Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Well, it would depend on if he was serving time in the same part of the country as he’s in now. The smaller the town/city he was in, the more well known it would be. etc.
And also, what kind of job he was trying to get. If he wanted one that payed well then he would need to show his records, and then that would depend on the…[Read more]
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 months, 2 weeks ago
I am so glad!!!!! I know exactly what it’s like to be in a rut and then have someone throw out a bunch of ideas and suddenly have answers. Glad I could be of help
Okay, well you have two separate issues here.
German nationality is one. If Leon can prove that he was a Jew in a concentration camp, either from papers of…[Read more]
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Wow. They are gonna have trouble in life. lol.
Okay, ideas.
Most likely, Leon is going to stay away from downtown areas, bars, and maybe police stations if that makes him think of German law enforcement during the war. There were a lot of parades, dances, and celebrations after the war, and I’m pretty sure he’d not…[Read more]