Character Castle!

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  • #117235
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 612

      @freedomwriter76 👍🏻👍🏻 All right!

      Ha ha, I figured she wouldn’t XDXD


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @queen_of_alvastia. I can’t wait for Verity to fangirl over Bucky. 😘😍

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @godlyfantasy12. I love your RP. 🙂

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h. @godlyfantasy12.


            Nyx limped forward.

            Eva pursed her lips. She hadn’t meant to make him mad.

            Maybe she had done too much too fast.

            “I didn’t mean to make him angry.”

            Zlatan rested his hand on her shoulder. “Not your fault, Eva.”

            Eva gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you, Zlatan. It means a lot.”


            “Y-Yea! I’m good…” November said in reply to Mikkel, as he ran his hands through his curls.

            That meant he was nervous.

            Riker offered him a small smile. “Hey, November, we’ll find them soon. I’m sure of it.” He gripped November’s shoulder.

            Stepped closer. Viktor and Mikkel both tried to steady him. Riker carefully pushed their hands away. “I have to try to walk on my own. We need to move on, and I’d rather not burden all of you.”

            “It’s not a burden…” Viktor said softly.

            Riker smiled faintly. “I have to try to walk on my own. You can’t carry me forever.” He took a step, stumbled, but kept himself upright. November watched him with a worried frown.

            Riker reached for his hand. “Come on, November.” November took a step forward. Mikkel and Viktor watched. “We need to get moving. You can help me if you’d like.”

            November smiled faintly.

            Gripped Riker’s hand.

            And nodded.


            “Naja?” Arabella ran her fingers gently through Naja’s hair. “Would you like us to take a break?”

            Naja sniffed. “I wanna…wanna find Daddy…”

            Ezra held Naja tighter. “We’ll find him soon, I promise.”

            Jareth’s own eyes began to fill with tears. Ezra smiled faintly.

            Reached down and lifted Jareth into his arms as well. He glanced at Arabella. “She wants to find Riker. I guess we better continue. Do you wanna hold Naja?” He offered, holding out Naja.

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 612

              @freedomwriter76 I’m gonna write it tomorrow and OH MY GOODNESS I CAN’T WAIT!! Why can I see her just *puppy eyes* at Bucky lol. My sweet crazy girl *shakes head* 😆🥰


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @queen_of_alvastia. I CAN’T WAIT TILL I GET TO SEE IT!!! 😀 😀 😀 AND OH MY GOODNESS, YESSSSSSS, I CAN JUST SEE HER!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 (Uhm…doesn’t that make me a sweet crazy girl? I would fangirl over Bucky every time I saw him. 😆😂)

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 612

                  @freedomwriter76 IT’S GONNA BE SOOO FUN!! XDXD (yeah I think I am too lol 🥰😝😊)

                  @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 All right RP time again! XD

                  Trevyn (I just LOVE Jayden and Trevyn together!!)

                  “I promise I won’t let anything happen to either one of you. It’s okay if you don’t trust me yet. I understand. But I will not let anything happen to either one of you, got it?”

                  Trevyn watched Jayden closely. His round eyes focused on the older man. Jayden was right, Trevyn couldn’t trust. Not yet. It was too soon. But somehow, deep down inside, a small part of his heart whispered maybe, just maybe, he could trust this man.

                  He nodded and slipped his hand in Jayden’s. For some reason, he felt safer that way.

                  “Got it. And ummm, Jayden?”

                  He could feel the medic’s eyes on him.


                  “Thanks – for doing that. This castle – scares me – but I’m glad that you’re here in – in it too.”


                  Payton still wasn’t too sure about these two newcomers – anyone can say they won’t hurt you, but if they’ve just been pointing a giant black weapon thing at them. If that wasn’t suspicious well…

                  He glanced at Sorren after Steve spoke.

                  “Oh him? Uhhh, his name’s Sorren. He attacked some of us – that is, he tried to choke me and attack Jayden for no reason at all. So Asher knocked him out.” he finished matter-of-factly. “To be honest, you’d rather meet him unconscious than otherwise.” He glanced at the other man’s muscles. Man, would he like to be a soldier like that! “On a second thought, I guess it wouldn’t really matter to you, huh?”


                  So his name was Bucky. The other man, the blonde one, was still talking, but Verity couldn’t care less. Of course she heard Trevyn’s whisper. He probably thought she was going to get in trouble or something.

                  He always thought that.

                  He was usually right, but now?

                  Oh no. This wasn’t trouble at all.

                  Verity smiled back at Bucky. Cute name. Blue eyes. Dark hair. Was she going crazy? For a rarity, she was actually going speechless. Though that probably wouldn’t last long.

                  Vertiy bounced on her toes, all animation, sparkle, and happy chattiness once again.

                  “I’m so glad you could come to the castle!! How did you get here anyways? Is that a weapon? Does it shoot like the other guys’ guns? Can I try it? Aren’t you glad we’re all here together? I am, I mean, Trevyn – he’s back there -” She pointed, “He’s pretty shy. I’m not really.” Verity shrugged. Her eyes were dancing now. This creepy old castle was getting better and better by the minute!



                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 612

                    @freedomwriter76 (Verity’s next scene may or may not involve some *fangirl scream* and Bucky be like: Umm you okay? And Verity’s just “Who me? NO!! I mean, oh yeah, I’m fine!” I’m fine with you here!!! lol) I WANNA ADD THIS IN SO BAD!! But I just thought of it and now IT WON’T LET ME EDIT MY POST!! *sob*


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @queen_of_alvastia. OH MY GOODNESSS!!!! SHE IS SOOO ADORABLE!!!! 😍😍😍 AND TREVYN TOO!!!! YOU MAKE SUCH CUTE LITTLE KIDS!!!! Also, so funny about her and Bucky. 😂😂😂

                      , do you wanna go or naw? 😄

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 612

                        @freedomwriter76 AAWWW THANK YOU!! ( I love my little girl – I’m kinda writing some scenes with her and Payton just for fun, and she’s driving him up a wall XD) 🤣🤣🥰🥰😜😝


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          Not rlly feeling an RP, sorry y’all….maybe later!!


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @queen_of_alvastia. You’re Welcome! 🥰 And oh my gosh, that’s hilarious. XD XD XD

                            . You’re Good, Girl! 😀

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. Any of y’all wanna go? 🙂

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 612

                                @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 Anyone want to RP? (@godlyfantasy12 if you’re still not “feeling it” no problemo! XD)


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @queen_of_alvastia. I can! ✋ Sorry…kinda forgot about this for a minute. 🤦‍♀️ Currently listening to music from the 40’s to get a feel for my books, hehe. 😅 @godlyfantasy12.

                                  Jayden (YESSS!!! THEY ARE AMAZING!!!! 😍)

                                  “Thanks – for doing that. This castle – scares me – but I’m glad that you’re here in – in it too.” Jayden gave Trevyn a small, reassuring smile.

                                  “You’re Welcome.”

                                  His fingers wrapped around Trevyn’s hand.

                                  Made him feel safer, somehow.

                                  He gave Trevyn another smile.


                                  Asher shifted his weight to his other foot.

                                  Man, was Sorren getting heavy.

                                  But…if Asher put him down…would he awake?

                                  He startled as he heard Payton introducing Sorren. Why had he slipped out?

                                  “On a second thought, I guess it wouldn’t really matter to you, huh?”

                                  Steve smiled. “I guess not.”


                                  Well…more people.

                                  Michael glanced at Corvina, who was sending Payton death glares.

                                  Well…that girl was kinda scary.

                                  Michael turned back to the newcomers, specifically the blonde. “Well…what’s with the weird outfit?”

                                  The blonde, Steve, chuckled. “Is it really that weird? I’m Captain America and this…uhm…is my uniform.”


                                  The girl watched him after she finished her…well…excited introduction.

                                  Her bright blue eyes…they reminded him…of another little girl.

                                  But that had been so long ago…had to be almost 80 years now.

                                  “I can see you’re not shy.” Bucky replied quietly. “I’m not sure how we got here. And…yes, it’s a weapon.” He put his gun on its holster on his back. “I don’t think you should use it.”

                                  “It’s soo nice to meet you!!!!” Verity cried.

                                  Bucky glanced at Steve, who gave him a smirk and raised eyebrow.

                                  Bucky scoffed.

                                  Whole lot of help he was.

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