Keilah H. posted an update 8 months, 3 weeks ago
@freed_and_redeemed @loopylin @linus-smallprint @whalekeeper @rae @highscribeofaetherium @trailblazer @esther-c @grcr
anyone else’s computer refuse to post anything? When I type and hit post, it brings up an error message saying “Error, you reply cannot be empty.” WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT’S EMPTY???? I JUST TYPED SOMETHING!!
huh, weird. It wasn’t doing that to me… I think… 🤔🤔
Yeah, it’s really weird.
Mine is refusing to allow me on to the recent topics page- it just sits and spins and doesn’t do anything.
I haven’t had trouble posting, but when I get on the site, I have to exit and reenter a couple times cuz otherwise I just get white or an error.
Hey, anyone else notice that the most recent post with the writing tip and vid link is gone. Is it just my thing playing tricks, or is it gone for you guys too?
Gone for me too. I was wondering about that.
oh yeahhhhh, it is!!
Yeah, it did that for me too!
I had the spinning problem with the Chat Chat. It went away after a while.
The forum looked funky a couple days ago, but it’d pretty much back to normal now.