Active 9 months ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 244
Northerner replied to the topic New Website Party! in the forum Announcements 7 years, 6 months ago
@Daeus,I’m pretty sure that only turned up results for articles, and I did make sure to search for things that I know have been discussed here recently.
Northerner replied to the topic New Website Party! in the forum Announcements 7 years, 6 months ago
How many members do we have total, I wonder? It would be interesting to see how many of those are active, too, when school isn’t getting in the way.
Loyal Sidekick, hmm. Well, in real life, my sister and I are each other’s sidekicks a lot of the time (who is the sidekick at the moment depends on what kind of situation the one in question is). How…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic Title for my story in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 6 months ago
@Daeus, I like it, and I don’t think length is a problem. The kind of people who want historical stuff and time travel and philosophy — in other words, a story you have to chew on — aren’t the kind who’ll mind a long title. Long titles are old-fashioned, but since historical fiction is going to deal with old stuff by its nature, it fits.…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic Blog Post Word Count in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
@Graciegirl I did once publish a 14,000 word post. . . never done that again. . . but I don’t worry that mine average at about 1,500. As others have said, it’s the content — I tend to write about deep sorts of things, and I don’t want to do the subjects a disservice by skimping or being superficial.
As to the advice to suit the length of your…[Read more]
Snapper and
Northerner are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago
Northerner replied to the topic Prayer Requests in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
@Winter-rose, how has the beginning of college gone?
Northerner replied to the topic Eclipse Inspiration in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
I know! We’re not in the path of totality, but close to, and it’s raining here. I’d like to see the way the light changes, for story things of course, but if it’s already dark I won’t be able to tell. And I’ll be in class soon, in a room without windows. (What is it with public schools not having windows?)
Northerner replied to the topic Hiya, new person here! ^-^ in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 7 months ago
@Ryanna welcome to the bestistest place on the Internet! Your profile picture reminds me of a character of mine. How long have you been writing? Who are your favourite books or authours?
Bonus question: British or American spelling?
Northerner posted a new activity comment 7 years, 7 months ago
It could be a lot worse. But people bend themselves backwards to not appear prejudiced or discriminatory so much that they kind of have to do it for me whether they mean it or no. . . which gets kind of fun (yes, I enjoy a rousing debate, how did you guess?).
(Ugh, yes, it is. People keep saying it, though, and then I have to go and explain that…[Read more] -
Northerner posted a new activity comment 7 years, 7 months ago
Umm. . . well, it was the first time I’d had that particular teacher, but with others in the department, I know, I have a bit of a. . . reputation? And I talked like that in class all semester, so he probably had fair warning.
It is not normal for the college as a whole, but I’ve met two Creationists there, one of whom was in Philosophy, so it’s…[Read more]
Well good. Could be worse for sure. 😀
(And that argument is so lame. *sigh*)-
It could be a lot worse. But people bend themselves backwards to not appear prejudiced or discriminatory so much that they kind of have to do it for me whether they mean it or no. . . which gets kind of fun (yes, I enjoy a rousing debate, how did you guess?).
(Ugh, yes, it is. People keep saying it, though, and then I have to go and explain that…[Read more]
You’re an NTP, of course you’d find that kind of thing fun. XD
It’s so hilarious though, because they probably wouldn’t worry about it—at least not so much?—if they were dead certain your view was wrong. I dunno.HA! That video. It’s perfect. Those are some smart Neanderthals. I LOVE when those arguments are shown out for their circular…[Read more]
Northerner posted a new activity comment 7 years, 7 months ago
I got 93% on the first draft and 94 on the revision, so not badly at all, I’d say :).
Oh yikes, that sounds really good. Sheesh. Did the professors or whoever think you were weird, or is it normal for them to get Christian stuff in a secular college?
Umm. . . well, it was the first time I’d had that particular teacher, but with others in the department, I know, I have a bit of a. . . reputation? And I talked like that in class all semester, so he probably had fair warning.
It is not normal for the college as a whole, but I’ve met two Creationists there, one of whom was in Philosophy, so it’s…[Read more]
Well good. Could be worse for sure. 😀
(And that argument is so lame. *sigh*)-
It could be a lot worse. But people bend themselves backwards to not appear prejudiced or discriminatory so much that they kind of have to do it for me whether they mean it or no. . . which gets kind of fun (yes, I enjoy a rousing debate, how did you guess?).
(Ugh, yes, it is. People keep saying it, though, and then I have to go and explain that…[Read more]
You’re an NTP, of course you’d find that kind of thing fun. XD
It’s so hilarious though, because they probably wouldn’t worry about it—at least not so much?—if they were dead certain your view was wrong. I dunno.HA! That video. It’s perfect. Those are some smart Neanderthals. I LOVE when those arguments are shown out for their circular…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic Do You Want to be Part of my Project? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
@Emma-Flournoy, that kind is so cliched in stories but so cool in real life :).
Northerner replied to the topic Writing Questions in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
@Joy, like @Seekjustice I don’t decide on a theme beforehand. I like to let the first draft alone in that regard, and then when I’m going through later, I can see what themes are rising naturally from it, and then prune here, or add a bit there, to focus it, or them, better. And sometimes if I do enough rewriting the theme will be completely…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic Do You Want to be Part of my Project? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
@Ethryndal I’m not the only one then! But in my case, I guess, it mostly comes from reading so much British literature.
Northerner replied to the topic Do You Want to be Part of my Project? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
@that_writer_girl_99 My favourite hobby, if it isn’t doing 11th-century English living history, would be researching for 11th-century English living history. They are kind of a tie.
Fun or weird fact: My eyes are not all one colour. It’s called central heterochromia, and it doesn’t affect my vision or anything, but it’s kind of neat. They’re…[Read more] -
Northerner replied to the topic Breathing hope… the puns are going to be too much fun in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years, 7 months ago
@Hope, I like the first one best.
Northerner replied to the topic Works cited page? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
@salome01w4g it’s not required. However, it’s a very handy way of keeping track of the sources you’ve found most helpful, for your own future reference if not anybody else’s. A good publisher/agent/editor will probably want to see it, to make sure you did your research, even though it won’t be published.
And because it won’t have to be formal,…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic Christ Characters in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
@Graciegirl, @perfectfifths the Christ figure in Tolkien discussion is a very interesting one :). He did say he disliked allegory wherever he smelt it. But he also said that, not during the first draft, but in the revision, LotR was a consciously Christian and even Catholic story. He did say he liked what might be called applicability, the way…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic Research for writing in the forum Historical 7 years, 7 months ago
@Salome01w4g, I haven’t done anything with Ancestry.com, partly because my research is 11th-century stuff. It seems reputable? I dunno, really. I’ll look up examples of sites I’m confident about and ones that don’t give off the same feel at all, to show you what I mean.
Northerner replied to the topic Research for writing in the forum Historical 7 years, 7 months ago
@Salome01w4g how much of the story have you gotten written, apart from the research and notes and things? I find it helpful to research enough so that I know my plot won’t be anachronistic, and then write it, and research the smaller things during and afterward — that way I don’t find myself with a pile of notes and no story, too overwhelmed…[Read more]
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