Character Castle!

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  • #117766
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 612

      @freedomwriter76 Perfect excuse which I can use when afflicting my characters and wrecking all their plans and dreams (and their lives)

      *pulls out a sword* *mounts my trusty horse* Together, girl, I’m pretty sure we’re invincible!!! XD Jayden, hang on, buddy, WE’RE GONNA SAVE YOU!!

      IKR?! He’s *shakes head* a mess. But I created him that way…. *gulp*

      *registers a double-take* Wait, hounds?! Umm did I miss something here? (Obviously so) IF THEY HURT MY BABY!!! You will see how the #TrevynProtectionSquad looks in action XD


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @queen_of_alvastia @keilah-h @freedomwriter76



        (also queenie, in answer to ur question about the guards, I think that’s entirely up to y’all. The guards are just roaming the castle now under Ocran’s (Elishavet’s villain) command. He’s especially not happy with my charries Lyn and Nyx heh…)


        NOW FOR RP’S!!!



        He’d upset the lady, that much was obvious, but she should learn to keep her hands to herself.

        He huffed.

        “I can stun you.” Nyx’s ears twitched and he turned his head with a snap. Crosshair was sending him a glare that would’ve made most shudder, but he held his ground, returning it.

        His hackles raised at the threat.

        Knew he couldn’t be trusted!

        Zlatan and Eva’s eyes went wide and Zlatan made a small move forward, but Crosshair spoke again.

        “I don’t want to, but if it keeps you from insulting the people who saved your life, then I will.”

        Nyx twitched, his tails bristling. His eyes scanned the room, the three people-a mostly adults-around him.

        He wanted to run. His instincts were screaming at him to get away. To find Lyn on his own.

        But he couldn’t….

        Not when one of his paws was utterly useless….

        He hissed at himself.

        Crosshair slowly made his way forward and Nyx tensed, baring his teeth. The man knelt down, putting his rifle away.

        Nyx inched away, everything in him wanting to bolt. Or fight.

        Or do…something.

        “You know, I would’ve been like that too, if I were in your position.” Crosshair started, glancing back at the Zlatan and Eva, “But those two are all we have right now, and if we keep fighting, we’ll both end up dead. Do you want that?”

        Nyx’s breaths were shallow, his eyes ticking from Zlatan to the two behind them. He lowered his head, his ears pinning back.

        Crosshair had a point.

        Nyx couldn’t go very far with his limp.

        And, while he hated to admit it, he doubted he’d survive an attack from those guards or their disgusting hounds, should they run into them.


        He really didn’t want to be stunned by Crosshair.

        A shudder rippled through him, making him jerk violently.


        He…he couldn’t be stunned…not again….

        He lifted his head, ears still pinned back, and let out a sigh.

        “Fine…” he swallowed. “I’ll try to get along. But NO PETS.” He glared, his eyes specifically ticking back to Eva, who gave him a small, genuine smile.

        For now…he supposed he’d have to stick with this group…

        Until he found Lynnie.

        Man, he hoped that would be soon….


        (my poor distrusting baby 🥺)



        “Come on, November.”  November’s head snapped from his thoughts as he turned to face Riker. He was grinning, hand outratretched.

        ”We need to get moving. You can help me if you’d like.”

        November blinked. He…he wanted his help? He swallowed, slowly taking the man’s hand in his and relaxing slightly at the touch.

        He couldn’t help the smile that came to his face at the all too familiar contact; it was nice.

        Though his heart still stung knowing it wasn’t Arabella’s hand he was holding.

        Mikkel allowed Viktor to lead the way, knowing he had more experience with this castle, and while November tried to help Riker along, he had the feeling it was more the other way around.

        November seemed to find himself stopping and inching slowly along through the darkness more so then his injured partner, and Everytime he could feel a gentle, reassuring squeeze on his hand.

        He blushed and was thankful no one could see much with the dim torchlight.

        He was more inept here then the injured party….

        “Everything alright back there?” Viktor called from the front, making November startle. Riker squeezed his hand.

        “All good!” The man replied with a grin. He leaned over to November, still wobbling slightly. “That is…if you’re alright?”

        “Oh! Ah…I’m good!” November half-smiled. Using his other hand to scratch the back of his neck.

        He felt a bit embarrassed still holding onto this grown man’s hand, but in truth, he really didn’t want to let go.




        (there are November and Nyx’s RPs, I’ll have to make the others later as I’m about to be driving)


        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4743

          @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka



          Nyx backed off. He was fine, for now.

          Crosshair stood back up, looking at Eva and Zlatan. “If someone wants to argue, go ahead, but we should keep moving.” he said. “I hear those war dogs nearby.”

          The four started walking, rather slowly due to Nyx’s limp and the fact that he didn’t want to be carried. The dogs’ howls sounded….closer than they were before, but muffled enough that they were probably on the other side of a wall.

          They eventually reached a door. Here, it was mostly silent, but something suddenly thudded behind it. Nyx jumped, hissing.

          Crosshair stepped forward and gripped the door handle. “Who’s there?” he asked as he flung it open.




          (Do any of you mind if they find one of the other groups, or is it too early for that?)

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


            “Do you wanna hold Naja?” Ezra asked.

            Ara started. “Oh!”

            Naja’s large round eyes looked at Ara brightly, smiling sweetly. Ara blinked and then smiled herself.

            She’d never really held a child before. Though she’d always wanted siblings, the Light One had…other plans it seemed…

            “Ah…of course,” she gently stretched out her arms and embraced the little girl, taking in her warmth.

            She smelled sweet, like cinnamon, and Ara laughed when Naja giggled as Jareth handed her Crow, letting the little creature comfort her.

            Ara sucked in a deep breath, thankful for the sweet contact. It made her think back to her mother.

            The times when roles had been reversed, and she had been the little girl, embraced in warm, loving arms.

            Her hair gently stroked by the beautiful queen she called Ama.

            Silent tears sprung to the sides of her eyes.

            “Bella? You okay?” Naja asked, her brows furrowing in concern. Ara smiled sweetly.

            “Yes, yes. I’m…just remembering. Sweet things….” Naja curled tighter around Ara, wrapping her legs around the girl’s waist.

            “What kinda things?”

            “Well…” Ara started, “About my mother…my family.”

            “Your mommy?”


            “What’s she like?”

            Ara’s mind lit up at the question, remembering her Ama in vivid detail.

            “She’s…beautiful.” Her eyes sparkled. “Red hair…beautiful and long….and her eyes are emerald green, the brightest I’ve ever seen.” Ara’s eyes glassed as she recalled everything about her.

            “And her laugh…her smile…it lit up everything. She was so…so delicate, but brave! And…” Ara looked down at Naja, who was enraptured by the description.

            “And…and she loved me.”

            Ara swallowed, looking away. “She does love me.”

            Ara’s heart ached with homesickness, wishing to see her.

            “W-What about your mother, Naja?”




            AWW my Ara describing her mother!




              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645


              if they find anyone it could be Ara’s group with Crosshair’s son?


              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4743

                @godlyfantasy12 Maybe. It’s up to you, really.

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @keilah-h I’m good with it if @freedomwriter76 is good with it.


                  I think that group would be the only ones right now since they’re both at more of a standstill then the other 2?? Idk lol also maybe it’ll help the two groups move along more? Idk


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. I’m good with it!

                    , you good with it? 🙂

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1560

                      @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                      Go right ahead!

                      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                      Elishavet Elroi
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1058

                        @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                        A quick warning and explanation.

                        The warning, You would not believe how many triggers Viktor has had in the last 24 hours! Things will get stressful if he remembers something more than usual.

                        And as the explanation, Since I haven’t developed Eishlagair enough to use anything beyond a couple phrases, I think, for the sake of the RP, I’m gonna use Hebrew in place of Eishlagair here, which is like a Gaelic form of Hebrew/Aramaic with a Baltic twist and a light touch of Arabic. My worlds are crazy. So, we’ll just say the ancient from of Eishlagair sounds identical to Hebrew.

                        And maybe I just really want to spook some charries…. XD


                        He was no longer the quiet support, now he had to lead the group. Viktor took a deep breath and began to walk forward, one hand on the wall.

                        Unfortunately, they had left the safest place behind them.

                        At least there were no torches; that meant this passage was mostly abandoned by the castle dwellers.

                        But what if he lead them wrong? What if they got lost?

                        A new old fear rose up to meet that of the dogs behind them. Fear upon fear. It was like being in a bad dream.


                        Viktor shook his head, willing away last night’s memories. He needed to distract himself, no, FOCUS, he needed to focus.

                        How long had they been in this passage? What if he had led them wrong?

                        “Everything all right back there?” he looked back to see Riker and November helping each other along. Mikkel was vanguard.

                        “All good!” Riker answered with a smile. Viktor nodded and turned back to the path ahead, his eyes aching.

                        He didn’t like this. He didn’t like this at all. His mind was wandering in dark corners, always returning to the fact of the gaurds behind them. No matter how far they went, he couldn’t forget them.

                        And the passage went on and on, always dark and twisting, never ending.

                        He was alone in a way, and with friends completely depending on him. Far from home, away from even his sister.

                        Shuddering with desperation, he began to sing under his breath.

                        Shim’ah Elohim rinnati; hakshivah tefillati..

                        Miktzeh ha’eretz eleicha ekra ba’atof libbi; betzur-yarum mimmenni tancheni….

                        (Psalm 61:1-2)

                        He stopped suddenly, straining to see in the darkness.

                        The path ended in a door.


                        They just nearly had a fight. Alyona’s nerves were tingling with excitement, but not the nice kind.

                        But it was almost funny, really, the way it had all happened. Almost. Perhaps it would have been wonderfully diverting, if they didn’t stand on a tower roof with enemies below.

                        She shook her head and kept walking.

                        “Viktor said to go to the wall and get down to the gardens.”

                        Franz raised an eyebrow. “And Viktor is?”

                        “My brother.” She raised her chin. “He would know.”

                        Then right before her, the roof dropped away, leaving a cubit’s gap between it and the top of the wall.

                        It was a long drop.

                        Her eyes went wide and she instinctively stepped backward. Right into another solid wall.


                        “Oy!” He grabbed her arm before she could lose her balance.


                        He just smiled and bowed. “Neh, I shouldn’t be following so close.” Then he turned and went to the edge to look over it with fascination. He gave a long, low whistle and turned back.

                        “A leettle drop, but not very vide.” He put one foot on the wall and held out a hand to help her over.

                        It really wasn’t wide enough to be frightening, just a cubit. Viktor would go over it without thinking.

                        Just as long as she didn’t think about it either. She returned Vulkasin’s smile and stepped lightly across.

                        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @elishavet-pidyon. Girl…if only Leon were around…he speaks Hebrew and could talk to Viktor and Alyona. But alas, he’s with the other RP group. XD

                          Elishavet Elroi
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1058


                            And Viktor and Alya would be like: “A fellow Eirtanian, finally!!!” XD

                            Leon does kinda look the part…. If it weren’t for his strange, WWII era clothing. XD

                            Well, Riker and Leon have to run into each other somehow. 🙂 Maybe this door could lead them right into each other.

                            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1560

                              @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12


                              Several bug sized guards scurried in the passage below. Vulkasin grinned, fighting off the urge to drop a neat little spitwad atop someone’s head.

                              He stepped across, offering assistance to anyone who needed it. Alyona had seemed a bit unsteady a moment ago. Come to think of it, Lynn was the only one who looked unfazed by the height. She practically danced across.

                              A walk along the top of the wall, and a short climb would take them back into the garden. At least that’s what Vulk understood to be the plan.

                              Still, maybe there would be a few guards soon. He grinned.

                              A fight would help ease the tension in the group. Or even if it didn’t, it would be fun.

                              • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Koshka. Reason: Missing word

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. Well…here we go! Time for two groups to merge and for me to write a long RP! XD


                                There was a small gap in their way.

                                Not big at all. Vulkasin, the annoying young man, helped the quiet girl, Alyona, across.

                                Franz glanced at Jocelyn, the even more annoying girl. “Ladies first.” He muttered.

                                (You’re not a gentleman, Franz…stop pretending to be one. XD)

                                Jocelyn smiled. “You know…you don’t have to be so grumpy.”

                                Franz scoffed. “I’m not grumpy. Now are you going or what!?”


                                “Oh! Ah…I’m good!” November replied. Rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.

                                “You sure?” Riker asked, raising an eyebrow, just as he heard Viktor begin singing in front of them. A language he didn’t understand…but he’d heard it…at the…at the…”Riker?”

                                “Hmm?” Riker mumbled, glancing back at November.

                                Now wasn’t the time to remember the things he’d done…the people he’d killed. “I said I was sure and then uhm…I asked if you were okay, and you didn’t respond.” November replied quietly.

                                Riker groaned quietly. “Sorry November. I was…thinking. Yeah, I’m…I’m fine.”

                                He squeezed November’s hand again. “We’ll find the others soon. I promise.”

                                He glanced down at November, and their eyes met. November nodded.

                                Viktor suddenly stopped singing and moving in his tracks.

                                But they didn’t notice in time.

                                Riker and November collided into Viktor. (Whoops. XD)

                                All three hit the hard floor.

                                Mikkel rushed over. “Are you lads alright?”

                                “I’m fine…” Riker whispered, rubbing his head, but instantly pulled it away. It still hurt from his…incident…earlier.

                                “What about you two?” Riker asked, as they all slowly stood, Riker and Mikkel both helping November and Viktor to their feet.

                                “I’m good.” Viktor replied.

                                November merely nodded.

                                “Yeah, sorry about that.” Riker and November both apologized at the same time.

                                Riker glanced at November, who was hanging his head. He seemed to be a little bit of a…magnet to some…incidents.

                                He looked…ashamed perhaps. Embarrassed is what most would think. But Riker had seen enough…felt enough…to know better. He went over to November. Laid a hand on November’s shoulder, gently.

                                “It’s fine, November. It wasn’t your fault. Viktor, what were you looking at?”

                                Viktor pointed down the path. “That door over there.”

                                The path ended in a door.


                                Bella’s mommy sounded very nice.

                                “W-What about your mother, Naja?”


                                Bella nodded.

                                “Mama is sweet…silly…plays with me….she always loves me even when I mess up…and Mama teaches me about Jesus and that we should love everyone!” Naja cried. Giggled as Crow nestled up against her.

                                She pet him.

                                He was so sweet! And liked to be held…unlike Nyx.

                                “My Daddy misses his Mommy though. Oma in Heaven now…and Mama says Daddy’s sad…so is Grandpa. Daddy misses Oma. Lots.” (Awww, Naja!!!!! *sobs*)


                                Jareth clutched Ezra’s hand. Walked beside him.

                                Ezra glanced behind him, to where Arabella, Crow, and Naja were. Smiled. At least Arabella seemed…a little more…calm.

                                Nowhere near happy….but maybe…calm.

                                Ezra turned his attention back to Jareth. Was about to ask a question when he heard footsteps.

                                Someone was behind a door. He stopped in his tracks, clutching Jareth’s hand tighter.

                                Someone was right there.

                                Arabella and Naja stopped. “What is it?”

                                Arabella asked, softly. “I don’t know.”

                                The footsteps got louder. “Who’s there?”

                                Something hissed.

                                The door flung open, and Ezra shoved the others behind him, whipping out his pistol.

                                But then his eyes met the person who had opened the door, and he stopped. “Crosshair?”

                                “Daddy!” Jareth cried, rushing at Crosshair.

                                “Jareth!” Crosshair cried.

                                Ezra put up his pistol.

                                The next one to step out was Zlatan.

                                And then…there she was.

                                “EZRA!” Eva yelled.

                                She rushed at him, and his arms wrapped around her.

                                Without even caring that anyone else could be watching, he kissed her. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

                                “We found you…” Eva breathed, tears coursing down her cheeks.

                                “Nyx!” Naja cried, in Arabella’s arms, reaching for the limping fox. Nyx hissed.

                                Eva rushed over. “No, no darling. He’s in a bad mood right now. Arabella, dear, how are you?”

                                Ezra glanced at Nyx. When had he not been in a bad mood?

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @koshka. Oh Vulk…XDXDXD

                                  . Haha, that’d be funny. XD And then Leon would be like: “…Uhm…what?”

                                  Ooh, I like the idea. 😉 @godlyfantasy12. @queen_of_alvastia, what do y’all think? Make Jayden and them cross paths with Mikkel and them? OH WAIT!!!! That would make November and Corvina cross paths…

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