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  • #187037
    Linus Smallprint
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 857


      But the hair when you did Friedrich!!!

      Good point, that.

      I think you and I canno0t do each other’s character’s hairstyles right. lol

      I guess so. It’s a rather hairy situation.

      By the way, that drawing you posted earlier, was that supposed to be a character, or was that just a drawing experiment with hair?

      Sometimes it is necessary to paint the sky black in order to see the stars.

      Ellette Giselle
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3044


        It’s a rather hairy situation.

        I just died.

        That was so bad.


        By the way, that drawing you posted earlier, was that supposed to be a character, or was that just a drawing experiment with hair?

        I was just playing around with hair in the breeze/wind. Why?



        Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 5703

          @rae You wanna look at my art?

          I bet you it’s worse.


          Ok, that’s a joke. But I’m sure your art isn’t as bad as you claim. My art isn’t that great either but I’ve grown to like my weird style.

          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 5703

            @rae Look me in the eye and tell me that your drawings are worse than this one.

            Mine are cartoony and I can’t shade them to save my life. It took me 4 years to get to even this point. But they’re kinda cute, even when they’re of characters that kill each other for a living (which is most of my characters *facepalm*)

            And, if anything, I can give you proportion lessons.


            also I added context in the form of the scene from my fic that the drawing is supposed to accompany.

            Medic tapped the glass with one claw, making the little bread-creature thing lunge at his finger before it started rattling around some more and gnawing at the jar. “Ooh, look! It hates me so much!”

            Engineer put his arms around him and Soldier, who’d come over to get a closer look. “So, we’re fine! As long as nobody teleports any bread.”

            “Question.” Soldier barked.

            “What’s your question, Soldier?” Engineer asked.

            “I teleported bread.” came Soldier’s reply. (Not even a question.)

            Engineer’s grin faded. “You what?”

            “You told me to,” Soldier pointed out. Thinking back over the events of the weekend, I realized he was partially right.

            “How much?” Engineer growled, his ears flattening against his hard hat.

            Soldier looked a little startled at his teammate’s sudden anger. “I have done nothing but teleport bread for three days.” he stated.

            Medic flung the bread jar to the side, shattering it (and freeing the weird creature), and lunged forward, grabbing Soldier by the shirt collar. “Where?” he bellowed, his hackles raising and his wings flaring. “Where have you been sending it?!”



            The dialogue and characters are not mine to claim any hilarity points for. I merely added the fur and feathers.

            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 5703






              ehh lucky it wasn’t an RP or something

              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                Sketch of my dad I did while we were hanging out on the porch 

                Official KP archivist ✨

                Ruee Hamster Huey
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4112


                  One: I burn out of drawings very quickly so my will to draw is very low because I can’t make anything decent 75 percent of the time. Extra practise is not really an option unless I want to stress myself.


                  Also, helpful side tip, at one point when I was about 14 I just couldn’t get people to look right. AT ALL. So, I pulled out a bunch of photos and started tracing them. (black and white are easiest) This helped my hand and mind memorize how people work. (Also, thinking about what limbs do what things in what ways is helpful when drawing) You know, I did that for a WHOLE YEAR! It wasn’t until I was fifteen that I actually tried drawing people again. It was WAY better, but still hard.

                  I am beyond that faze. I have been teaching myself to draw since I could hold a crayon (the walls used to be my favorite canvas). I am 15 now and I have already done the tracing thing, but there is only so much you can learn from tracing. Sure, it can help, and it did help me, but after a while you become too reliant on the tracing. If done for too long, tracing can be detrimental to your drawing, and you will come out worse. in moderation, it is helpful, but I do not believe going back to completely tracing will help me. Though, I still do occasionally trace outlines of drawings if I’m doing a new style, and I use a dry erase marker on my tablet to make lines more defined when using a reference pic, and the dry erase really does help. Just make sure your tablet screen is okay with dry erase, mine is but I’m not sure about other people’s.

                  At this point, I am only left with doing what I’ve always done, observing and occasionally drawing. Art tutorials are rarely helpful to me.



                  Your art is not bad.

                  Define yourself. I have already mentioned why my art is bad.

                  If you’re looking to improve, follow some tutorials.

                  Those…don’t usually go well…

                  KP won’t let me post the photo, but this is a Canva link

                  Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                  #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                  Ellette Giselle
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3044


                    Rea….. How do I say this. Let’s do it bluntly.

                    You’re crazy. I mean, this is Beautiful! I don’t know how you can’t like it!

                    NO LIE, I sat looking at that wolf picture for like a whole minute!!!! I have ALWAYS wanted to draw something like that, and all my attempts have landed in the trash!

                    Just because people are too hard, or your style is different from everyone else, doesn’t mean your art is bad! I think it’s beautiful! It was so well done, and…. man, I have to keep looking at that one! Yes, it’s rough, but that’s what makes it beautiful and… and wild and attention grabbing. Oh man the tree!!!!! Oh I CANNOT draw trees to save my life! And the light of the moon!

                    Ack! It’s so, so good! I don’t know how you can think it isn’t.

                    Maybe try thinking of it this way. This is the gift God gave you, (and every good thing is a gift from God, including the ability to draw) Try honestly thanking Him for it, and then enjoying it. And, if the wanting to be better is driving you insane, I suggest taking a minute and telling Him exactly how you feel. Then ask Him to either take away that want and help you to be happy with your drawings as they are, or else help you improve. If you are doing all things for the glory of God, including drawing, then it doesn’t really matter anymore if your drawings aren’t as good as other people’s. What matters is that they bring Him glory and they bring Him joy.

                    Maybe– and I’m saying this with a gentle, sisterly-love– maybe take a step back, sit down, pull out a pen and paper, and make a list of the reasons why you think your drawings aren’t good, and, more importantly, what is the biggest drive in your life to make them better? Has someone you admire told you they’re bad? Do you want to impress people? Are you more of a protectionist and don’t like knowing something doesn’t look right? (That would be me. 😉 ) Just really honestly get to the bottom of it and write it all down. Then, pray through the list. After that, burn/shred/tear it up and get rid of it. Let it go. Then start a new list. A list of things you are grateful for concerning your drawings. Example: I have hands that work and I can draw. I have pencils. I have eye sight. etc. Thank God for each of these things, maybe add some verses about doing things to God’s glory or thankfulness. Then, tape that up in a place you normally draw, (or if that’s everywhere) then in a place you will easily see it each day. Any time you’re getting discouraged, read that list over again. You can add to it when you think of something. Maybe think of ways you can use your art to bless others and add those on there too. Then, before you draw, pray. It doesn’t have to be long, just a sentence or two. Just ask God to give you patience and guide your hand, and tell him this is for His glory, not yours.

                    This may seem like I’m making a big deal out of nothing or turning everything into some sort of  “religious thing” (I get that a lot) I used to be in a place where if someone wrote the above to me, I would squint at it and think “yeah right! Is this a missionary kid or something?” I mean, it does seem a little silly. After all, it’s just art. But this is a lie. This is something that I had to learn the hard way, (and am still learning in some ways. It took a very hard blow to our family to bring me to the spot I am right this minute concerning bringing EVERYTHING to God) God is right here, and He knows all, sees all, and can do all. And, He CARES. He cares about your drawings, and He cares about the pain failure brings you. He KNOWS what it feels like. If you have accepted Him as your King and Savior, then He doesn’t want to just be apart of church and quiet time. He wants to be a part of every single aspect of your life. Including drawing. This is a battle ground, and any place in your life that you have not given to Him is property of the devil. You don’t get to have any of it. It’s all Christs, or it is lost in sin.

                    Well, anyhow. I hope any of this helps. I have used the list thing before in a few different ways, and believe me, it really does help. You are surrendering this ground to Christ, and when you do that, He begins to work in this place. He’s not going to force His way in. However, accepting Him as your savior isn’t the end. It’s a daily process of surrender. You will always be Christ’s, but the enemy is coming down on you hard. You can’t be passive and let him wreck havoc. You need to take the fight to him, and your strength lies only in surrender to God.

                    If you are interested I am totally willing to share some of the ways I have used the above in my life. I don’t want you to feel like I’m on the high ground of perfection, because I’m not. I am willing to tell you about some of the ways I’ve also struggled, and I hope that what I have learned the hard way will be a help to you. And, if you do this, it will be something you must fight at daily. The enemy doesn’t give ground without a fight, and if you become lax, he’ll come rushing back. He’ll try to attack you. The thing is, you have to turn a deaf ear to his lies and focus on God’s truth.

                    Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 5703

                      @loopylin haha that’s cute


                      That is amazing. I also think Ellette’s advice is very good.

                      God gave you this gift. I highly doubt He did it just for you to say “This is trash, I don’t like it, I’m useless at it.”

                      Haven’t you, like, WON THE ART CHALLENGE a couple times?

                      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4139


                        If you feel like you’re not learning, you might be drawing too much of the same thing and burning your energy out looking at it. I do that aaaallllll the time. Maybe you’re drawing character faces too often, and now you are sick of the style. Or you’ve practiced something to the point where you can’t tell what looks good anymore.

                        Draw new and easy things. Cubes, patterns, cartoon objects. Choose a page of your sketchbook and fill it up with as many random things as possible. Your doodles can be stupidly simplistic, that’s okay. Relax and do it while watching a movie, or listening to an audiobook. It’s best if you don’t concentrate on it too hard.

                        Here are ideas:

                        1. Draw your characters as stick figures in a comic strip.

                        2. Learn a simple style like chibi or rubberhose (I’m doing this!)

                        3. Draw weird shapes and shade them to look three-dimensional. Shading can be satisfying and seeing the shape come to life can bring you confidence.

                        4. Gesture drawings. Don’t make them too detailed.

                        If I want this method to work, I have to be really, really gentle on my brain and not think too hard about anything. It’s about rewarding yourself with a job well done, even if the job wasn’t that difficult in the first place.

                        Hope this helps 😁

                        There has been no news for Silksong for today...

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 5703

                          @whalekeeper also good advice!

                          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          Linus Smallprint
                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 857


                            I was just playing around with hair in the breeze/wind. Why?

                            Just was wondering if it was a character from the Flames of Hope Saga. Though I didn’t think it would be Sabina, because if I remembered correctly, she had darker hair.

                            Sometimes it is necessary to paint the sky black in order to see the stars.

                            Linus Smallprint
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 857


                              Nice work!

                              Sometimes it is necessary to paint the sky black in order to see the stars.

                              Linus Smallprint
                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 857


                                Ellette has some good things to say to you. Draw to the glory of God and try not to get stuck comparing yourself to others. This is a battle I go through a lot as well. I often let my pride get in the way and am dissatisfied with my skills. I want to be unique stand out, and have people praise me for my abilities. When people give me good feedback, I sometimes feel discouraged by it, thinking that they don’t really understand what I’m doing. They don’t notice this, this, and this, and compared to other things, it looks bad. But the drawing abilities I have are a gift from God, and I should thank him for them. And this is not about me. I am trying to let my pride go and glorify Him with my abilities instead of myself.

                                Now this does not mean never seeking to improve your abilities, it just means don’t get caught in a trap of envy when you see others’ talents.


                                Also, Whaley’s suggestion is good. Try just drawing for a bit without judgment. Even the best artists have to do this at times.

                                Define yourself. I have already mentioned why my art is bad.

                                Your wolf picture is really good. The proportions of the wolf are not perfect, but they are very close. And how did you get that moon to look like it is glowing? I’ve tried to make a character with glowing eyes before, but it did not work. The shading is excellent! As Ellette said, you’ve done a good job of ‘drawing’ people’s attention to it. (Well, without the horrible pun anyway). Is this drawing part of a series? I would not mind seeing the rest of them as well.

                                And your other drawings I have seen are good as well. For example, your drawing of Friedrich in the character drawing contests. It has a style which to me feels unique and the character shows personality. The colours you used work well together. You did make me pause to admire it when I first saw it.

                                And trust me, you are a lot better than I was when I was 15. My style then was very wonky. I believe I was going through a weird phase where I made my character’s eyes so big that there was no room for eyebrows on their faces. Yours is by far more refined than mine was.

                                Keep up your drawing! Glorify God as you do it! I’m sure in a few years, you will have some incredible artwork to show all of us!

                                Sometimes it is necessary to paint the sky black in order to see the stars.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3704


                                  I was scrolling through what people had posted on here and your most recent drawing reminded me of the interior art from  the Wingfeather Saga!

                                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

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