
  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 5 months, 1 week ago

    @freed_and_redeemed Np! Haha

    AHHHH!!! Yes, they were SO cruel! Like in the books it just briefly mentions that Fili and Kili die but in the movies… AHHH my heart!

    But yeahhh, I don’t why the Hobbit book wasn’t working for you!!! They changed SO much from the books in the movies and the book is so good in it’s own unique ways. So I enjoy the…[Read more]

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Awww well take your time on the hobbit book, sooner or later it’ll be the right time. 😉

    And yes, the movies are pretty good! Nothing even close to Lotr but I love Thorin, Bilbo, and my beloved Fili ♥️ I actually despise Thranduil. He’s good looking to some but I find him creepy 😬 😆 but lmk what you think! I am interested to…[Read more]

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 5 months, 4 weeks ago

    YES THEY ARRRRE!!!!!!!
    YES I’m glad Sam made it in the top 3, his movie character is amazinggggg!!!! And yesyesyes to Eomer, Boromor, Theoden, and Eowyn making it on the list! Their movie characters are really good too!!!!

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 6 months ago

    OHMYGOODNESSYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are all the same words I’d used to describe it! I’ve seen them ten times through and they still strick awe in me with the beauty of the scenry and characters!!!! And yes, I agree about loving the characters more in the movies, I wasn’t going to say anything as you were reading the books…[Read more]

  • @freed_and_redeemed

    YAY THAT’S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 7 months, 1 week ago

    AHH I think the movies ruined Pippin for me because he’s just so annoying in the movies. XDD I feel Gandalf’s pain. But as I reread the books maybe my opionion will change… maybe… 😂
    YESSSS!!! The characters are just amazingggggg

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 7 months, 1 week ago

    That’s exciting!! Yeah market animals sell for SO much at my fair! My brother got almost $4,000 for his grand champion market chickens the year after Covid!! I sold my grand champion chickens for $2,500 last year! 🫨

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 7 months, 1 week ago

    OH YES!!! I’ve been wondering if you ever finished it…
    AHHHHH I’M SO HAPPY YOU ARE NOW A LOTR AND TOLKIEN FAN!!! You MUST let me know what you think of the movies when you watch them!!
    YESS rereads are a neccesity for every Lotr fan XDDD
    And yes, there are SOOOO many feelings when reading/watching Lotr. I’ve watched Lotr 8…[Read more]

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 7 months, 1 week ago

    Funnn!!! How did you do with market chickens? I won grand champion last year which was AMAZING!!
    Yes, 4-H camp is SO fun!!!

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 7 months, 1 week ago

    Oh shooot, never replied to this, haha
    Oooh, you do 4H too?? That’s fun! I show market chickens, markets turkeys, rabbits, and dairy goats. Then I do various life skills, this year I did photography. This is my last year of 4H cuz I be too olllld, and I’m so sad!!! 😭
    The camp I was a couneslor at was actually a 4H camp!!! And YES!!! Agreed, I LOVE…[Read more]

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 7 months, 1 week ago

    You already had it.

  • @mineralizedwritings

    *pops in*


  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    HIII! *hugs* Aw thank you so much for checking in, that means a lot. <3 I miss you too! I've been doing good! This summer has been very busy with various activites, mostly 4H related things. But I'm having a blast! I just recently came home from a week of being a camp counselor. How have you been?
    And sadly, at the moment, I…[Read more]

    • Yesss of course!!!! (I’m up to 38K on my WIP, most of which is unedited cringy stuff, but hey, I’m making progress!!! haha!) Oh yes, I’m sooo busy with 4H too!!!! I have a steer, a sheep, chickens, and my dog! What do you do for 4H?
      I was basically a counselor at my camp too! I loooovvvveeee camp, it’s so much fun!
      Awww yeah, Pinterest is being…[Read more]

      • Oh shooot, never replied to this, haha
        Oooh, you do 4H too?? That’s fun! I show market chickens, markets turkeys, rabbits, and dairy goats. Then I do various life skills, this year I did photography. This is my last year of 4H cuz I be too olllld, and I’m so sad!!! 😭
        The camp I was a couneslor at was actually a 4H camp!!! And YES!!! Agreed, I LOVE…[Read more]

      • You’re good!!!!!!!!
        I did market chickens before too!!!!!!! I also do veterinary science!
        Aww so sad!
        Fun fun! I’ve never been to 4H camp but it sounds great!!!

        • Funnn!!! How did you do with market chickens? I won grand champion last year which was AMAZING!!
          Yes, 4-H camp is SO fun!!!

        • I have never won Grand Champion (that’s my fault because I used dual purpose chickens instead of broilers and didn’t give them enough time to grow and get finished by fair) but I’ve won reserve champion! The first year I did it I got $900 which was INSANE!!!!!!!! Fair prices are CRAZY here…people have made $1000 for a market pair of…[Read more]

        • That’s exciting!! Yeah market animals sell for SO much at my fair! My brother got almost $4,000 for his grand champion market chickens the year after Covid!! I sold my grand champion chickens for $2,500 last year! 🫨

      • WHATTT 😳 I need to come to your fair XD XD And I thought our prices were high! But that’s awesome because it doesn’t cost much money to raise chickens so when you get that much money back it’s really great!!

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 8 months, 3 weeks ago

    HAHAHA I KNEW ITTT! AND THE PFP, FARAMIRRRRRR, the sweet boi. Aragorn is a mysterious, scary but is overall a cinnamon roll and Faramir is an innocent, lovable very evident cinnamon roll. XDDD AH NICE!!!! I’m listening to The Two Towers rn and I’m at that part too. XD RotK is the BEST!!!!! And the movies are a BIG neccesity. I…[Read more]

    • @euodia-vision I legit just realized I never updated you 💀
      I FINISHED THE RETURN OF THE KING!!! It was hard to get into at first, but once I got in, GIRL 🤩🤩🤩🤩
      I may or may not be obsessed with LOTR now XXD
      I can’t wait until I watch the movies with my BFF.

      OH, and since I missed things with the audiobook, I’m rereading The Fellowship of the Ring…[Read more]

    • @freed_and_redeemed
      OH YES!!! I’ve been wondering if you ever finished it…
      AHHHHH I’M SO HAPPY YOU ARE NOW A LOTR AND TOLKIEN FAN!!! You MUST let me know what you think of the movies when you watch them!!
      YESS rereads are a neccesity for every Lotr fan XDDD
      And yes, there are SOOOO many feelings when reading/watching Lotr. I’ve watched Lotr 8…[Read more]

    • @euodia-vision EEE, love the list
      EUODIA HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE PIPPIN!?!? He’s so freaking chaotic and adorable and just flat out AMAZING. This makes me sad😂😂 jkjk, not really. but still!!!!!
      and yes. Tolkien’s writing, Middle-Earth, it’s all amazing. But the characters were what really sold me💖

    • AHH I think the movies ruined Pippin for me because he’s just so annoying in the movies. XDD I feel Gandalf’s pain. But as I reread the books maybe my opionion will change… maybe… 😂
      YESSSS!!! The characters are just amazingggggg

    • @euodia-vision
      they are so, so freaking beautiful😭 top tier movies…fav movies…SO BEAUTIFUL I DON’T EVEN HAVE WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT

      I honestly think I loved the characters more in the movies than the books for some of them, and others I loved how similar they were…[Read more]

    • @freed_and_redeemed
      OHMYGOODNESSYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are all the same words I’d used to describe it! I’ve seen them ten times through and they still strick awe in me with the beauty of the scenry and characters!!!! And yes, I agree about loving the characters more in the movies, I wasn’t going to say anything as you were reading the books…[Read more]

    • @euodia-vision THEY’RE JUST SOOO GOOD😭😭
      yesssss, fav characters def changed some👀👀
      Here’s my new top ten:
      1. Aragorn (ok, this one didn’t change😝)
      2. Faramir (also didn’t change; the movies made me love him even more tho)
      3. Samwise
      4. Legolas
      5. Frodo
      6. Gandalf
      7. Eomer
      8. Gimli
      9. Boromir/Pippin(I love them both)
      10. Theoden/Eowyn/Arwen (I…[Read more]

    • @freed_and_redeemed
      YES THEY ARRRRE!!!!!!!
      YES I’m glad Sam made it in the top 3, his movie character is amazinggggg!!!! And yesyesyes to Eomer, Boromor, Theoden, and Eowyn making it on the list! Their movie characters are really good too!!!!

    • @euodia-vision
      and I still couldn’t get through the Hobbit book😭 I may try it again sometime, but maybe not now XD

      I was thinking about trying The Hobbit movies tho…I’ve heard they’re not as good as LOTR but still good, plus maybe it’ll help me understand the fuss about Thranduil and why everyone is so freaking obsessed…[Read more]

    • @freed_and_redeemed
      Awww well take your time on the hobbit book, sooner or later it’ll be the right time. 😉

      And yes, the movies are pretty good! Nothing even close to Lotr but I love Thorin, Bilbo, and my beloved Fili ♥️ I actually despise Thranduil. He’s good looking to some but I find him creepy 😬 😆 but lmk what you think! I am interested to…[Read more]

    • @freed_and_redeemed Np! Haha

      AHHHH!!! Yes, they were SO cruel! Like in the books it just briefly mentions that Fili and Kili die but in the movies… AHHH my heart!

      But yeahhh, I don’t why the Hobbit book wasn’t working for you!!! They changed SO much from the books in the movies and the book is so good in it’s own unique ways. So I enjoy the…[Read more]

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 8 months, 3 weeks ago

    First off, wonderful pfp 👌
    AHHHHH she has good taste XDD mmmmm, i think you will but we shall seeeeeee. What part are you at currently? (hehe yes, Samwise is my boy and i will love him forever no matter how overrated he may be 😂😍)
    Haha yes, Gollum is something. sometimes you love sometime you hate him. It varies from moment to…[Read more]

    • @euodia-vision Ty very much *bows* 💖

      you know me far too well. 🫣 STAHP

      ok, ok, ok, you were right….I do love Faramir. Top 4, easy.
      I am currently at the moment where Frodo/Sam/Gollum are about to part with Faramir; I only have two chapters of The Two Towers left!!! 🤩🤩
      I am PUMPED for Book 3 and watching the movies is a life…[Read more]

    • I’m excited to be getting through LOTR, but also sad knowing it’ll be over. HOWEVER, I see them as books I will probably read and reread over and over again🤩

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 8 months, 4 weeks ago

    AHHH yesssssss!!! I’m sure there will be many tears and laughs (and possibly screaming for your treatmeant of the poor bois…. possibly XD)

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 8 months, 4 weeks ago

    AHHHHH YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! The books just keep getting better and better as they go 😍😍😍 Okay, if you love Aragorn then I’m SO excited to see what you think of Faramir, he’s my third favorite character (Aragorn is my second XD) BUT AH LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF THE TWO TOWERS!!! AND ROHAN AND EOWYN AND GOLLUM!!…[Read more]

    • @euodia-vision
      Yessssss, I love it so muchhhhhh 💖😍💖😍
      eeee, my BFF loves Faramir😂 we’ll see…I may love him as well (wait, 2nd fav????? who’s your fav????? 👀)
      I WILLL!!!!!!! Okay, I do love Gollum ngl😂 he’s so interesting tbh, lollllll, and just such an interesting character.

      yes, it is😎

      • @freed_and_redeemed
        First off, wonderful pfp 👌
        AHHHHH she has good taste XDD mmmmm, i think you will but we shall seeeeeee. What part are you at currently? (hehe yes, Samwise is my boy and i will love him forever no matter how overrated he may be 😂😍)
        Haha yes, Gollum is something. sometimes you love sometime you hate him. It varies from moment to…[Read more]

        • @euodia-vision Ty very much *bows* 💖

          you know me far too well. 🫣 STAHP

          ok, ok, ok, you were right….I do love Faramir. Top 4, easy.
          I am currently at the moment where Frodo/Sam/Gollum are about to part with Faramir; I only have two chapters of The Two Towers left!!! 🤩🤩
          I am PUMPED for Book 3 and watching the movies is a life…[Read more]

        • I’m excited to be getting through LOTR, but also sad knowing it’ll be over. HOWEVER, I see them as books I will probably read and reread over and over again🤩

      • @freed_and_redeemed
        HAHAHA I KNEW ITTT! AND THE PFP, FARAMIRRRRRR, the sweet boi. Aragorn is a mysterious, scary but is overall a cinnamon roll and Faramir is an innocent, lovable very evident cinnamon roll. XDDD AH NICE!!!! I’m listening to The Two Towers rn and I’m at that part too. XD RotK is the BEST!!!!! And the movies are a BIG neccesity. I…[Read more]

        • @euodia-vision I legit just realized I never updated you 💀
          I FINISHED THE RETURN OF THE KING!!! It was hard to get into at first, but once I got in, GIRL 🤩🤩🤩🤩
          I may or may not be obsessed with LOTR now XXD
          I can’t wait until I watch the movies with my BFF.

          OH, and since I missed things with the audiobook, I’m rereading The Fellowship of the Ring…[Read more]

        • @freed_and_redeemed
          OH YES!!! I’ve been wondering if you ever finished it…
          AHHHHH I’M SO HAPPY YOU ARE NOW A LOTR AND TOLKIEN FAN!!! You MUST let me know what you think of the movies when you watch them!!
          YESS rereads are a neccesity for every Lotr fan XDDD
          And yes, there are SOOOO many feelings when reading/watching Lotr. I’ve watched Lotr 8…[Read more]

        • @euodia-vision EEE, love the list
          EUODIA HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE PIPPIN!?!? He’s so freaking chaotic and adorable and just flat out AMAZING. This makes me sad😂😂 jkjk, not really. but still!!!!!
          and yes. Tolkien’s writing, Middle-Earth, it’s all amazing. But the characters were what really sold me💖

        • AHH I think the movies ruined Pippin for me because he’s just so annoying in the movies. XDD I feel Gandalf’s pain. But as I reread the books maybe my opionion will change… maybe… 😂
          YESSSS!!! The characters are just amazingggggg

        • @euodia-vision
          they are so, so freaking beautiful😭 top tier movies…fav movies…SO BEAUTIFUL I DON’T EVEN HAVE WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT

          I honestly think I loved the characters more in the movies than the books for some of them, and others I loved how similar they were…[Read more]

        • @freed_and_redeemed
          OHMYGOODNESSYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are all the same words I’d used to describe it! I’ve seen them ten times through and they still strick awe in me with the beauty of the scenry and characters!!!! And yes, I agree about loving the characters more in the movies, I wasn’t going to say anything as you were reading the books…[Read more]

        • @euodia-vision THEY’RE JUST SOOO GOOD😭😭
          yesssss, fav characters def changed some👀👀
          Here’s my new top ten:
          1. Aragorn (ok, this one didn’t change😝)
          2. Faramir (also didn’t change; the movies made me love him even more tho)
          3. Samwise
          4. Legolas
          5. Frodo
          6. Gandalf
          7. Eomer
          8. Gimli
          9. Boromir/Pippin(I love them both)
          10. Theoden/Eowyn/Arwen (I…[Read more]

        • @freed_and_redeemed
          YES THEY ARRRRE!!!!!!!
          YES I’m glad Sam made it in the top 3, his movie character is amazinggggg!!!! And yesyesyes to Eomer, Boromor, Theoden, and Eowyn making it on the list! Their movie characters are really good too!!!!

        • @euodia-vision
          YESS THEY ALL ARE😭😭🤩
          and I still couldn’t get through the Hobbit book😭 I may try it again sometime, but maybe not now XD

          I was thinking about trying The Hobbit movies tho…I’ve heard they’re not as good as LOTR but still good, plus maybe it’ll help me understand the fuss about Thranduil and why everyone is so freaking obsessed…[Read more]

        • @freed_and_redeemed
          Awww well take your time on the hobbit book, sooner or later it’ll be the right time. 😉

          And yes, the movies are pretty good! Nothing even close to Lotr but I love Thorin, Bilbo, and my beloved Fili ♥️ I actually despise Thranduil. He’s good looking to some but I find him creepy 😬 😆 but lmk what you think! I am interested to…[Read more]

        • @freed_and_redeemed Np! Haha

          AHHHH!!! Yes, they were SO cruel! Like in the books it just briefly mentions that Fili and Kili die but in the movies… AHHH my heart!

          But yeahhh, I don’t why the Hobbit book wasn’t working for you!!! They changed SO much from the books in the movies and the book is so good in it’s own unique ways. So I enjoy the…[Read more]

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 8 months, 4 weeks ago

    YAY Freedom!!! That’s so so so exciting! I can’t wait to read it! <3

    • Tysm!!!!!!! Eeee, I can’t wait until I get to hear what everyone thinks about it💖 I’m ready for all of the happiness, sadness, and maybe the outrage😂

      • AHHH yesssssss!!! I’m sure there will be many tears and laughs (and possibly screaming for your treatmeant of the poor bois…. possibly XD)

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 9 months, 1 week ago

    Hehe, yeeeeah, I mean, he’s so similar to Bucky in my opinion soooo 😆
    YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad has never read the books, just watched the movies and he doesn’t like Aragorn at all and I’m like “YOU’RE WRONG AND MISSING OUT!!!!” The combination of him and the book then him in the movies just makes him…[Read more]

  • Euodia posted a new activity comment 9 months, 1 week ago

    isn’t he amazinggggggg!?!?!?! Ahhh, I just love him so much! His interations with the hobbit are adorable.

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