Active 1 month, 2 weeks ago- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1657
Ruth replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 2 weeks ago
I had to temporarily quit horseback riding and anything to do with physical strain (the doom of an active farm girl teen) because of three tick-borne diseases right after each other. Didn’t help I never had been on antibiotics before so my immune system was not pleased. Oh, and NEVER bite down on Doxycycoline (if I’m…[Read more]
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 2 weeks ago
You’re fine!!!!
I was starting to worry about youÂXDXDYes my life’s been busy too! but instead of actually taking a break from KP and writing…I distract myself with being busy with KP XD not the healthiest thing to do but oh well lol
Oof sounds fun but I bet you are soooo tired! I always…[Read more]
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Hey girl! I missed you so much! XD I was so happy to see this notification!
I’m glad you got to go enjoy those summer camps, it sounds like a lot of fun! Yeah, sounds crazy busy, hope you get to catch up on that sleep.
My summer has been really rough, lol. My chronic illness has gotten worse and I’m not sure I’ll be able to…[Read more]
Esther replied to the topic Ultimate KP Novel in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Just tagging everyone I did last time… 🤪
@theducktator @jonas @highscribeofaetherium @freed_and_redeemed @smiley @whalekeeper @theshadow @mineralizedwritings @grcr @rae @loopylin @acancello @keilah-h @hybridlore @beth-torres @savannah_grace2009 @lightoverdarkness6 @thearcaneaxiom @everyoneee
whaley replied to the topic Outlining Thread in the forum Plotting 7 months, 3 weeks ago
@highscribeofaetherium @keilah-h @calyhuge @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @hybridlore @rae @esther-c @trailblazer @jonas @thearcaneaxiom @otherworldlyhistorian @folith-feolin @linus-smallprint @felicity @lightoverdarkness6 @koshka @theducktator @freed_and_redeemed @kyronthearcanin @savannah_grace2009 @godlyfantasy12 (Hope you guys don’t mind the tag)
freedom replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 months, 4 weeks ago
@grcr @mineralizedwritings @ellette-giselle @rae @savannah_grace2009 @esther-c @koshka @lightoverdarkness6 @whalekeeper @smiley @anyone-else-idk-lol-XD
I made a couple new aesthetics for Leon and Riker🥰
(and I absolutely adore Pinterest and Canva now y’all😂😂 so helpful)
Andddddd y’all get to help me decide which character to make an aesthetic…[Read more]
freedom replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 months ago
@ellette-giselle @keilah-h @rae @savannah_grace2009 @mineralizedwritings @koshka @whalekeeper @lightoverdarkness6
Anyone wanna read the possible book blurb for Broken Shackles? 👀
In continuation of Freedom’s Fire
The Second World War has finally come to an end, and
both Leon Wagner and Riker Schind must live with
the aftermaths of war and…
freedom replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 months ago
@esther-c @rae @savannah_grace2009 @lightoverdarkness6 @koshka @ellette-giselle @mineralizedwritings @anyone-else-idk-lol
I’m trying to start to plot out Leon/Riker’s 3rd novel, simply bc I need to AND with being sick, my brain doesn’t want to handle Broken Shackles right now😅😂🫠
But anywho, for a long time I’ve thought about their 3rd book st…[Read more]
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 months, 1 week ago
@keilah-h @mineralizedwritings @rae @savannah_grace2009 @whalekeeper @loopylin @koshka @lightoverdarkness6 @grcr @freed_and_redeemed
Btw, I thought I’d tag a few people and mention that I’ve been sketching characters if anyone is interested. I started the forum here.
freedom replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 months, 1 week ago
@keilah-h @mineralizedwritings @rae @savannah_grace2009 @whalekeeper @loopylin @koshka @lightoverdarkness6 @ellette-giselle @highscribeofaetherium @esther-c @grcr @anyone-else-idk-lol
Freedom’s Fire is sooooooo close to publishing. Just waiting on the finalized cover designs, complete with the book blurb, and then it’ll all be set…[Read more]
freedom posted a new activity comment 8 months, 3 weeks ago
The Chat Chat is being weird for me for some reason 🙄
sooooooo I decided to share this scene here!!!
@esther-c @rae @grcr @theducktator @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6 @savannah_grace2009 @koshka @keilah-h @anyone-else-idk-lolllll -
freedom replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 months, 3 weeks ago
OH, alsooooooo
@savannah_grace2009 @rae @keilah-h @koshka @whalekeeper @lightoverdarkness6 @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @theducktator
I made a possible Blurb for Broken Shackles if anyone wants to offer their opinion on it 👇
In continuation of Freedom’s Fire…
The second world war has finally come to an end, and both Leon Wagner and Riker Sch…
freedom replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 months, 3 weeks ago
@highscribeofaetherium @theducktator @koshka @keilah-h @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @esther-c @savannah_grace2009 @rae @anyone-else-idk-lolllll
Y’all don’t get too mad at me, ok?? 😅
This is why Riker needed all the good luck wishes👇
my baby 😭😭😭
freedom replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 months, 4 weeks ago
@koshka I did finish it, but I think I may add more; idk, seems too short 😂 but idk what else to add tbh lollll
but anywhoooo
@lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @rae @savannah_grace2009 @keilah-h @loopylin @mineralizedwritings @grcr @theducktator @esther-c @anyone-else-idk-lol-XD
here’s the continuation of the Riker scene AND a Leon…[Read more]
freedom posted an update 9 months ago
@rae @savannah_grace2009 @esther-c @keilah-h @whalekeeper @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6 @koshka @mineralizedwritings @acancello @theducktator @grcr @highscribeofaetherium @smiley @scoutfinch180
A bit of a I guess life update?? idk😂Just wanted to pop on here and let everyone know how everything is kinda looking. Writing is going fairly well…[Read more]
freedom replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 months ago
Anyone wanna see some character images??? 👀👀
@keilah-h @savannah_grace2009 @theducktator @grcr @rae @lightoverdarkness6 @koshka
We’ll start with Leon. 😜
freedom replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 months ago
@lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @rae @savannah_grace2009 @keilah-h @loopylin @mineralizedwritings @grcr @theducktator @esther-c @anyone-else-idk-lol-XD
I have an (UNFINISHED!!!) Riker scene I want to share👀
anyone ready to see Riker’s life turn even more????
Esther replied to the topic Ultimate KP Novel in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 months ago
Imma just go ahead and tag everybody again…
@theducktator @jonas @highscribeofaetherium @freed_and_redeemed @smiley @whalekeeper @theshadow @mineralizedwritings @grcr @rae @loopylin @acancello @keilah-h @hybridlore @beth-torres @savannah_grace2009 @lightoverdarkness6 @thearcaneaxiom @everyoneee
Welcome peoples! If you don’t know what this is abo…[Read more]
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic I've started my draft, would you guys keep reading this story? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 9 months ago
@lightoverdarkness6Â @freed_and_redeemed @whalekeeper @loopylin @theloonyone
Guys I have a snippet… I think this one might actually make it into the final cut XD
Also this is a comic outline. So you’ll see notes, sorry for the confusion. There’s some things that I can draw but can’t put into words so I have to use notes to myself for how I…[Read more]
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 9 months ago
Wait, pics are up??
Oh my goodness your art is sooo cute! And you’ve improved so much to! The colors look fabulous on that drawing of Loops characters!
@whaley @loopylin @freed_and_redeemed @lightoverdarkness6
Guys guys I have more Tauren art 😛
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I am also possibly going to be beta reading for one of my fav authors, so there’s that too 😂
That’s great! Hey, it’s good to be busy sometimes. It feels good to get those kinds of things done XD
I’ve had some really bad days recently but I’m learning how to cope with my issues and I’m actually taking it into my own hands instead of waiting for things to change, which feels good. My relationships all feel like they are changing, and it is…[Read more]
Sorry this is kinda late—I’ve been in and am in Colorado and the connection is TERRIBLE.
43k, eh? That’s nice!
Ooof… medical appointments are no fun! I have a wisdom teeth removal appointment soon and I’m definitely not looking forward to that, lol… 😅
I’m doing good. Just trying to draw closer to God, because the world is ge…[Read more]
Omc I’m so excited for you!!!
About how I’m doing….I posted a status update the other day that explains everything! xD
Have a great day (:
I think Wyoh ate my notification about this. 😅
Sorry about the braces. 😬 Those hurt. Beta reading for one of your favorite authors sounds so cool! I’m going to get a learner’s permit soon too, which would be a lot more exciting if our car weren’t a 12 seater van. 😅 My writing isn’t going so great, because I have 4 main projects, and I can’t decide…[Read more]
Oh yeah, totally understand the life busyness. 😉
Oooh, beta reading for one of your favorite authors?? That sounds so cool!! Who is it?
😬 Yikes, braces. I just got mine off this February. Tbh, they really weren’t as bad as most people make them sound. Granted I took care of them and managed to only have them on for as long as scheduled, so s…[Read more]
It’ll be Jayna Baas, a Christian Historical Fiction author who writes stories set during the time of the American Revolution! It’s her second book, and I’ll be one of the ones helping beta read it 💖
Thanks. I feel a little less nervous now haha. <3
YES, super nervous about the car things🫠
So glad life and writing is going well!!!!! And doing VBS…[Read more]
Oh cool!! That’s awesome!
Good. 😊
Oh yeah, totally understandable. 😉
Yes I’m excited!!
Oh fun! I took a course similar to that where I learned the Heimlech maneuver. (I wonder if I spelled that right… lol)