
  • Esther posted an update 1 month ago

    Ok, I’m tagging a lot of people for this, but don’t feel obligated to reply.
    So, I’ve gotten stuck in my current WIP, but as I work through that slowly, I want to return to an older WIP that I worked on over the summer and really want to refine. It’s only in a first draft, but I’d like to have a critique partner for it.
    The type of critique partner I’m looking for:
    – has experience in either reading or writing YA fiction
    – is willing to put in the time to read through the whole book (it’s only 50k) and provide feedback
    – will understand what I’m trying to do with this book and how I want to reach readers through it
    – has had some level of experience critiquing work before (this could literally be just someone’s short story or a
    whole novel)

    The type of feedback I’m looking for:
    – NOT line edits or prose critique (I’ll take care of that in the third draft)
    – thoughts on character arcs
    – suggestions on pacing
    – pointing out plot holes, scenes that should be removed, or scenes you’d like to see in the final draft
    – pretty much the big picture things, if you know what I mean

    I don’t have a blurb (i know, that’s awful XD), but I’ll give you a haphazard summary, lol.
    It’s about two high schoolers (brother and sister), Easton and Hallie Woodbury. The theme tackles understanding what’s truly worth your life, time, and energy. Easton struggles with purpose in his life and Hallie kinda struggles with the same thing, but in a different way of trying to fit in with the cool crowd. As they work through their struggles (whether they notice them or not), their lives are turned upside down when tragedy strikes in an unexpected way. But through this tragedy, God draws both of them back to Him and fixes their perspectives on life. The book takes place in 1990s New Mexico (it’s still lacking in 90s references, but I’m working on it, lol). It highlights good friendships, has a good dose of cheesy high-school romance (always clean!!), has lighthearted humor, tackles relatable themes like fitting in, standing up for God, and dealing with friendships, and has some fun family interactions (Hallie and Easton live with a family of nine!).

    If you’re interested, let me know! You’re not committing to anything by saying you’re interested. I can share the moodboards with you and give you some more info on the plot, themes, and charries. I hope this post made sense, lol, so let me know if you have any questions!

    @freed_and_redeemed @savannah_grace2009 @godlyfantasy12 @rae @raxforge @the_lost-journal @grcr @keilah-h @mineralizedwritings @hybridlore @whalekeeper @ellette-giselle @loopylin @highscribeofaetherium @smiley @lightoverdarkness6 @trailblazer @everyoneeeee

    • Actually, I’mma remake the moodboards, hehehe. So they shall be revealed later this week. :PP

    • I would be willing to try and help with this. You know my views on Romance are rather different than norm, and I believe highschool romantic relationships aren’t healthy. But I’m willing to give it a shot.
      I also do edit. I’m not a line-by-line editor, but I have worked as a plot/character/story editor before.
      We do have different beliefs on some of the issues you’re writing about, so idk if you’d really find my thoughts helpful.
      You will NOT hurt my feelings at all if you think we won’t work well together on this particular project.

      • I appreciate the offer!! Truly!
        But like you said, we might not work super well together because of our different viewpoints. So yeah, right now I’d say no, but I will keep you in mind! :))

        • No problem! I can be your last resort if no one else offers. 😉

          • Sounds good. 😉 Let me know if you want to be tagged when I post the chapters on here some time! :))

    • Mm. Sounds interesting, but I’m totally unqualified. I don’t think I’d be able to help much… Sorry… 😅😑

    • I’m sorry, I don’t think I can help you 🙁

    • I’m definitely interested in reading your novel, but I’ve read almost no YA, so I wouldn’t be much help.

    • @esther-c I would love to help! This went into my spam for some reason, so I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you. Are you still looking for someone?

      • Actually…I think you might be perfect. You gave some great feedback on my short story, so I’m sure you could do the same for my novel! :))
        I’ll PM you later this week with more details and the link to the doc. Thank you so much!!! 🤗

        • Awesome! I love family and sibling dynamics, and I also read a good amount of YA, so this seems right up my alley! (Although I won’t be able to help much with the 90s references, haha.)
          Do you still have my email from the short story critique?

          • Yay yay!! (Oh I know, right?? I’ve asked my parents and some other older writers I’ve met through KDWC, and even though they gave me a lot to use [plus Google, lol], there’s still something difficult about getting it right since I didn’t live then 🤪)
            Yes I believe so!

            • @esther-c Yeah, that totally makes sense! I was gonna say, ask your parents xD. But I’m sure it’s still difficult.
              Great!! 😄

          • I may have to get some YA recs from you sometime, because I struggle to find clean fiction that I would actually enjoy 😭

            • Oh definitely! I’m sure I can come up with a list. Middle grade stuff can be great if it’s well done, because content is so much better. 😉

            • @hybridlore
              Please tag me if you post recommendations! I want to read YA, but it’s usually filthy and cringe.

            • For sure!! Until you come across that one middle school relationship that somehow works out perfectly. 😂

          • Ok for some reason even though I still see your comments on the short story doc, it won’t let me view your email. 😅 Could you share that again with me so I can share the other doc?? I’ll tell you as soon as I see it if you don’t want to leave your email up.

            • Awesome! Tysm!! I’ll probably send you the doc tomorrow since I need to make a few notes on it first. :))

          • Ok I added you to the document! You should get an email about it I believe. (:

    • Hoo boy. I’d love to, but uhhhh…I wouldn’t be any help. I’m a terrible critiquer and my romance experience is practically nil. You would probably help me more than I help you….sorry!

      Funny enough though, my own romance work (a fanfic) took place in 1970 in New Mexico. What are the odds?

      • Ahh, no problem! :))
        No way! That’s so cool! XD

        • Yeah it was just a consequence of how the original story was set up, but it’s funny to think about.
          I doubt your characters will experience anything even close to mine though lol

          • Oh dear, was it a Star Wars fanfic?? In that case, I hope my charries aren’t handling the types of weapons they use. 🤣

            • No, it was something else, but yeah there were a lot of weapons involved XD

            • My Star Wars fanfics don’t really cross over into our world. Yet.

            • Though I suppose in a fanfic, you could do whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️

          • Oh duhhhh 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ve watched like all the Star Wars movies, I should know they don’t take place on earth 🤣
