Active 9 hours, 21 minutes ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 833
Forum Replies Created
“Did you see the news?!” – Phillip
“Yeah! I am so glad that THE ducktator approved of us!” – Polly
“And we get teddy bears?! How cool!” – Pristina
“Yeah! And it’s all because of Palmer!” – Petunia
“Really?! Wow, I am so honored.” – Palmer blushes
“What the avocado, why does the queen of ducks hate me so much?!” – Piper
“Hm… wonder why.” – Palmer
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
“… was that Pike he just killed?” – Parsley
“No. Because I’m right here.” – Pike
“Who was it then?” – Palmer
“No one knows?” – Parsley
“I guess it was some random guy. We should really close up our windows and doors.” – Pristina does so.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
“I hate potatoes.” – Piper
“… you are a potato…” – Parsley
“I hate potatoes named Parsley.” – Piper
“Wow, I hate potato-” – Parsley
*Screens begin to glitch*
“Not again.” – Pristina
“HAHAHA!!! Hello all you stupid potato fools! I am the one who took those precious high schoolers!!!!” – ???
“WHAT?! Do not hurt them!!!!” – Palmer
“What is even happening?” – Piper
“I won’t hurt them… but they will hurt each other! MWA-HAHAHA!” – ???
“Um, says who?” – Patricia
“Well if they wish to leave they MUST do it. Now ta ta!” – ???
“Well… That is going to make news!” – Parsley
“Wow, really?!” – Palmer
This reply was modified 19 hours, 58 minutes ago by
Potato reporter.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
What is creepier is, that sign is in the Philippines. And there was an alert that went out saying:
“If you see waving children while driving down the round at night, please wave back immediately! Do not exit your vehicle, and do not look them in the eyes. If you do exit, or are forced to exit, stay away from the children… But it is already too late if you do. If you do no wave, the children will begin to follow you, do not stop driving, you must drive until sunrise. They will follow you for as long as they can. In this time, DO NOT EXIT YOUR VEHICLE! Thank you, stay safe”
… that is just creepy
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
LOL I love funny roadsigns like that XD here is one… but it isn’t as funny…
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
“Well, let’s see that brad army!” – Palmer
“Vey scary! Wholesome news hour, we have just gotten news that a little girl saved a puppy from drowning! She saw a puppy floating away on a raft, she questioned it and began to wade in. When the puppy saw her, he began to jump up and down with joy! But than the puppy fell in… She swam to the rescue and saved the puppy! The girls name was… oh! Paige! She had this to say to the camera!” – Palmer
“My daddy died! :)” – Paige
“How sweet.” – Piper
“Now for our final news story let’s wrap up with a quick announcement! We will not be having news on Sundays! It is the day of rest after all! ” – Palmer
“No thanks for watching, never tune in again!” – Piper
“Potato City News!” – Palmer
“Only on channel 64!… Are we still live?” – Palmer
“Pftt… what an idiot! Of course were done.” – Piper
“Good!” – Palmer grabs his chair and throws it at Piper.
“Wow, bad aim.. that is sad.” – Piper moves her head slightly to the side, dodging the chair
“I HATE YOU!!!!!” – Palmer charges at Piper but she moves swiftly out of the way, causing Palmer to fly into a wall.
“Loser…!” – Piper
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
“Ignore her. The missing people were last seen heading to school. They all had a few things in common: one, they all took the bus, the same bus that went missing. Two, they all are the best at something at their school… Like how Perry is on the speech and debate team, and he is the best in the whole state at it. Or how Peace is the most popular teen pop star currently. So they are each the very ‘best’ at something. Another thing they have in common is how they are all in high school… and none of them know each other…” – Palmer
“S-sounds li-liek a skill issu-” Piper gets slapped again.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
“Anyway, here is the duckling round up.” – Piper
“As you see, very competitive!” – Palmer
“The winner of duckling round up was… Oh, Phoenix… He seems cool.” – Piper
“Anyway, the winner for the current olympic games are as follows: The winner for potato rock climb is Paloma for woman’s, and Paul for men’s.” – Palmer.
“The other games don’t matter… But is Phoenix still in Potato city…?” – Piper
“For his sake, I hope not.” – Palmer
“Now we just got news that @beth-torres, also know as sir Frankfurt the third, has declared war on potato city! Sheesh, why do we got, like, SOOO many enemies! The gerbils, squirrels, humans, bread… What next? Ants?” – Piper
“Don’t jinx it! ANYWAY! ATTENTION EVERYONE! NEWS HAS JUST BROKEN OUT THAT FIFTEEN POTATOES HAVE JUST GONE MISSING! These potatoes include: Penelope, Peyton, Parker, Patience, Princesses, Pierce, Perry, Price, Peace, Pascal, Prescott, Phenix, Pau, Peretz, and Petra! If you see any or know of any of their disappearances than please contact the police!” – Palmer
“Ha, losers.” – Piper
“Why…? My sister was in that list…” – Palmer holds back tears
“Womp womp WOMPPPPPP.” – Piper
“…”- Palmer slaps Piper
This reply was modified 20 hours, 58 minutes ago by
Potato reporter.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
“Uh… the stories?” – Parsley
“Well they’re trash.” – Piper
“Than you should be happy you found something on your level! :D” – Parsley
“WHAT?! GET OVER HERE!!” – Piper
“AH!” – Parsley
“Anyway, Lets start with @theducktator! Or, the most esteemed feathered one! She has joined us for our olympics, and in her honor we are dedicating a whole sport to her! Duckling round up!” – Palmer
“And I have a special message to the queen of ducks… My favorite dish is duck tacos!” – Piper
“… who hurt you…?” – Palmer
This reply was modified 20 hours, 55 minutes ago by
Potato reporter.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
“WELCOME!” – Palmer
“Um… like why do I get paired with the weirdos…? Anyway, I guess welcome to potato news… Or just leave, that would be nice.” – Piper
“Who?” – Piper
“ME!” – Palmer
“Asked?” – Piper
“Oh…” – Palmer
“Well our stories today are pretty boring… Gerbils shutting down Joanns, neuro- whatever interviews the serial killer… (Ya know I would like if she would murder my boss) uh… bread army threatens us… Blah blah blah, yap yap yap… Parsley! What is this garbage?!” – Piper
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
*ring ring*
“… H-hello… Ah.. you’re here to talk about the serial killer…? Umm… today is not the best day… We just had a little… mishap… I guess I could transfer your over to the man who runs the interviews… Okay… Sorry our manager was just murdered…” – Pablo
“Hi… Ah, yes Pablo just told me… Yes, I think that would be great… You can definitely interview @whalekeeper… I must warn you though, she finds a way to make a weapon out of… everything…” – Piggy
This reply was modified 1 day, 13 hours ago by
Potato reporter.
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
“What the heck just happened!!??” – Petunia
“Pa-Paris…??? PARIS!!!!!” – Phillip
*Pristina and Polly enter*
“What happened?!” – Polly
“Why, why, why, why?! Who would do this?!” – Pristina
“She has children at home!!” – Polly *cries*
“M-mom…?” Patricia runs in
“Oh yeah.. she is the mangers daughter, not the boss’s….” – Pristina
“NOOOOO!!!!!!!!” Patricia
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
“The final game is the couch potato game! We are seeing whom the winner is…” – Petunia
“Points are in, it is @Loopylin! She sat on her couch for 48 straight hours to watch the potato olympics!” – Phillip
“Thank you for watching…” – Phillip
“Potato City News!” – Petunia and Phillip
“Only on channel 64.” – Petunia
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
This reply was modified 19 hours, 58 minutes ago by