Hannah R. started the topic Powerful Quotes about Writing from The Princess Bride in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years ago
Hey everyone,
Some of you know, I started a blog about eight months ago. I’ve been trying to periodically create funny posts for writers. My last one, “The Life of a Writer, as told by Disney characters,” is unfortunately no longer working– all the GIFS have mysteriously turned into tiny blue and green squares, which makes very little sense to…[Read more]
Hannah R. replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@daeus Thanks! By the way, I went to a writers conference and pitched Prince of the Barbarians, and one of the agents was very interested and asked me to send a synopsis. So we’ll see where that goes. 🙂 I thank you for your encouragement, and for teaching me the importance of body language. It is a lesson I’ve never forgotten. I now own The Em…[Read more]
Hannah R. replied to the topic Character Name Exchange in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 2 months ago
@ingridrd Devan sounds perfect for this character. Only the spelling makes me think a little of the word “divan.” Which is totally beside the point and I’m probably the only one who thinks that way, but I thought I’d let you know anyway.
Quick question: Do you hear “Devan” pronounced the same way as “Devin”? Or do you pronounce the “a”? I think…[Read more]
Hannah R. replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 2 months ago
You know you’re a writer when your family asks you why you’re making faces at your computer, and you have to explain that you’re testing body language.
You know you’re a writer when you’re at a funeral, and while you’re waiting in line to speak to the family, you make use of your time by trying to observe how people respond to grief. (Wow, that…[Read more]
Hannah R. replied to the topic The Last Jedi in the forum Film 7 years, 3 months ago
@supermonkey42 That makes sense. Childhood memories make great usernames and passwords. 🙂
Yes, I am a musician. In fact, music is my major, so what used to be my hobby is now pretty much all I do. But I love it. I wanted a username that united the hobbies I’m passionate about (music and writing) with my spiritual passion– to allow Christ to…[Read more]
Hannah R. replied to the topic The Last Jedi in the forum Film 7 years, 3 months ago
I went to see The Last Jedi on Tuesday, and I LOVED it. First of all, it was so visually appealing– the effects were stunning. Second of all, I really want one of those frozen fox critters, as well as one of those space horses that they freed on that one planet (I can’t…[Read more]
Hannah R. replied to the topic Would someone please tell me if these first chapters are too depressing? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years, 3 months ago
Thanks everybody. The overall tone of the story is somewhat dark– think Lord of the Rings— but it’s about finding hope in the midst of darkness and strength in the midst of persecution, so from the beginning I’ve tried to show admirable qualities in the story’s protagonists, in hopes that the depressing circumstances will draw readers to the…[Read more]
Hannah R. started the topic Would someone please tell me if these first chapters are too depressing? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years, 3 months ago
Okay, so the premise of the story is: There’s a murderer on the loose. Only one man knows where, exactly, this mystery criminal is, and he isn’t talking. It’s up to a young, poverty-stricken soldier, desperately trying to support his siblings, to find the murderer–purportedly a woman named Ileesa Talyntor. The good news is, the reward for…[Read more]
Hannah R. replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@photobloggergal Just checked out your blog, and I LOVE IT! The world needs more Christian young women who dress modestly and show others how to do the same. Excited to be following you and your team!
P.S. If you ever need any wardrobe hacks, let me know. I’ve developed quite a few over the years, trying to turn store-bought clothes into modest…[Read more]
Hannah R. replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
P.S. What’s your blog called? Never hurts to have another follower. 🙂
Hannah R. replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi @photobloggergal! Welcome to Kingdom Pen!
I LOVE NAMING CHARACTERS. So I have a few questions for you: First, do you want a name with a specific meaning? If so, do you want that meaning to reflect your character?If not, that’s completely fine. I use this technique more in fantasy stories. I like to choose names with meanings because it helps…[Read more]
Hannah R. replied to the topic Good Evening in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi @JBB! Welcome to the bestiest place on earth! (That’s the formal KP Greeting.) This is a wonderful place to discover new things about writing. I’ve been a member for about a year and a half, and I love it here. Always feel free to ask any questions you have, or answer other people’s questions!
What genre do you write?
Just so you know, if…[Read more]
Hannah R. replied to the topic The Last Jedi in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 5 months ago
GUYS!!! Why did I miss this discussion? THIS MOVIE LOOKS AMAZING. To contribute my twenty-five cents to everything that was said previously:
-I’m all for Ren and Rey falling in love and her getting pulled to the dark side before they both are redeemed.
-I don’t like Luke or Leia very much, either.
-I never thought Finn and Rey should get together,…[Read more] -
Jessi Rae and
Hannah R. are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago
Hannah R. replied to the topic NaNoWriMo 2017 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 5 months ago
@joy NaNoWriMo is a great opportunity to make yourself write. It gives you a goal and a concentrates time to write in. I was surprised by what I was capable of last year. I highly recommend it–especially if you take the time to plot your book out ahead of time, which is an excellent exercise.
When I first started doing NaNo, I was in middle…[Read more] -
Hannah R. replied to the topic Mentorship in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 6 months ago
I totally get where you’re coming from. I, too, am a fiercely independent person, and furthermore, when it comes to writing, I thought I knew everything there was to know.
Until I met my mentor.
My mentor’s name is Shellie Arnold, and she’s a published author who goes to our church. Through conversing with her and showing her short…[Read more] -
Hannah R. started the topic Guys… just check this out in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 6 months ago
So I knew the random name generator existed. I did not know the fantasy armor generator, map creator, dungeon creator, etc., existed. So check this out. There are limitless possibilities, and if you need some inspiration, this is a great place to start, whether you’re a fantasy author or otherwise. I can envision myself spending hours on this…[Read more]
Hannah R. replied to the topic Does the Bible forbid using an alias? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 6 months ago
@kate-flournoy @daeus
Thank you so much for your excellent thoughts! I agree that God is definitely powerful enough to save lives even when we think our honesty might ruin everything.
The only thing that’s still tripping me up is the difference between lying and deception. Even outside the context of my own story, this question perplexes me. I…[Read more] -
Hannah R. started the topic Does the Bible forbid using an alias? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 6 months ago
Hello, KeePers. I’m back–in another theological quandary.
So here’s the backstory. I have a finished manuscript called Prince of the Barbarians. (If you’ve read this, you’ll be especially helpful to this discussion, so let me tag y’all… @catwing @jadamae @dragon-snapper @daeus @jess.)
The novel centers around a young prince named Cerdic, whose…[Read more] -
Snapper and
Hannah R. are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago
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