Character Castle!

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  • #118227
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @freedomwriter76 Hey girl, know ur not on much but just wondering if ur on today 😊


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @godlyfantasy12. I am now! We had church, which today was at our Pastor’s house and a potluck, so…XD But I’m here now! Also…I just love November…like…all the time. 💖💖💖 And yes, our poor…broken…boys. 😭🥺 @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. (oh, and so y’all know, just to help, my other charries are Asher, Jayden, and Michael. And also Steve and Bucky. 😊)


        The boy, November, after giving all the info he possibly could, pulled his knees up to his chest and gripped the sides of his skull.

        Leon watched him.

        He seemed fairly young…and he was comforting Riker…even when…he didn’t look like he was much happier.

        November was just a kid.

        And Riker was a man.

        But November was helping him…as if…as if…he…had somehow been in the same place.

        Leon needed out. He needed to get back to his kids…wherever they were.

        And that likely meant he’d need to work with Riker…the man he hated the most.

        But…now that his anger had subsided…and he had seen the fear in November’s eyes…a small whisper sounded in his head, telling him that it…his hatred…was completely…horribly…wrong.

        Leon kicked the dagger away.

        His eyes met November’s. “It’s okay…” he got onto one knee in front of November, “…I won’t hurt you.”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @freedomwriter76 I also had church today, that’s cool about the potluck!! I’m about to head into a meeting now but I’ll make a quick RP for November


          This stranger had…changed. Right before his eyes it seemed. He didn’t seem nearly as scary now as he had before, though November was still a bit wary as he stepped forward and knelt in front of him.

          “It’s okay…” The man began, gently, obviously feeling regretful for scaring him. Though it didn’t take much to do that… “…I won’t hurt you.”

          November released his head and slowly lowered his knees.

          Riker seemed to be getting a hold of himself, but it was a bit of a slow undertaking. November couldn’t blame him. Whatever he’d been remembering must have been pretty traumatic.

          November breathed. “Ah…” He ran a hand through his hair. “Th-thanks?” he blushed. How was he supposed to respond to this?

          “I-I’m November. And-Ah-I already said that. Heh…” he laughed awkwardly, making the man smile. Well…that was better then nothing.



          Leon can talk some now if he’d like.


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. Yeah, it was fun! 😀 I was playing with the little ones. 😛


            He smiled faintly as November laughed.

            “I’m…Leon…but…” He glanced at Riker, who seemed to be calming down…but not much. “…I guess Riker already said that…” He whispered.

            Met November’s blue eyes with his brown.

            And had to look away.

            He’d once met blue eyes all the time.

            He’d once met the blue eyes of the one person he had loved more than anyone else.

            But no longer.

            Leon ran his tongue over his lips, turning back to face November.

            He probably looked like an idiot.

            “Were you all…looking for…an exit?” He asked quietly.

            Noticed all too late that his jacket’s left sleeve was rolled up, exposing the tattooed numbers there.

            He quickly pulled his sleeve back down, biting his lip, forcing back the tears that threatened to fall.

            Hopefully no one had seen them.


            November and Leon were…somewhat hesitantly talking.

            So were the others.

            But Riker didn’t…couldn’t…do anything.

            What in the world was wrong with him!?

            Shouldn’t he have been used to feeling like a failure…being guilty…and flashbacks to his past by now!?

            His head began to throb again.






            Good for Nothing. 

            He was all of those…and so much more.

            God has a plan for you that you can’t see yet, Lieutenant. I’ll be praying for you.” 

            “…Thank you. But you don’t have to.”

            “I don’t have to do anything. But Jesus commands us to love everyone. Even enemies. And you are a man God has a wonderful purpose for, even if you don’t know what it is yet.”

            Why…why did he have to be haunted by the reminder of the woman, the wife, the mother…he’d killed?


            He knew why.

            He deserved it.

            Everyone would be better off once he was gone.

            Including November.

            Once he was gone…they’d be safe…better…and…maybe even happy.

            He would be.

            Leon hated him.

            Riker knew that.

            Accepted that.

            He’d hate himself too.

            No, scratch that.

            He did hate himself too.

            Riker ran his hands through his hair.

            Everyone would be better off…so maybe…maybe he needed to go.



              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 AHHHHH RIKER NOOO!! Also @koshka @elishavet-pidyon y’all wanna join in? And freedom do u wanna RP as ur other charries to initiate a conversation with the others?? I figured maybe we’d just ahh…magically disappear queenie’s characters for now? IDK XD unless u wanna keep them and write for them?


              An exit? Well…November honestly wasn’t sure what they were looking for at this moment…

              Only who.

              And who they’re ere trying to avoid.

              “A-Actually…we umm…we’re trying to find the rest of our group. There’s…a lot of us,” he chuckled. “All from, umm…different places? I don’t really know how to explain it. It’s kinda weird. But my three friends are with them, somewhere. We all got split up because…because….” He swallowed. How would this stranger-er-Leon, react to this information he was about to give. “the uhh, owner of this castle obviously isn’t too fond of strangers. We had to escape his guards…it…wasn’t fun.” He swallowed, remembering the terrible chaos and the growling hounds from earlier.

              He really hoped everyone was okay.

              “But yea…everyone was kinda..split up after that. My friends, and uh, these twins I know, oh! And the boy over there,” he pointed to Viktor, “his sister…” He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be saying all of this but his mouth was running away with him again.

              November looked over at Riker, who had now stopped crying, but was just staring ahead, his eyes glazed over. “And…and Riker’s daughter, Naja.”

              The man seemed  snap back to attention, staring at November. November winced. Maybe that had been a mistake…

              But…truth be told, he’d kinda hoped hearing his daughter’s name would help pull Riker out of whatever deep pit he now found himself in.

              Just like Ara did for November.


              Man, did he miss her.

              November stared at Riker for a moment before leaning over and whispering, “You…you gonna be okay?”

              The man didn’t answer.

              Leon watched standing once again, his eyes returning to their steely expression as he turned away. November tried to ignore it.

              And, while November wasn’t exactly sure where it came from, quietly he spoke,

              “You’re daughter needs you, Riker.”

              Tears sprang from Riker’s eyes and he shook his head. November swallowed, his mind whirling. Something inside of him was moving, beating, filling his heart with words that he didn’t quite understand, but knew to be true.

              He gripped the man’s hand, a sign of comfort he knew from experience.

              “And…and…” November tightened his lips, unsure of how to say the next part, though his mind was screaming.

              “And I need you…”

              Riker blinked, looking at the boy.

              November frowned, looking away, embarrassed slightly. He felt a bit silly at the moment, unused to being this transparent with anyone other then Arabella.

              “I…I don’t have anyone here…” November whispered.

              He felt a bit bad, saying that. Knowing that Viktor and Mikkel were only a few feet away. But…honestly, Riker made him feel safe. Something about the man…connected with him. Like…like he understood him.

              Just like Ara did. But also…different at the same time.

              He turned back to Riker, “You said we’d find them. And…I need your help. To find my friends. To find…” He shrugged, “To find my best friend.” His ears turned red, and he couldn’t help but notice the small smile on Riker’s face.

              Once this was all over her was sure the man was going to ask about her again. Sigh.

              Oh well.

              He was pretty obvious, wasn’t he…

              “And now…we have more people in the same position…who-who need help. Just like me. And-and you can help them. So…” November‘s brows furrowed. He groaned.


              “I’m really bad at this aren’t I?”


                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1558

                @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

                Sorry y’all. I try to stay off my phone over the weekend, but here’s a quick RP.


                What do I do? Riker was weeping on the floor, obviously plagued by ghosts. The passage behind them could fill with war-dogs and guards at any moment, and a hord of people filled this hall, each one stranger than the last.

                Thankfully the man called Leon had disposed of his dagger. Mikkel did not want a knife fight right now. Or ever again.

                November was talking to Riker, his soft words strangely familiar. The soldier was responding even if he didn’t realize it.

                He glanced over at Victor’s narrowed eyes and moving lips.

                Prayer. The one thing that changed anything. Mikkel should know. His left leg grumbled in reply to the day’s exertions, but it was still there.

                He was still there.


                Mikkel turned back to the men in front of him. Was that man wearing hose? If so that was the strangest doublet he had ever seen. (Btw, I know almost nothing about Marvel costumes, or practically any other Marvel thing so…just running off a vague hunch)

                “I am Mikkel Winston,” his heels clicked even as his rifle’s safety snapped in place. “King’s Mariner, 2nd division.” He bowed, a straight, formal bow, then slung his rifle back over his shoulder. His face remained cool although concern for Riker bore into its lines.

                But what can I do?

                • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Koshka.

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. Here, pics of what Steve and Bucky are wearing. Godly and Keilah know what they look like, but for y’all! 😀

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    And…Bucky. Basically tactical gear all over. XDXDXD And multiple guns…XDXDXD

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @godlyfantasy12. Yeah…uhm…I guess we can make them disappear. Or we could keep them, we just wouldn’t write from their POVs? IDK either. XDXDXD @koshka. And you’re good girl! Totally understand! 😀 @elishavet-pidyon. Oh, btw, y’all, that outfit Steve’s wearing in the pic isn’t quite it. His pants in the RP are more closely related to tights, so…XD But yeah, that’s basically his outfit. 😉


                      “I’m really bad at this aren’t I?”

                      Riker laughed.


                      “No…November…not at all.” He wrapped his arms around November, holding him close. “You pulled me out…you…you really did…thank you…”

                      He bit his lip.

                      What he was about to say…did it need to be said?

                      …He knew it did.

                      “And…and I need you too.”

                      AWWWWWW!!!!!! 💖💖💖


                      “I am Mikkel Winston, King’s Mariner, 2nd division.” The man bowed, then flung his rifle back over his shoulder.

                      Steve felt Bucky inch closer to him, gun still in hand.

                      Steve slightly lowered his shield. These people…they didn’t seem like threats.

                      “Nice to meet you, Mikkel. I’m Steve Rogers…and this is my friend-”

                      “Bucky.” Bucky interrupted, his grip on his gun tightening.

                      His knuckles were even turning white.

                      “Buck…it’s okay. Release…just a little…”

                      Bucky looked up at him, and both of their blue eyes met.

                      Bucky wasn’t ready…and…he looked terrified.

                      “Again, nice to meet you. My friend…Bucky…he’s just a little…cautious.” Steve whispered, giving Bucky a worried glance, but Bucky wasn’t even paying attention anymore…lost in space. “Hey…Buck.”

                      Bucky jumped and turned to him. “…What?”

                      “Are you okay?”

                      Bucky scoffed and turned away. “I’m fine, Steve.”

                      Steve sighed and turned back to Mikkel. “Sorry about that. What are all of you doing here anyways? I mean…I think that boy said you got here by accident…but what’s the plan? Are there any guards close by?”

                      Also y’all…I just realized…Riker, Jayden, Bucky, AND Steve ALL have PTSD…that makes 4 of my characters just in this RP…tho Steve’s doesn’t come on as often as the other 3…but still…

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        I hope November knows Riker wasn’t laughing at him….but since he knows Riker…that wouldn’t be the case, right?

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 oh yea he knows 😊



                          Riker had laughed, and, it had broken the tension immediately. November felt himself relax as the man squeezed him, and he let out a breath, relishing the touch.

                          (pretty positive both Ara and November’s love language is physical touch btw)

                          “No…November…not at all. You pulled me out…you…you really did…thank you…”

                          November’s heart swelled.

                          He’d…he’d really done something. He breathed, thankful that he hadn’t messed this up, like he often did everything else.

                          “And…and I need you too.”

                          November’s eyes widened slightly. Had…had he heard that right?

                          Riker needed him?

                          That…that couldn’t be right, could it?

                          No one ever really needed him. He was always just there. 

                          Just like now.

                          It wasn’t like he’d known what to do in this situation…

                          Had Ara been here, she would’ve handled it so much better…

                          Yet…Riker had said he needed him.

                          And…Ara always said the same thing….

                          November shuffled in Riker’s grasp, leaning in closer.

                          He knew that Ara would never lie to him…and Riker probably hadn’t meant to…

                          They were just…misinformed. 

                          Because no one really needed him.

                          Who would ever need silly kid like you?

                          Yea…they just…didn’t know what they were saying.

                          But hey! That-that’s okay.

                          November understood.

                          He always understood.

                          He leaned away from Riker’s grip, forcing a smile. “Ah..should we go join Mikkel and Viktor?” He glanced at Leon, wondering exactly how this was all going to work. Hopefully the man would be able to travel peaceably with Riker, at least for now.





                          (my poor baby November 🥺💔😭)


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12. Woooh. Good. *lets out a deep sigh* I’m gonna let Elishavet RP, then maybe do another one. 🙂 Can’t wait till Bucky notices both Riker and November’s scars…heh…that’ll lead to something. 😉

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @elishavet-pidyon u on?


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @keilah-h @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 also….who’s turn was it in the other groups XD


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. Keilah went last, then Koshka before her, then me, then you for Zlatan, Ezra, Eva, etc. And the other group…Koshka went last and before that me, because…well…Franz! XD

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