Active 1 year, 11 months ago- Rank: Charismatic Rebel
- Total Posts: 34
Kaymart replied to the topic Learning How to Plot in the forum Plotting 6 years, 12 months ago
I need as much help as I can get with my plotting. I thought I could write by pantsing, but that hasn’t been working out for me. I tried plotting before, but it didn’t work out, either.
I figured I should try for both at once, but that’s not working, either. My plotting could be improved, but I’m not sure what to do or how to do it.
Kaymart posted an update 6 years, 12 months ago
Oh. My “status” changed. Now I’m a charismatic rebel. Who knew?
Jenna Terese and
Kaymart are now friends 6 years, 12 months ago
Kaymart replied to the topic Writers' Corner #15 in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 12 months ago
Thank you for the invite (@snapper, was it?) but I really don’t understand how this is supposed to work. And I think it’s an old post, anyway? But perhaps I can join in another time.
I’m trying to write in an older novella for Camp Nano this year. it’s actually making some progress, even though it’s a fairly personal story that’s difficult to…[Read more]
Kaymart replied to the topic The 1 and only … me. in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
See what I mean about repetition? I had already mentioned my website! :O
Kaymart replied to the topic The 1 and only … me. in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
If you want to help…
check out my website! If you leave a comment I’d appreciate knowing how I know you. I’ve received several bogus messages on there in the past.
Kaymart replied to the topic Too many ideas in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years ago
@WarrenLuther and @jenwrites17, most of my ideas come from the Bible itself. A verse I read or that was incorporated into a sermon. Even hymns we sing in the service.
Here are a few (titles are my own, but you can change them if you see fit to do so–I do ask that you let me know if you want one of my story ideas so I can remove it from my “list…[Read more]
Lillian Parks and
Kaymart are now friends 7 years ago
Kaymart replied to the topic Writing Prompts in the forum Art 7 years ago
Okay. I am admittedly new here (the group, as well as KP almost as much).
I wish I could say with enthusiasm that I will truly love and enjoy all of the forums and such. Sadly, that isn’t possible. I get confused pretty easily much of the time. And forums/chat rooms tend to move so fast. Also, is there an alert or something about when I receive a…[Read more]
Kaymart replied to the topic Too many ideas in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years ago
@jenwriter17, Thank you! That’s exactly what I’m hoping for.
I also make book covers and have several that accompany those story titles/ideas–ones that I think those story ideas go with. But they are not obligational.
Kaymart started the topic Too many ideas in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years ago
Since I started writing at 16, I’ve had numerous ideas for stories. In novels, novellas, novelettes, and short stories. Most of them are what I deem lost causes, but I still want them written. Maybe someone here…?
They are all biblical stories in my mind. I’m steadfast in that much.
If you think you might be interested please let me know. Thanks.
Kaymart replied to the topic The 1 and only … me. in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
My memory is pretty bad, so forgive me if I repeat things. Even in the same day sometimes. It really bugs my parents, too.
If you want to see a few of the book covers I’ve made you can visit my website at [ krltalk.witnesstoday.org ]~ did I already share the URL with you? 🙁
Kaymart posted an update 7 years ago
So, is there a particular forum in which I may post book covers and story ideas that accompany them? Only IDEAS. If one of you wants to “buy” a cover at low cost the idea is your own.
Kaymart replied to the topic New Topic: Is this okay? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years ago
Kaymart replied to the topic New Topic: Is this okay? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years ago
Thank you. Thank you, every one of you! Very encouraging to read that people like what I’ve written. I’m not the best at the male’s POV, so I’m pleasantly surprised.
I do plan to add more to the story and post it here (I do hope that won’t be a problem). Do you have a method of sharing that doesn’t take up as much space? Google Docs or something?…[Read more]
Kaymart replied to the topic New Topic: Is this okay? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years ago
I’m sorry, but what’s the hyperlink?
Kaymart started the topic New Topic: Is this okay? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years ago
I created this new topic because I don’t want to get confused about where I am/my stuff is. And you don’t get bogged down in other groups.
So I wrote a piece directly into YWW–the site where I learned about this one–and I personally think it’s going quite well. What do you think?
<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Copyright is all…[Read more]
Kaymart posted an update 7 years ago
With all of the ideas I’ve had for stories over the years, I should probably concentrate more on novelette-length right now. I might be able to get several written to completion. The novellas I can work on more slowly. I’ve been trying to concentrate on them far too much for a long time.
Kaymart posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
I saw several photos posted in one of the forums, so I know it’s possible. Other than that, however, I don’t have a clue.
Kaymart replied to the topic Calling all artists! in the forum Characters 7 years ago
I wish I could help. But I’m more into digital artwork. I can’t even draw a stickman right. :O ^_^
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