Mariposa Aristeo started the topic Email List 101 in the forum Publishing & Platform 6 years, 11 months ago
I’m seriously considering creating an email list and I needed y’all’s sage advice. What are some ways to attract people to sign up? A free ebook is a good incentive, but right now I haven’t any books to offer. 😉 I was debating about having free short stories like Josiah, but I also thought about offering a free downloadable card (if that’s p…[Read more]
Gracie started the topic *waves manically* ;P in the forum Start HERE 6 years, 11 months ago
ZIKERS. It’s been too long, my friends. 🙃
As some of you know, I signed off the KP forum about 10 weeks ago. (Or two and a half-ish months ago, or even 70-ish days ago. Whichever unit of time most adequately communicates just how lengthy and protracted my hiatus felt to me. 😆😭) Basically, life got unus…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic Pinterest in the forum Publishing & Platform 6 years, 12 months ago
Okay, I believe I’ve got the final design down. Let me just do a survey on the tagline.
Which of these do you like best?
- Learn to write better
- Take your writing to the next level
@kate-flournoy @lifeofkatie @sam-kowal @introvert_girl @supermonkey42 @dekreel @dragon-snapper @catwing @aislinn-mollisong @shannon
Daeus replied to the topic The Good Friends Platform League in the forum Publishing & Platform 6 years, 12 months ago
Oh, yes! Tags!
@mariposa @lifeofkatie @kate-flournoy @jenwriter17
Please tag anyone else you think might be interested!
Mariposa Aristeo replied to the topic Platform and Marketing in the forum Publishing & Platform 6 years, 12 months ago
@lifeofkatie I’ve never much cared for Facebook myself, but I like Pinterest and Instagram.
Aw, yes, patience (that’s not always one of my strong points). 🙃
I haven’t done much personal stuff on Instagram or my blog, so that’s probably something I should try.
Oh, I’m glad I’m not the only person with that problem (I thought I was the only one)!…[Read more]
Josiah DeGraaf replied to the topic Platform and Marketing in the forum Publishing & Platform 6 years, 12 months ago
@lifeofkatie Yep–no problem. 🙂 I figured as much!
Mariposa Aristeo started the topic Platform and Marketing in the forum Publishing & Platform 6 years, 12 months ago
Over the past two years, I’ve been thinking about what I want to do with my life. My dream is to become an author/illustrator. Up until the past six months or so I remained silent to the writing and art world. That was fine, but now that I’m trying to pursue art/writing as a profession, I need to branch out. The problem is that I know little about…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic Pinterest in the forum Publishing & Platform 6 years, 12 months ago
@kate-flournoy @seekjustice @lifeofkatie So, just making sure I’m not crazy here. My sister showed me around on Pinterest a couple days ago and it seemed like someone had to click on your pin to see your description to click on your link to go to your site.
Therefore, I want people to click on my pin, right?
That’s why I have that call to action…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic Pinterest in the forum Publishing & Platform 6 years, 12 months ago
@lifeofkatie Do you have an example of what you’re talking about. I can’t quite imagine it.
And, sure, I’d be interested to know what programs you use.
@kate-flournoy I’m not exactly sure what you mean. :/
I’m using Canva.
I did experiment with a border like you were talking about. Here are three designs. None of them are amazing, but I think…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic Pinterest in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years ago
@introvert_girl @lifeofkatie @seekjustice @kate-flournoy
Okay, unless anybody think’s it’s a terrible idea, I’m planning to use this for a writing school I’m launching this coming year.
My general impression of Pinterest leads me to think that quotes are good to post there, so I thought I’d do some short writing tip graphics. To make it easy on…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic Pinterest in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years ago
@lifeofkatie Okay, thanks. That helps. I think I’m going to give it a try. 😀
@introvert_girl That makes sense, though I think I’ll create all my own pins.
Hannah C replied to the topic Reading Suggestion in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
Thanks everyone! I haven’t read any of these books. Any other classical book suggestions? I’ve read quite a bit of the classics but not all, I’m sure.
@lifeofkatie I do like nonfiction and historical fiction. Fire away!
Kate Flournoy replied to the topic Because I promised I would… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@epicaddie2 @That_writer_Girl_99 @Shannon @Emily @LifeofKatie @Ethryndal thanks so much guys. 😀
Sarah, I’m especially glad you think it’s pretty… it ought to be… I only redid it oh… ABOUT A DOZEN TIMES. XD
*coughs* I’m a bit of a perfectionist. Your praise is great validation.
Elizabeth, Sarah, Shannon… I, um… was looking for Dr.…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic Landing Page Critique? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@lifeofkatie I think I’ve got it fixed.
Daeus replied to the topic Landing Page Critique? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@lifeofkatie On the button?
Snapper replied to the topic Can it Possibly have been a Year? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@lifeofkatie *eats all the ice cream*
@emma-flournoy I won’t tell Josiah what you said about frogs. *mourns over frogs*
Daeus replied to the topic Landing Page Critique? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@jane-maree @shannon @emily @winter-rose @ingridrd @lifeofkatie
Okay! How about this?
Daeus replied to the topic Landing Page Critique? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@jane-maree @shannon @emily @winter-rose @ingridrd @lifeofkatie Thanks. I’m working on a revision. I’ll get back to you sooner or later. 😀
Ingrid replied to the topic Landing Page Critique? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@daeus Oooooh, me likey! Though I would consider what @lifeofkatie said about the “Geat Your Free Training Now” button. It’s kinda…ugly. 😜 Other than that though, brilliant job! 🙂
Daeus started the topic Landing Page Critique? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi friends,
You may or may not know that show don’t tell is one of my favorite writing topics. The practical application of this is that I’m currently putting together an in-depth course to help people master the subject. Part 1 of this course is just about finished and ready for me to launch!
In preparation, I was wondering if you could take a…[Read more]
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