Character Castle!

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  • #118282
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      So I guess Elishavet goes for Alyona in the group with Franz, then I can go. Also does one for Viktor

      as for the other group, I guess it’s my turn 🤣 but i think yalll were just wanting me to answer if we were moving ahead so….the answer is yes if anyone wants to RP in that group cuz at this moment I’m not entirely sure what to RP for Nyx and Ara.

      my poor baby Nyx is still sulking and feeling rough.


      Elishavet Elroi
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1057

        @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

        Okay, so I’m back!

        These characters are both hilarious and so sad. I’m not sure if I should laugh at them or hug them. Lol!

        By the way, I think I’ve almost got Viktor’s traumatic state figured out.

        He does kinda have PTSD, but it’s not… Maybe not what you’d first think of. He has trauma induced amnesia of his early childhood, as well as severe negative associations… Like dark places lit with flames, dogs, and the general feeling of being chased/trapped. As he gets older, he is remembering more, and this natural return of memory is heightened by trigger associated memories. Also, the burns/scars have kept him from completely forgetting what happened, even if his memories aren’t always accurate.  (both because of his personality, and because he has been blessed to be spared the learning/development difficulties that sometimes show up in children with childhood trauma, you really wouldn’t guess the things that haunt him.)

        All this is actually a blessing in disguise, because it is actually helping prepare him to accept and walk in his calling of leading the broken back to healing.


        The air about him was steeped in grief. Angry grief. Hopeless grief. The bitterness of a broken heart. The tears of a grown man.

        Viktor fought back against his own tears, drawn by Riker’s. Memories, both sad and joyous melded together into a lump in his throat. He turned his face away.

        Viktor couldn’t do much to help, not him, a youth barely beyond childhood, but…

        He knew Someone who could.

        And that Someone was right there, not even a hand’s span away, ready to care for His children.

        Slowly, peace sank back into his soul, past the fear and the trouble.

        He looked up with a smile.

        Right into a pair a terrified blue eyes.

        But those blue eyes didn’t see him. A shiver slithered down Viktor’s spine and he looked away.

        Standing about them was a large group of strangers, all of various ages and nationalities. He folded his hands behind his back glanced back at Riker and November.

        They were getting up from the floor, and the tension and intense pain seemed to have subsided. Leon had mostly come away, a strange ache in his face.

        Viktor bit the inside of his lip. His heart hurt for both the men, even if he hardly understood what lay between the two. Even as he felt anger toward Leon; even as he wondered in confusion over Riker’s story.

        There was much pain there.

        And it wasn’t the first time  Viktor seen it.

        He sighed.

        Somehow, they had to either escape this group as well, or unite fairly soon.

        Maybe they were followed, maybe they weren’t.

        The sound of his name pulled his attention to the conversation to his left.

        “…and Viktor, sir.”

        Mikkel had just introduced him to a tall man and an older boy. The boy who had been gazing into space a few moments ago. Viktor nodded a greeting and half-smiled.

        “Peace to you.”

        The other boy had to be much older than himself, more of a man than a boy. Maybe past twenty-one.

        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. Our poor traumatized babies. *sniff* Elishavet, let’s laugh and hug them, and cry! Just do them all! XDXDXD

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1558

            @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

            Our poor, dear charies.

            (Btw Mikkel still has a rather young voice, although it’s not high or squeaky or anything like that. It’s one of the only things about him which still reflects his age)


            Steve and…Bucky? Those had to be bynames. The young man seemed, tight. Lost. Mikkel tried to smile. He knew what that was like.

            How much should he tell this man? As little as possible, yet…

            “We’re in this corridor evading capture or worse, sir. How we all got here and what we’re doing together God only knows.” Mikkel pulled his helmet off, running fingers through greying hair. “This is November, Viktor, and Lieutenant Riker, sir.” Ugh. Why did he have to treat everyone he met like a senior officer? At least he hadn’t saluted.

            “And yes,” he shoved his helmet back on, right hand tightening around his rifle strap. “There are guards nearby, with wolf-hounds, none of which are pleased at our presence. I would recommend we all start moving as swiftly as possible, sir.”

            Riker seemed mostly recovered,but if they had to run, the soldier still bore a head wound.

            Mikkel glanced back at the door behind him, agonizing over each lost second.

            • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Koshka. Reason: Goof?

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @elishavet-pidyon ahh I luv Viktor!!! He’s sooo sweet!! U know we really need to get him and November talking some more somehow….


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @koshka Mikkel addressing them as sir is stinking ADORABLE especially thinking about Cap and Bucky’s army background. MOST OF THE GUYS HAVE ARMY BACKGROUNDS AND ITS GREAT


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @freedomwriter76 u wanna go next? Or u want me to


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. Yeah, I can go! 😀 @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                    “I would recommend we all start moving as swiftly as possible, sir.” The man…no…boy, by his voice, said.

                    The others began to move closer, including the three who had just been…fighting, Bucky guessed.

                    He hadn’t exactly been paying attention.

                    Bucky inched even closer to Steve.

                    He hated being surrounded. It made him feel cornered…vulnerable…and put him in a position where he couldn’t defend himself easily.

                    Plus…he had a weird feeling that…they were being watched.

                    He glanced around. But didn’t see anyone.

                    But that didn’t stop the feeling.

                    “We’d probably better get moving then. To be safe.” The newcomers turned.

                    The man, the blonde, who had introduced himself as Asher moments ago, laughed. “Sorry. I’m Asher. This is my brother Jayden, and that’s Michael.”

                    Bucky noticed the brown-haired boy, Viktor, he thought he’d heard, watching him.

                    But he looked away.

                    Bucky inched even closer to Steve.

                    And accidentally collided into him, knocking Steve’s shield to the floor. “Sorry.”

                    “It’s okay Buck.” Steve replied softly. Bent and picked up the shield.

                    “Alright then…we should probably get moving.” The man, Riker, Bucky had faintly heard, who had been on the floor earlier, said, clutching the hand of the orange haired, curly-haired boy.

                    November…or…at least that’s what Bucky thought he had heard.

                    He had three red scars over one of his eyes.

                    He stared. But then the boy noticed him watching, and Bucky looked away.

                    Clenched and unclenched his left, metal fingers.

                    He had his own scars…that he didn’t let anyone see.

                    “Are you okay?” Jayden, the other blonde…Asher’s brother…asked.

                    Bucky inched even closer to Steve. He smiled, like he was nice…but Bucky couldn’t read smiles anymore.

                    He never knew what someone intended.

                    Steve wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

                    At least Steve was here…if Bucky didn’t have his best friend…he would have had a panic attack.

                    He took in and let out deep breaths.

                    Now…hopefully he still wouldn’t have one.


                    Leon leaned against the wall across from where the others were gathered. He wasn’t in the mood for chitchat right now.

                    He had picked back up the dagger.

                    You never knew when you’d need it. Especially now that they were talking about guards and hounds.

                    Leon sighed quietly.

                    This place was already crazy.

                    These people seemed nice though…or, at least, somewhat nice.

                    Leon quietly groaned.

                    He just wanted to go home.

                    He began quietly whispering to himself in Hebrew. And to his own surprise…his heart actually stopped it’s crazy beating.

                    He smiled faintly.

                    He still needed out…but at least his heart had calmed.

                    Besides, none of them would understand what he’d said anyhow.

                    They could have their chitchat.

                    But they’d better not drag him into any conversations.

                    Leon’s being very anti-social right now. XDXDXD

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @freedomwriter76 XD Oh Leon. If Verity were here she’d be dragging him out of it.


                      I guess we could still have them in the RP, talking just don’t make actual RPs for them ya know? But we can still talk with them and redoing for them and everything!

                      We’ll just forget about Maddock and Kerwin.


                      And Sorren we know is a jerk so he shouldn’t be too difficult to write 🤣
















                      so now she decides to hang around with the villains but not let them know she’s watching a certain curly haired boy.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @godlyfantasy12. Yeah, we can do that! I have so many already tho…XD

                        AND YESSSS!!! I’D LOVE THAT!!! Poor Corvina, stuck with Viola and Hans…XD

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          We all have so many charries to keep track of. XDXDXD

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @koshka @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon


                            Riker and he had joined the others in their conversation, allowing them to get a better look at the newcomers.

                            There were…a lot of men.

                            Two blondes, standing side by side, one taller then the other. A man with dark, shaggy brown hair and…

                            Was that…metal on his arm?

                            November stared for a moment, and then found the man to also be staring at him as well.

                            He blanched, swallowing slightly.

                            To be quite honest, the guy looked a bit scary.

                            The other man standing next to him didn’t look quite as menacing, as he was dressed in much more…colorful attire, but his bulging muscles were still enough to make November a bit wary.

                            He wouldn’t want to make either of those men angry, that was for sure…

                            November’s eyes gazed over the group and he yelled in surprise.

                            Standing right beside him was a young girl with hair in color similar to his, smiling with bright eyes.

                            “Hi! I’m Verity!” She extended her hand. She was a few inches shorter then November, making him have to look down at her some.

                            He slowly shook her hand.

                            “That’s Trevyn,” she pointed to a boy around her age, who was gripping one of the blonde men’s hands, much like November was gripping Riker’s.

                            The boy paled, looking away at the attention.

                            “And that’s Jayden, and that’s Asher, and that guy groaning on the ground is a jerk named Sorren, and that’s-“ The girl went down the line, painfully reminding November of Jocelyn.

                            Once she was done she turned her attention back to Riker and he. “What’s your names!”

                            Thankfully, Riker took over, “My name’s Riker, and this November.”

                            “Nice to meet ya!”



                            (I just went ahead and had Verity introduce everyone XD so we can get moving and get to conversing)



                            also I don’t really know much about Queenie’s character Payton tbh….


                            We rlly need that RP master list but…honestly I just never get around to collecting the stuff and making it….


                            anyone else wanna make one 🤣 like literally even if it’s just the charries names, facial features/height or whatever and ages, I just need something to remember lol cuz I can’t remember most of the charries hair colors when it comes to all the guys.


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 btw since it’s been a while I’d just leave it where the charries kinda forgot about Corvina, especially because if they mention her name November will know her lol.



                              She’d left the group a while ago.

                              Yea, maybe it had been in bad taste, but honestly? They were getting on her nerves.

                              And then two more had just…shown up. Out of now where.


                              Honestly, why had she even stayed as long as she had?

                               “Beats me.”

                              Corvina pursed her lips.

                              Whatever. Point was, she didn’t have to deal with them anymore. They probably hadn’t even noticed she’d left.

                              She had a way of blending into the background.

                              Of making herself invisible.


                               “Ha! Yes…when your smart mouth doesn’t get you in trouble,” She smirked.

                              Corvina rolled her eyes.

                              She was halfway down the hall now, keeping to herself. That familiar coke, darkness creeping in.

                              Remember the mission.

                              Remember why you’re here.

                              Corvina’s steps sounded against the stone, the only sound around.

                              Until…it wasn’t.

                              She stopped.


                              Her eyes ticked.

                              Was she being followed?

                              Her back straightened and she turned, scanning the corridor. The group wasn’t too far behind, but they were far enough that they shouldn’t have sounded that close.


                              Someone else was nearby.

                              Corvina’s eyes narrowed in the darkness as she gripped the edge of her cape, a faint chill shuddering through her back.

                              “What’s wrong dear?” Her voice echoed. “Scared?”

                              Corvina swallowed, digging her nails into her palms.

                              She wasn’t scared.

                              She wasn’t a scared. Little. Girl.

                              Confidently, Corvina rounded a corner, following the voices, until she found herself face to face with two figures, mostly shadows in the torchlight.

                              “And who exactly are you two supposed to be?” She hissed.



                              (The two figures are Hans and Viola btw)


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1558


                                A master list would be helpful…I may be able to once I get some other stuff out of the way. =)

                                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @koshka that’s fine!


                                  u should be able to find some recents posts on the castle of some of the RP charries traits and such.

                                  And I can post mine when u start making the list


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