Ilena Louise



Ilena Louise

Favorite Book(s) or Authors

Lord of the Rings trilogy, Beowulf, The Twelfth Night, Nevada, and Arizona Ames


Hello! My name is Ilena Louise, I love to draw realistic portraits of my family, friends, and book characters. I love writing short stories, novels and poems, playing flute, Celtic music, archery, bull riding and anything medieval! I am (hopefully) the future author of A Story For the Ages! It’s currently a *huge* WIP and I highly value all comments and criticisms as I am doing everything I can to improve my writing and hopefully prepare the series for publishing one day, so I note down every critique that I receive!


For those who proceed to travel with me through the thick darkness of Sable and across the winding narrow roads and beautiful grassy lands of Agro and Therignum, I bid thee enjoy!

Ll’ian rha, ürlin yan ichlar!

(For now, I bid thee farewell!)


Beneath the peaceful isles and the gently rolling hills of Therigum, a great war between races is rumbling.

After the death of the mage Ananth, the future held promises of peace, but rumors began to spring about the world, and in far countries, history seems to be repeating itself. Following the death of a close friend, fifteen-year-old Ladios gains the attention of many, and it is only a matter of time before his secret is out. Banished from his island, Ladios is forced to journey across Therignum. The Seven Kingdoms hope his special gift will answer their questions and finally be the undoing of Lord Vladimir. A Story For the Ages tells of the great quest undertaken by Ladios and the rest of the Seven: Felman the healer, the lafears Jedrek and Berthold, Thea the daytheon, Tournour of Helgarin, and a mysterious stranger called Hemlock.

