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June 5, 2023 at 6:49 pm #146468
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@lightoverdarkness6 Yessss, the babies!!! 😭🥹❤️
I knowwwwwwww, such a mix of emotions!! 🥹😭
TYSM for your sweet words!! 🥰🥰🥰
June 6, 2023 at 3:35 am #146533@freedomwriter76 I have a song for u 😭 😭 it’s called Brother by Kodaline OH MY GOSHHHHHH
#ProtectSebJune 6, 2023 at 3:38 am #146534It makes me think of Hans, Felix and The youngest (his name escapes me rn)
and my brain also goes to the Fallon boys (Aramis, Edrich and Sorren) 😭
obviously my boy MCs too who aren’t related but are brothers at heart and future charries but thinking about it as an angsty song is just…gah
#ProtectSebJune 6, 2023 at 10:04 am #146543Anonymous
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@godlyfantasy12 I know that song!!!! It’s one of my best friend’s favs, and she introduced me to it!!
And the last one is Himmler, btw 😉
June 8, 2023 at 5:51 pm #146982@freedomwriter76 Wowwww IDK if I previously commented on that scene but……just wow……
That was…interesting. Your poor charries though!
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
June 9, 2023 at 1:22 pm #147035@freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h @mineralizedwritings @smiley @euodia-vision @whalekeeper @anyone-else!
Here’s a typical Everton scene for your enjoyment 😉
(And to fill in some blanks, Ev is in prison and that morning they gave him a nasty breakfast which he did not eat.)
For the next few hours, Ev either sat down or paced the floor, bored out of his mind. He had gone through possible ways to escape, but when he played the scenarios through in his head, they never ended great. Either someone was dead or seriously injured by the end, and it tended to be him… He was never great at planning things anyway. If there really was a way to escape, it’d show up eventually.
The morning hours ticked away. Ev didn’t know how long it had been, when his cell door finally opened. A soldier walked in and Ev put his hands out with a sigh, so the soldier could put on the handcuffs.
The soldier smirked as he did so. “Already getting used to the routine, eh?”
Ev cast him a look of annoyance. “Where are you taking me this time? Do I have to talk with that—”
The soldier’s warning glance cut him off. Ev cleared his throat. “Do I have to talk with the Reprimor again?”
The soldier shook his head. “No. It’s lunch time.”
“Good, I’m starving.”
“That was your own fault,” he said, pushing Ev out the door.
Ev traipsed along the walkway. “I think you need to get better cooks. If you want your prisoners to give answers, then at least give them food. It will put them in a better mood.” He winked.
The soldier scowled. “We don’t take suggestions from prisoners.”
“Oh really? Well you should. I was looking forward to filling out a survey of how good—or rather bad—customer service was when I leave.”
The soldier ignored him and shoved him again, forcing Ev to walk faster.
“Woah, buddy. You can’t expect a starved prisoner to race to wherever I’m going.”
The soldier stopped walking and whipped around, grabbing the collar of Ev’s shirt. “Quit talking or you really will be starved.”
Ev’s jaw dropped and he looked down at the soldier’s hand gripping his shirt. “Hey, watch it. Your grimy hands are touching my jacket. It’s my favorite. Can’t let it get spoiled.” He frowned.
The soldier slowly let go, looking like he wanted to punch Ev in the face. He probably wanted to do more than that if Ev was honest with himself.
Ev smirked as they continued down the walkway. Sooner or later, they’d want to get rid of him. He just hoped it would be ridding him of prison… not ridding him of life.
The soldier brought him down a staircase and into a wide hallway. At the end of the hallway were open double doors. The soldier led him in and took off his handcuffs. He pointed them at Ev’s face as Ev flexed his wrists. “Just because you have these off doesn’t mean you get to get away with anything. We have guards everywhere.”
Ev glanced around and shrugged. “What would make you think I’d try to get away with anything?”
The soldier clenched his fist and Ev watched him slowly pull it up and rear it back. Ev prepared to make a run for it when someone’s sharp voice called out, “Private!”
The soldier snapped to attention. The commander cocked an eyebrow. “What is going on here?”
Before the soldier answered, the commander glanced over and saw Ev. Ev gave him a small wave and smiled. The commander scowled. He turned to his soldier. “Leave this one alone. You know we’re not supposed to harm prisoners without the Reprimor’s orders.”
“But that’s exactly what he’s trying to get us to do,” the private protested.
The commander raised his eyebrows and the private grunted.
The two men walked away, each giving Ev one last glare.
Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende
June 9, 2023 at 2:42 pm #147042June 9, 2023 at 3:04 pm #147043I love it XD Ev is the best, he’s so amusing
And I have a lot of charries who remind me of him XD
I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
Isaiah 43:1June 9, 2023 at 3:10 pm #147045Well, right now he’s just going to eat lunch, lol. But later… well, I’m not entirely sure yet, but at this point in the book, it’s getting close to the climax. 😬 Which I have a vague idea for… And it involves explosions 😏
Thanks!! He’s probably one of my favorite characters. 😆😉
Oh that’s awesome!! 😄
Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende
June 10, 2023 at 11:30 am #147168June 10, 2023 at 3:58 pm #147217June 13, 2023 at 4:31 pm #147618@freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @euodia-vision
Here are two chapters from my newest fanfic (there may be some errors XD)
Chapter 1
Bucky looked around his work, Steve had put him in charge of training the new S.H.I.E.L.D recruits. He had been doing decent but it wasn’t his favorite job, and even though Steve was his boss he hardly saw him.
Bucky turned to see three more recruits walking over to him. They were new and he could tell by how excited they looked. They clearly didn’t know all the work that stood in front of them.
“You three should be running laps with the others,” Bucky stated pointing to the track behind him.
“Oh, guys we should do these quick, based on the man’s ring he has a wife to get home to,” One of the men said with an arrogant smile.
“Eight more laps for the new guy!” Bucky yelled pointing to the track.
The man frowned but then went back to his cocky smile.
Bucky only replied with his own cocky smile.
The boy pushed op his aviators, clearly impersonating the characters from Top Gun.
Bucky looked around the alleyways. Why did Sam have to be so cryptic with his call for help? What was I even looking for, him chained to a fence? This was the last place I wanted to be after a tiring workday.
A call came in on the car’s radio, it was Wanda probably wondering where he was.
“Hey,” Bucky said answering the call.
“James, where are you?” Wanda didn’t sound stressed she sounded like she knew it was probably something dangerous. And of course, it was, or it was most likely. Bucky also found it amusing that Wanda never called him Bucky like everyone did, she called him by his actual name, Jame.
“Driving through the alleys of the docks,”
“In New York?!”
“I know you’re grinning right now,” Wanda said in a clever tone.
Bucky just laughed and then saw what he assumed Sam had been talking about.
“Wanda I’ll have to call you back,” Bucky hung up the phone and then ran over to Sam.
“Took you long enough,” Sam said with a groan.
“What happened?”
“Blame Steve,” Sam said picking himself up from where he had been sitting. A giant truck was parked behind Sam.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Steve gave me the simple task of driving this truck back to S.H.I.E.L.D Head Quarters, but it turns out the contents were items that the Mockingbirds want.”
Bucky gave a questionable look. The Mockingbirds were the newest terrorist groups but they hadn’t seemed like a big threat.
“Hey,” Bucky looked to see a young girl come out behind the truck.
“Who are you? And how old are you?” Bucky looked back at Sam who was avoiding eye contact.
“My name is Sage and I’m Thirteen,”
“You hired a thirteen-year-old girl?!” Bucky couldn’t believe Sam, he must have been punched too many times.
“She hired herself,”
“It’s true, I came into the fight,”
“Bucky! The contents in the truck were Extremis!” Sam said getting Bucky back on topic.
“Extremis?!” Bucky had heard of the chemical, and from what he had heard it was pretty dangerous.
Bucky let out a sigh, Things had settled down in his life, but it looks like things were about to change.
And Wanda wouldn’t be happy about that.
“What happened?” Steve said coming out of his car. “I got a notification for a disturbance on the dock.”
Sam sighed. “The Mockingbirds attacked me, for the Extremis, you know the stuff you didn’t tell me was in the truck.”
Steve just replied with an annoyed look. “And let me guess, they got it?”
Sam hesitated,
“To be fair there were two guys, with powers,” Sage stated.
“Who are you? And where are your parents?”
“My name is Sage, I have powers, so it won’t surprise you to find out that I’m an orphan.”
Bucky, Sam, and Steve just looked at each other. Clearly, there was more to both stories, and it wasn’t safe to talk about it here.
Wanda set the table, she wondered what James could be doing that was keeping him out this long.
“Mommy! Patrick isn’t being a good patient,” Lexi said pointing at Patrick who was ducking behind the couch like it was a barrier.
“I’m protecting the hospital!” Patrick said using a fake pistol.
“The hospital doesn’t need protecting, besides fighting isn’t fun.” Lexi protested.
“Of course, fighting isn’t fun, but it’s necessary. Dad had to fight in the war, and so did Uncle Steve.”
“And me,” Wanda said under her breath, Patrick looked up to James and Steve. So much so that he decided he would be a soldier, which for Wanda’s sake she hoped he didn’t.
“I want a metal arm,” Patrick said,
“You have to lose your arm first,” Lexi pointed out.
“Would that hurt?” Patrick asked walking over to his sister and mom.
“Why don’t you ask your father,” Wanda pointed to the door opening.
“Daddy!” Lexi and Patrick ran to their father.
Bucky loved this stage of childhood, where they were excited every day to see him. He knew this stage would last long but he loved every minute of it.
“What took you so long?” Wanda asked walking over to Bucky.
“Well I brought company,” Bucky opened the door all the way so Steve, Sam, and Sage could walk in.
“Uncle Steve,” Patrick’s face lit up.
“You’ve missed thirteen Friday night diners,” Wanda said giving Steve a welcoming hug.
“I know I’m sorry, the rebuilding of S.H.I.E.L.D has taken a lot of time.”
“Friday night dinners? Why was I never invited?” Sam asked looking at Bucky.
“We must have forgotten to invite you,” Bucky said with a grin.
“Uh huh sure,” Sam rolled his eyes. “Do you guys remember who I am?” Sam asked looking at Lexi and Patrick.
“The delivery man?” Lexi asked holding her dad’s hand.
“Not anymore, not after today,” Steve said elbowing Sam in the arm.
“Very funny, but you’re the one who didn’t tell me what was in the truck,”
“Truck?” Wanda crossed her arms and gave a questioning look to Bucky.
“It’s a long story,” Sage said, who had been behind Sam and Steve.
“Who are you?”
“Sage,” She was getting tired of answering that question.
“You don’t even know the whole story,” Sam said looking down at Sage.
“No, but I’m curious to hear it,’”
“I am too, but first why don’t we get something to eat?” Wanda gestured to the dining room.
“Am I invited?” Sam crossed his arms looking at Bucky.
“Sadly yes,” Bucky said with a grin leading everyone to the dining room.
Chapter 2
Sage watched as Lexi slipped a bandaid on her cut. Based on all the toy doctor stuff that Lexi had, she assumed she wanted to be a doctor.
“There you’re all better,” Lexi said with a bright smile.
“Thank you, you’re a very good doctor,” Sage smiled back.
“Thank you,”
“Where are your parents?” Patrick asked.
“I don’t have parents I’m an orphan,” Sage shrugged, she had been an orphan since she was three.
“So you’ll never have parents?” Lexi looked shocked to hear that was even a thing.
“Well, I can if someone adopted me,”
“Why hasn’t someone adopted you?”
“Patrick, give her privacy,” Wanda giving her son a warning look.
“It’s okay,” Sage gave a warm smile to the boy. “Mostly because I have powers, and that makes people nervous.”
“My Mom has powers, maybe my parents could adopt you,” Lexi suggested.
Everyone went silent.
Wanda and Bucky shared a look at the table, Steve and Sam just smirked.
“I get the feeling your parents have enough trouble with you two,” Sage said with a laugh and then took a seat at the table. That was awkward,
“So what are your powers?” Steve asked looking at Sage who had taken the seat next to him.
“I can fly, and heat up my hands, basically Captain Marvel but not as powerful,”
“You forgot the coolest part,” Sam had been the only one who had actually seen her powers.
“I can pause time for a few minutes,” Sage made it sound like no big deal.
“So I think we’re all curious to hear the whole story,” Wanda stated as everyone looked at Sam.
“Maybe the kids shouldn’t be here,” Sam looked at Sage.
Sage sighed, “Which includes me?” Sage looked around the table, everyone’s face gave the answer. “Alright then, Patrick, Lexi let’s go play outside.”
“Wait I have to ask Dad a question,” Patrick ran to where Bucky was sitting. “How much did it hurt when you lost your arm?”
“Uh…” Bucky looked at Wanda who was laughing. “It hurt a little bit,”
Patrick thought for a second, “I still want a metal arm,” Patrick ran out the back door with Lexi and Sage.
“What was that about?” Bucky gave a confused look.
“He wants a metal arm so he can defend Lexi’s hospital from bad guys,” Wanda said with a smile. “He also wants super serum,”
“And wings?” Sam was starting to feel like the lame sidekick.
“Nope,” Wanda shook her head.
“Why don’t your kids even know of my existence?”
“To be fair I sometimes forget you exist,” Bucky said just wanting to see Sam’s reaction.
“Very funny,” Sam scowled.
“Alright Sam, please start at the beginning and tell us what happened,” Wanda needed to know the situation that her husband had managed to get himself into.
“Well, it started when Steve asked me to pick up a trailer of remains of one of the wreckage sights. Only I didn’t know what was in it,”
Steve sighed. “Because truthfully I didn’t know what was in it,”
“It turns out it was Extremis,”
Wanda had remembered hearing about that, but she thought it had been destroyed.
“Even with Sage’s help, they were too strong, mostly because they had super serum,”
“Who?” Wanda gave a skeptical look.
“The Mockingbirds, they’re the latest terrorist group,” Bucky said his face showing just a little bit of fear. “They seemed pretty harmless but they’ve managed to get a hold of super serum and Gamma Radiation, and now… Extremis.”
“They’re taking terrible criminals and giving them the powers to wipe out nations,” Sam said trying his best to hide his worry.
Wanda didn’t know what to say. “Can’t S.H.I.E.L.D take care of them?”
“S.H.I.E.L.D is just starting out, and all of our men and women wouldn’t stand a chance against these guys,” Steve hesitated, “I… think it’s time to assemble the Avengers.”
“What Avengers, we don’t really have a team on standby.”
“I’ll make some calls,” Steve said with a grin.
Sam and Steve left the room leaving Wanda and Bucky alone.
“The answer is no,” Wanda said before Bucky had a chance to say anything.
“Wanda, we’re the Avengers.”
A tear rolled down Wanda’s cheek. “Every battle I lose someone, and I can’t do it.”
“I know, but every time is different.”
“And if I lose you?”
Bucky looked down, “It will be okay I promise,”
Bucky grabbed Wanda’s hand holding it tight. Wanda looked at James in the eyes, she wouldn’t lose him no matter what.
No matter what,
I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
Isaiah 43:1June 14, 2023 at 10:49 am #147697Anonymous
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h @esther-c @whalekeeper @euodia-vision @felicity @lightoverdarkness6 @gwyndalf-the-wise @mineralizedwritings @anyone-else-idk
Y’ALLLLLLLLLLL!!!! 😭😭 I pushed past my procrastination…but that meant finally writing a certain scene that I’d been procrastinating for DAYS. I was like: *crying* “I did it…and now I need tissues” 🥹
Also, I reached 40k+ and 24 finished chapters!!!!
And here’s that scene y’all…❤️❤️😭😭
TW (TRIGGER WARNING): Character Death scene ahead
Sunlight beat down, but Riker was cold.
Two guards marched in between the two silent columns, one column of guards and officers, one column of prisoners, Fin held in between them.
They walked down the line.
Fin gave Riker a smile as he passed.
His smile was kind and devoid of any fear. Because as Fin had already said, he wasn’t afraid of death, all because he knew what was next.
Such a beautiful word and promise. But most certainly, an eternity of life was not the eternity Riker would receive once his day came.
A chill spread up and down his spine.
The guards stopped just mere inches from Hans, who stood and waited in the middle of the large crowd of men in a large circular opening, standing beside an already waiting, already open pit.
Riker closed his eyes.
‘I can’t do this,’ he thought.
But he couldn’t leave, either. Nor was he apt to abandoning Fin.
Riker reopened his eyes and watched.
Fin stood still and silent before Hans.
Felix stood only mere inches away, standing with arms crossed.
Hans spoke to Fin, quietly, slowly, an eyebrow raised.
Fin shook his head and spoke loud enough for almost everyone to hear. “I regret none of the things I have done.”
Hans chuckled and pulled out his Luger pistol. “Then I suppose we should get this done and over with so we can all get back to work. Any last words, Fin?”
Fin’s gaze turned upwards, and even from a few feet away…Riker saw him…smile. About to face his death, and Fin…smiled.
“Hold onto your faith.” Fin said, soft, as if he were even talking to himself. He faced Hans again. “I’m ready.”
Hans nodded towards one of the guards.
The man grabbed Fin’s arms and led him to stand in front of the pit.
Fin’s hands were roped together, and a blindfold was tied around his head to cover his eyes.
This couldn’t be happening.
Not here.
Not now.
Not yet.
Fin had refused to tell Hans about Riker…Ezekiel…The Baumann brothers…the Violet Iris resistance group in whole. He’d taken all the blame on himself, and now…he was about to give his life.
Tears coursed down Riker’s cheeks.
Fin had become a figure in Riker’s life he’d never had.
Fin understood.
Fin watched out for him.
Fin cared.
Fin acted as if Riker…mattered.
A gunshot rang through the air, deafening Riker’s ears.
Fin was gone.
Riker swallowed, forcing down a sob.
The sound of a hard kick finished the job. All that was needed now was for the pit to be refilled with dirt.
Fin had held on, even to the very end. He’d been forgiving, loving, loyal, even to the very end. He’d forgiven Hans, offered him a chance to change, even though Hans wanted him dead…even though Hans was the one who killed him.
Against his own will, a small sob escaped Riker’s throat.
Fin rescued Riker’s family.
Fin had told Riker that God cared about him…reminded Riker that he was loved even though he couldn’t believe that.
Fin had been an example of love, of forgiveness, of mercy, of grace. A better example of a good man than Riker had ever seen.
A man that met Riker and others, right where they were, mistakes and all.
And now…he was gone.
Riker would take his place in the Violet Iris’.
Riker would make sure his work was never in vain.
He would do his best.
He would fight until the bitter end, same as Fin had.
He’d never let Fin be forgotten.
And he’d never forget the impact Fin had already made on his life.
June 14, 2023 at 10:49 am #147698Anonymous
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
June 14, 2023 at 10:51 am #147699Anonymous
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@smiley love the chapters! ❤️❤️
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