Character Castle!

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  • #118103
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1558

      @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

      I have a mild headache right now, so my writing may be a little off kilter.


      Naja was falling asleep. Poor lass. Zlatan shifted the shield on his back. She couldn’t have slept long last night.

      And why? Because the idiot castle lord had a score to settle with Lynn and Nyx. And where were they, or any other one of the group?Ā Where is Vulk? Fled somewhere, scattered across an unknown fortress. Or worse.

      Forget any personal matters against this creature, he had put children in peril, attacked them with war-dogs.

      The gold in his eyes turned molten, calm fury stoking its fire.

      Mere children. Innocents.

      The fury turned to wrath, hidden now behind a stone mask.

      Ezra’s voice broke in. ā€œIs everyone okay with continuing? We should probably try to find the others.ā€

      “Agreed.” But Zlatan wanted to find someone else too.

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @koshka Ocranā€™s gonna have a bad day when he meets the twins


        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4732

          @godlyfantasy12 Aww, Nyx, don’t be like that! I promise Jareth’s only trying to help! Crosshair…not so much, but he’s protective, y’know?

          @freedomwriter76 (who will be taking a break from this as you all know) @elishavet-pidyon



          “Name’s Nyx.” grumbled the little fox. He was clearly depressed.

          Jareth was sort of proud he’d remembered a long word like “depressed.”

          But it meant “sad.”

          And that made him sad, too.

          “Is everyone okay with continuing?” Ezra asked.

          Jareth’s father nodded. “We need to keep moving.”



          Naja was falling asleep, and Jareth looked tired too, although he was clearly too busy trying to communicate with Nyx to notice.

          Crosshair kept his hand on his weapon, just in case Nyx decided to snap, but he wasn’t too afraid. Jareth had been bitten by Crow a number of times.

          Zlatan muttered something. Crosshair turned to look at him. “What’d you say?”

          “I said–“–Zlatan’s heavily accented voice began–“–I have a score to settle with the lord of this castle. Threatening children.”

          “Hmm.” Crosshair had never thought of who was behind the attacks. But now that Zlatan had mentioned it…..

          Who was the villain here?

          Kari’s stronghold–or any Icebreaker’s, or Cipher’s–would’ve been a good deal more technologically advanced.

          The Element King was dead. And his guards wouldn’t have been human, or have dogs with them.

          It had to have been a villain from someone else’s universe.

          Which meant he wouldn’t be used to the weapons and tactics that the other worlds used.

          Good, Crosshair thought, his grip tightening on his rifle as his fingers moved close to the trigger.


          (Ocran had better watch out! Crosshair is sorta in a I-want-to-end-someone mood right now……although that is something of his NORMAL mood…..)

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645



            November found himself shaking, listening as this man-this stranger berated Riker.

            Who was heā€¦?

            They obviously knew each other.

            But the things he was sayingā€¦

            Could they really be true?

            November glanced at Rikerā€™s face.

            Shame and guilt clouded his expression. Riker held a quiet brokenness November had seen all too many times. He stood still, his clenched fists shaking, quietly taking in the berating and tongue-lashing.

            And while the things this man was sayingā€¦November couldnā€™t just ignoreā€¦

            He also felt he knew Riker.

            The real Riker.

            Not whoever this man was speaking of.

            Perhaps heā€™d been that way in the past. But not anymore.

            November had met this new Riker now. The kind, gentle soul whoā€™d protected him. Made him feel safe.

            Whoā€™dā€¦whoā€™d stood up against his father, but still loved him all the same.

            This man who seemed so abjectly different from Novemberā€¦in everything! After all, Riker was brave and smart and resilientā€¦.

            Yetā€¦nowā€¦looking at himā€¦

            And the way he just stood there, taking in every horrid thing this man saidā€¦with suchā€¦grief and shame on his featuresā€¦.

            November wondered if they werenā€™tĀ exactlyĀ the same.


            Despite his shaking and raw nerves, something inside November began to burn. He bit his bottom lip, looking from Riker to this stranger, waiting for Riker to say something-anything-to defend himself. But he didnā€™t.

            Was this how November had looked withā€¦

            He shook his head. Noā€¦thatā€¦thatā€™s as entirely different. That was his father..he had to listen to his father, right?

            Novemberā€™s fists clenched and he stepped out from behind Riker, straightening himself up.

            At full height, he could reach the two menā€™s shoulders, but they were fairly tall, and he still felt intimidated having to look up at them.

            But he did.

            Forcing his eyes to meet this strangerā€™s he glared, stepping in front of Riker.

            ā€œEnough!ā€ He cried, hating his shaky voice. ā€œL-Leave him alone! You donā€™t have any right to come in here and talk to him like that! Soā€¦so justā€¦ā€ November stumbled, trying to find the right words, emotion gripping his chest. ā€œStop. Leave him alone.ā€ He looked back up at the man, trying hard to hold his gaze.





            Aww my baby!! U got this!



              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. @godlyfantasy12. Alright…so…I won’t be on here much…BUT GIRL, GODLY, I CANNOT IGNORE THISSSSSS!!!!!!!!! NOVEMBERRRRR!!!!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

              I MUST RP FOR THIS!!!!! (So…I might still be active in the castle…but don’t expect much else, hehe. šŸ˜‚)


              ā€œStop. Leave him alone.ā€ November ordered, keeping his gaze level with Leon.

              Riker blinked.

              When had he stepped in front of him?

              November shouldn’t defend him…he was a murderer…he’d killed Leon’s wife…hundreds…thousands…maybe even millions of others…November shouldn’t defend him.

              “Are you using a child to defend yourself now?” Leon asked, snarled, even. His eyes sparked.

              November needed to be out of the way.

              Riker didn’t know where this was heading…and he didn’t know if it would end well…he reached for November. Touched his shoulder. “November…don’t…don’t get involved.”

              (alright…so…I know I said I’d be leaving for now…but I saw this and couldn’t stand by. XD Maybe it’s just my love for November…who knows! XDXDXD)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @freedomwriter76 lol! Yea thatā€™s fine!


                Rikerā€™s hand settled on his shoulder, a gentle comfort, but November wasnā€™t swayed. He looked back at the caring man heā€™d come to feel comfortable with. Saw the sadness in his eyesā€¦

                He clenched his fists at the words this stranger had spoken.

                ā€œN-No!ā€ November insisted.

                Viktor and Mikkel were watching from a distance, eyes ticking back and forth from this conversation to the group outside the door, unsure of what might happen next, and preparing for anything.

                November narrowed his eyes once more at the stranger. ā€œHeā€™s notĀ makingĀ me do anything!ā€ Anger boiled inside of him, making the timbre of his voice change slightly. ā€œI donā€™t care what you think he did, or what you say about him! Youā€¦you donā€™t have any right! Youā€¦you donā€™tā€¦ā€ November swallowed, a lump forming in his throat, his own feelings and emotions mixing in with his speech.

                For a moment, he found himself not looking into the eyes of a stranger, but a man he knew all too well, with dark blue eyes and a steely gaze thatā€¦never ceases to make November feel like the disappointment he was.

                ā€œHeā€¦.he doesnā€™t deserveā€¦ā€ November choked, unsure now if he was speaking for Rikerā€¦.orā€¦.

                November felt the hand on his shoulder squeeze gently, anchoring him back to reality.

                ā€œNovemberā€¦ā€ Rikerā€™s voice was soft, almost mournful.

                ā€œHeā€¦he doesnā€™t deserve what you said.ā€ November finished, breaking eye contact with this stranger. ā€œSo justā€¦leave him be.ā€




                Ma boiiii


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12. NOVEMBERRR!!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ’– (Girl…let’s just totally kidnap Riker and November and keep them safe…XD)

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 do u wanna RP again real quick while ur on or nah


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      Also IKR!!!


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @godlyfantasy12. Yeah! One sec…I’m writing more of my AU charries. XD

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12. (alright…let’s kidnap them. You with me? XD)


                          ā€œSo justā€¦leave him be.ā€

                          Leon watched the orange, curly-haired boy…who had thrown himself in front of Riker.

                          He raised an eyebrow.

                          Didn’t deserve it?


                          He’d killed Aadelheide…and she…was only one…among many.

                          He glanced at Riker over the boy’s, who Riker had called November’s, head.

                          Their eyes met. “…You haven’t told them…have you?”

                          Oh…my poor boys…*sigh*


                          “…You haven’t told them…have you?”

                          Leon’s words hurt like a punch to the gut.

                          He hadn’t…he hadn’t…told them what he’d done.

                          They were kind to him…but if they knew who he really was…what he’d really done…they wouldn’t have been so kind.

                          Riker carefully, slowly, stepped up to stand beside November.

                          Gripped November’s shoulders. “November…don’t…you…you don’t know what I’ve done…”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 AHHHH RIKER!!! Here we goā€¦Novemberā€™s gonna make ya all emotionalā€¦

                            Here we go.


                            ā€œNovemberā€¦donā€™tā€¦youā€¦you donā€™t know what Iā€™ve doneā€¦ā€

                            Riker turned November to face him. The manā€™s eyes held his, displaying all of the emotions that he felt in that moment.

                            ā€œI..I havenā€™t done good thingsā€¦ā€ He looked away, utter shame claiming his features, making lines in his face.

                            Novemberā€™s heart clenched. The words made the cogs inā€™s his brain spiral with curiosity. Heā€™d heard what this stranger had spoken.

                            Had Riker truly killed someone? Maybeā€¦more then one person?

                            November swallowed the queasiness rising to his stomach. He forced his gaze back into the kind manā€™s sad, broken eyes.


                            It was trueā€¦

                            He couldnā€™t just bypass what had been spoken.


                            Whatever had happened, whatever Riker had done, was obviously a regret. One that weighed heavy, daily. Never ceasing.

                            And November understood how that felt.

                            He sucked in a breathe.

                            ā€œYouā€™reā€¦youā€™re right.ā€ He whispered.

                            Riker looked back into the boyā€™s face, eyes shining with what seemed to be a mix of relief but alsoā€¦extreme despair.

                            November continued, ā€œYouā€™re right. I-I donā€™t know what youā€™ve done. I donā€™t know whatĀ anyĀ of you have done.ā€

                            He released his sigh.

                            ā€œButā€¦youā€¦you donā€™t know what Iā€™ve done either.ā€ It was Novemberā€™s turn to look away.

                            ā€œAndā€¦I donā€™t have to know. I donā€™t have to know about anything that youā€™ve done. I donā€™tĀ needĀ to know.ā€

                            Riker opened his mouth to speak but November didnā€™t let him.

                            ā€œBecause I know you.ā€



                            BTW THIS IS A MEMORY OF NOVEMBERā€™S AND IS IN MY WIP- wanted to feature it in this RP



                            ā€œNovember! Ah, Iā€™m so glad to see you! I-I didnā€™t know where youā€™d gone, and I didnā€™t have time to find you, but now youā€™re here! And youā€™re real! Youā€™re not a dream.ā€ Ara wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning her head into his shoulder, spouting nonsense.

                            Most other times November wouldā€™ve awkwardly returned her embrace, flushing beet red or laughing nervously, but nowā€¦?

                            Howā€¦how could he possibly accept her arms around himā€¦knowing what he knew?

                            Knowing what heā€™d doneā€¦

                            ā€œNovember?ā€ Ara whispered, her voice tickling his ear. She leaned back, her worried eyes searching his own. ā€œNovember, whatā€™s-ā€œ Her eyes glanced down and she gasped, jumping back as she caught sight of his singed sleeves and raw arms.Ā 

                            ā€œNovember! W-What happened?! Iā€¦Iā€¦Youā€™reā€¦youā€™re burntā€¦ā€ Gently, she reached out her hands to take his arms, but he jerked away, shame making his stomach squeeze. Her brows raised. ā€œN-November?ā€

                            He held his arms close, knowing he probably looked like a scared animal, butā€¦at the moment he didnā€™t know what else to do. All he could see was Araā€¦

                            Perfect, beautiful Ara.

                            And how quickly sheā€™d leave him once she knewā€¦knew what heā€™d doneā€¦

                            He bit his bottom lip, lifting a hand to tug violently at his curls.

                            ā€œNovember. November, look at me, please. D-Did I do something wrong? What-what happened while I wasā€¦ā€ She grimaced, ā€œAsleep?ā€

                            He squeezed his eyes shut at her words, jerking his curls.

                            Until his scalp was raw. Until small strands of hair ripped from his head and flecks of blood shown on his nails.

                            Ara cried out in distress, grabbing his arm to try and stop him.

                            And thenā€¦he began to cry.

                            Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

                            Now not only had he messed up, big time, but he looked like an utter fool. A complete idiot. Ara was going to abandon himā€¦and the last time sheā€™d see him would be like thisā€¦a mess.

                            The mess he was.

                            ā€œNovember STOP!ā€ November felt his body jerk back as his entire body was enveloped in warmth. His eyes opened to find Ara, face buried into his chest.Ā 

                            Her arms wrapped around his stomach, holding him tight. His muscles relaxed as the steady beat of her heart against his kept his breaths steady.

                            His shoulders shook with tears he tried to keep in, but eventually they came out, and he relinquished to laying his head against his friendā€™s shoulder, allowing her to comfort him.

                            He felt like a fool.

                            Butā€¦he needed this.

                            ā€œI-Iā€™m soā€¦Iā€™m so sorryā€¦ā€ He choked.

                            He felt Araā€™s head shuffle against him. She looked up. ā€œSorry? Novemberā€¦what are you sorry for?ā€

                            His shoulders slumped. ā€œMyā€¦My fatherā€¦heā€¦heā€¦ā€ His throat closed for a moment and he had to force the words out. ā€œHeā€™s a traitor, Ara. Heā€™s a traitor.ā€

                            Ara was silent, and he could hear his own heartbeat drumming in his ears.

                            What would she say?

                            Ā ā€œAnd..And Iā€¦ā€ He clenched his fists, ā€œI helped himā€¦ā€ Tears streaked down his face. ā€œI betrayed everyoneā€¦.ā€

                            Ā ā€œOh, Novemberā€¦ā€

                            Ā ā€œI betrayed your family! I-I betrayed Aā€™Grend!ā€ He was struggling to breathe now. ā€œYour grandfather trusted me! Andy you-you almostā€¦you couldā€™veā€¦ā€

                            ā€œNovember, stop.ā€ Ara leaned back.

                            ā€œAnd all this time. Heā€™s been thereā€¦all this time. And Iā€¦I never knew. Iā€™m so stupid! Iā€™m soā€¦stupid.ā€

                            ā€Youā€™re not stupid, November.ā€ Ara raised a hand to wipe away a few of his tears, but more soon took over. ā€œItā€™sā€¦itā€™s not your fault. He used you, November. He used you. None of this is your fault.ā€

                            November shook his head. ā€œNoā€¦I-Iā€¦it isā€¦ā€ He ran a hand through his curls, his scalp now raw from tugging constantly.Ā 

                            ā€œNovember, look at me.ā€ He didnā€™t. ā€œLook at me. Please.ā€

                            Slowly, he turned his eyes to meet hers, a shudder running through his spine.

                            This was it. He was a traitor now.

                            Now sheā€™d abandon him. Leave him. see him for the failure he was.Ā 

                            His father was right.

                            Butā€¦as blue met brown, all he could see in Araā€™s eyes wasā€¦his friend.

                            The same things he always saw when he looked in her eyes were there; love, and joy.Ā 

                            ā€œNovember, youā€™re not a traitor. You havenā€™t betrayed any of us.ā€


                            Ara shook her head. ā€œNovemberā€¦would you really do anything to put Aā€™Grend in harms way? Or my family? Or me?ā€

                            November swallowed, thinking on the question.

                            The answer was obviously no. Butā€¦heĀ had. Hadnā€™t he? Unwittingly butā€¦stillā€¦

                            ā€œN-Noā€¦I guess not, but-ā€œ

                            ā€œNovember, trust me, thereā€™s nothing to apologize for.ā€

                            ā€œBut Iā€¦ā€ he looked away, guilt still eating at him. ā€œI lost the journalā€¦ā€

                            Araā€™s face contorted, but only for a second before her soft smile returned.

                            ā€œAh, November. It-It doesnā€™t matter. What matters,ā€ she took her hands in his and he warmed at the touch, ā€œIs you.ā€Ā 

                            ā€œBut my dad said-ā€œ

                            ā€œHeā€™s a liar, November. Always has been.ā€ Ara sighed, looking away. ā€œAnd Iā€¦I shouldā€™veā€¦done something. For you.ā€

                            ā€œBut how do you know?ā€

                            Araā€™s smile brightened.

                            Ā ā€œBecause. I know you.ā€



                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. Our babies!!!!! *sobs* NOVEMBER, YOU ARE THE SWEETEST CINNAMON ROLL EVERRRRRR!!!!!! šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–


                              ā€œBecause I know you.ā€

                              Riker’s head throbbed.

                              His body trembled.

                              And tears began to course down his cheeks.

                              “No…you…you…you don’t.”

                              “I do.” November insisted.

                              “No…you…you don’t…” The faces floated before his eyes.

                              Aadelheide. Fin. Jennie. Jezyk.Ā 

                              He’d killed them…all of them.

                              He was nothing but a murderer.

                              Nothing but a mistake…just like Franz said.

                              Riker’s head throbbed.

                              So many…so many innocent people.

                              His body trembled with the weight of it.

                              And he collapsed, onto the floor, sitting on the hard cobblestone.

                              He was a murderer.

                              Nothing but a mistake.

                              Everyone had been right…they always had been…always would be.

                              A heart-rending sob escaped, straight from the depths of his heart…powered by guilt, regret, and shame.

                              And he couldn’t stop.


                              November got down onto the floor with Riker.

                              Riker had killed his wife…he deserved whatever was coming to him.

                              Yet this kid…trusted him.

                              Believed in him, even.


                              His body ached, bled, and throbbed from the beating the violent guard had delivered.Ā 

                              The snow only added to the agony, but at least it was slowly making his body numb.

                              But Leon wasn’t sure how much longer he could stay conscious.Ā 

                              Footsteps sounded, and he prepared himself for more blows.Ā 

                              But none came.

                              Hands reached for him, arms steadied him, and Leon struggled to even stand. He groaned as sudden, forceful pain shot from the fresh wounds.

                              “It’s going to be okay. I’ll get you somewhere safe to heal…”

                              His eyes met Riker’s.Ā 

                              But more pain came, and his world faded into darkness.

                              November began talking to Riker, as Riker rocked back and forth and sobbed…guilt-filled tears coursing down his cheeks.

                              Riker looked so…hurt.




                              He’d killed Aadelheide…he’d killed Leon’sĀ wife.Ā 

                              Riker had killed Aadelheide…so many others…and Leon hated him for it.

                              “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

                              It didn’t matter.

                              Riker was a murderer.

                              Murder was wrong.

                              Leon had good reason to hate him.

                              And he did.

                              But even still…his grip on the dagger began to loosen.

                              Riker had killed Aadelheide.

                              Killed so many.

                              Innocent men.




                              “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

                              Leon hated Riker.

                              But…down…deep inside…in the places he refused to acknowledge…

                              he knew…

                              …deep inside, he knew…




                              …that it was wrong.Ā 

                              The dagger hit the floor with a clang.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                Oooh…Leon’s gonna at least work with Riker…wow, y’all, I’m kinda surprised he was so willing to let the dagger go. XD

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 AGH RIKER MY HEART! AND NOVEMBER MY BABY!!! UGH THESE GUYS šŸ’”šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗšŸ„¹


                                  Riker wasā€¦sobbing now. On the floor.

                                  Viktor and Mikkel wereā€¦at a loss.

                                  Everyone was. Even the strangers behind the door.

                                  And November..?

                                  He wasnā€™t sure what to do eitherā€¦

                                  Ara was so much better at this then himā€¦

                                  If only she were here.

                                  But she wasnā€™t.

                                  It was just himā€¦


                                  Was soā€¦


                                  November hadnā€™t seen someone like this everā€¦

                                  Wellā€¦not a grown person anyway.

                                  Butā€¦heā€™d seen Araā€¦in a moment like this. A moment where she didnā€™t know which way to turn.

                                  And while he felt so unqualified, just as he did now, he was the only one there to comfort this broken vessel.

                                  Andā€¦seeing the grown man in this way.The man whoā€™s comforted him, and protected him. Kept him calm without Araā€¦

                                  It broke his heart too.

                                  ā€œR-Riker..ā€ November whispered, bending down to sit with the man. ā€œI-Iā€™m sorry, I..I didnā€™t mean.ā€ He winced. Maybe an apology wasnā€™t the best comfortā€¦

                                  Soā€¦he took one from Araā€™s notebook.

                                  Though he was much more awkward then she, November slowly wrapped his arms around the man-a lot more cumbersome then his hugs with Ara-and held him gently. Riker continued to cry; wether or not he realized he was being held by a boy twice his size, November wasnā€™t sure.

                                  they sat there for a while, November trying his best to comfort the man, thoughā€¦he wasnā€™t sure how well he was doing.

                                  Aghā€¦he really wished Ara were here. Or Jocelynā€¦.

                                  Or any girlā€¦.

                                  They were always better at this.

                                  Which was made apparent by the lack of Mikkel and Viktor stepping in. Though, maybe that was also because they were still keeping watch at the door, just in case anyā€¦violence broke out. November shuddered, hopping it didnā€™t come to that.

                                  Butā€¦he wasnā€™t sure.

                                  A Loud clang made him jerk, releasing Riker. He turned around, eyes wide, looking at the stranger whoā€™d berated Riker who had a strange, foreign look on his face.

                                  On the ground near his boot was a shining dagger.

                                  Novemberā€™s heart thudded against his chest.

                                  W-When had he pulled that outā€¦had he beenā€¦was he really going toā€¦

                                  November looked up at the stranger with a newfound fear in his eyes, realization hitting him.

                                  Heā€™dā€¦stood up to that manā€¦

                                  Would he have stabbed him too?

                                  November swallowed, anxiety once again overtaking him.

                                  He really was a stupid boyā€¦

                                  The man was just staring now.

                                  November glanced behind him for some help from his fellow group, butā€¦apparently the reason they hadnā€™t was because they were now tied up in a conversation with the others (Ik Queenieā€™s is either removed or something. But figured @koshka and @elishavet-pidyon maybe yā€™all could go ahead and start conversing with Freedomā€™s other charries in this scene while weā€™re talking over here? XD up to u)

                                  Leaving November to initiate conversation between these two men.

                                  One who seemed extremely dangerous. And angry.

                                  And the other who was kind, and sweet, and November knew, butā€¦was now a puddle of tears.

                                  November swallowed staring up at this dark-haired man. He gently positioned himself in front of Riker, feeling not so brave himself, but still a bit protective.

                                  He sucked in a breath, trying to return the normal, boyish color to his face.

                                  ā€œUhā€¦I-I uhhā€¦ā€ Novemberā€™s hand went to his head and instinctively tugged at his strawberry blonde curls.

                                  The man stared at Riker, and then, his eyes moved to November andā€¦softened slightly.

                                  Or maybe that was his imagination.

                                  He let out a rough, long sigh.

                                  November took that as his cue to continue. Exceptā€¦once he got startedā€¦his mouth wouldnā€™t stop.

                                  ā€œUmm..Soā€¦ahā€¦I-I guess..M-Maybe we-we got started off on the wrong foot..?ā€ He squeaked. ā€œI-I meanā€¦I-Iā€™m November! already Know Riker-ā€œ He winced, mentally slapping himself.

                                  Please donā€™t get mad. Please donā€™t stab anyone.

                                  ā€œUM. We-we found ourselves in this uh-castle? Place? Our friend Viktor knows where we are, but we donā€™t, and know weā€™re kinda stuck here, but, umm, itā€™s not theĀ worseĀ thingā€¦I mean..we have our friends! Well..actually we all got separated..but umm..ā€ He blanched, ā€œWhy am I saying all of this..?ā€Ā He hissed under his breath, gripping the sides of his skull and pulling his knees up.

                                  This wasā€¦not going super wellā€¦.





                                  AAAAAND ma awkward bean is back baby šŸ˜‚



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