Active 1 day, 18 hours ago- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 3060
I just watched the legend of Hei! Girl it was sooo sooo good! I was starting to cry at the end and like I just loved everything about it! I think it’s now my current favorite fanart! Thank you so much for the suggestion, I’ve got to make some fanart sometime lol. < 3 View
Keilah H. - "@rae @theshadow THE LAST TF2 COMIC IS OUT!!! I CAN NOW FINISH MY FANFIC FOR YOU!!! No joke, I’m super excited cause y’all seemed to greatly enjoy it and I can’t wait to finish it for you!"
hybridlore - "@ellette-giselle How’s everything with you? Is your leg doing better?"
Loopy - "A friend of mine just referred to her online friends as her “pet screen fleas” and I found it hilarious and so that is now how I am going to refer to you people from here on out"
GodlyFantasy12 - "Hey everyone…some news…due to personal things, I won’t be on KP for…I honestly don’t know how long… I won’t be writing either… Short notice but yea… Love you all and hope to see you sometime later this year… […]" View
whaley - "@godlyfantasy12 Hey girl, are you interested in exchanging emails? You don’t have to if you don’t want to. 🙂"
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ - "@theducktator @anyone-else The link to my novel in case anyone would like to stalk me and motivate me to write more……. https://editor.reedsy.com/s/p8SdhuQ"
freedom - "@ellette-giselle @koshka @keilah-h @grcr @rae @esther-c @theducktator @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12 @liberty @smiley @savannah_grace2009 @lightoverdarkness6 @whalekeeper Who’s ready for Monday??? 😭✨"
PrincesaChronicle22 - "@freedomwriter76 I love your new profile!"
Light - "@godlyfantasy12 Hii <33 How are you doing? Just was thinking abt you 🙂"
Gwyndalf the Wise - "@gold_hummingbird Haven’t seen you around in awhile, how are you doing? =)"
Allison - "Momentum, a function of mass and velocity, is conserved between portals. In layman’s terms, speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out."
Ava Blue - "Friends, Romans, countrymen, Would a kind soul enlighten me on how to change your forum signature? Mine is stuck as a cringy line of poetry I wrote when I was 15 and I need it gone ✌️🤡"
Felicity - "@sarafini You ok girl? I’m praying for you!"
Folith-Feolin - "Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd His skin was pale and his eye was odd He shaved the faces of gentlemen Who never thereafter were heard of again He trod a path that few have trod Did Sweeney Todd The demon barber of […]" View