Emma Flournoy posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
@LifeofKatie Well hello!! It’s you! You’re on here now! Welcome to the Bestistest Place on the Internet. 😀 And if anyone else tells you that, I still won. XD It’s a contest to see who can tell newcomers that first. 😉
You should hop on over to Start Here on the Forum page, and make an introductory topic!
@emma-flournoy Thank you so much for your warm welcome! 😀 I will have to go introduce myself here shortly, *raises cup of iced tea*
Good good. 😀
Hey @Kate-Flournoy, see who’s here.
Hey @Ethryndal, this is Katie, whose friendship survey I sent you. Katie, meet my friend, widely known ’round here as Galadriel—she’s one of those who took your friendship survey. 😀
@lifeofkatie wow—! Hey Katie! I didn’t know you wrote! 😛 Welcome to KP. 😀
@kate-flournoy Ha! Thanks, Kate for yet another warm welcome! 😀 Y’all are wonderfully sweet! 😉
Nice to meet you @ethryndal! Thank you so much for taking my survey!! @emma-flournoy
OH, hey, @lifeofkatie! Nice to meet you! The survey was very cool, actually. It rather intrigued me.
And welcome to the bestistest place ever! (@Emma-flournoy *poke poke* I said it second. I win. 🙂 )
And I’ve never yet asked you, @LifeofKatie, what were you doing the survey for? Just for learning more about friendships? That’s so cool.
(@Ethryndal *poke poke* All right, second prize. It’s purple. Here. 😉 )
@ethryndal – Oh! I’m so glad you enjoyed the survey! I thought the results were very fascinating.
@emma-flournoy – I took the survey because 1) I wanted to learn more about what the opinion of friendships was in our modern times & 2) because…shh..I’m maybe thinking of possibly writing a book about friendship…but it’s still in the works ;)…[Read more]
@LifeofKatie Ohhh! *hushed whisper* I shan’t go telling everyone. 😉 That’s really cool though.
And… *one more poke* that’s so sweet. 😀 A pleasure to be sure. Glad to give welcomes that are warm, and everyone needs a welcome. 😀