Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic How do your other interests/hobbies bleed into your writing? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 weeks, 6 days ago
I think for me, the most obvious way I can think of that one of my hobbies has bled into my writing life is my Boardgaming hobby. In my main WIP the political mastermind character is also a really big tabletop gamer and uses that as a metaphor for his political machinations.
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic Writing Villains in the forum Characters 3 months, 4 weeks ago
I would say that Villains in a loose sense are always necessary to a story since usually the conflict between whatever is your antagonist (Villain) and your protagonist (hero) will be driving the plot.
That said, antagonist (villain) is quite a loose term since it could be anything from a inanimate storm the protagonist must survive…[Read more]
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic I have an Idea! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
That is a little weird… are you in collage?
Not yet (wish). I’m just applying right now and History major is what I’ve been putting in the prospective major slot.
Thats, all…?
Yes. Unless it’s folk horror…
Ive never read or watched Monty Python (wait is there a book AND a movie?) But from what I have heard it sounds well mad…
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic I have an Idea! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
Horror – I think horror is pretty amazing when done well. I don’t usually watch horror movies, but a good Steven King book can be phenomenal. Like others have said I feel like (just like any genre) it comes down to how the stories are executed and if it has a good message.
Historical Fiction- I don’t usually…[Read more]
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic Movie Thoughts & Reviews (Anyone) in the forum Film 7 months, 1 week ago
Thanks, I really did enjoy the game and some of the arcs definitely gave me some interesting character ideas. Persona 5 is basically a game where you play as a Japanese High school student who has the power to break into peoples minds and steal their corrupted desires.
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic Movie Thoughts & Reviews (Anyone) in the forum Film 7 months, 2 weeks ago
(I know this technically sorta isn’t a movie/tv show but I feel like JRPGs technically sorta count as anime)
I just finished Persona 5 The Royale and it was amazing. 🤩 I don’t know if anyone else on here would have played the game but I really liked it. The final act had a surprisingly good finale and I definitely felt really imme…[Read more]
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic Writing Characters of the Opposite Gender in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 2 weeks ago
I’d say as long as the guy draws something that reflects his personality it will be fine. Think about why he draws what he draws. If you need help there maybe think about why you draw what you draw and extrapolate that onto him (and see if you can find a deeper reason than the things you draw being girly.)
Personally I could see him d…[Read more]
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic Writing Characters of the Opposite Gender in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic Writing Characters of the Opposite Gender in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Lol. Probably is more of a personality thing. I am INFP.
Yea, I feel like the over correction thing is a big issue in modern media. I personally didn’t really realize it in rings of power but more because I feel like the female MC of that show just has the general level of plot armorieness of fantasy warrior characters w…[Read more]
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic Movie Thoughts & Reviews (Anyone) in the forum Film 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic WIP: Let There Be Light, Book 1 of The Flames of Hope Trilogy in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 months, 2 weeks ago
I agree with most of what @calyhuge has already said in regards to Aaron.
My main advise is to just follow his current character design and/or think about how dudes in your own life would approach the situation.
I feel like from my experience and what you’ve provided than if Aaron chooses to go down the greif hole might e…[Read more]
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic Writing Characters of the Opposite Gender in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 2 weeks ago
I think what @whalekeeper and what @mineralizedwritings has said is really good.
For me a lot of my characters draw inspiration from either A.) Historical figures/real people or B.) other fictional charcers or C.) Specific theoretical archetypes. Often times when I struggle with character personalities I return to the scraps of others which make…[Read more]
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic Outlining Thread in the forum Plotting 8 months, 1 week ago
I have also found the concept of TV show story bibles to be a good basis for how I do most of my plotting.
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic Outlining Thread in the forum Plotting 8 months, 1 week ago
Thanks for sharing. Your plot board looks amazing.
I would also agree that the Faytag pyramid is a good starting ground. It gets really interesting when you start thinking about the story as more of a Faytag mountain made up of multiple litter Faytag peaks.
My biggest piece of plotting advice is probably to first figure out who…[Read more]
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic The Age of AI in the forum General Writing Discussions 10 months, 2 weeks ago
Love that article. Also love the bee (and you know its exstintions)
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic The Age of AI in the forum General Writing Discussions 10 months, 2 weeks ago
I will start by saying I am kind of a techhie.
I also ❤️ Open AI (ChatGPT)
But I would also say using AI to write things or do non-prototyping imaging is extremly unethical. Mostly just because of the way the AI works (a quick google search (or honestly asking chaGPT) can probably explain this better than me).
In terms of…[Read more]
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Oh. Sorry for jumping to conclusions. I do wonder if there is a connections in the name.
The teachers and parents say it is a “Celebration of what you’ve learned”
Hmm. 🤔 I think I remember hearing a similar line from one of my teachers describing finals last year…
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Possibly The Ducktator is referencing college boards new testing app. They moved the SAT and some of the APs digital this year and you have to use a computer app called blue book to take them.
I personally liked the digital SAT but will miss doing my AP Lang test by hand. I was really looking forwards to my hand feeling like it’s g…[Read more]
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic Ultimate KP Novel in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year ago
I shall vote for contemporary.
Otherworldly Historian replied to the topic I'M BACK BABY!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 1 month ago
Lol. I completely feel you. My writing life has also slowed down like crazy (and self discipline… hehe, *looks at personal finance homework tab*). I’m trying to get back to it though I have switched projects recently.
Hopefully the old draft reading goes well. I feel like going through old drafts/prototypes can generally be…[Read more]
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