A Place to share/write whatever we’re working on: Worldbuilding, plot, etc

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    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 5801

      @freedomwriter76 Yes, Peter was a very interesting character in this show!

      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 5801

        Is it weird that “That’s why they call me ‘wine hands.’ ‘Cause of what I do to your liver!” is one of my favorite TV show quotes?

        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6699

          @keilah-h I’m so glad you’re curious!!! I really love questions like these and don’t get asked a whole lot 😅


          So the Icari are Paxton’s people (finally found a name thanks to AI XD!) they’re the ones with the large Angel-like wings. Coarse, cold, etc, and they live in the snow-tipped mountains. (I had a name for their home and I erased it and can’t remember it 😭 maybe I’ll find it somewhere but I doubt it…)

          The Dryads have butterfly wings, extremely large, the grow from their wrists, underarms, torsos, legs and ankles. Centuries back it was said they could fly, but…now their too lazy, and prefer to lounge around or zip around on the backs of large creatures instead.

          Their wings are now solely used for Decorative purposes, and they often are wrapped around themselves or used in dances or just…general movements to show off. They’re uhh…very vain.

          (They’re also greedy gold-hunting monsters who, if provoked with gold or anything shiny develops fangs and turn into insanely creepy vampire-like people- but uhhh….yea. Maybe don’t wear any jewelry around them…)


          The Pixies are your average Fae, the kinds you see in movies (think tinkerBell.) they have translucent, slim and thin wings and can shrink at will. (Though if they’re being held, their power is made unusable.) Unlike the other Fae folk, who have their wings always (unless they must grow into them, like the Dryad) the Pixies only have their wings when they’re in their shrunken form, and it is also rumored that they are the only known source for finding what has been nicknamed “The Aurum Dust” which is another reason they left the territories belonging to the other Fae Folk. It seems the Dryads were…ah…very interested in this Dust… (of course)


          And the Nymphs…

          They’re a special sort!

          Their wings were brilliant and beautiful, something to behold, they were curved and of varying shapes, as if not fully formed with holes in a multitude of areas, and all of vastly different colors. They shined and shimmered like sea glass, and made even the Dryads jealous.

          However, the Nymphs were not all that happy with their lot in life…as they had a deep connection with sea, and wished to be more then just viewers of its beauty. And so, one day, granted a wish by a magical Jinn, the leader of the Nymphs decided to give the people what they asked, and they all traded their wings for something exceedingly better:

          Tails to swim.

          To the other Fae, this was outrageous. Dishonorable even. trading your wings? And it was the final proverbial straw that caused the last three “United” (they weren’t really United at all) Faes to finally split into their separate clans, The Nymph (now the Mer) in the sea, The Dryads in the woodlands, and The Icari in the mountains.




          So my race the Kobolds..I don’t know much about to be quite honest…I mostly know that they live in caves and mine the stone, crystals, and resources in them. They adopt and care for Luna, but I don’t know much about them or what they’re like at this point in time….


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6699

            As u can tell I do know quite a bit about the Fae XD


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6699

              @freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 @keilah-h @whalekeeper @esther-c @anyone XD I guess everyone is off now…? XD


                • Rank: Chosen One
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                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 807


                  AHHH!!!! Dylan, Asher!!! That was so good girl!!!

                  Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                  And guess what? His is eternal (:

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 807


                    AHH I love your lore and races!!!!!! It all sound fabulous and I love the Dryads especially!!

                    Sooo, *rubs hands together* you need suggestions about what to do with your cave mining race?

                    Hmmm, well do you know why they are mining things? Do the other races buy it from them? Or do they have special properties that the Kobalds use? Or do the Kobalds use crystals or stone as a life force? Like food?

                    Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                    And guess what? His is eternal (:

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6699

                      @princesachronie22 thank you!!! Ah I am so glad y’all like my worldbuilding that makes me so happy because I wasn’t really sure about it… 😅😅


                      Hmm, those are good questions! So I know they do mine Rock Salt to get Salt obviously (I know this because once when she was little Luna ate a small piece of a rock salt rock thinking it was edible and totally freaked out the Kobolds XD. Especially since she’s the only of her kind in their care.)

                      They don’t venture from their caves much, and are more homebodies, very introverted, a bit distrustful even? So trade would probably be difficult.

                      Crystals play a very large part of Luna’s story, but I have yet to figure out if that’s totally due to the Kobolds, Luna’s race or perhaps both…


                      They also play a large part of the story itself.

                      I do think there would be some trade…but it is very discreet, there are certain Kobolds chosen for the task and it is done only a certain time of the year and with certain races and creeds, thus Kobold mined resources are very rare, but also vital (which is why those who do receive them can hike the prices, and also why the Kobolds keep their lives hidden and their privacy)



                      So yea lol



                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1308


                        AHHHHH! That scene was SO good girl! I love, love, LOVE Dylan! Please write more!!!!!!

                        I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1318


                          Sorry I took so long to respond.

                          I love this! You can see the turmoil that both Dylan, and Vance seem to be going though in this scene, though Vance’s is more subtle. Vance cares for this boy, but he’s cruel, and wants to turn him into the monster he is, because that’s what he believes it means to be a man. Can’t wait to hear what happens next! Hope Dylan and Asher make it out of there somehow!

                          He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1318


                            Sorry if I’m a bit late to the conversation, but I love your world! Your races gives me a lot of DnD vibes. Do you draw from that at all? I really like the culture, and the Jewish inspiration is cool! If your still not sure about greeting phrases, here’s my take. What is something these people value deeply. You’ve mentioned that they are ‘simple folk’ and they worship the ‘Light one’. You’ve also mentioned that they sing special songs at weddings and a few other concepts like that. How can you take some of these things and wish welfare to others? As you’ve mentioned, in Jewish, you say peace peace, because finding peace in God and each other is a big part of the religion. In old English, hello actually was I wish you good health, and goodbye was God be with you. You greet by making sure your companion is in health, then you make sure God watches over them for future days. In my worldbuilding, the Lasi’el value thought and knowledge, believing that they are a gift from ‘The Parents’ to achieve enlightenment. When asking ‘how are you?’ you would say  informal ‘Mae esho vwij?’ meaning ‘are you thinking well?’ or  formal ‘Mae sho’ijel omia vwij?’ ‘have you been given good thoughts?’. Also, another greeting I’ve thought of, but haven’t implemented yet(though I might give it to the Rrajlan) is ‘may your way be long and filled with thorns’ or something like that, not to be rude, but to wish a for worthy trails to change someone for the better. So for the A’Grend, maybe since they value light and song, they might say something like ‘may our meeting have a good melody” to say hello, and ‘may light make your path clear’ to say goodbye, or something along those lines, or something completely different. I hope any of that helps turn some gears for you.

                            By the way, I really like your song concept for weddings! I actually have something very similar in my world, except it’s not songs, it’s surnames. The Shal’le have a have a kinship system, where any individual has a surname that is one speak, but when they are married, the husband and wife combine their names into two speak. Because two speak is how they normally think and talk, it represents being whole, and unified, thus your are not whole until married. Then the children inherit the same one speak names, and the cycle continues. This system actually gained some traction in Omialia beyond the Shal’le, so the Lasi’el for example have a very similar system, though because they are human, and only have one speak as the Shal’le would say, the system was altered to fit one speak. The Lasi’el also made it so that the children always inherited a different surname than their parents, based off of how their parents surnames were combined, allowing for surnames to variate far more.

                            He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6699

                              @thearcaneaxiom AHHH I LOVE YOUR IDEAS THANK YOU!!! all of your questions are amazing!!!! I love your worldbuilding and that with the Shal’le is amazing!!!!

                              So I didn’t use any DnD in my worldbuilding, except that I like the pictures when looking for character and location Inspo XD


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1318


                                Your welcome!!! Thanks! linguistics is always really fun to think about!

                                Yeah, that makes sense, there’s some really cool art out there!

                                He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1657



                                  That scene…


                                  AMAZING!!!! 🤩

                                  I really enjoyed reading it and it kept me on the edge of my seat! Can’t wait to see what happens next!!! 😃✨

                                  Aww thank you SO MUCH!!! Yeah it was nervewracking writing it…lol. Ah good! I’m so glad you liked it!! 🙂 ❤️❤️


                                  AHHH!!!! Dylan, Asher!!! That was so good girl!!!

                                  THANK YOU!!! Aw good!! 😀 ❤️❤️


                                  AHHHHH! That scene was SO good girl! I love, love, LOVE Dylan! Please write more!!!!!!

                                  AWW thank you ❤️❤️❤️!! Yes I do too <3<3!! He’s soooo sweet. And my baby Asher!! I feel so bad for putting them through all this 😅😭. But it benefits them, in the end. 🙂

                                  And yes, I will! I’m working on the next part right now actually! 🙂


                                  Sorry I took so long to respond.

                                  It’s okay! There’s no rush 🙂

                                  I love this! You can see the turmoil that both Dylan, and Vance seem to be going though in this scene, though Vance’s is more subtle. Vance cares for this boy, but he’s cruel, and wants to turn him into the monster he is, because that’s what he believes it means to be a man. Can’t wait to hear what happens next! Hope Dylan and Asher make it out of there somehow!

                                  Thank you ❤️❤️!! Yeah, Dylan hasn’t really had it sunk in yet until the scene after this one, which I’ll post if you want (once I write it lol), and he’s just reeling. Everything happens so fast and once he’s got a moment to just think…well, it’s so shocking for him, understandably. And poor Asher is just going through the same kind of feelings and trauma…it’s just not the best time for them to be stuck together.  And yeah, Vance is going through a bit of things as well. Heh my poor charries 😅😭

                                  I’m so glad that you enjoyed it! Yes me too 😬🫢


                                  WOW girl! I LOVE the world building!! Especially A-Grend and their customs!!

                                  And Arcane, the Shalev are so interesting and cool! Love it!

                                  And, like, how do y’all come up with that!? It’s so detailed and…just so good 😅❤️

                                  • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Light.


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