Active 3 hours, 58 minutes ago- Rank: Chosen One
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SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ posted a new activity comment 7 months, 1 week ago
so this is what true agony feels like 🙃
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ posted an update 7 months, 1 week ago
Y’all (everyone just ignore the fact that I only say that because everyone else says that…nobody says ‘y’all’ in Montana lol)….I just ran two miles today…I can’t walk anymore 😐 (that’s my bad because I hit quads yesterday so I was already sore :/) But now I seriously can’t walk 😭😭😭
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Nonhuman Sentient Beings in the forum Fantasy 7 months, 1 week ago
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Nonhuman Sentient Beings in the forum Fantasy 7 months, 1 week ago
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 1 week ago
Oof yess, I’ve done that before too 😅 But girlie if you ever feel the need to step away for a few weeks or however long you need, don’t be afraid to do that! We’re always here for you but we understand that we all have lives outside of KP and sometimes taking a small break can be super beneficial 🫶 And if not, that’s great t…
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Nonhuman Sentient Beings in the forum Fantasy 7 months, 1 week ago
Thank youuuu! That makes me feel a lot better about my worldbuilding because I feel like I suck at it XD
Let me just info dump about the trees (don’t read this if you don’t want to, it’s a lot)
So in my story the trees are intelligent, thinking beings, and are often used as Messengers of the Great One (God). So since Azazel killed the…[Read more]
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Fantasy/Modern School AU RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 1 week ago
omc I am sooo sorry! I just haven’t been in an RPing mood and keep forgetting about this or procrastinating XD
Not that I don’t love RP’ing… I love it with everything in me! It’s just sometimes I’m not in the mood or in the mood for other things more. Does that make sense? Not that that’s an excuse…sorry I feel bad 😕
yep we…[Read more]
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Nonhuman Sentient Beings in the forum Fantasy 7 months, 1 week ago
Wow!!! That makes me so happy you read through that whole thing! because even i probably wouldn’t have that long of an attention span XD XD
I forgot to mention Erstonians.
Erstonia is a country that’s across the ocean from Andromeda.
The people who live there are diverse in appearances. There’s no rule for skin, hair, eyes, etc. Some…[Read more]
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 1 week ago
You’re fine!!!!
I was starting to worry about youXDXDYes my life’s been busy too! but instead of actually taking a break from KP and writing…I distract myself with being busy with KP XD not the healthiest thing to do but oh well lol
Oof sounds fun but I bet you are soooo tired! I always…[Read more]
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Nonhuman Sentient Beings in the forum Fantasy 7 months, 1 week ago
Here is a list of the races in my book. Note that each race listed appears human except for the color of their skin, hair, eyes, and blood, and their powers of course.
Azer: Azers are pyrokinetics and can create and manipulate fire with their mind. It isn’t just the cliche “can shoot fire from their hands and from…[Read more]
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic WIP: Let There Be Light, Book 1 of The Flames of Hope Trilogy in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 months, 1 week ago
I have a few thoughts.
“Sabina,” called Turin. “Come down, we have to go.”
Sabina deliberately turned away.
“Sabina come,” commanded Turin, firmly.
She did not move.
Turin’s eyes narrowed. “Why you little–– Sabina! You get down here right this instant! Get down or I’ll––”
This scene felt a little off. He went from being minorly annoyed to th…[Read more]
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic WIP: Let There Be Light, Book 1 of The Flames of Hope Trilogy in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 months, 1 week ago
I wouldn’t have minded….. except I have a thing for young guys having facial hair. They can’t really do it well, and I don’t like it. At all.
Oh. Then you better not come to my highschool or the schools in my area..there’s like 15 year olds with beards and moustaches and sideburns. #scarred-for-life
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic WIP: Let There Be Light, Book 1 of The Flames of Hope Trilogy in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 months, 1 week ago
@ellette-giselle @linus-smallprint
YUCK!!! You sir, do not pay attention to descriptions!!!! A full beard! UGH! No! He’s nineteen or twenty!
Ummm …I seriously thought that he’d have a beard and be in his twenties/thirties!
And I thought Aaron was even older!
I mean, I still consider late twenties/early thirties to be a young man…so you m…[Read more]
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic WIP: Let There Be Light, Book 1 of The Flames of Hope Trilogy in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 months, 1 week ago
Sabina has brown hair, her brother has black. She is only 16 at this point.
I thought she had dark hair, eyes, and tan skin! And I thought she was at LEAST 22!!!!!!!!!!!
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ posted a new activity comment 7 months, 1 week ago
Yesss slayyy!
About if it would be possible to organize a KP con or if we’d have to do it ourselves. -
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Character Songs/Playlists! in the forum Music 7 months, 1 week ago
I love Just Be Held!!!!!! ahhh sooooo good!!
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Character Songs/Playlists! in the forum Music 7 months, 1 week ago
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Character Songs/Playlists! in the forum Music 7 months, 1 week ago
ohhhh okay!!!
NF songs are PERFECT for the vibe oh my GOODNESS I’m obsessed!
Okay great! (I’d suggest looking at the YouTube ones, they’re shorter, and I posted all the names. The Spotify one is just a huge compilation of both of them and it will take FOREVER to listen to them all! but if you want to go ahead!)
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Character Songs/Playlists! in the forum Music 7 months, 1 week ago
You looked up every single one?!?! That’s like 3 hours of songs!!!!
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Character Songs/Playlists! in the forum Music 7 months, 1 week ago
Yeah!!! I love that! Have you heard mine yet? The YouTube version I just posted is wayyy less chaotic XD XD
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Ughhh, I feel you, girl.
so this is what true agony feels like 🙃