Character Castle!

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  • #117021
    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 4740

      @godlyfantasy12 Don’t worry, I’m kinda stuck on what i want to do too. I’m waiting for someone else to get Nyx, Eva, Zlatan and Crosshair’s group into doing something other than treating Nyx’s paw.

      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h I AM HERE!!! So sorry XD


        Eva was…amused.


        “You good now, darling? I hope your paw feels a lot better now.”

         “It’s fine.” He growled, glaring at her. In truth, it still aches considerably, but it was feeling better. He huffed, standing and fluffing his tails. He lifted his head and turned it away with an air of cockiness. “Now, maybe we can focus on important things.”

        “Fixing your paw vas important.” Zlatan sighed.

        “Whatever, anyway. Where’s Lyn?” He narrowed his eyes. Everyone shuffled awkwardly. Except Crosshair, who shrugged.

        Nyx’s hackles raised. His paws twitched and he felt as if he were being poked by a million needles.

        “Y-You…don’t. KNOW?!” He screeched. His voice, mixed with the fox-like sounds made the group wince.

        “Shh! Shh, it’s alright dear,” Eva cooed, trying to calm the now shaking creature. Nyx felt his eyes go wide and he couldn’t control his suddenly shivering body. His tails twitched and he huffed.

        “She made it out,” Zlatan said calmly, his voice softening slightly. “I saw her head out before most of the chaos ever began.”

        Nyx’s nerves eased slightly, but he still felt on edge.

        “Same with every’vone else.” Zlatan told the other two, calming their nerves as well. Eva let out a small breath and Crosshair shifted slightly.

        “Well….” Crosshair started, startling some of the group. “I suppose we’re stuck together then. Till we find the others.”

        Nyx’s face scrunched up at the thought. He groaned and huffed, his ears dropping as he glanced at the three before him.

        Eva; a lady who, sure was sweet, but she’d called him a pet. A PET! He couldn’t just let that slide! Plus…the way she kept…looking at him…and cooing at him. UGH…

        and then Crosshair…with his dark and brooding face and demeanor. And creepy scar. And his just…overall dangerous appearance.

        and then….Zlatan.

        Zlatan…who smelled of metal…With his blood red cape and seemingly-friendly nature. But Nyx knew…some thing’s aren’t always as they seem.

        And his dark hair. Black as night…..

        It was too much…

        Too similar….

        He couldn’t be trusted….

        It was Zlatan who spoke, turning Nyx from his thoughts. “I suppose so.”


        (I’ll do the other RPs later. At a restauraunt lol)


        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4740

          @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @koshka

          Ok then!


          “Well, I suppose we’re stuck together then. Until we find the others.” he told his new companions.

          Not that he wanted to be stuck with them.

          Eva was fine. She actually reminded him a tiny bit of Feather, although she looked completely different.

          Zlatan….he didn’t know him well enough to figure him out.

          Nyx probably hated him.

          “I suppose so.” muttered Zlatan.

          Crosshair stalked to the doorway and looked out. He could hear a patrol of soldiers marching somewhere, but far enough away that they wouldn’t be bothered.

          He beckoned to the others. “It’s safe,” he said, “and even if it weren’t, I’d have it covered.” He held up his rifle.

          As they walked, he considered starting a conversation with the others. Feather would’ve already known half their life stories.

          He decided against it at first. Conversation wasn’t his strong point.

          Then he wondered…..what were their worlds like?

          “Eva, Zlatan, Nyx.” He decided to speak before he changed his mind. “Where do you come from?”

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @keilah-h @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwroter76 I CAN DO THE OTHERS NOW lol!


            They’d gotten Riker to his feet, though he was still wobbly, and something had triggered him to mumble….something. November hadn’t caught everything. But…from what he’d heard, the man was blaming himself for something.

            “It…it’s nothing. Come on, we…we have to find the others.” The man shook his head.

            Viktor and Mikkel were helping him as he stood, and though November wanted to as well, he had a feeling he’d only make things worse.

            Instead, he opted to stand nearby, scratching at the back of his neck or awkwardly holding out his arms whenever Riker fumbled.

            Not that he could catch him if he fell….he’d probably just go down with him.

            At least he’d make for a soft landing pad!




            “Is he gonna be alright?” November frowned, unable to keep the tightness from his voice. Riker glanced his way, offering a weak smile.

            “I’ll be fine,” he breathed. “Don’t…don’t worry about me, kid.”

            But November was worried. He was worried about Riker. He was worried about the others.

            He was worried about Ara.

            “Where do you think they are?” November swallowed. “Do…do you think they’re okay?”


            Vulkasin could barely breathe, he was laughing so hard! Lyn bent over, lagging herself.

            Alyona finally had to stop and turn around, giving both of them a look with one brow raised.

            “C-Call him what?” Lyn asked through giggles. “Z-Zlati?” And that was it. It was as if a dam had been broken and Vulkasin doubled over with laughter, making Lyn laugh all the harder.

            “Are you two okay?!” Ally asked, concern etched on her face.

            Franz was not amused. “We have more important things to do then sit around here and listen to you two waste time!” He grumbled.

            Lyn was wiping away tears now. She looked at the older man and sighed. “Come on! Have a little fun!” Franz scowled.

            “We have different definitions of fun.”

            Vulkasin breathed in, finally getting control of himself.

            “Alright, alright,” Lyn waved a hand at Franz. “If ya don’t like jokes, or nicknames, then what do you like? Huh? I’m starting to think you don’t like anything.” Lyn straightened, placing her fisted hands on her hips.

            Vulkasin’s lips pulled taut and his eyes widened as he looked between Lyn and Franz. Alyona paled slightly.

            Lyn merely shrugged. She wasn’t afraid to stand up to the guy. And besides, the look on his face at the sudden question was worth any punishment!


            Ara had nodded in response to Ezra’s question. It was all she could do.

            The kids were happier now. For that she was grateful, but she still couldn’t shake the rush of nerves and the nausea in her stomach every time she thought of her friends.

            Ezra had said they’d made it out.

            But…what about later?

            Had they been caught afterwards?

            This man…Ocran…he had a bone to pick with Lyn and Nyx, that much was certain. The two had upset him somehow., and she’d hate to know what would happen if they ever did get caught.

            And November…her best friend….

            She’d already watched him get hurt once.

            A small voice drew her from her thoughts.

            “What are your friends like?” Jareth was looking up at her with wide eyes. Crow was snuggling into his shirt before moving around to get a better look at Ara.

            “Oh!” Ara blinked, caught a bit off guard by the little boy. She glanced up to see Ezra and Naja were still walking ahead, chatting amongst themselves.

            “Well…” Ara began, patting down her dress with a smile. “Jocelyn is a lot of fun. You met her. She’s the one with Nyx, the fox?” Jareth nodded. “She’s very upbeat,” Ara chuckled, “Though she can often be a bit…over the top.”

            Jareth grinned, obviously remembering his introduction to the bright-eyed blonde.

            “And of course you can’t have Jocelyn without Nyx. He’s quite the character. I would say he’s all bark and no bite but…that’s not really true….he’s very….feisty.”

            Crow made a noise, moving around and seeming agitated. Ara’s brows raised and he let out an awkward laugh. Jareth giggled, “Yea, I think Crows knows that.”

            “He’s just very overprotective, truth be told.” Ara beamed, a small skip in her step now.

            Talking about her friends had made her heart feel lighter, and her mind clearer.

            Naja was right…they’d find them! Soon.

            “What about the other one?”

            “Hm?” Ara had zoned out.

            “Your other friend.”

            Ara instinctively reached out her left hand, only to be met with a chilly breeze.

            “Oh.” She faltered. “Yes. November,” She smiled fondly. “He’s…he’s my best friend. We’ve been friends since we were five years old. I…I can’t remember a time since then where we haven’t been together. He’s been by my side through…” Ara paused, looking down at her right arm, where a flash of purple peeked from underneath her sleeve.

            “Through everything.”

            She felt a sudden pressure against her legs and looked down to find Jareth leaning against her. He smiled. “That’s nice. I like your friends.”

            Ara smiled back, gently carding her fingers through the boy’s hair. “Me too.”


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 tagged u wrong 😂


              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4740

                @godlyfantasy12 Honestly, I love that! Oh, and fun fact–Jareth’s name was almost Corvus, but I decided that didn’t fit him too well.

                @koshka @freedomwriter76



                Arabella’s friends sounded nice. The one called Jocelyn had been the one who’d reminded him of his mother.

                And Nyx was cute. When he wasn’t attacking Crow, that is.

                Jareth wanted to get to know November more. He sounded like a real friend to Arabella.

                “I have a big family,” Jareth explained. “I have a lot of uncles…and a few aunts….and a cousin. She’s great.” [I haven’t figured out her name yet, but she’s a couple months younger than he is.] “And I have my mom and dad, and Crow.”

                Crow chirped when he heard his name.

                “What do you like to do with your friends?” Jareth wanted to know more about them. Lots more. “I like fishing with my uncle Echo sometimes. Sometimes I push him into the lake as a joke, because he doesn’t like getting wet. Or I go visit the chickens. They like me, except for the big rooster. He’s kinda scary.” [His family owns chickens, bees and goats]

                Arabella chuckled at those comments.



                (Sorry if he’s asking too much of her, but he is, like, six, so…..)

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12. You’re good, girl. I once tagged myself, lol. 😂 @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. Y’all…this is gonna be so interesting. Especially with Franz. 😉


                  “Where do you think they are?” November swallowed, hard. “Do…do you think they’re okay?”

                  Riker almost stumbled again.

                  Viktor and Mikkel righted him.

                  “They’re around somewhere.” Riker glanced at November. Gave him a small, what he hoped to be reassuring, smile. “I’m sure they’re fine. They have each other’s backs. They’ll be fine. You’ll see. And so will we.”


                  “Where do you come from?”

                  Eva turned to Crosshair with a smile. Good. Now maybe she could finally get to know the man. When Jareth had come, he seemed…different.

                  Sweeter, perhaps.

                  Eva smiled.

                  Still cuddled Nyx in her arms.

                  “I was born in Germany, but my parents sent me to England. That’s where I live now…” She smiled, “and where I met Ezra when he came for training from the US.”

                  She felt her cheeks flush.

                  Oh, she loved him.

                  Eva cleared her throat. “And it’s a beautiful country, even though…well…it rains almost constantly.” She laughed. “It’s always muddy. But you learn to live with it.” She winked.

                  Crosshair smiled slightly.

                  “But what about you, Crosshair? Where are you from?”


                  “If ya don’t like jokes, or nicknames, then what do you like? Huh? I’m starting to think you don’t like anything.”

                  Ohh…this girl was annoying.

                  Franz narrowed his eyes. “There are things I enjoy…but not things an annoying, obnoxious little girl would understand.” He spat.

                  Vulkasin and Alyona were watching them, and a small smile was beginning to stretch across Vulkasin’s face.

                  Oh, these people!

                  Franz waved a hand in the air. “Actually, I enjoy things none of you children would understand. Now, are we going to move on or not!?”


                  “Someone has an attitude…”

                  Franz turned on Jocelyn with a scowl. “What was that!?”


                  “Do you have a Daddy some where’s, Ezra?”

                  Ezra glanced down Naja, who was skipping beside him as he walked, clutching his hand.

                  “Um…yeah. Back in America…back in Kentucky. At my family’s farm.”

                  Naja’s eyes lit up with interest. “Do you have sheep? Horsies? Chickies? Do you have A PUPPY!?”

                  Ezra couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. He smiled. “Yeah. All of those.”

                  Naja grinned. “Really!?”

                  Ezra nodded. “Really. I also have a little sister that’s only a year older than you.”


                  Ezra nodded. “Mmhmm.” he mumbled.

                  Three years. Almost four now.

                  He’d last seen Jane when she was two years old.

                  “Ezra…do you think we’ll find Daddy soon?”

                  “I’m sure.”

                  Naja nodded. “Daddy and Grandpa are always sad.”

                  Ezra raised an eyebrow. Naja had stopped skipping. Now was just walking. “What do you mean?”

                  “They’re sad cause Grandma in Heaven.” Naja shrugged. “Grandma happy though, that’s what Mama says. And Mama says we’ll see her again. We go to Heaven if we believe in Jesus, is what Mama says.”

                  Ezra paused.

                  Riker’s mother…Franz’s wife…was dead?

                  This little girl’s grandmother was…dead?

                  Naja looked up at him. “I miss Grandma.” She sniffed.

                  Ezra stopped.

                  Got down onto one knee in front of Naja, who was now wiping her eyes.

                  Behind them, Arabella and Jereth came to a stop. “It’s going to be okay Naja…I promise.”

                  Naja nodded, sniffing. She stepped forward, wrapping her small arms around Ezra’s neck.

                  He wrapped an arm around her and stood.

                  Turned to Arabella and Jareth. “We can keep moving…if y’all want to.”

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1558

                    @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                    “Of course we’ll be fine, chaps.” Mikkel smiled, backing up what the soldier had said. “As long as we can stay ahead of the fellows back there.” He jerked his head back at the tower.

                    They had reached a door in the wall, probably leading to another side street.

                    No such luck. A dark corridor lead deeper into the castle, empty sconces high in the wall speaking of disuse. He was about to turn away when-

                    An odd click, click echoed on the flagstones behind them. Dogs.

                    Quick!” Mikkel hissed, dragging the group inside. He lifted the door on it’s hinges to avoid noise and pulled it to.

                    Then dropped the bar to lock them in.

                    Another moment of silence was broken by a snuffling at the door. A hound bayed.

                    We made it.


                    The smell of spruce and larch trees. Fresh spring snow.

                    Zlatan sighed, the familiar yearning for home almost a physical pain deep inside.

                    He almost didn’t hear Eva’s answer.

                    He’d let his guard down. For Nyx yes, but he didn’t have to let a simple question stir such precious, and painful, memories.


                    This little situation had shifted rather quickly, like the mood in the barracks right before a brawl.

                    Lyn was clearly ruffled.

                    But no one, No One, spoke to a lass with that tone of voice. Not in a vulk’s presence, no sir.

                    Vulkasin would have to do something.

                    But the lasses would probably not like what he wanted to do.

                    And come to think of it it probably wasn’t the best course of action, but when did Vulkasin ever care about that?

                    He opted for a less violent option.

                    “Are you trying to act absolutely mindless? Stow it. You’re speaking to a lass.” He gestured to the path before them. “Besides, are be anyv’here in a place to fight?”

                    First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @koshka. Ohhhh, I love Vulk. XD XD XD TELL HIM, BROTHER!

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4740

                        @freedomwriter76 @kohska @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12

                        Note, I won’t be able to RP tomorrow, most likely. I’ll be on an airplane…a trip to Arizona and the Grand Canyon that my family’s been planning since May.



                        “What about you? Where are you from?” Eva asked.

                        Crosshair stiffened slightly.

                        Should he tell her?

                        She didn’t look like the type that would understand space travel, or cloning, or genetic experimentation. In other words, 90% of his life story.

                        Although she would evidently understand the wars he’d been in.

                        “I was born on an ocean world.” he began. “Water as far as even my eyes could see. We–my brothers and I–were…cloned–created–by scientists, to be soldiers.”

                        She looked interested, even if she didn’t understand it.

                        “Most of my early life was training.” he explained. “Each of my siblings was given an ability–a superpower if you want. You do have those in your world, right? At least in books?”

                        ( @Freedomwriter76 Just think a whole squad of super-soldiers. Now I kinda want him to meet Steve.)

                        She nodded.

                        “My brother Hunter…he’s the leader. He can sense the electric fields surrounding every machine. Tech probably is smarter than the rest of us combined…Wrecker, well, his strength gave him his rather apt name. And my vision is probably better than everyone else here.” He looked around. “I could shoot something Nyx’s size from ten kilometers away.”

                        Nyx glared at him.

                        “Not that I’d want to.” The little fox was annoying, but not that annoying. Raincloud, his own pet at home, was a lot more bothersome sometimes.

                        “And there’s my brother Echo and sister Omega, but they joined our squad later.” Crosshair told her. “We’ve been on a lot of missions. Hunter always says he’s kind of lost count. It was on a mission I met my wife…..Feather. Jareth’s mother. Two of her sisters, Liberty and Rivet, also married Hunter and Tech respectively……”

                        Why was he sharing so much with this person he barely met?

                        Maybe because she reminded him of……

                        “Come to think of it,” he smirked slightly, “you remind me a little bit of Feather. She doesn’t look a lot like you, but I think you two would be friends.”

                        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @keilah-h. Ooh, sounds fun! Have fun! @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12.


                          “Come to think of it,” Crosshair smirked slightly, “you remind me a little bit of Feather. She doesn’t look a lot like you, but I think you two would be friends.”

                          Eva carefully, softly, ran her hand through Nyx’s fur. He growled quietly. “Shhh…” Eva soothed.

                          She glanced back at Crosshair. Smiled. “I’m assuming that’s a compliment, so, thank you. Your family sounds wonderful. So then…” She gave him a wink, “what’s Feather like? I’m sure you’d love to talk about her.”


                          “Besides, are be anyv’here in a place to fight?” Vulkasin asked.

                          Franz narrowed his eyes at the soldier. Took a step towards him. “I don’t think you know who you’re messing with. You’re not the only soldier here.” Franz snarled.

                          Vulkasin raised an eyebrow. Looked Franz up and down. “You are a soldier? I find zat hard to believe.”

                          “I used to be. I survived the trenches, and Somme, and the entire, stupid war. I watched my entire squadron die right in front of me.” Franz leaned in close. “I know how to fight. And I don’t need anyone’s help with anything.

                          Vulkasin paused. “Do you blame yourself for z’ere deaths?”

                          Franz blinked.

                          “I was the one who was supposed to die! Not them!” 

                          Franz turned on his heel. “No. I don’t. Are we going to continue going?”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12. @queen_of_alvastia. Either of y’all can continue with our RP. 😉

                            Elishavet Elroi
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1057

                              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                              That had been close. Viktor shuddered as the war hounds sniffed under the door.(by the way, these dogs are bit like very wolfish mastiffs with a bay between a wolf’s and a bloodhound’s. They are trained to hunt, fight, and kill, rather like the war dogs of the conquistadors.)

                              Then one of the dogs bayed, sending shear terror up Viktor’s spine. He stumbled in the darkness, unable to see the floor beneath him.

                              A steady hand caught his arm and righted him. Mikkel. “Are you all right?”

                              “Yes, sir.” Viktor swallowed and settled Riker’s hand more firmly on his shoulder.


                              But what was wrong with him?

                              You’re a coward, that’s what. 

                              He clenched his teeth and focused on the passage before them, willing his hands to stop trembling.

                              If only he could be strong, like his father was.

                              No, he had to be strong. He had no choice. For his friends here and for his sisters, wherever they were.

                              But he wasn’t.

                              November’s question echoed in his head. “Do…do you think they’re okay?”

                              The other boy was a lot like Viktor, but although November was sometimes clumsier, he was braver to. He was brave enough to ask the things Viktor only wished to know.

                              “Please Lord of Hosts, be with them,” he hoped nobody would notice the tears sliding treasonously down his face. “wherever they are.”

                              He couldn’t lose his family.


                              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @elishavet-pidyon. Viktor…😭😭😭

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  Awww Viktor!!! Ur so very brave and November thinks all the guys are so courageous compared to him, especially Viktor since they’re so close in age 😭


                                  also yall…so I am currently on a trip….I’m so I probably won’t be RP-Ing much….


                                  u can go cuz I’m not rlly feeling a Corvina RP rn 😂 but know that she did not appreciate being shoved behind someone at all.


                                  Eva had picked him up early on, much to his dismay. But seeing as how could only hobble along, he didn’t have much choice in the matter. After all, he definitely didn’t want Crosshair or Zlatan to carry him.

                                  That would be a nightmare.

                                  But the incessant petting?

                                  He was not going to take that lying down.

                                  Eva shushed him gently, cooing at him and he hissed, hackles raising. She turned her attention back to Crosshair, giving the animal no notice.

                                  These people were really getting on his nerves!

                                  Yea, sure, hearing about Crosshair’s family had been a bit interesting, if not a tad tedious….

                                  But his question to the group had struck a nerve at the same time.

                                  The man had no business knowing Nyx’s business.

                                  And Zlatan’s ever-growing silence was making Nyx uneasy. He was just…listening. Watching them.


                                  “OH MY WORD WOMAN STOP PETTING ME!” He shrieked, interrupting Crosshair’s conversation and causing the entire group to jump. “PUT ME DOWN! I WILL HOBBLE FOR MONKEY’S SAKE!”

                                  Eva’s lips pulled tight and Nyx glared at her, baring his fangs. Slowly, she set him on the stone floor.

                                  ”Finally! Bunch of….dirty….stupid….hate this….mess….” Nyx continued to mutter as he hopped and limped his way forward, pushing past one of Zlatan’s legs as he bared ahead of the group, who stood in stunned silence for a moment.


                                  (well….guess it’s gonna take a bit longer for him to…ah…warm up XD)



                                  Things had…definitely escalated.

                                  Lyn’s lips pulled into a frown and they quivered slightly. Her hands lowered and she could feel her chest tighten with emotion and…



                                  “I…I’m sorry.” She spoke, looking at Franz.

                                  The man, staring hatefully at Vulkasin, turned with a start. His brows raised and he gruffed, “Scuse me?”

                                  Lyn swallowed, “I-I said, I’m sorry.”

                                  Franz’s eyes narrowed. Scanning the girl, as if checking to see if she were being sincere. He shook his head in a huff. Lyn turned and saw Alyona staring at the man, who looked much older now, her eyes glassy.

                                  “I mean it,” Lyn tried again. “I…I can’t say I understand…but…” She considered her words carefully, “I do understand grief.”

                                  Vulkasin glanced at her, as did Alyona.

                                  Lyn looked away. “And guilt.”

                                  Franz seemed to consider her words for a moment being pursing his lips. “Bah.” He waved a hand, dismissing the girl. He turned to Alyona, making her shrink slightly. “Don’t we have someplace to be?” He asked gruffly.

                                  She merely nodded and the gang started back walking, this time with a much more solemn mood.


                                  November’s heart pounded in his chest as he stared at the barred door; his eyes wide with fright.

                                  What were they going to do now?

                                  He turned and let out a sigh of relief at finding everyone else was safe, if not a bit shaken.

                                  Riker seemed to be doing better now, as he was on his feet, thought still being upheld by Mikkel. He offered November a faint smile in the torchlight.

                                  November caught eyes with Viktor who was hastily wiping at his face, and quickly looked away, seeming embarrassed.

                                  A lump formed in November’s throat as he glanced behind the group, at the long, dark hallway before them. He swallowed it.

                                  His palms grew sweaty at the thought of having to walk through there, not knowing what lay ahead, and he had to wipe them on his jeans.

                                  “Well,” Riker spoke, coughed, then cleared his throat. He turned his head slightly, wincing. November winced in turn, as if feeling his pain. “Suppose the only thing we can do now is go forward.”

                                  Viktor sucked in a breath, following Riker’s gaze to the dark pathway. “Y-Yes…I guess so.”

                                  November glanced back at the barred door once more, his thoughts wandering.

                                  He could only hope that Ara and the others were somewhere safe…and not in trouble….

                                  If she was….

                                  He couldn’t even think about-

                                  “November?” He jumped. “You alright?” It was Mikkel.

                                  “Y-Yea! I’m good..” November ran his fingers through his curls, stopping to tug at any tangles, in the hopes it would keep him occupied.

                                  it didn’t work.



                                  “What do you like to do with your friends?” Jareth asked. The little boy now full of questions.

                                  Before she could answer, however, he launched into a long speech on his own family, and there chickens and roosters. Ara laughed at his enthusiasm and the tales of the scary rooster.

                                  He was quite adorable, and Ara couldn’t help but be reminded of November as the little boy continued to talk. November had been exactly like Jareth when they were little. Was still like him, in a way.

                                  Ara smiled.

                                  Their conversation was cut off, however, by a cry from ahead. Both of them stopped and gasped, seeing Naja crying, now in the arms of Ezra.

                                  ”E-Ezra?” Ara questioned, her heart aching at the sound of Naja’s wails.

                                  Ezra looked at them before standing, Naja clutched in his arms. “We can keep moving….if y’all want to.”

                                  “No! No. W-We can stop if she needs to. It’s fine, really.” Ara prodded, stepping forward.

                                  Naja was no longer crying now, merely sniffling, but her sad little face was enough to bring the strongest of people to tears.

                                  Jareth hid behind Ara’s skirt, peeking out with a frown, his own eyes watering in concern. “I-Is she okay?” His voice wavered slightly.

                                  “Ah, she’ll be alright. She’s just…a little sad at the moment.” Ezra offered a small smile to the boy.

                                  “Naja?” Ara carded her fingers gently through the girl’s hair. “Would you like us to take a break?”



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