A Place to share/write whatever we’re working on: Worldbuilding, plot, etc

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      @godlyfantasy12 @lightoverdarkness6 @smiley @keilah-h @euodia-vision

      I wrote this scene for the 2nd fic in my 4-Fanfic series…and ngl y’all, I love it…a lot XD


      “And I rolled a…three! Here we go!” Alex cried, moving her piece across the board.

      Ryo giggled and clapped his hands. “Again! Again!”

      Alex laughed and playfully poked Ryo’s nose. “It’s your turn now, silly, I can’t go again yet.”

      Ryo giggled, reaching for the die.

      Alex handed it to him, and he threw the die onto the board. Alex cheered and clapped. “You got a five, Ryo!”

      Ryo moved his piece one space. Alex chuckled and moved it four more spaces for him. Ryo whined, took his piece, and put it back where he had put it.

      “Ryo…you got a five, not a one.”

      Ryo screeched and grabbed his piece, clutching it close to his chest. “No! Mine!”

      Someone seemed to be grumpy.

      Steve gently bounced Ryo on his leg, sitting crisscrossed on the floor. “Hey Ryo, buddy, you wanna put your piece down? Alex is just trying to help you.”

      Ryo shook his head, clutching the piece tighter. “No, mine.”

      Alex raised an eyebrow. “Ryo, don’t you want to play the game?”

      “Mine…” Ryo whined.

      “You gotta put your piece down, or we can’t play the game, Ryo.” Alex said softly, reaching to gently grab the piece.

      She gently pried it out of Ryo’s fingers.

      “NO! MINE!” Ryo screamed, reaching to get the piece back.

      “What’s his problem today!?” Alex huffed, setting aside Ryo’s piece. “I’m not giving it back to him until he behaves. They must call it the terrible twos for a reason.”

      She seemed grumpy too.

      Ryo screeched and began to cry. “I want it! Mine!”

      “Nope,” Alex shook her head, “not until you behave yourself.”

      Steve slowly stood, still holding a screaming and flailing Ryo. He bounced Ryo in his arms, wiping away tears with his fingers. “Hey, Ryo…shh, shh, there’s no need to scream.”

      Alex groaned and covered her ears. “Can he just stop?”

      Steve continued to bounce Ryo in his arms, and Ryo’s screams and flails slowly subsided, his screams turning into mere sniffles.

      Steve rubbed his back, and Ryo wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck, sniffing.

      Alex sniffed.

      Steve turned, only to see tears coursing down Alex’s cheeks in droves. “Alex, hey…what’s wrong?”

      “I-it’s nothing,” she wiped away tears, “I-I just didn’t mean to get mad at Ryo, I’m just…I’m just so tired.”

      Ryo’s breath evened out, and he drifted into sleep.

      Steve gently pried Ryo’s arms from around his neck and laid him in the bed in the small room, gently tucking Mr. Bear underneath Ryo’s arm.

      Steve crouched down in front of Alex. “You sure it’s nothing?”

      Alex almost nodded, but her nod turned into a shake of her head. “No. I just…I’m so tired of all this running. I-I know the others are here right now, but once they leave…we-we’ll just be on the run…again.”

      Steve slowly sat down in front of her. “I get that.”

      “And I-I just…I wish life wasn’t like this, Steve. I know I lose my patience with Ryo, with you, with everyone, and maybe it’s my fault that you have to be on the run-“

      Steve shook his head. “No, don’t you blame yourself for this. You know as well as I do that I’m on the run because I refused to sign the accords and because I helped Bucky out when he was innocent, but everyone thought he was guilty. None of this is your fault.”

      “But what if it is?”

      Steve brushed a strand of Alex’s shoulder-length black hair behind her ear. He smiled gently, softly. “None of this is your fault, alright? Stop blaming yourself.”

      Alex reached forward, wrapping her arms around him, hugging him tight. Steve hugged her back even tighter, laying his chin on top of her head, rubbing her back.

      “You know…I always wondered what it would be like to have an older brother that loved me, protected me, and accepted me for who I am,” Alex laid her head on Steve’s shoulder, “but now I don’t have to wonder what it would be like.”

      Steve smiled softly and hugged her tight.

      Alex pulled away from the hug. “Oh, and Steve…if I have to stop blaming myself for us being on the run…then you need to stop blaming yourself for Bucky falling off the train, deal?”

      Steve almost opened his mouth, to argue, to say that his blaming himself was different than hers, because he actually was to blame, but the door opened and heeled boots clicked against the floor. “I like the way you negotiate with Steve, Alex.”

      Alex laughed and turned to face Natasha. She winked. “I learned from the master.”

      Steve stood and helped Alex to her feet. “Natasha, why would you teach her anything?”

      “She just watched. She knows how to get you to do things.”

      Alex walked over to the closet in the room, taking off and putting up her jacket. “And we all know that Natasha can get you to do just about anything.”

      Natasha raised a smirk and turned it Steve’s way. “Alex knows I’m your weakness.”

      Steve laughed and gave Natasha a side hug. “Maybe I just need to start ignoring both of you then.”

      “But Steve, you can’t,” Alex turned around with a bright smile, “we’re too special for you to ignore.”

      “Special alright.” Steve teased.

      Natasha elbowed his side, but a smirk played across her face.

      Alex laughed and smiled. “I love you guys.”

      Natasha chuckled. “At least somebody does. Where’s Ryo?”

      “Napping. He was a little…grumpy.” Steve replied. “Where’s everyone else?”

      “Downstairs, all doing their own things.”

      Alex raised a suggestive eyebrow and a smirk. “Madelene and Bucky?”

      Natasha rolled her eyes. “Avoiding each other like the plague.”

      Alex’s eyes lit up. “I have an idea! Why don’t we try to…set the two of them up? We all know they like each other. I have an idea of what to do…but I may need some help. You two know how to set up a date, right?”

      Natasha grinned. “That’s a very specific question. I’m sure we can help out though. Got any specific ideas?”

      Alex grinned, disappearing back into the walk-in closet to retrieve a notebook. She put a pen on her ear. “I have a few ideas.”

      Steve shrugged. “Sure this isn’t forcing it?”

      “Come on, Steve,” Natasha wrapped an arm around him and squeezed him in a semi-hug, “it’ll be fun. Bucky and Madelene need to go on a date already. We all know they love each other, they just won’t admit it.”

      “Besides…” Alex smiled sweetly, “there’s nothing else you have to do, and it’ll be fun, you’ll see!”

      They both faced him, both smiling.

      Natasha smirked. “You can ignore one of us, Steve, but you can’t ignore both of us.”

      Steve laughed.

      “Okay. Fine. Let’s do this.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2243


        I love this so much XD Alex is amazing *wiping away tears* I’m still mad at you for her death but I love this story

        Is Wanda or Vision in it because they were on the run too



        I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
        ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          Loved that scene!

          @freedom @esther-c

          You guys I’m barely starting draft 2! XDXD!! Lil bit of Tauren and Lesli here:



          “C’mon, I know you got more in you.” Lesli Mintz says, lightly elbowing Tauren’s arm.

          Tauren’s grimy hands slip against the minecarts edge. He pushes up his glasses, accidentally dirtying the lenses. Raucous shouts from farther down the mines mix with the grinding of minecart against track. Tauren nods slightly in agreement, still too breathless to answer. He presses forwards, sending the cart a couple paces ahead. Lesli’s boots slip against the grimy floor, causing her to fall back. She catches herself against the ground, but not before further soiling her overalls.

          “You good?” Tauren asks in a breath.

          “Y-yeah.” Lesli gets up, steadying herself against the minecarts edge. “Just tired.”

          Lesli re-assumes her position next to Tauren, and the two of them continue through the mines. The minecart jolts as it rides over one of the numerous ruts in the track, but the two remain unfazed.

          “When I get home—” Lesli says, breathing heavily. “I want chicken.”

          “Y-yeah.” Tauren says in an exhale. “If you’re mom’s making chicken—”

          “Then– I’m eating dinner– at your place.” Tauren finishes.

          “Sounds– like a plan.” Lesli laughs.


            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1308


            Awww I loved that scene! Alex and Steve, SO sweet! I love how they’re trying to set up Bucky and Madelene. XD I’m excited for the day when you post a scene where we see the two of them interact. 😂😍

            I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @euodia-vision @mineralizedwritings @smiley aww, thx y’all!!! 💖💖

              And Min, I love that Tesli scene!!! 😍 and woo-hoo for 2nd draft!!!!! i’m…still not that far XD

              and yes, Miley, Wanda/Vision are both in it 😉

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1657


                Awww great job!! Love it! Steve…and Alex 😭😭🥹❤ And oh my goodness, they’ve now got some sinister plotting going on XDXD Awww I wanna see Bucky and Madelene together! That would be the cutest thing ever 😂😍


                Wow girl!! Draft two?! That’s awesome!!! And awww I love Tauren and Lesli’s sweet friendship so muchhhh 🥹❤😍

                “When I get home—” Lesli says, breathing heavily. “I want chicken.

                “Y-yeah.” Tauren says in an exhale. “If you’re mom’s making chicken—”

                “Then– I’m eating dinner– at your place.” Tauren finishes.

                “Sounds– like a plan.” Lesli laughs.

                XDXD I love this. So cute!!! ❤😍❤😍


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156


                  Awww great job!! Love it! Steve…and Alex 😭😭🥹❤ And oh my goodness, they’ve now got some sinister plotting going on XDXD Awww I wanna see Bucky and Madelene together! That would be the cutest thing ever 😂😍

                  Awwwww, girl, tysm!!!! 💖💖💖 yess, the poor babies!! 🥹❤️ hehe…yes, they do have some sinister plotting going on XDXD ahhh, i REALLY need to get a scene of the 2 of them together and share it…they’re just sooooo cute together, y’all have no idea XD😍

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1657


                    Awwwww, girl, tysm!!!! 💖💖💖 yess, the poor babies!! 🥹❤️ hehe…yes, they do have some sinister plotting going on XDXD ahhh, i REALLY need to get a scene of the 2 of them together and share it…they’re just sooooo cute together, y’all have no idea XD😍

                    You’re so welcome!! 💖💖💖 Yesss they do XD Oh YES!! I NEED an adorable Bucky+Madelene scene XD😍


                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      @lightoverdarkness6 I have begun to call them ✨Buckelene✨ 😍

                      thanks to @euodia-vision for that one 😉

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1308


                        AHH, YES BUCKELENE!!😍😍😍

                        I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4250


                          XD Aww, so cute

                          "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            @freedomwriter76 @whalekeeper

                            XD Thanks you guys!


                            XD Aw thanks! So glad you like their friendship!


                            And also by draft two I mean I never finished draft one, I reached 46k words and scraped it because the plot wasn’t working. It’s a little bit of a different story now lol.


                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 5905

                              @mineralizedwritings I read that and I think “I need a picture of Tauren and Lesli so I can make Minecraft character skins of them and just recreate all the mining scenes”……..lol that’s what happens when you’re listening to the game’s soundtrack while reading it, I guess.

                              It’s awesome! I like imagining how those mines would look. I’m probably totally incorrect in my ideas but……


                              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @mineralizedwritings You’re very welcome!!! ❤️❤️

                                And also by draft two I mean I never finished draft one, I reached 46k words and scraped it because the plot wasn’t working. It’s a little bit of a different story now lol.

                                lol…i understand that completely XD I must be on, like, draft 3 or 4 then 🤣🤣🤣

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4250


                                  That’s a great idea!! Minecraft skins, I mean XD

                                  "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

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