Character Castle!

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      Good thanks! I’ve gone through and pulled a bunch, but whether or not I have them I, I’m not sure.

      I’m thinking of compiling them all on a Google doc, then posting the link in a separate thread where it won’t get buried. What do you think?

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        Here is @elishavet-pidyon from a list she wrote

        Viktor: at 13 (actually 14, but due to the situations surrounding their adoption, they all have wrong ages.) he’s ’5 4” but growing (eventually), dark brown hair that’s beginning to curl, but isn’t yet. It is cut in the Yartassite style, which is at the ear, then the nape of the neck, then trimmed at his mother likes. (It actually looks a bit like Janner Wingfeather’s hair cut). Olive toned skin, keen dark brown eyes. Tall straight nose that is nearly Greek, but not an extreme hawk. Dressed like an ancient Lithuanian/saxon. Grey tunic, red-brown mantle(which if you remember, he gave away earlier, so he doesn’t have it anymore.), cross tied soft-soled leather boots, etc. He carries a sword, sling, and a shepherd’s script that has slinging stones in it. He’s better at fistcuffs than sword fighting, but he also lives in an age when everyone knows the basics of fighting.

        Alyona: at 12 (nearer 11) she is ‘4 11″ and growing. She has long black hair that falls a hand above her knees and us usually braided. It’s never been cut. She also has a near Grecian Nose and olive toned skin, although she’s a bit lighter than Viktor’s, due to wearing a shawl to protect her head from the sun. She either has hazel green eyes, or dark brown like Viktor. She is wearing a soft grey-brown tunica over a longer white dress, with a woven belt at the waist. An embroidered shawl is over her head, and drapes across her shoulders and down her back. Soft skin boots are on her feet. She has a sling and script if stones as well. Both are tucked into her belt, as are Viktor’s. (Only his are in his belt.)

        Ocran: I don’t know so much about his appearance, but I know he’s dark headed and sharp featured with a square chin. (Does this sound right to anyone? @godlyfantasy-12 ?) He carries a horn to call his retainers. He is a VILLAIN.


        keilah-h list that she wrote

        Feather Greystone: I’m not too sure about her age. I think she’s in her early 20’s. She’s 5’8″, with blonde-tan hair that goes down to her shoulders (I think), grayish-brown eyes. She’s wearing white armor with pink-and-yellow markings and paint flecks on it, and carries a rifle. She’s the wife of Crosshair and mother of Jareth (who she named after her friend/mentor).


        Rinzler Bradley: I think he’s 18-19 in this RP; in his actual story he might be older. He is 5’11”. He has wild black hair and brown eyes. He wears a black bodysuit with glowing orange lines (look up “Tron Legacy light-suits” to get an idea of what that looks like). He wields two orange discs that attach to his back and can be used like throwing stars. He’s not exactly related to anyone in the RP, but he does have a sister named Aurelia.


        Crosshair Greystone: He’s probably somewhere in his mid/late 20’s. He’s 6’4″, and his short hair is gray due to a mutation. He has brown eyes which sorta have an automatic judgmental slant to them, and he’s wearing armor a little like Feather’s, but it’s dark gray with red markings. (You can look him up to see what he looks like, since he’s not technically my character. Just look up “star wars clone trooper crosshair” or something along that line.) He also carries a rifle and also has a small pistol holstered on his belt. You guys already know his relationship to Feather and Jareth.


        Jareth Greystone: I’m not actually sure how tall he is yet, but he’s probably 6 years old in this RP if that helps. He has brown eyes and tan-colored hair. I’m not quite sure what he’s wearing, but probably something many of your charries would recognize (unlike his parents’ armor). He doesn’t have any weapons, obviously, but he has his pet, Crow.

        @freedomwriter76 from her list


        Riker: 28 years old. Probably around 6’0”. Done growing. Dark brown wavy hair in the Wavy Quiff hairstyle, dark blue eyes, lightly tanned skin. 1st Lieutenant in the SS. Wears the black Uniform of the SS.

        Ezra: 21 years old. Probably around 6’2″. Done Growing. Brown, slightly curly hair that comes down to right below his ears, dark brown eyes, lightly tanned skin (like a Farmer’s tan). 1st Lieutenant in the USAAF. (United States Armed Air Force). Wears a WWII era US Air Force dress uniform.

        Eva: 20 years old. Probably around 5’5”. Done growing. Dark brown hair, straight and in a 1940s style bob, dark brown eyes, peach colored skin. Wears standard 1940s dress, dark blue, a pearl necklace, and black 1940s style heels.

        Naja: 5 years old. Height: Not really sure. XD (Probably just average height for a 5-year-old little girl, maybe a little smaller. She’s pretty tiny. 😉) Still Growing. Wavy brown hair in a long braid, bright blue eyes, pale skin. Daughter of Riker. Wears standard 1940s little girl clothes and white socks and black Mary Janes.

        Leon: 25 years old. Probably around 6’1”. Done Growing. Black, curly hair that falls just below his ears, dark brown eyes, tan skin. Wears a 1940s era style Men’s suit.

        Michael: 20 years old. Probably around 6’4”. (He’s a tall one. XD) Done Growing. Red, curly hair, short, almost shaved down, green eyes, pale skin, and freckles. Private First Class in the US Marines. Wears a standard WWII era Marines combat uniform.

        Asher: 25 years old. Probably around 6’3”. Done Growing. Bright blonde hair in a wavy quiff like hairstyle, light brown eyes, pale skin. Captain in the US Navy. Wears a standard WWII era US Navy Dress Uniform.

        Jayden: 21 years old. Probably around 6’0”. Done Growing. Bright blonde, wavy hair in a waved quiff hairstyle, bright blue eyes, pale skin. Medic for the US Marines. (1st Lieutenant rank) Wears a standard WWII era Marines Medic Uniform.

        Viola: 31-32 years old. Probably around 5’7”. Done Growing. Black, straight hair that comes down to her chin, dark brown eyes, pale skin. HYDRA agent. Wears a black three-piece business suit without a tie and black heels and a fancy, silver watch.

        Steve: 25 years old. (Technically 90 something, but…XD) 6’2”. Done Growing. Blonde hair, blue-greenish eyes, pale skin. Captain America. Leader of The Avengers. Wears his Avengers style Captain America Uniform.

        Bucky: 26 years old. 6’0”. Done Growing. Dark brown hair that comes just above his shoulders, blue eyes, pale skin. Wears his Winter Soldier outfit.

        Franz: 55 years old. Probably around 6’4″. Done Growing. Black hair with many gray streaks, coal-colored eyes, lightly tan skin. Wears a 1940s era men’s suit without a tie.


        from her list


        Age: young girl…. I’m still working this one out

        Hair color: Dark red, long, straight

        Eye color: Bright blue (think aquamarine)

        Personality: She has a bit of a temper (Trevyn calls here spitfire, but he’s the only one who can get away with that…) She will say exactly what she thinks (except on her faith) and will defend her friends at all costs.

        Biggest Fear: Heights

        Faith: She’s in an allegory so…. ? At the moment she doesn’t believe in God. She’s grown up in a land where a false religion is enforced/truth is suppressed and faith is the one area she’s unsure on.


        Age: young boy….same as Verity

        Hair color: Very light brown

        Eyes: One blue (right) and one gree (left)

        Personality: One word. No make that two: Extremely shy. Verity’s really his only close friend. Well, she made friends with him first when they were slaves together….

        Biggest fear: People he doesn’t know. Or just people in general I guess.

        Faith: Same as Verity


        Nationality: Northern soldier

        Family: Has none needs none

        Age: I’m terrible at ages!!! Okay, he’s a grown man. How’s that?

        Hair color: Black

        Eye color: Steel Gray, cold and hard

        Personality: Hard, cruel. He’ll use anyone he has to and walk over anyone he has to to achieve his goals. Extremely selfish. What else? Oh yeah, his loyalties belong to the highest bidder, pretty much.

        Biggest Fear: Fear? What’s that? JK I’m sure he has some I just can’t find them…

        Faith: Non-existent


        Nationality: Alvastian (medieval kingdom)

        Family: Camron (father), Vanessa (mother), Quinn (younger brother)

        Age: I have no idea right now!! XD

        Hair color: Blonde, straight

        Eye color: Emerald green

        Personality: He can be proud and stubborn but would do anything to not to disappoint those he looks up to, especially his father. He feels like he must prove himself, but when he lets down his guard – mostly when alone – it reveals how vulnerable he really is. ***Payton’s older brother died in battle when he was a little boy, and Payton feels like he is still living in his older brother’s shadow, but he has a redemption arc in the end that I’m still working on***

        Biggest Fear: failing expectations


        and here are mine!


        Arabella: Around 14. Has long brown, wavy hair that reaches to her waist and matching brown eyes. Fair skinned.

        She has a purple scar that runs from her right wrist to her elbow, and it looks like a tattoo (resembles Henna Art, if anyones ever seen that, and is like a vine wrapping around her arm).

        Wears a simple but elegant pastel pink and teal dress that ties at the bodice, with a brown vest. A satchel over her shoulder and under one arm, and brown flats.

        Personality: Ara is sweet and gentle. She behaves in the way she believes a lady should, preferring to keep most thoughts to herself and only those close to her. She can be bold and brave, however, when those same friends are threatened, and when push comes to shove, can show a fiery side of herself that most don’t know she has.

        November: Also 14, a bit younger then Ara, but about an inch taller then her. He has curly strawberry-blonde hair, freckles, dimples and a bright baby blue eyes. Over his left eye are three large claw marks that are “frozen” in state, in the fact that they won’t heal over as most scars will, and remain a vivid dark red. Thankfully he isn’t blind in that eye, though he does suffer from a lack of depth perception and occasionally a bit of blurred vision and other side effects from the head injury also involved.

        He wears a tan button-up shirt with jeans and suspenders (the picture I posted on here that one time) with brown lace up boots.

        Personality: November is a cuddly cinnamon roll and would do anything for his friends. He gets nervous and flighty easily and doesn’t have much confidence, if any for himself, but he’d do whatever it take to protect those around him, and to help those less fortunate. He’s honestly just the sweetest kid, he just struggles with insecurity and anxiety, but he’s also the most endearing guy around.

        Jocelyn: 14 (all 14 Ik XD). Jocelyn has curly blonde hair, worn in a ponytail, and vivid emerald green eyes.

        She wears what resembles a female ringmaster’s outfit. A red blazer jacket with epaulets, gold etching and black lace at the sleeves, and a black skirt. She also wears black tights and boots. Her head is almost always adorned with a hat-band (headband but with a small hat on it 😂)

        Personality: Funny, bubbly, the life of the party. She’s always willing to try new things. She’s bold, and loves meeting new people. She’s usually going to be the one to start a conversation and loves making others smile.

        Nyx: Around 10-11. Nyx is his own breed of creature, but mostly resembles a fennec fox, with three tails, (I also sometimes imagine him with bangs like in that one picture, with brown or dark tan tips lol) and he has heterochromia, meaning he has two different colored eyes. One is brown, and one is green. The end of his tails are also tipped with a darker brown or tan.

        Personality: Snarky, sarcastic, and very distrustful. He’s also extremely protective of Jocelyn, and his other friends. Deep deep down he’s still just a little kid who’s scared of losing his only family (Lyn) but he’ll never let you see that. Well…he’ll try not to, anyway. You have to work hard to earn his trust, and he won’t hesitate to lash out at anything and everything.

        Corvina: 16. Raven black hair that reaches past her shoulder blades, and dark, gray-blue eyes. She’s pale skinned, and can also shift into a Raven whenever she wants.

        She wears an all black outfit; a sleek top and a skirt, and is almost always seen with her cape on. Wears boots.

        Personality: Sarcastic, occasionally stoic. She prefers to keep to herself and dislikes being around other people, finding them to be more annoying then anything. She can sometimes come off as a bit…odd, due to her sometimes talking to herself, and is also not one to be messed with. She’s hard and cold, having been through a lot, but she has quite the sense of humor as well, and can be extremely witty. Deep down, she’s still just a little girl, but no one ever gets close enough to her to see that.




        okie that’s all the ones I’ve got!! And u can shorten those lists however u want, I just found them and thought it would make things easier on ya XD



          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @koshka sounds good to me!


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. No, she does not know who she’s talking to. XD And yes, Viola has a German accent, as does Hans. 😉 @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


            The man…Sorren…was coming towards them…a twisted smile on his face…pulling out his weapons. (I totally forgot what they were. XD Swords, I think. XDXDXD)

            Riker’s body tensed. This man had choked Payton…whoever that was…and went after one of the blondes, Jayden. Riker wasn’t going to let him get close to November.

            He stepped forward, still clutching November’s hand, but made sure he stood in front of November.

            Franz had already tried to harm November.

            Riker wasn’t going to let anyone else even get that close.

            He slowly let go of November’s hand, pulling out his pistol. His hand felt cold without November there, but he had to protect him and the others.

            No matter what it cost.

            “Leave us alone you big jerk!” Verity suddenly cried.

            Sorren merely smiled, still approaching Riker, and thus, November. “…I believe there are people I need to meet first, you stupid child.”

            “What!?” Verity yelled. But Bucky grabbed her and lifted her into his arms, stopping her.

            She went quiet.

            Sorren smirked. “Finally, someone shut that obnoxious girl up. I already dealt with a big oaf, the traitor, and a kid with no guts…let’s see if my new guests have guts.” He replied, stepping even closer to Riker.

            Riker took another step forward, putting more distance between him and November. His head began to throb again. Stupid head injury.

            Riker shook his head. No…he needed to protect them. An injury couldn’t get in his way.

            “Ah…are you the brave one willing to face off against me? Or are you another kid with no guts?” Sorren asked. Still approached Riker.

            “Why don’t you give it up? Leave everyone alone.” Leon ordered, stepping up to stand beside Riker.

            “I must meet the newcomers.”

            “Well, leave them alone.” Leon snarled.

            Riker glanced at him.

            Why had he come to stand beside him?

            My boi’s…finally somewhat getting along! <3

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 yaaay Leon!!!

              @elishavet-pidyon do either of u wanna go or do u want me to


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @freedomwriter76 u wanna RP as Viola and Hans?


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12. Sure! 😀 Alright…I’ll get into Hans’ POV for once…*sigh*XD @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. (Oh, and y’all…just realized that my timing doesn’t really make sense. XD Bc Leon is out of the camp…but Hans is alive…which doesn’t happen in my book…considering…well…Hans takes himself out before the American troops reach the camp…but oh well! I’m having fun!!! XDXDXD)


                  “And what are you two doing here in the dark, pray tell?”

                  “Looking for people.” Viola replied simply.

                  Hans remained silent.

                  He was surrounded by two stupid, ignorant little girls. Just his horrid luck.

                  “Yes, we’re looking for people. Now could you two idiots shut it?” He hissed.

                  Both Viola and Corvina turned to face him.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 lol. And Yeesh Hans. I don’t like u XD @koshka @elishavet-pidyon either of y’all on?


                    Corvina glared at the man. She already knew she wasn’t going to like these two…

                    She sighed.

                    Ah, well…

                    Sometimes sacrifices had to be made…

                    She pulled her lips tight and bit her tongue to keep from speaking out. It took quite a bit of willpower, she had to admit.

                    This man had already gotten on her nerves.

                    Viola seemed just as perturbed at his rebuke.

                    Slowly and cautiously, Corvina made her way over to the older man, eyes not wavering in holding his own. She narrowed her gaze and, once reaching him, had to look up. He was fairly tall.

                    Still, she wouldn’t be intimidated.

                    She’d seen scarier then him, that was for sure.

                    “And why, exactly, are we whispering,” she hissed back. “Care to fill us in, instead of just snapping at us? I’m sure that would be a lot smarter then what you have planned so far. Besides…I could hear you two whispering a few hundred feet away earlier. You weren’t exactly being all that silent yourself, Lieutenant.” She made sure to keep her voice a low whisper.

                    A real whisper.

                    Barely audible. But the man had heard her, and she smirked as his face contorted in disgust as if he were appalled that she would dare speak to him like that.

                    Out the corner of her eye she caught a flash of mirth from Viola, but it was quickly dashed.





                    I love ma girl XD


                    Elishavet Elroi
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1057

                      @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                      Sorry, I had an RP written yesterday evening, but my phone died before I had it quite finished, and with it went my impetus to write another died too.

                      So, here I am, nearly a day late. XD

                      Oh, and Corvina is awesome; I’m so glad you redeem her.

                      I don’t know how characteristic this will be of Viktor, but we’ll see.


                      This man was dangerous, loudly dangerous, and he wanted to “meet” them. Or more specifically, November.

                      Why did such filthy people gravitate to the red haired boy? Viktor glanced back at November, his own hand sliding to rest on his sword pommel.

                      Sorren ought to know better, besides, what right had he to hold such a disposition against them? A complete stranger he was, and one hungry for domination.

                      Riker had stepped in front of November, his eyes gleaming with selfless protection. The man would never let anyone hurt November….

                      But Riker was injured. The white bandage on his head, blotched with faded scarlet, glowed in testemony in the bad light. Viktor shifted again.

                      “Ah…are you the brave one willing to face off against me?” Sorren sneered like a snake, drawing ever nearer, his eyes fixed on Riker. “Or are you another kid with no guts?”

                      Closer, closer. Murderous glee in his eyes.

                      “Why don’t you give it up?” Leon suddenly came away from his wall and stood beside Riker. “Leave everyone alone.”

                      “I must meet the newcomers.” was the even reply.

                      “Well, leave them alone.” Leon narrowed his eyes.

                      Viktor studied Leon. If he wasn’t mistaken, Leon had been speaking the ancient tongue a minute ago. Viktor had just caught the sound of it, like a whisper of home on a far-off sea.

                      Maybe Leon’s story wasn’t so unexplainable after all.

                      But Sorren wouldn’t care what language anyone spoke as long as he could hold control.

                      “Why? Who are you to tell me to do anything?” The man turned on Leon with an ice cold passion. “I shall meet these yellow feathered oafs as I like.”

                      Leon growled something that was definitely the ancient tongue, but that Viktor didn’t think his mama would approve. But then, Viktor couldn’t agree with it more.

                      The term ‘oaf’ was probably worse, anyway.

                      Sorren leaned closer, but before he could spew forth whatever corruption he had intended, Viktor stepped forward beside Riker, his eyes twinkling with irrational humor.

                      “A coward hunts for little bears, but in the end the mother eats him.” A rather dark proverb, but suitable enough.

                      Sorren’s eyes widened, then narrowed as his nostrils flared.

                      Oh, let the man try to pound him. For once, Viktor didn’t care, and he was surounded by others who had even more right to their anger.

                      “Just leave us.” He said evenly. “Leave us all and go.”

                      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @elishavet-pidyon LOVE IT!!! GO VIKTOR!!!


                        also it’s so true that people are drawn to November…both good and evil…

                        Ma baby!


                        @freedomwriter76 anyone else wanna go or u want me to go?


                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1558

                          @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

                          I’ll do a quick RP, just to keep up flow, then I think it’s November’s turn.


                          As the man approached the rifle came off Mikkel’s shoulder. Oh how he hoped he wouldn’t have to use it. Not here, in front of a little girl. Besides, it wouldn’t be right to shoot someone without particular cause.

                          But to knock someone out? Now that wasn’t too dishonorable. The man obviously deserved it.

                          Perhaps he would just leave, move on without making more of a problem. Without spending more precious time.

                          Probably not.

                          We need to move.

                          The safety clicked off.

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76


                            Sorren’s dark eyes had a murderous glare to them as he stared at Viktor. The boy’s comment had sent a chill down November’s spine, but what scared him more was the way Sorren seemed enraged at it.

                            His nostrils flared and he narrowed his eyes at the lad. Mikkel stepped up, rifle sliding from his back.

                            “I suggest you heed the advice given, and leave well enough alone.” Mikkel said.

                            Sorren’s fists clenched, his eyes roving over every person, as if weighing his options. They landed back on the newcomers, his wicked smile returning.

                            November shuddered as dark eyes met his, and he had to look away. The man’s calculate stare felt all too similar…

                            All too…soul-shattering…

                            November swallowed, wishing to fold into himself as the tension grew, enough to be sliced with a knife.

                            Sorren clicked his tongue, obviously pleased with himself at the discomfort he’d caused. “Ah. Well. Suppose I should’ve expected no less from a group filled with traitors,” his eyes ran to one person, “and children.” He said the words with a hint of amusement and malice.

                            One of the blonde men, Asher, of November wasn’t mistaken, had stepped forward. He stood tall, meeting Sorren’s height. “Listen, Sorren. We’ve tried our best to be…accommodating. To give you the benefit of the doubt. But If you’re not going to work with us…” He pulled his lips tight, clenching his fists, “Then I think you’d better just leave.”

                            Sorren’s eyes flared.

                            November watched warily, hoping a fight wasn’t about to break out.


                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1558

                              @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

                              And I just have to stick in what just popped into my head.


                              Sorren was becoming a problem. Nay, more than just that, he could be costing them all their lives. This was no time for negotiation.

                              He was about to become a casualty.

                              Mikkel pulled out his pocket watch and checked the time. “We should have been through here three minutes ago.” He snapped the watch shut. “Move or be moved.”

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                              Elishavet Elroi
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1057

                                @koshka @godlyfantasy12

                                Ahhhhh, I love it!

                                Look out, Sorren, that’s a King’s mariner and a couple marines. Bwahahaha!

                                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @koshka XD!!!! YESSSSS GET IT MIKKEL!!!!!!



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