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  • in reply to: Hi…. (: #190634
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @whalekeeper @savannah_grace2009 HIII!!! It’s sooo good see yall!!! (Thru the inter webs of course ROFL) Things are pretty good! Have some personal stuff going on but yea, im super excited about vacation in December. Ready to have some weeks off from work lol.


      in reply to: Art Sharing For All 🙂 #178148
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6647

        Aaaand that’s a no. Poo lol


        in reply to: Art Sharing For All 🙂 #178147
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          in reply to: Art Sharing For All 🙂 #178146
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6647

            Hey! So I’m wanting to get back into my art again even tho I already have a lot of stuff to do XD that being saiiiid idk if pics are working so I’m a test it out



            in reply to: Fantasy/Modern School AU RP #178085
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6647

              @whalekeeper @freed_and_redeemed


              So…I’ve been thinking…


              I really hate how much im not on and not RP-ing…because I hate how I feel like it keeps yells cherries trapped and unable to RP…but at the same time I don’t want to remove Paxton from the RP…

              And maybe im just worrying but…I was thinking maybe, since you both already know him so well and such, if you ever want to, I give you permission to go ahead and RP and write dialogue or whatever you need to for him, moving him along and giving him a voice and such, or a story!


              When I do wanna RP I’ll just jump back into whatever you’ve done or if there’s something I don’t really like I’ll let yall know. But this way I don’t feel so bad about not RPing or being on here very much, and yall can move along as needed!

              Idk..what do yall think?


              (Plus I can read what yall RP XD)


              And im not saying maybe RP from his POV, just RP with your cherries, but you have permission to give him voice and story and such, and move liberally with him without having to wait on me.


              in reply to: Fantasy/Modern School AU RP #177941
                • Rank: Chosen One
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                in reply to: Fantasy/Modern School AU RP #177940
                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  in reply to: Fantasy/Modern School AU RP #177939
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6647

                    Oh hallelujah it is now


                    in reply to: Fantasy/Modern School AU RP #177938
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6647

                      Yall my posts aren’t go thruuuu


                      in reply to: Plotting Help (Free of Charge!) #177665
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6647

                        so…I kinda have another problem…I mentioned this before but still struggling…

                        It relates to Act 2…I am just really struggling with scenes here yall! Idk what to do…I’m trying to outline because If I don’t, my draft is going to end up like all my past ones, unfinished, but just like all the past ones, I can’t think of what to do for the middle of the book, (or the first middle half anyway)

                        So, I have these things I wrote down once called Magic Cookies. I heard about this term once, and basically its things that make you excited about the book or WIP. things you’re excited to include, things you like to read, etc.

                        I wrote them down and I want to write them and they give me vague ideas but I can’t really think of scenes for them exactly?? Like…not really? Just vague ideas…

                        I’m just struggling with coming up with stuff for the bulk…Like what happened after Ara and November’s Debate up until the third act. WHAT HAPPENS?! I DON’T KNOW! I have vague scene ideas and a couple scene ideas but not near enough…


                        in reply to: Plotting Help (Free of Charge!) #177663
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6647

                          @koshka ooh good questions…

                          So im not entirely sure yet how Riven asks November…I gotta kinda figure it out…but I like that idea…

                          Basically Riven is kinda stirring up strife in A’Grend agains the royal family, (it’s been brewing some and some of that’s because of Riven and they don’t know that)


                          It kinda represents how in church you have toxic people who do that and then get ppl stirred up against the ministry and such and that’s a way for the enemy to get in.

                          Basically that ends up being how Eder (Big bad) gets into A’Grend. The people’s own “Shadows” and such let him in.

                          Poor November doesn’t know his dad is doing this, and he doesn’t mean to, he just gets caught up in it, and tries to please his dad and listens to the wrong voices, like some in the church do, and ends up getting Hurt and accidentally hurting Ara and her family in the process.

                          I like that idea though, of Riven telling him it’s watching out for Ara and the royal family or something like that, like he’s trying to protect them. Maybe like he’s heard rumors or something but doesn’t want to “Scare the royal family” so November has to keep it secret, and it also makes him feel special to do that…


                          which is even sadder when he finds out it was all a lie…


                          in reply to: Fantasy/Modern School AU RP #177654
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6647

                            @freed_and_redeemed GAAAAH IK!!!! Sometimes he just writes himself thoooo bruuuuh


                            in reply to: Plotting Help (Free of Charge!) #177653
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6647

                              @freed_and_redeemed oh yea at this point he totally thinks his father is a good person.

                              My poor baby….I love him so much and he’s just in this toxic community and with an abusive/toxic father and he doesn’t even realize it…


                              in reply to: You know you are a writer when… #177637
                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                You know your a writer when you watch shows and immediately create an AU for your characters from that show


                                in reply to: You know you are a writer when… #177636
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  You know your a writer when-






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