kinda brought on by anxiety and just being a natural  kid 😂)


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @freedomwriter76 I JUST HAD AN AWESOME IDEA XD


                  SO!! We should totally after this whole thing with November falling, And we start walking again, Verity should be like “I AN SICK OF THIS SILENCE!” Cuz it’s all dudes and none of them wanna talk XD SOOO SHE’S LIKE “TIME FOR AN ICEBREAKER. ANY SUGGESTIONS.”


                  boom. That opens up WHATEVER we wanna talk about.


                  families? Which can lead to fluff and angst XD

                  home? Also fluff and Angst XD

                  Friends/more then friends 🤣 ? Fluff, angst, and a chance to TALK ABOUT ARABELLA AND MAKE MY NOVEMBER BLUSH CUZ I LUV DOING THAT


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. I love that idea! Very Verity. XD And someone MUST catch November! Why not someone who hasn’t done much yet? XD @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


                    Before Riker even knew what was happening, November was falling.

                    He reached for him, but Payton reached him first.

                    Payton caught November, stopping him from falling. “Are you okay?”

                    “Uhm…uhm…yeah.” November replied, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Payton helped him steady himself.

                    “This silence is so sad! Why are all of you so quiet!? You’re all just as bad as Trevyn!”

                    “Verity…” Trevyn hissed, clutching Jayden’s hand tighter. Verity almost ran over, basically dragging Bucky behind her, although he could have easily broken free…yet didn’t.


                    “We need to talk about something! What does everyone wanna talk about!? I need suggestions!” Verity cried.

                    This girl had some…energy.

                    And that was good.

                    But talking?

                    Bucky didn’t want to talk.

                    He glanced behind him. At Steve, holding the rear.

                    He had removed his helmet, strapping it to his belt, and was fixing his blonde hair.

                    He saw Bucky and smiled. Mouthed “Go on.”

                    Bucky shook his head.

                    Steve smirked.

                    “Hey Verity…maybe Bucky has a suggestion for something to talk about!”

                    Verity’s bright blue, aquamarine eyes lit up. “Really, Steve!? Bucky, what is it!?”

                    Bucky glanced at her. “Uhm…uh…” he glanced back Steve’s way. Gave him a glare.

                    Steve shrugged and smiled. Bucky raised an eyebrow. Steve stuck out his tongue and winked.

                    What a child.

                    Bucky turned back around. Glanced back at Verity, who was waiting with big, eager eyes. “Uhm…I lost it.”

                    “Oh…okay. Does anyone else have a suggestion!?” Verity ran over and clutched Trevyn’s hand, putting herself in between November and Trevyn.

                    She looked at November. “What about you!?”

                    Bucky shook his head. That girl had some serious energy. But still…she reminded him…of a young girl he once knew…a long…long time ago.

                    But who?

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1556

                      @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12


                      The climb down looked wonderful, so many handholds yet still a bit of a challenge. He looked back at the group.

                      Lynn had a grin worth a thousand gold. Vulkasin grinned back.

                      “V’hat are be v’aiting for?”


                      “Oh…uh…yeah. I’m fine. So…uhm…Mikkel…if you don’t mind me asking…where’d you learn to fight like that?”

                      Mikkel pulled off his helmet, ran a hand through his hair, and shoved it back in place.

                      “Ah, no I don’t mind.” much. “In training. I’m a Mariner.” Quiet pride glinted from his eyes. Only a few out of a hundred made it in. “We fight terror, and we’ll win the war.”

                      He smiled back at Asher, although his left leg was talking again, and using language he was sure Mam would wash his mouth out for. He absently massaged the screaming down.

                      The little Red haired girl was trying to start a conversation. Poor thing. Mikkel could understand; he had a little sister.

                      Annia. He smiled as her face came to mind. Mike, she would say, what’s wrong? What did you do this time?

                      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                      Elishavet Elroi
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1056

                        @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h @koshka

                        All right, y’all…

                        I’ll get Alyona’s in after this one, hopefully.


                        They were on their way now, a much larger group than before. Viktor walked near Riker and November, unwilling to be alone in the midst of strangers.

                        There aught to be a raven headed lass at his side, her eyes bright with her inner light. But with Alyona gone, he had lost the last bit of family life had left him with.

                        No. He had not lost her, just given her into the Lord’s keeping. He’d find her again, Lord willing, if he had to go though the Vulture himself. He closed his eyes and sighed.

                        The stone beneath their feet lay smooth under it’s dust, except for where one block had separated from another in the turn of the years. Ancient soot lingered in the air as a testament that these halls had once been in common use. He looked up to see where the torches had been hung, and found the brackets rusted through.

                        Beside him walked the darker man, Leon.  The man that spoke the Ancient Tongue. A weariness had settled into his step and the strong shoulders were bent. He was rubbing at his arm as is soothing an old wound.

                        Viktor reached out to touch his hand, but drew back as the man winced.

                        Viktor hadn’t even touched him.

                        “Are you alright?”

                        Leon started, “Uhm…uhm…yeah…I’m…I’m good.”

                        Viktor frowned. He didn’t meant to pry, but neither did he feel right about leaving Leon alone. Something was not right.

                        “Hamim zeh nakhon?” (my rough transliteration of ‘is that true/right?’)

                        Leon’s head snapped up and he stared at Viktor.

                        “You speak Hebrew?” He asked in the Old Tongue.

                        Viktor grinned, although he hadn’t heard it called that. “I’m thirteen, old enough to know my own tongue.”

                        “Are you…?” Leon cut himself off, apparently understanding the danger an Eirtanian boy could be in under Dorwinian rule. They went on for a moment in silence, then Leon turned to him, his eyes full of questions. “What in the world were you doing with Riker?”

                        Viktor blinked. He understood there was bad blood between the two men, but he didn’t quite understand what that would have to do with him. Unless…

                        Whatever the case, Riker was trustworthy, now.

                        “Trying to escape,” he shrugged. “and praying the others did too.”

                        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


                          OH MY GOSH THIS WITH VIKTOR AND LEON IS SO INTERESTING AND I LOVE IT!!!! I didn’t even think about the connection they REALLY HAVE other then just speaking the same language!


                          The little firebrand of a girl’s eyes came to rest on him, sparkling in the torchlight. November startled, having just regained his balance.

                          “Uh…I-um…ah…” He stuttered, flushing at the sudden eyes on him as everyone stared. Finally he just resolved to shake his head despondently.

                          He probably wouldn’t have any good ideas anyway…

                          Verity let out a long, suffering sigh. “You guys are hopeless!” She put her hands on her hips. “Okay, okay. Listen up. If we’re gonna be walking around, I refuse to do it in utter silence. It’s boooooring.”

                          Trevyn let out a sigh beside her.

                          “But since no one has an idea for a topic, I’ll give one.” The little girl rubbed her chin in deep thought. “OOH I KNOW!!” Her attention turned to Riker and their group. “You said you’re looking for your friends, right? Why don’t you tell us about them? And we can tell you about our friends! Well…you already know one of mine.” She lifted Trevyn’s hand in hers and the boy blanched at the attention.


                          “Oh hush.”

                          Yea…this girl definitely reminded November of Jocelyn.

                          He glanced at Riker, who was smiling.

                          “Well…ah…alright,” he said, as the group began walking once more.






                          (I figure Riker can start if he wants and get feedback from others etc then ask whoever is next


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. Ooh, this is getting interesting fast!!! 😀


                            “We fight terror, and we’ll win the war.”

                            Mikkel smiled.

                            “A Mariner…is that similar to a Marine like…uhm…Michael?” He asked, motioning towards Michael, who turned to face them. Smiled faintly. “I mean…Jayden’s in the Marines too…but he’s…uhm…a Medic.” Asher glanced across the hallway at Jayden, who was walking beside Riker and November, clutching Trevyn’s hand.

                            His little brother. Adopted brother. But if Jayden had been his brother by blood it wouldn’t have changed anything.


                            “Trying to escape,” Viktor shrugged. “and praying the others did too.”

                            This kid could speak Hebrew…but he had no clue who Riker was…what he’d done.

                            “…the Bible commands us to love and forgive our enemies. You know that. I know that. God has called us here to be witnesses.”

                            Leon’s fists clenched.


                            He couldn’t go there.

                            Not again.

                            He couldn’t.

                            He wouldn’t.

                            Her bright blue eyes.

                            Bright blonde hair.

                            Her smile that lit a room.

                            Her heart that was able to love the whole world.

                            Leon had to lean against the wall to steady himself.

                             “This isn’t going to change anything…it’s too late…I’m sorry.”

                            “Aadelheide could still be alive!”

                             “I know. Leon, I’m so sorry…”

                            “Sorry? Sorry? What do you think sorry means anymore! Who do you think you are coming to see us on Christmas of all days!”

                             Leon’s fists clenched. His breaths heaved. With every breath came a small, burning sting of pain in his chest. 

                            “Do you even know what you’ve done!?”

                            Riker slowly glanced up.

                            “I know exactly what I’ve done. Leon,” Riker closed his eyes, “I know exactly what I deserve.” His eyes opened again. “And I know exactly where I’m going when I die.”

                            Leon’s legs threatened to buckle beneath him.

                            “Leon…are you alright?” Viktor asked, still in Hebrew.

                            Leon nodded. “I’m fine. It’s nothing. Really. I’m fine. Shouldn’t you be worrying about your friends?”

                            He didn’t mean to sound bitter.

                            It just…always seemed to come out that way.

                            To everyone.

                            “From who!? Who am I gonna turn to for help by now!? Aadelheide’s dead! Louisa, God left me in that camp. You don’t know what it’s like to endure that. To look around and realize that the God you believed in…the God you trusted…the God you thought loved you…abandoned you there! He took my wife from me!” 

                            Leon’s breaths came in heavy.

                            Viktor still watched him. Reached for his hand.

                            Leon pulled away.

                            “Leon. Stop. Enough of this. She is in Heaven with the God she loved.”

                            “And a lot of good he ever did for her!”

                            Poor Leon. *sniff*


                            “Well…there’s my…daughter…Naja.”

                            “What’s she like!?”

                            “Verity…” Trevyn hissed.

                            “Shh…I wanna hear about Naja!” Verity cried, almost bouncing on her toes.

                            “She’s sweet…loving…caring…just like…like…” Riker trailed off.

                            “I don’t want to let you go. God still loves you, Riker. As do I. I never lied when I told you I loved you.” 

                            His throat suddenly went dry. November and Jayden both glanced at him, waiting. November with a worried frown. Riker cleared his throat. “…like her mother. And then there’s my…Father.”

                            “He must be nice like you!”

                            Riker cringed at Verity’s words. Franz was not the kind of person she would enjoy being around…considering how she’d acted towards Sorren.

                            “Uhm…uhm…yeah…” Riker whispered. November looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “November, your turn.” He said, fast.

                            Verity turned to November. “Yeah! What about your friends!?”

                            Oof, Riker just lied to her. 😣 And November’s like: “WHAT!?”

                            Let’s just say Riker doesn’t want to talk about Franz.

                            Can we blame him? 🤷🏻‍♀️

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              And he didn’t even mention Ezra and Eva. 😣😣😣

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 poor Riker!!! AND LEON!! 😭 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


                                November stared at Riker, blinking away his shock.

                                Franz…was nothing like him.

                                At least…not from what little he’d seen so far.

                                Then again…he also understood touchy subjects.

                                And…fathers could definitely be one of them. November frowned, feeling for Riker, though the moment quickly faded when he heard is name.

                                “November, your turn.” The man said it so quick November barely caught it.


                                He just…threw him under the bus!

                                November felt his stomach twist as all eyes turned to him.

                                “Yeah! What about your friends!?” Verity was skipping now, looking at him intently.

                                He smiled awkwardly. “Oh…ah…” he swallowed down what little bit of nervousness he could, looking around at the other listening ears.

                                “Umm…W-Well…there’s Jocelyn.” He looked at Verity, “She’s..a lot like you.”

                                “Really?! She must be a ton of fun.”

                                Everyone chuckled at that, “Heh..yea, she is. She’s kinda like a performer. She’s..pretty daring.”

                                “Can’t wait to meet here!”

                                “Another Verity..?” The boy next to her was whispering, rubbing his temples with his free hand. Jayden let out a laugh.

                                “And ah, there’s Nyx. He’s Jocelyn’s best friend. He’s..well…” November squinted. How to describe Nyx…

                                “He’s like…a fox.”

                                “” One of the men in the back answered.

                                “Yea. He can be something else, sometimes but…he’s just…loyal, I think. Protective, maybe? Yea. He’s definitely interesting.”

                                “Ahhh!! A cuddly fox?!”

                                “Yeaa…I wouldn’t call him cuddly…” November chuckled nervously. Riker laughed, probably remembering Nyx for himself.

                                “Is that it?”

                                November stiffened slightly, turning his eyes forward again to make sure he didn’t trip. Riker nudged his shoulder and he turned to look at the man, whose brows were raised suggestively.

                                November’s ears turned red.

                                Yup…Riker definitely knew.

                                “U-Um. There’s…there’s my…ah…” His eyes searched the ground in front of him, his brain roiling. Trying to decide what to say about Ara.

                                There was so much he could say.

                                “My best friend. Her name’s Ara…er-Arabella.” Heat crawled up his face. “She’s…um…she’s…” he looked at Riker for help, but the man provided none.

                                At all.


                                He mentally facepalmed.

                                That was both the most obvious and understated thing he could’ve ever said….


                                He sucked in a breath, half wishing the floor would open up and swallow him.





                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. November!!! XDXDXD Sweet bean. <3 Oh, btw, I found a song that like, fits Riker perfectly and I think it’d fit November too! It’s Unchangeable by Matthew West. 😀 @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                                  November’s cheeks were flushed.

                                  Oh yes…he was in love.

                                  “…Anything else?” Riker asked, playfully nudging November in the side.

                                  “Yeah! Anything else!?” Verity cried.

                                  November looked at Riker.

                                  Riker raised an eyebrow. Smirked. “…Well?”

                                  YAYYYYYY!!!! I LOVE TO WRITE RIKER’S PLAYFUL SIDEEEE!!! I DON’T GET TO WRITE IT ENOUGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3


                                  The boy up ahead, November, sounded a little…nervous.

                                  And his cheeks started to flush.

                                  Steve smiled faintly. Moved his shield to his other hand.

                                  He knew what that felt like…to be in love.

                                  “8’o’clock on the dot. Don’t you dare be late.”

                                  “You know…I still don’t know how to dance.”

                                  “I’ll teach you. Just be there.” 

                                  Steve’s stomach twisted.


                                  He needed to be strong.

                                  Just like he was for his team.

                                  Like he was for Bucky.

                                  He was the strong one.

                                  Captain America couldn’t break…Captain America couldn’t even cry.

                                  She’s passed. In her sleep.





                                  Steve shook his head. Told himself to stop thinking about it.

                                  It wouldn’t change anything.

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