Joy - "Forever story-lover"
Darik Swisher - "@the-real-kapeefer Kingdom Pen Cinema Videos would be really boring without you."
Snapper - "this is only the beginning . . ."
Jess - "Stars can’t shine without the darkness"
Emma Flournoy - "Heyyyy @Dragon-Snapper! I don’t know if you still get notifications or anything, but I thought I’d message you here in case my messages through your blog aren’t going through and on the off-chance you’d get the […]" View
Daeus - "@epicaddie2 So…I got a card from you yesterday. I want to say thank you and my stomach wants to second the motion. 🙂 Really, a small word of encouragement brightens up my day almost as much as ice cream. Almost. 😛"
Gracie - "😊☺"
Jane Maree - "@clairec @perfectfifths @f5a8c3e92 @seekjustice @All-other-Aussies I’m hunting you up today to ask a quick question. Hope Ann’s book Burning Rose is currently about $32 to get in paperback from Amazon. Needless to […]" View
Christine Eaton - "@emma-flournoy Hey you, how are you doing during life these days?"
Kina Lamb - "@kate-flournoy Kate, two things: I have more friends than you is it possible and I love your cover picture! It’s so dreamy! I nearly got lost in it. It has that feeling that you get when it’s raining outside. 😀 😀"
Ingrid - "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light. ~Albus Dumbledore"
Kate Flournoy - "@theliterarycrusader question… how did you get your blog link to be an actual link in your signature? 😛"
Audrey Caylin - "@dekreel To answer your question about why I blog, I guess I do it for a number of reasons: 1. To grow my platform. I’m planning on publishing independently, so having a solid platform is really important. 2. To […]" View