Character Castle!

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  • #117875
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 612


      So what you’re saying is a super huge group and potentially a lot more trauma? XD


        • Rank: Chosen One
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          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          How about you @koshka, think the groups could merge? 😉

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 612

            @freedomwriter76 *rolls eyes* Oh boy


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @queen_of_alvastia. Character development Queenie, Character Development! XD

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 612

                @freedomwriter76 All right all right….just keep reminding me of that okay? Only one rule: NO ONE BETTER TOUCH TREVYN!! I can turn Verity from a sweet fangirl to an avenging angel if necessary 😉 (Hmmm come to think of it that might be interesting)


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @queen_of_alvastia. I will. XD

                  And DON’T WORRY! The group I’m talking about…they’re all nice! Mikkel, Viktor, Riker, and November, if they hurt anyone, wouldn’t without good reason. 😉


                  I’m totally not overprotective of my charries…XD

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 612

                    @freedomwriter76 XD

                    YAY!! Trevyn needs more nice guys in his life!! XD

                    Ooh wait we’re going to have some Leon/Riker tension aren’t we?

                    AND I WILL HELP YOU!!!

                    oh no never, why would I think that of you?! XD


                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 612

                      @freedomwriter76 By the way….if we do this whole “merge group thing” I kind of want to take Payton out (I feel like his character is pretty good and his story’s almost over anyway) and put either Maddock or Kerwin in….just an idea!


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 oh man
.little does Naja know


Arabella’s grandmother or Ammi, has also passed
but it actually brings a lot of

                        đŸ„șđŸ„ș😭😭 hoo boi


                        @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


                        Ara’s chest tightened and heart throat clamped as she momentarily forgot how to breathe.

                        She couldn’t control the sudden onslaught of emotion that gripped her and the tears that slid down the corners of her eyes as Naja continued about her Oma.

                        The little girl didn’t seem to notice, however, as she was petting crow, enthralled by the little creature.

                        Ara was grateful, as she didn’t want to upset the little girl, but at the same time, she desperately wished someone would free her from the sudden panic that gripped her heart.

                        Thankfully, the conversation was halted by Ezra’s sudden halt, and a loud thud behind the door. It jarred her from her thoughts, helping her breathe once again.


she had things to do.

                        She had people to care for

                        She..she couldn’t think about those things
not now

                        “What is it?” Naja asked softly.

                        “I don’t know.” Ara whispered.

                        “Who’s there?”

                        The footsteps grew, and Ara’s nerves tightened.

                        Until an all too familiar hiss sounded.


                        The door opened.

                        “Crosshair?” Ezra raised a brow.

                        Indeed, facing them all was a group of four; Zlatan, Crosshair, Eva and-


                        Ara’s heart lit with joy.

                        A quick reunion began, with Naja wiggling towards Nyx, who quickly hissed at the young girl.

                        “No, no darling. He’s in a bad mood right now. Arabella, dear, how are you?”

                        Ara barely registered her words, setting Naja down. The little girl stood by, obviously a bit wary after Eva’s warning.

                        “Oh, fine, fine,” Ara said without much meaning behind it. She was more focused on her little friend. His eyes were big and wide and he was steadily making his way toward her, a smile on his maw.

                        But that wasn’t what caught her attention.

.” She breathed, bending to sit on her knees. “You’re limping.”

                        Nyx huffed and looked away, a hint of a blush on his fur. “Meh. It’s nothing.”

                        Ara’s brows arched in concern as the little fox made his way to her and she gently took him into her arms with no complaints.

                        Zlatan, Eva and Crosshair watched silently.

                        “I vouldn’t say nothing, but it should heal.” Zlatan commented.

                        Ara blinked.

.heard Nyx?

                        She glanced at the fox. He groaned, annoyed. “Yea, yea
I kinda didn’t have a choice in the matter

                        Ara smiled slightly, gently stroking Nyx’s fur. “Well
in that case, perhaps you wouldn’t mind speaking to everyone now?”

                        ”Don’t push it.”


                        ”You’re not Lyn
.” He ruffled, looking around. “Speaking of

we haven’t found her
” Ara frowned at the reminder.

                        Nyx’s ears lowered. Ara sighed, “Nyx, everyone here is trying to find the others. It would be easier if I didn’t have to communicate everything you say.”

                        He narrowed his eyes, glaring at her. Then sighed.

” He sighed.

                        Standing in Ara’s lap, as best he could with a limp paw, Nyx turned his attention to Ezra and the two kids. “So, uh, you can hear me now. You’re welcome.”



                        XD luv him.


                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1560


                          Go ahead, as long as Godlyfantasy is fine with it. =)

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1560


                            He’s adorable!

                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @keilah-h


                              He could tell Riker was still in a bit of pain, and his bumping into him hadn’t helped matter.

                              Stupid! He scolded himself.

                              Why was he such a klutz all the time?

                              He grimaced, tugging at his curls. Riker turned, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. November flinched slightly.

                              “It’s fine, November. It wasn’t your fault.” The man smiled kindly. November tried to return it, but faltered.

                              It was his fault though

                              It was always his fault.

                              Riker turned his attention back to Viktor. “Viktor, what were you looking at?”

                              “That door over there.” He pointed.

                              At the end of the darkened hall was a lone door, standing at attention, daring someone to open it.

                              Well that wasn’t foreboding at all

                              November tapped his foot anxiously, wincing when it made noise in the otherwise soundless room. Mikkel glanced at him and he chuckled, the tips of his ears turning red. (Luv my awkward cinnamon roll XD)

                              “Do we continue?” Mikkel asked.

                              Viktor frowned, obviously unsure himself. November was thankful he wasn’t in his position. He’d hate having to be the leader in any scenario, but much less in one that could potentially put them all in danger.

                              Not that he didn’t trust Viktor! Agh
that wasn’t what he meant

                              He shook his head.

                              Viktor seemed very capable of leadership

                              Of fighting.

                              Of a lot of things.

                              November was only good at


                              Falling on his face. Falling flat on his back. Falling off towers. Falling from stairs. Falling out of his own bed-yes it’s happened.

                              Falling in lo-

                              “Well, it seems to be the only way forward, so I guess so
” Viktor shrugged.

                              November jolted, his face turning crimson, as if he’d been caught in his own thoughts.

                              Light One, was he glad no one here was a mind reader




                              XD I loved writing those last parts!!!!



                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. Oh noo….poor Arabella. 😭😭😭 Oh Nyx…*shakes head and laughs* XD

                                . YES HE DOES!!! *hugs Trevyn tight*

                                Hehe…we sure will. 😉

                                YES! We’ll be on guard…just in case…😎#ProtectionSquad😎

                                đŸ„°#TrevynProtectionSquadđŸ„°#BuckyProtectionSquad💖#Jayden&RikerProtectionSquad❀ #SteveProtectionSquad ❀ (All the squads. XDXDXDXD)

                                Of course not! Why would anyone think that about me!? XD

                                Sounds good! Although…I think Riker has all the development he needs…I just still want him. 💖 I guess Leon will need to give Payton his dagger back. 😛

                                OOHH!!!! OH! OH!!!!! I NEEEEEEDDDDDDD KERWIN AND MADDOCK!!!!!! 😍😍😍

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. Poor November baby…😭 Girl…do I have permission to take Riven out…? 😉😎

                                  . Okay! 😀

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