Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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      So…like the Character Castle we have going strong, this is another RP Forum!!!!! XD

      So, in this RP, the setting is a Modern Day/Fantasy school. It’s using our charries, but putting them in a school setting.

      Because it’s also fantasy, people can have fantasy characters as well, or normal characters.

      And I believe we’re going for a high school/college/academy thing…(Godly, correct me if I’m wrong, please, lol. xD)

      Basically, the rules are: follow the KP guidelines! (not that I think any of y’all would break them…but reminders never hurt!)

      So…yeah, prob around high school age for most of the characters, although we can have teachers too! (We already have a principal tho…XD)

      (And this will be written in a book format like the character castle. Forgot to add that the first time, lol. XD)

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        @godlyfantasy12, so…here it is! Uh…anything you want to add/correct? XD

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          just that we’re adding in our already written AU characters that are on the AU page!! (Btw we’ll want to make a google docs probably to put them all in so we can go look there to find all the stuff about them!! And do they mostly look like their pictures? (Except the ones we specifically point out differences lol)


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            @freedomwriter76 ALSO! Speaking of RPs I made 2 in the normal RP XD!!


            do u want to start here or me??


            and do u want to make the google doc or u want me to?


              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @godlyfantasy12. You can make the doc and yes, they look like their pics unless I say differently! 😀

              You can start, if you’d like! 🙂

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                @freedomwriter76 okie dokie! Are u still okay with Lilith being headmistress? It shouldn’t affect too much in fact it might be cool still…also do u wanna name the Academy or are u okay with Destina Tasin?? Idc 😊




                Ara sucked in a breath, smoothing out her navy skirt. She clutched her books closer to her chest, staring up at the Academy’s title, emblazoned upon it’s large front.

                She swallowed down her nerves, as well as she could.

                A new year…

                She smiled, anxious excitement tickling her throat. Other students swarmed past her. Flashes of colors, and species. Races. Cultures. Human, Fae, Animal, the like….

                It wasn’t her first year at the Academy, but her second.

                Still…new students would be bustling in…and, Ara herself was still trying to figure everything out when it came to the large campus, and growing up.

                At least she wasn’t alone though, considering all of her childhood friends attended the same school.


                Speaking of….


                She pursed her lips, standing on tiptoe to get a better look through the mass of students entering the doors. The crowd dissipated some, but she still couldn’t see any familiar faces…


                Nor the one in particular she was looking for…

                Her heart thumped, pink splattering her cheeks.

                Would he be late?

                She frowned, knowing she needed to get inside.


                She really didn’t want to…not without…


                She fingered one of her bookmarks’ chains.

                “I-I’m! H-Here…!” A wheeze sounded behind her, making her start. She spun around, finding a curly-haired boy, bent with hands on his knees before her. She blinked as the ginger looked up at her, out of breath.

                He gasped. “S-Sorry! I..I h-had to…had to…run an errand…for…for dad…and-“ He shook his head, curls shaking, “Nevermind!”

                Ara swallowed, face heating slightly as the boy stood, a few inches taller then she was. “O-Oh! N-No it’s…it’s fine. I…I was just…” She glanced at the door. Back at him. Smiled. “Didn’t want to start the school year without my best friend…” she shrugged, giggling.

                The boy blinked this time, his own face lighting with color. He grinned, dimples showing. “Y-Yea…”


                “Well…shall we?” She asked. The boy smiled, reaching out his hand for their customary best-friend hand hold. Ara ears turned pink. She took it gently, and the two walked into the bustling Academy together.


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                  This is gonna be so fun and cute having an Arabella who recognized her own feelings for November but they’re both oblivious that the other likes them!!!



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                    @freedomwriter76 hey are Dietrich and Adolphus in the school or graduated?


                    if they’re in the school I have a feeling they’d be in league already with Edric and Aramis, since Those two have kind of an “underground popular reign” going on due to their mother being headmistress. That means those boys would be able to hold some power too…as most bullies do…


                    but I didn’t know if they were graduated or not



                    also we can always make this school however we want (add years to it, since it is a fictional school) OOH or make it one of those large schools that crosses over different grades too (high school and college)


                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      Up to u


                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        @godlyfantasy12. OOH!!! It should cover High School/College! That’d be fun!

                        And yes, Adolphus and Dietrich are still in school…heh. And yes, they’re probably in Aramis and Edric’s group, heh…

                        And yes, keep the school’s name and Lilith as the headmistress! It’ll be fun! xD

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                          @godlyfantasy12. I’m gonna RP as a few charries! 😉


                          “Come on Riker! HURRY!!!” Angelina yelled, running up ahead of him.

                          “I’m coming…I’m coming…” Riker whispered, moving his books to his other arm.

                          Many…many people walked past. So…so many…

                          “RIKER!?” Angelina cried.

                          “I’m coming!” Riker called and jogged to catch up to his younger sister.

                          Angelina smiled brightly and took his hand as they entered the huge school building. “First year here…I can’t WAIT!”

                          Riker slowly nodded.

                          Maybe…maybe he’d do better here.

                          Heh…he had to repeat his 11th year.

                          “Riker! Look! There’s Aadelheide! Aadelheide, wait up!” Angelina cried, running away.

                          Riker smiled faintly, moved his books to his other arm, and pulled his uniform sleeve down to cover the fresh bruise on his wrist.

                          It didn’t hurt much…okay…maybe a little.

                          Riker turned and began walking again, just as he, not paying attention, collided into two teens walking into the school.

                          He hit the floor, and his books went everywhere.



                          There were so many people!

                          So many new people to meet…what fun!

                          “Leo, Joshua, Jakob, Reuben, look at all the people!” Wolfgang cried, pointing, turning to his older brothers.

                          Leo smiled. “Yeah…there are a lot of people…”

                          “I see why Adolphus and Dietrich like this place!” Wolfgang cried, just as Leo grimaced.  “Oh…sorry…”

                          Wolfgang knew that none of them, including himself, were close to their stepbrothers…they were…well…mean…really mean.

                          But he had his brothers with him!

                          “I can’t wait for my Science and English classes!” Wolfgang cried.

                          Reuben nodded and smiled. “Yeah…we all like English…”

                          Wolfgang laughed. They sure did.

                          They began a game of book quotes, mostly Charles Dickens, CS Lewis, and JRR Tolkien, being their favorite authors, but…they weren’t paying attention.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            @freedomwriter76 AWWWW WOLFGANG!!!


                            and UGH RIKER!! Also I figure the Academy can “have” uniforms but it’s kinda dwindled in enforcement cuz everyone just wears what they want (so long as it follows dress code lol)


                            also who do u want Riker to bump into?

                            I haven’t brought in any of the others yet!




                            Wolfgang and Paxton are only a year apart this is gonna be so much fun and Paxton will have a friend his age!!!! Yay!!


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                              Also I’m not really gonna make a huge Bio for Lilith, she’s pretty much the same here as she is in my series except she’s a head mistress, so like in the series she has an image to uphold. She’s strict but also not really troublesome for most students, so long as they follow the rules and things, she mostly just is trouble for her son but I could see her offering deals on the side if people started “helping” her youngest and she wanted them out of the way.


                              or using blackmail to get what she wanted, also using her son’s group of bullies (which yes i’m sure she knows about and just lets it go, although she does sometimes warn Edric and Aramis to be more careful with things)


                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @godlyfantasy12. OHHH! Okay! Maybe Riker just wears his, lol. xD

                                He can run into whoever you want! Ara and November, Grimm, Lyn and Nyx, Luna, whoever! 😉

                                OOH! THAT WILL BE SOOO MUCH FUN!!! 😀

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                                  @godlyfantasy12. Though I will say, if Edric and Aramis mess with Reuben/Wolfgang…Jakob will probably punch them if they don’t knock it off…xD

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