Active 7 years ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 335
Emily D posted an update 6 years, 9 months ago
@dragon-snapper @perfectfifths @dekreel @jenwriter17 @ingridrd @rolena-hatfield @livgiordano @mariposa @clairec @jayniecatgirl08
Hello girls!
I haven’t been on here in like FOREVER. Please forgive me. I wanted to let you know that I’ll be moving…just next door to Story Embers. Hope to see yas over there!
Ben Powell replied to the topic The Compendium of Kapeefer Literature in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Okay, I have now uploaded @anne-of-lothlorien ‘s Kapeefer Anthem, her Keeper Christmas, my short story for @itisastarrynight , and @mariposa ‘s 12 Kapeefer Days of Christmas.
I think that’s all the Kapeefer lit there is, but if anyone knows of more just let me know. 🙂
Joy replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
More random questions:
@valtmy @christianna-hellwig Shall I add you two to my list of potential characters? It’s okay if you don’t want me to. 😉 If so, tell me a bit about yourselves 🙂
@itisastarrynight @introvert_girl @notawriter What do you three want to look like?
@mariposa Do you want your artsy pterodactyl in there, too? (Forg…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic The Compendium of Kapeefer Literature in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@rochellaine Isn’t that an element of KP? Going off-topic? XD
@anne-of-lothlorien *blinks* There’s a national anthem?! LEMME SEE IT!
@supermonkey42Â Oh, and @mariposa‘s 12 Days of Kapeefer Christmas!
Also, didn’t you write a short story about @itisastarrynight once? That could also be added 🙂
Jenna Terese posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
@mariposa I really do enjoy your blog and your artwork is amazing! It’s inspiring me to keep drawing too 🙂 sorry I haven’t been as active on commenting though, life is just busy right now.
Joy started the topic Literary Elements in Movies in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
This is where you can post literary elements of movies. Because I know they’re out there
Warning: May contain spoiler alerts, LIKE THIS ONE
For example, in Finding Dory, when Dory thinks her parents are dead, she ends up falling back into the ocean from the aquariums, and then starts to forget everything. It’s kind of a backshadowing (if that’s…[Read more]
Jenna Terese started the topic Strong Christian Women in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 7 years, 1 month ago
March is Women’s History Month. When I looked this up, it looked like this was pretty much a feminist holiday. I had asked a few friends here to join me in reading the Bible books of Ruth and Esther over this month instead, to focus more on women that were strong in Christ. @rochellaine suggested I make a topic on this, so we could discuss strong…[Read more]
Jenna Terese posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago
Apparently March is Women’s History Month. Did anyone know about this?
Well, seems like this type of holiday/celebration has the potential of being feminist. At least when I looked this up a lot of that type of stuff was popping up.
But instead, would anyone like to join me in reading the books of Esther and/or Ruth in the Bible this month?…[Read more]-
@jenwriter17 That sounds like an interesting idea. What about going even farther and making a topic about it where we can discuss women in history who were able to be strong and godly women without being feminist, or women in fiction who are portrayed in biblical women’s roles while still being interesting? (That was hard for me to suggest…[Read more]
@rochellainie Yeah, I think that’s a good idea! I’ll go ahead and make the topic….
yeah I know what u mean; the phrase “strong woman” can mean different things to different people
That’s an awesome idea! I will most definitely join you! 🙂
@ingridrd Great! 😉 I went ahead and made the topic.
Yess absolutely, this is a brilliant plan.
ClaireC posted a new activity comment 7 years, 1 month ago
@mariposa, Oh no!!!!! I’m going to miss you!
Thank you for the input you’ve had here.
I’ll be following you blog too.
May God bless you in whatever He has in store for you. 🙂-
@clairec Thank you. It means a lot to know you’re reading my blog. I will miss you too. 😢
Jenna Terese posted a new activity comment 7 years, 1 month ago
@mariposa aw, we’ll miss you lots! *reaches for tissue* but I appreciate that you’re going in the direction you think God is taking you 🙂 I’ll definitely keep following your blog!
@jenwriter17 I can’t begin to tell you how encouraging your comments have been to me. Thank you for always being so sweet and wonderful. 🙂
@mariposa I really do enjoy your blog and your artwork is amazing! It’s inspiring me to keep drawing too 🙂 sorry I haven’t been as active on commenting though, life is just busy right now.
Snapper posted a new activity comment 7 years, 1 month ago
I was just thinking about you earlier today. *sniff* But I think you’ve got the right perspective; God does know what’s best, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time. Or if, yeah, change isn’t the most comfy thing on earth.
Thank you for being such a great kapeefer! 😀 *offers Aberdeen a rough draft full of delicious adverbs*
@dragon-snapper Aw, thanks. *Aberdeen eats adverbs* Me and him will never forget you, dear Snapper.
Joy started the topic My *gag* Children's Books in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years, 1 month ago
Greetings, Kapeefers!
So when I was thirteen, I spontaneously decided that I was going to write a children’s book series. I started writing several of them before I found myself buried in writer’s block, so I walked away from them.
Lately I have been considering coming back to them. So today I read Mariposa’s article on Pixar and children’s…[Read more]
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi! I’m working on rewriting a novella. anyone wanna join me?
@seekjustice @rochellaine @dekreel @mariposa @sam-kowal @Jane-maree @dragon-snapper
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Calling All Artists!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the forum Art 7 years, 1 month ago
@nicolerivers03 aw, I’d really want to draw him! but sadly, I’m pretty bad at drawing boys (and at the moment I’m sick so my brain is kinda off) sorry!
I’ll tag a couple more people though @mariposa @warrenluther04 @ingridrd
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Readers' Corner in the forum Book Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi there! I’m readin’ my history book 😐 anyone on to join me?
@warrenluther04 @rochellaine @dekreel @dragon-snapper @mariposa @skredder @sam-kowal @clairec
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
tagging a few more people for help as well @seekjustice @Jane-maree @mariposa @dragon-snapper @daeus
I’m signing off for now. bye! 🙂
Ariella Newheart replied to the topic Hi, I'm Ari! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 1 month ago
@mariposa has a dinosaur, who I’m sure she’d love to introduce you to.
Oooo a dinosaur! Those are just as cool as dragons. Or dragons could even be dinosaurs…. *looks off into the distance*
@seekjustice Yes! I knew it! *cough* I mean…that’s really interesting. xD How’s the weather over there in Middle-Earth?
@notawriter Thank you…[Read more]
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
hey everyone! I’m outlining my dystopian novel right now. anyone here?
@gh24682468999 @dekreel @dragon-snapper @seekjustice @mariposa @warrenluther04 @sam-kowal @rochellaine
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Readers' Corner in the forum Book Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
hey! I’m reading Cry, the Beloved Country for school right now. anyone wanna join me?
@seekjustice @dekreel @dragon-snapper @sam-kowal @warrenluther04 @mariposa @Jane-maree
ClaireC replied to the topic Hi, I'm Ari! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 1 month ago
@dekreel, 😀
@ariella-newheart, We have a few animals and animal friends on here. @mariposa has a dinosaur, who I’m sure she’d love to introduce you to. 🙂
Speaking of which… @dragon-snapper, with @mariposa ‘s permission, can we have Aberdeen the Authorosarus in the LOKD?
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Hello, Emily!
I feel like the KP forum has been winding down a lot since Story Embers started. I know I haven’t been very active on it for some time.
Hey Louise! Thanks for understanding 🙂
Also, do you know if the other Emily is still here? I wanted to tag her before but couldn’t work out which one she was…there are certainly a lot of Emily’s here now! 🙂
I actually haven’t been on Story Embers very much though. I don’t quite understand why this site was put on hiatus while another, very similar site was started up.
Also, I’m not sure which other Emily you mean?
@perfectfifths Not quite sure what her real surname is…I don’t think that she has an account anymore.
How are you, anyway? 🙂
I can’t think of any other Emilys, so unless you mean Emma? I don’t know who you’re looking for, sorry.
I’m good. Just going about my life. 🙂 Writing, music, things like that. How are you?
@emily-d Hi! That’s totally fine 😉 I’m on the SE forums but not that much; mostly I’m staying on KP. 🙂
Hi Jen! Thanks…glad to be getting back into my writing groove haha. 😉
@perfectfifths That’s fine. I’m great, thanks… me too. What instrument do you play? I play piano and I’m learning ukelele 🙂
I play violin, am teaching myself recorder and I kind of play viola and cello. But violin is the only instrument I’ve learned “properly” (had lessons and stuff).
@perfectfifths Hi Louise, so sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I haven’t been on here for forever! Sounds like fun. 🙂 I want to learn harp and violin 🙂
Genuinely surprised to get a KP notification XD
Violin is great. Harp is really nice too (though I’ve never touched one, so I don’t know how difficult it is 😉 ).
@perfectfifths Yay! (sorry this is so late)
Are either of you on SE now?
@emily-d I am, under the same name 🙂
No, not really. I get their emails and stuff but I don’t really use the forums.