Breaking my silence. *EMOTIONAL*

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  • #107301
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 604


      you crack me up. XDĀ  um, personally i loveee working out, but idk how serious you are about all this ahaha so…

      i mean, with school and basketball and stuff, it’s hard for me to get in the gym, so i mostly do bodyweight stuff at my house in between studying breaks.Ā  also, depending on your schedule, if you can wake up a little earlier than normal to do a quick workout (even if it’s just like a quick ab circuit or something) it would help.

      as for making time with writing, i feel youuuu.Ā  this is actually one of my nemesisesis…?Ā  ((i can’t spell either)Ā  even if you’re not a planner, block out times in your day to specifically do a workout, whether it be a run around your neighborhood or 100 pushups.Ā  make habits. and trust me, it takes longer trying to decide what workout to do instead of doing it lol.Ā  also, cut out unnecessary screen time or random things that kill brain cells.Ā  don’t neglect writing, just decide what things are most important to you and focus on splitting up your time with that.

      sooo, yep.Ā  that’s my advice to you, take it or leave it.Ā  main takeaway is be intentional. :))

      what we do in life echoes in eternity
      -gladiator, 2000

      Not-So-Secret Secret Assassin
        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 133

        @e-k-seaver @devastate-lasting @anatra23

        I’ll give you a hint.

        Between ages 5-30

        Hope that narrows it down a little bit.

        Flawless and handsome (as ruled by my grandmother.)

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 635


          My suggestion to help you out with this crisis, is to give up writing (and reading for that matter) entirely.

          You simply can not be a complete Alpha Male if you do anything even remotely related to arts and sciences (unless it’s Bro Science of course).

          So free yourself from the clutches of nerdy desires, and live life as a full Chad. Muscles are the only way into a woman’s heart.

          I whole-heartedly support your decision of giving up writing to be a part of the Push Pull Legs club. Arnold Schwarzenegger would be proud. šŸ™‚

          E. K. Seaver
            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 344

            Oh he’s 100% between 13-15. We were right, y’all.

            The pen is mightier than the sword, but in a duel, I'm taking the sword.

            Not-So-Secret Secret Assassin
              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 133


              I’ll let you believe whatever you want. šŸ™‚

              Flawless and handsome (as ruled by my grandmother.)

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1242


                Youā€™re hilarious XD (100% better than a comedian)Ā  Thatā€™s devastatingā€¦

                Hmm, I guess everyone may or will have different advice for you here, but Iā€™d say the best way to keeping writing and hold onto those protein shakes, is to club your keyboard.

                I mean force stuff out of your keys on spare minutes and write fifty words a day as a starter goal. I once read about a ranger, (now if youā€™ve heard this story too and I get some detail wrong for some bizarre reason, feel free to correct it ā€˜cause Iā€™m running on a Night Owl NaNoWriMo brain right nowā€¦ which is not a thing for the faint of heart). So back to the ranger, he was on the job full time and never had any spare time to write a novel, right? Wrong. You see he had this fifteen minute lunch break. He would eat his sandwich in his vehicle every day and the weird detail I remember about the sandwich was that it was baloney and cheap cheese, I think. Annnnnnd I have no idea why I remember that, but I do and now it is part of the story. So he would finish his sandwich, down his coffee, and pull out a big, yellow, writing pad and a pencil. He would then spend the rest of his lunch break writing and then stow the paper away until his next lunch break the next day. And it was by these little increments of time that he wrote and published a novel.

                The moral of that storyā€™s obvious, so I wonā€™t go into explaining it. Itā€™s all about good old Master Yodaā€™s piece of timeless wisdom, ā€œdo or do not. There is no try.ā€ Just pound the words out, scribble them, they donā€™t even have to make sense. The idea is to actually writeā€¦ quantity has a strange way of netting quality and like gym, it becomes habit it you do it often. Gotta use that writing muscle just like any other.
                I mean they have to have breaks or snack bars at gyms, right? If not, thatā€™s just plain cruelty. But the point is, a five minute break can jot fifty words if you write quick. Writing slower, you could do half, then up the count as you get Ā used to it.

                But anyway, all of that is just my ideas on the matter šŸ™‚

                Ah, no, Iā€™m no gym bro, (or sis really, but honestly sis has never sounded as cool as bro doesā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ not fair), but I believe farm life qualifies to be as sweatbreaking as this mythical land of Gym in which you speak of. I mean minus the fancy shmancy barbells and music and technical tools of course. I had to trade out weights for water buckets.

                Also never read Harry Potter (though I always loved that name) but I still got the joke; another classical NSSSA Ā gem XD


                Not-So-Secret Secret Assassin
                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 133


                  you didn’t have to cross the “better than a comedian” part out. I’ll take that compliment proudly.

                  Thanks for the story, the yoda quote, and tips. But honestly, time isn’t my problem. I have several hours of free time a day where I just lay down and stare up at the sky and contemplate my life and daydream about what could have been.

                  My problem is that my muscles are too big, and I can barely reach the keyboard. It took me a really, really long time to type this all out. Don’t even ask how long it took me to write that wingfeather rant. Not to mention, my finger muscles are so strong, that sometimes I accidentally break a few keys in the key board as I type. Especially if I’m writing when I’m angry. That happened to be the case very recently.

                  Yes, there is a snack bar at my gym. It’s pretty swag.



                  Just a question… If I was 13-15, would I be able to drive to the gym by myself? Just something to think about. Not sayin just sayin.

                  How many push ups can you do?

                  Flawless and handsome (as ruled by my grandmother.)

                  E. K. Seaver
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 344

                    @not-so-secret-secret-assassin dude there’s literally so many ways to get around that. You could have a sibling/friend/parent take you. The gym could be in your neighborhood so you just drive a golf cart. It might be near enough to walk or ride a bike to.

                    Your mind games will not work on me. I’ve orchestrated my own for years.

                    The pen is mightier than the sword, but in a duel, I'm taking the sword.

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 604


                      dunno, i’ve never thought about exercising just to see how many pushups i can do lol.Ā  how bout you?? :))Ā  also, i’m starting to get into crossfit, which is kinda fun.

                      what we do in life echoes in eternity
                      -gladiator, 2000

                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 186


                        My advice? If you have as much time as you say that could be spent writing and have no inspiration to do so then maybe donā€™t. Itā€™s like trying to squeeze juice out of a dried lemon.

                        If you do however have inspiration and simply canā€™t type because you canā€™t keep your fingers from annihilating your keyboard Iā€™d go with touchscreen or the good old pen and paper. Unless of course you would crack the screen or shred the paper from sheer force.

                        As for workouts the few workout routines Iā€™ve started Iā€™ve forgotten about after about 3 weeks. (Probably because by that time they donā€™t hurt anymore). But for a gal Iā€™m pretty strong. Iā€™ve grown up on a farm where lifting 50 pound feed sacks and small square bales is just routine. Donā€™t get me started on milking the cows and goats. Letā€™s just say that Iā€™ve been told by many a person Iā€™ve got ā€œa good gripā€. And I take extra care hugging the older ladies at churchā€¦

                        Iā€™ve never been to a gym. Well unless you count going to a schoolā€™s gym for a few giant church gatherings.

                        I can relate somewhat to your disastrous mustard incident. Except with me it ended up that the bottle exploded- not exaggerating- all over me, my Dad who was a few feet away at the sink, the counter, cupboards, etc. You get the idea. That was shall we say interesting to clean up (I told my Mom sheā€™d probably appreciate it if she stayed out until Iā€™d finished cleaning up). Iā€™m still not sure exactly what happened thereā€¦

                        Iā€™d guess youā€™reā€¦ 17. Oh man dude you remind me 100% of a dude I know. Minus the writing. I donā€™t think he writesā€¦ to nerdy for him. Heā€™s more a hockey and football dude.

                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Elanor.

                        "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - Gandalf

                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 186


                          My advice? If you have as much time as you say that could be spent writing and have no inspiration to do so then maybe donā€™t. Itā€™s like trying to squeeze juice out of a dried lemon.

                          If you do however have inspiration and simply canā€™t type because you canā€™t keep your fingers from annihilating your keyboard Iā€™d go with touchscreen or the good old pen and paper. Unless of course you would crack the screen or shred the paper from sheer force.

                          As for workouts the few workout routines Iā€™ve started Iā€™ve forgotten about after about 3 weeks. (Probably because by that time they do t hurt anymore). But for a gal Iā€™m pretty strong. Iā€™ve grown up on a farm where lifting 50 pound feed sacks and small square bales is just routine. Donā€™t get me started on milking the cows and goats. Letā€™s just say that Iā€™ve been told by many a person Iā€™ve got ā€œa good gripā€. And I take extra care hugging the older ladies at churchā€¦

                          Iā€™ve never been to a gym. Well unless you count going to a schoolā€™s gym for a few giant church gatherings.

                          I can relate somewhat to your disastrous mustard incident. Except with me it ended up that the bottle exploded- not exaggerating- all over me, my Dad who was a few feet away at the sink, the counter, cupboards, etc. You get the idea. That was shall we say interesting to clean up (I told my Mom sheā€™d probably appreciate it if she stayed out until Iā€™d finished cleaning up).

                          Iā€™d guess youā€™reā€¦ 17. Oh man dude you remind me 100% of a dude I know. Minus the writing. I donā€™t think he writesā€¦ to nerdy for him.

                          "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - Gandalf

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1242


                            Well then, Iā€™ll take back the cross out ā€˜cause most comedians probably could take a couple lessons from you.
                            No problem, I love giving anyone and everyone that Yoda quote (like. All. The. Time.) XD
                            Anyhow, that IS a dilemma, but sadly I canā€™t help you too much there.
                            I havenā€™t been on KP for a while, (I try to stop in when I can though because KP rocks), but Iā€™ll most likely head on over to that Wingfeather Saga rant you mentioned šŸ™‚

                            Ooh nice!

                            • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Abigail.M..
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 692

                              My life has changed drastically too. Well… maybe not drastically but it’s been big! I graduated from high school back in April. My ceremony was in late May. It’s exciting and sad. I don’t really have a social life anymore so that’s sad but it’s exciting to be done. Still thinking about college but am unsure at the moment. Maybe in a year or 2. I graduated 2 years earlier than we had planned so I’m still young. šŸ˜‰

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6699


                                *Pokes head into topic*


                                Iā€™m afraid I cannot relate in any shape or form to your swolness,Ā and thus my advice would be labeled insufficientā€¦


                                I shall now return to my endless slumber filled with snacks and procrastination.











                                *Pokes head back in*

                                The mustard scandal is quite unfortunate, by the by.


                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 311


                                  (very confused)

                                  umm… not to be insensitive or anything but is this a joke/satire/allegory mostly just because my geeky brain doesn’t seem to be able to comprehend the fact that you can’t write because you have big muscles. Also, this is just giving me unreliable flags…

                                  I might suggest stretching…

                                  Also (no offense) this entire conversation/thread just feels weird like in a passive-aggressive kind of way.

                                  (still very confused)

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