13 days ago- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 2243
Keilah H. replied to the topic Talking about are Fanfics in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
@smiley Vision is though….
Because he’s the character she chose, y’know?
Keilah H. replied to the topic Talking about are Fanfics in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
@smiley Peter and Wanda wouldn’t be really bad if you kept with her being younger.
You can also depict this in a multiversal setting where they are closer in age.
Man, Wanda’s got all the guys chasing her lol.
hybridlore replied to the topic Hello I am new in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Oops, forgot to tag people lol
@highscribeofaetherium @freedomwriter76 @esther-c @euodia-vision @smiley @acancello @whalekeeper @kyronthearcanin @thearcaneaxiom @mineralizedwritings @literally-everyone
Keilah H. replied to the topic Talking about are Fanfics in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
@smiley Wow! So he’s alive? He didn’t die? Or was he brought back somehow?
Keilah H. replied to the topic A villain of grief, a Marvel fanfic in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
@smiley wow! I actually think chapter 3 was less confusing than what would’ve happened if Marvel had made it, lol.
Euodia posted an update 2 years ago
Hellooooo everyone! Just dropping in real quick to let y’all know I probably won’t be on much this week. This is ✨fair week✨ for me and I have shows every day basically all day, so pretty much living at the fair. 😂 I tried replying to everything I could today (except the School RP, I’m not even trying XD)
Know a lot of you are starting school…[
Euodia replied to the topic Talking about are Fanfics in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
and yeah, I’ve heard that it’s really hard. i’ll definetely pray that your family continues to have the strength to do something so beautiful for these kids 💕💕
It’s the main reason people try to adopt kids that are really little because though they’ve been through trauma too, they’re younger so they don’t seem to carry as much b…
Euodia replied to the topic Talking about are Fanfics in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
Love, love, LOVE the Bucky&Yelena board!! 😍
And the Pietro fanfic is 👌😍
hybridlore replied to the topic A villain of grief, a Marvel fanfic in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
Of course!
@freedomwriter76 @miley
I know!! Hawkeye was pretty good, my sister is obsessed with it 😅 We’ve been wanting to watch TFATWS but haven’t gotten around to it yet.. hopefully soon! 😁
hybridlore replied to the topic A villain of grief, a Marvel fanfic in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
Oohh, cool! Chapter 3 was a little confusing but so sweet and sad.. by the way, sorry if I don’t get to responding to all these! I really do enjoy reading all y’all’s fanfics but I feel like I’ve missed a couple lately and I’ve just been a bit busier, lol. Great job on finishing your other one, though!
MineralizedWritings posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Dude, how tired must I have been to type marvel amv’s instead of AU’s LOL I suppose yall know what I meant XD -
MineralizedWritings posted an update 2 years ago
@freedomwriter76 @smiley @hybridlore @highscribeofaetherium @whalekeeper @godlyfantasy12 @kyronthearcanin @acancello @lightoverdarkness6
Hey yall! I’m leaving for a 4ish day trip to help move my sister to college! I won’t be able to respond much because I’ll be using my phone data if I do, so don’t feel obligated to tag me. To those of you who…[Read more]
To those of you who write Marvel Amv’s
I feel called out XD
But of course girl!!!!!!!! and have a great time, and as one of those people who conserves their data like a raccoon I totally understand
and I hope you have a good time with your sis, and I’m sure it’s hard for her to leave, I have an older brother but he’s not that much older than m…[Read more]-
Dude, how tired must I have been to type marvel amv’s instead of AU’s LOL I suppose yall know what I meant XD
Hope you have fun with your sister!
No problem girl! I hope you have a great time!! 🥰
Bye girl!! Hope you have a good time!! 💕💕 Love ya! <3
hybridlore posted an update 2 years ago
Hey guys! With school and everything going on, I’m not going to be on here as much. I’ll still definitely have time to talk, but I think we’re all going to be a lot busier during the school year. I really love having you all as friends and I hope we can still talk a bunch 🥰
@esther-c @freedomwriter76 @mineralizedwritings @euodia-vision @acancello…[Read more]
- Show all comments (12)
Same here, girl. 😉 I totally understand.
Hope you have a great school year!!-
@kyronthearcanin @esther-c
Thanks! You both too!
I hope we can talk more also! I totally get being busy with school, I am getting a bit busy myself. 🙂 Love having you as a friend also! 🥰
Thanks girl, you too! 🥰🥰
Aww girly have funn at school! Same probably will go for me too XD
Look forward to seeing what you’ll wright 💙-
Thank you! You as well 😉
Heheh 😉😉
Have an AMAZING school year girl! ❤
Thanks! You too! ❤️
That’s cool! Hope you have a good school year!
(I’m homeschooled so my schooling never really stopped lol.)
hybridlore replied to the topic Plotting Help (Free of Charge!) in the forum Plotting 2 years ago
@whalekeeper @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @highscribeofaetherium @smiley @anyone-else
So, I’ve been outlining a bit lately xD The cancer story has turned into a short story I hope to enter in an anthology, and I’m not completely sure about the plot, but as of now Addison’s turning point centers around a conversation with her brother about…[Read more]
Keilah H. replied to the topic Talking about are Fanfics in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
@smiley love that!
might start shipping them now lol
Keilah H. replied to the topic Talking about are Fanfics in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
@smiley LOL!!
@freedomwriter76 those ideas are sweet! (Y’know, you really spoil Bucky. Almost more than you traumatize him, lol.)
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
@euodia-vision yesssss I love that profile pic @freedomwriter76 yours is great too!
@smiley People don’t like Age of Ultron? It was so cool! I don’t get it.
Euodia replied to the topic Talking about are Fanfics in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
Oh saw y’all both talking about foster care.
My family does foster care and it’s really cool but also really sad.
We have a 3 week old baby that we were only going to have for two months but now it’s looking like we’d have her till January if we agree to being a placement instead of just a respite (probably a lot of…[Read more]
Euodia replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
YESSS! Wanda and Clint are 😍
I DIDN’T KNOW PPL DIDN’T LIKE AGE OF ULTRON! That’s one of my favorites. 😭
Euodia replied to the topic Talking about are Fanfics in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
OH MY GOSHHHH! I love all of those ideas! The one with Bucky and the elderly couple. 😭😍
And, girl! I love those ideas tooooo!! I’ve heard about the Nat&Bucky thing but I think Yelena&Bucky would be amazingggg. Chaotic amazing but still. 😂
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I hope it goes well!! 🥰
That’s cool!
I was displaying at a Lego convention this weekend (that’s why I haven’t been on the past five days) so I totally get it! I hope you have fun!
Have fun at the fair!
Totally get it. 😉 Hope you have an awesome time!!