Active 2 days, 16 hours ago- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1657
whaley replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 days, 8 hours ago
The textbook format has been appreciated by several writers. According to a survey performed by a certain Stepheroni and Cheese, two out of two young writing enthusiasts used this world-building tool regularly.
Mm, I credit you with accurate scientific knowledge. Take my friendship.
whaley replied to the topic Stormlight Archive in the forum Book Discussions 5 days, 8 hours ago
My brother says Kaladin is a sorrowful sack of mope. HE IS NOT.😭Please people, back me up on this! I need allies!
I agree that he is a sorrowful sack of mope, but it does not bother me at all. XD I actually kind of understand Kaladin. It’s a little silly to say, especially because I’m not an ex-general ex-slaved tur…[Read more]
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 5 days, 8 hours ago
Especially Sniper’s and Demo’s, which I’ll show later if you want.
I’m intrigued
Also, I respect your bravery to post old drawings. I tried to do that once…and I backed out before pushing the “submit” button
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 5 days, 8 hours ago
Great! Perfect!
I’ll see what I can do.
I often draw in the evenings while hanging out with my big brother, and all I can think about rn is what he’s gonna say when he sees what I’m drawing, and now I’m gonna explain myself lol
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 5 days, 9 hours ago
and a weird amount of bread
Why do I have a suspicious feeling that Soldier is involved?
Let me guess, he’s teleporting bread to create bread monsters?
Lol, that was one of the best moments ever.
I’m dead rn for what I want to draw so I’ll give it a shot drawing the scene. No promises that you’ll like it, I’m bad at wings, and at…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Character Arcs in the forum Characters 5 days, 9 hours ago
And most of that you probably already knew, but there it is. You said “character arcs” and I got excited. XD Sorry.
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Character Arcs in the forum Characters 5 days, 9 hours ago
First off, that story sounds incredibly intriguing. Not your average story, and maybe one that you can use to deal with things most people deal with, but don’t talk about.
For developing character arcs, I would suggest you 1. Find a message, 2. Find a flaw that corresponds and fits the character uniquely 3. Determine what the…[Read more]
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 days, 9 hours ago
Yes, that is me. 100% -
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic Fantasy Adventure RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 days, 9 hours ago
Baron (Brutus)—Ben Gunn, Flare, Ellis, trying to find Fel and Brea (I think I got that right)
Brutus hesitated in following the others. The soldiers were terrified of these creatures. He held his scarf up over his nose and mouth. His eyes followed the disappearing forms of his companions. He could use his wind to…[Read more]
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic Character Arcs in the forum Characters 5 days, 9 hours ago
Could you give me some more description on these teens?
Ruee Hamster Huey posted an update 5 days, 9 hours ago
@stephie I saw your new name at the top of a topic page saying you had posted, and I was so confused for a moment there lol.
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 days, 9 hours ago
I…worldbuild in the dark at night usually (I have trouble sleeping) and I rarely, if ever, actually write a comprehensive thing on my world, I just scribble things on random sheets of paper or in notebooks that I then loose in the sea of notebooks that I have already.
Yeah, I need to change some of my writing habits.
whaley replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 days, 10 hours ago
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 days, 11 hours ago
I talk about it to my siblings. XD And I keep an eye open for ideas. For instance, while at a funeral I realized I didn’t know my charrie’s traditional burials. Flash forward to when I ran across some archeology, and I decided to hunt for ideas. Now I have a detailed burial system depending on the place and/or culture in the world. Same thing…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 days, 12 hours ago
I also use Google docs and fill out the whole thing with general information, such as flora and fauna, science, tech, etc. History is by far the longest section.
Does anyone have advice for outlining magic systems? I’m looking at you, @jonas . Or really anyone. I would like to be more organized with it, but I’ve never known where to start.
whaley replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 days, 12 hours ago
Ah, yes. 😎
whaley replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 5 days, 12 hours ago
oh wow.
Yeah, it’s not fun to think about.
yeah no I know not everyone should be getting death threats who leads. Our pastors aren’t currently being hunted or threaten, but it was just the general idea that so many churches and pastors and believers don’t take their faith seriously
That’s true. I think unserious leaders will eve…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 days, 12 hours ago
🤣🤣 Does that mean you like everything about worldbuilding?
whaley replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 days, 12 hours ago
What is something each person here likes about worldbuilding?
G replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 days, 13 hours ago
Ooo I love world building… *subscribes* heh heh heh….
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