A Writing Game

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  • #13578
    Rosey Mucklestone
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 467

      Oh, gosh… I haven’t been on here in forever. sorry guys. XD
      YOU TOTALLY MADE MY DAY. (a month after the fact, but still!) Awesome job! 😀
      *goes to revive the Cobalt Fanclub*

      Kate Flournoy
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3976

        @writefury really!? Wow… I actually thought it was too understated. I should have had him trip over the edge of the sidewalk or something. 😉
        I guess it helps that I’ve had a lot of practice working with this character-type before… *sly wink*

        Rosey Mucklestone
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 467

          @kate-flournoy Most of the little off-things were just wordings that he probably would have done differently. XD You did great!

            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
            • Total Posts: 48

            @kate-flournoy Thanks! I’ve never written in present tense before, so that was interesting. And forgive my ignorance, but who’s Cobalt?

            • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Vanna.
            Kate Flournoy
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3976

              @Vanna aha!! Permit me to enlighten you! Cobalt is the most celebrated fictional character on. this. forum. Created by none other than… *drumroll* our very own spy/genius lady, Rosemary Mucklestone!!!
              *puffs out chest impressively* And I, my very dear young lady, am president of the Cobalt Fan Club.

              Okay, in plain English, Cobalt Winter is one of @writefury’s characters. She shared a few scenes of his for critiquing a long while back on the forum, and we all loved him so much we adopted him and gave him his own fan club. To read these scenes, you can click on her tag, and then click on the button that says ‘forums’ under her profile picture and beside her ‘friends’ button. That’s a list of the forums she started, and all the Cobalt scenes will be in there.

              Mallory O’Bier
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 550

                The last, precious days of Summer were slipping by only too fast for me. I could no longer ignore the fact that the grass was growing browner and the leafy greenness of the trees duller with every passing day, and I tried hard not to think about school as I pedaled swiftly on my way to the library.

                I had just reached Penny Street when a wind came up, an early Fall wind that whipped my hair teasingly as it went past and sent a dizzy leaf floating down just ahead of me.

                I reached out with one hand. My fingers touched the crinkly edges of it, and, in that moment, it was as if time itself froze everything around me and my bike stopped with a suddenness that should have made a loud screech but there were no sounds at all. I remembered … everything.

                I remembered him.

                “John … John Doe.” I murmured softly.

                As if responding to my voice, everything around me started to fade into grey and with it came such a sense of urgency as I had never before felt. He was depending on me! “Come back, John! John, I remember! I remember you, just like I promised I would! I remember, John! Come back!” I shouted louder each time I called until my ears rang and my throat stung. My eyes stung too, and when I rubbed them I was surprised to find them wet.

                “John, please,” I whispered, closing my eyes as the grey grew black and the blackness spread itself over me. “please come back. You’re my friend.”

                The air grew suddenly chill. My hair started to blow about my face. It was the wind. It kept picking up, and I opened my eyes to see what was happening.

                The wind had begun to whip up a gale and I was forced to crouch on the ground, limiting my view a little, but what I saw was incredible, fantastic, even.

                The wind was blowing the blackness and the grey away and at the same time, drawing hundreds of leaves like the one still clasped in my hand, into a vortex.

                Now the shadows were gone and the leaves swirled faster and faster as the light grew brighter, ’til they shone like copper in the sun, and, when I lifted my hands to cover my face, the leaf I held slipped through my grasp and twirled away to join the others.

                Suddenly I felt and heard the wind was still, and for a moment there were no sounds, just as it was before.

                None, that is, until a voice spoke familiarly, “Hello there, if it isn’t little Mary Major Eleven. The girl who remembered.”

                “I’m not little!” I protested, lowering my hands. “And I’m not eleven anymore. I turned twelve in March.”

                “Tut, tut! We both know, Maryleven, that you’ll always be eleven and nothing else … but I … I shall not always be John Doe, now.”

                “You mean … that is … you remember too?”

                “Yes, thanks to you!” He helped me up. “I am back! My everything is back and I remember it all … from my past on my home planet of Zsar, to my past here on Earth, to my very own, real name.”

                “What is it?”

                He frowned strangely and his eyebrows quirked. “You won’t laugh?”

                “No, why should I?”

                “No reason … it’s just, well …”

                “Well?” What could be so awful about a name?

                My Prompt: Make up a creature and give it an unusual trait or ability. Write about his/her struggle to fit in a world where he’s/she’s the only one of his/her kind.

                Kate Flournoy
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3976

                  @Overcomer oooh I want the rest of the story. I love how you used the leaves— masterful use of imagery there.

                  Mallory O’Bier
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 550

                    I’m glad you liked it, @kate-flournoy . 🙂 I almost didn’t post it because I thought it might be too weird … and I kinda cheated because the prompt reminded me of an idea I had had before for a Sci Fi story so, I really just wrote a new scene based on it. The leaves were my favorite part. 😀

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 628

                      I gazed down at my endless expanse of tail. “Why, oh why, was I born a gurnoramee? It is so annoying! No one wants to be my friend.”
                      My eyes felt moist. In a panic, I attempted to hide my face with my tail hankie, (gurnoramees have tails several thousand miles long, with hooks on them; they keep things like hats and handkerchiefs on the hooks) but I was too late! My golden tears rained endlessly, flowing down my tail and dripping on the many cities it encompassed. It wasn’t long till each city was buried in a pile of gold. “Oooohhhh! Boo Hoo, not again! My tears are valuable…but deadly!”

                      My prompt: Write a short story about a very long car trip. From the point of view of one of the wheels on the car.

                      Official Member of the Certified Club of Aussie Kapeefers

                        • Rank: Wise Jester
                        • Total Posts: 52

                        Even though I’m not exactly sure how his thing works, I have to write that short story that @clairec prompted.

                        I felt squashed, but that was nothing new. Being a tire meant a world of unending roller-coasters. When I heard that the family who drove me was going to Florida for vacation, I was tempted to let myself pop, but that would get me changed with another and then I would be in the dump. Bad idea.
                        It started with us heading to the gas station, where I was refilled with air that smelled like gasoline.
                        But after that, there were no stops on the road…round and round and round and round and round and, well, you get the picture. The worst part was when we ran over an animal; I’m not even going to describe that.
                        Round and round and round and round, gray and green and black and white flashing before my eyes. Finally, after a very painful drive over a gravel driveway, we arrived at Halfway Mark Hotel. Immediately I closed my eyes and tried to get some shut eye, but the picture of the rotating world was imbedded in my brain.
                        It was nearly dusk when I heard the youngest daughter of the family call to the driver, “I forgot my suitcase! We have to go back!”

                        My Prompt: Write an excerpt about a college student’s notebook from the notebook’s perspective.

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 628

                          @C.C.Lane, That was exactly what I had in mind!!! It’s great!

                          Official Member of the Certified Club of Aussie Kapeefers

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1622

                            Numbers; problems. That’s all they ever write in me. Multiplication; addition; subtraction; division. I’m so tired by the end of the day.
                            Sometimes I end up with a really bad case of chicken pox. Do you know how horrible that is?
                            I wish they’d write stories in me instead. Battles; romance; westerns; fantasy. How much nicer that would be.
                            Words; sentences. That’s all I want.
                            People would pick me up and read me. Laugh; cry. I would be treasured.
                            I have but one page left now. Do dreams come true?
                            More sums are jotted down on my cream white page. Scribbles; crosses. I’m full. I get flicked shut and suddenly I sail through the air. A crash landing and I’m in the trash can.
                            Such is life.

                            Writing prompt: I don’t know if anyone can do this. If not, let me know and I’ll change the prompt or you can think of your own.
                            Write about a day on the KP forum. Go for it. 🙂

                            • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by BlueJay.
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