
  • Euodia posted an update 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    @smiley @highscribeofaetherium @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @savannah_grace2009 @hybridlore @acancello @rae @whalekeeper @lightoverdarkness6 @loopylin @calyhuge

    Hey guys! So before I go into my longer explanation I thought I would just get out the main news I’m informing you all about. For an indefinite amount of time, maybe forever, idk, I’m going to be stepping away from KP. It’s been something I’ve been wrestling with for awhile now but after my church’s gathering yesterday morning I felt like God was making it quite clear what he desired me to do.

    We were discussing idols and how they are subtle and tricky to see. One thing I struggle a lot with is a desire for peace and an attempt to avoid all conflict if possible. That overflows into a lot of other things like people pleasing, control, etc. But I believe that that has subtly snuck it’s way into my time on KP. I’m comfortable here because we all affirm one another and there isn’t a lot of critique, not that any of that is bad, but personally I just don’t think that’s what’s best for me spiritually (as it’s feeding into this idol of mine) or practically (for my writing i need more critique and “conflict”) right now.

    I’ve loved getting to know you all and getting to hear about and read everything God has put on your hearts to write. God has gifted each and every one of you guys, don’t forget that!! I am so thankful for the opportunity to be here and it’s hard to leave (very hard, i put it off for awhile which was not good XD).

    I’d love to continue talking with you guys if anyone wants to through email. 😀 Just lmk!
    I love you all and am cheering you on even though I’m not going to be here anymore. <3

    I will probably “officially” leave by the end of this week so I can still try to reply to everything.

    • I get that!! I’ll miss you, but definitely, that makes sense. I would love to keep in contact though! My email is (I think I might already have yours?)

    • I’ll miss you so much!! 🫶 But I totally understand. May God bless you for your obedience. ❤️ Praying for ya, girl. 😊

      • @esther-c
        Thank you so much for the prayers, I really appreciate it! And I’ll miss you too! ❤❤ I hope to one day be able to read about Ami, Ev, and Aletheia one day. 😉

        • Aww, thanks so much! 😊 It’s definitely a project that’s going to take a few years. 😉 Can’t wait to read about all your wonderful characters one day as well!! 😄

          • Of course! Haha, it may take awhile but that’s how you know it’ll be good… because a lot of effort was put into it.🥰 And thank you!! I’m excited to see where my characters take me.😆

    • I’m sad to see you go, but I understand the decision. Putting God first is never easy and I admire you for being able to do it. I’ve enjoyed our conversations here and I hope that your writing continues to grow.
      Feel free to contact me through my blog if you would like.
      Just know that this has inspired me, knowing that there are things in my life that I need to step away from.
      I’ll miss you girl, but I’m glad you’re doing what the Lord wants you to do!!

      • @smiley
        Thank you so much Miley for saying all of that. It means a lot to me. I’ll miss you so much and hope your WIP and fanfics (I’ll miss those too XD) go well!! I’ll for sure contact you through your blog.❤❤❤

    • Do what’s best for you girl! I personally love critueqing and giving advice, but I’ve had some negative experiences with it here on kp. Not everyone wants advice, and I don’t like accidentally hurting feeling… Idk. My church also had a sermon about idols that was really convicting, and I really respect you’re dealing with the issue. I can’t really share my email online, but if you have insta I’d love to get connected! No pressure if you don’t though, people come and go but the impact they leave stays 🙂 we’ve enjoyed having you here! 💛💛💛

      • @mineralizedwritings
        Yeah, that all makes sense. I figured that was one of the reasons there isn’t much critiquing on kp. I do that too, not saying something for fear of hurting someone, and I realized that that environment isn’t what’s best for me rn. 😊 I don’t have insta… but I could share my email then you don’t have to share yours, just email me directly, but I also understand if emailing isn’t something you’re comfortable doing. 😉 Thank you for the encouraging words, Min, I appreciate it. ❤

    • I’m a tiny bit confused about what you’re trying to say about the conflict thing, but what I gathered is you’re leaving KP because you think God wants you to, and I definitely respect that.

    • I understand your decision. I’ll miss you so much! And thank you for all your encouraging words throughout the year I have been on here, you have helped me start my WIP and continue with it. You wouldn’t believe how much you have helped me. 💗 💗 💗 I follow you in Pintrest, so if you feel comfortable we can chat through there if you ever want. Thanks for all you have done, Ill miss you!💗 🤗
      Also, Merry Christmas!

    • Aww I’ll miss you! But I totally understand that you need to do what God is telling you, and that’s amazing!! Thanks so much for helping me with my writing journey and I have really appreciated our chats. I’ll miss you! <3

    • I think that I understand. It’s good to be aware of when something becomes an idol.
      We’ll miss you! Keep writing well for the glory of God!

      • @loopylin
        Well good, I’m glad you somewhat understand. I was struggling trying to communicate everything going through my brain.😆 Thanks Loopy!! ❤

    • @freedomwriter76
      I’ll miss you too Freedom!! Thank you so much for the prayers, they mean a lot. ❤ I NEED to know when you let out Freedom’s Fire, idk how you’re gonna tell me but you need to figure it out. XDDD. I wish you all the luck with your writing. Don’t torture Riker too much plz, or Bucky. *hugs them both*

      • @freedomwriter76
        your comments aren’t showing up but I got notifs about them so I’ll just reply. XD
        I don’t have Discord atm, but I shared my email below for a temporary amount of time if you want! if you can’t email then I shall consider making a Discord account. 👀😉 And I love your username 😂😂 you shall be easy to find. XD
        *sighs* do what you must with them, but be gentle with them… okay? pwease. 🥺

    • @whalekeeper
      For some reason you comment isn’t showing up but I got a few emails that you did. 🤔 but anyway, thank you SO much!! I’ll miss you!!❤️

    • @euodia-vision Oh girl!! ❤️

      I completely understand your decision, and I admire you for recognizing that KP could become a distraction and something that could end up affecting your relationship with God and others. I’ve been thinking about how much time I was spending here and that’s one reason I haven’t been on as much lately.

      I’ll miss you SO much!!!! You’ve inspired me in my writing and been a big part of my writing journey, and have positively affected my life more than you know. I can’t wait to one day read about your wonderful charries 🤗
      I’ll be praying for you!! ❤️

      And I’d love to keep in touch! I’d rather not share my email on here but I can if needed😅😄

      Love ya girl 💖💖

      • @lightoverdarkness6 Thanks Light, that means SO much to me!!! Thanks for being so encouraging and I’m proud of you for seeing that you needed to take a step back from KP too!❤️ I realized you were the first KP person I met… before I even joined KP!😂
        I can share my email with you then you don’t have to. 😉❤️

        • @euodia-vision Awww of course!!! ❤️ Aw thank you 🤗 Hahaha yess! I remember I was SO excited when you joined KP😂 That was so cool ❤️
          Speaking of that, are you going to do CWW again?
          And thank you!! Oh and I sent you an email :DD

    • @lightoverdarkness6 and @mineralizedwritings (just in case you wanted it 😉)
      I’ll delete this once you let me know you got this!
      my email is…
