Active 9 months ago- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 3515
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Greetings from Lysandria, everyone on Kingdom Pen! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 8 months ago
@samuel-p-robbins I was so confused seeing my message on here lol.
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic What do you love most about your current WIP? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 8 months ago
@kathleenramm Honestly I really like how well everything’s tying together for it (plot, themes, character, worldbuilding, backstory, etc etc). Probably my most structured novel yet? I’m enjoying the single POV and small cast of characters, a nice change of pace from my usual big casts, as well as structuring internal and external conflict to all…[Read more]
Kathleen started the topic What do you love most about your current WIP? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 8 months ago
What do you love most about your current WIP? (Setting, plot, theme, characters, a particular scene, the backstory, etc.)
My 3 siblings and I have written, scrapped, and rewritten outlines for our current WIP countless times to the point where we’ve decided to pants the novel and just focus on the characters.
I think that was the best decision…[Read more]
Jenna Terese replied to the topic How to make a side character more interesting? in the forum Characters 2 years, 8 months ago
@joy-caroline Something I try to remember when I’m working on side characters is that they are the main character of their own story. Even if they don’t have a POV in the story, they will have their own values, goals, motives, etc. in the story. I love working on their backstory, because it’s usually then that I discover their internal conflict…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Choosing a Writing Platform?? in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 8 months ago
@jodi-maile I know I wrote an article about online publishing for @gracie-j sometime last year, hopefully you can find it here in the first issue: https://skysthelimitpress.wixsite.com/home/the-journal
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Do you prefer simple or complex storylines? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 8 months ago
@kathleenramm Complex. The more complex the possible. I don’t want to know what’s gonna happen. At least when reading.
Writing…hhh I want to get good at complex storylines.
Kathleen started the topic Do you prefer simple or complex storylines? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 8 months ago
Do you prefer simple or complex storylines?
I honestly love both. I have favorite stories that are incredibly complex and other favorites that are super simple.Though when it comes to writing, I definitely prefer simple storylines. I could say the reason is because of the commonly preached principle of doing a few things really well rather than…[Read more]
Kathleen started the topic Do you prefer simple or complex storylines? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 8 months ago
Do you prefer simple or complex storylines?
I honestly love both. I have favorite stories that are incredibly complex and other favorites that are super simple.Though when it comes to writing, I definitely prefer simple storylines. I could say the reason is because of the commonly preached principle of doing a few things really well rather than…[Read more]
Kathleen started the topic Do you prefer simple or complex storylines? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 8 months ago
Do you prefer simple or complex storylines?
I honestly love both. I have favorite stories that are incredibly complex and other favorites that are super simple.Though when it comes to writing, I definitely prefer simple storylines. I could say the reason is because of the commonly preached principle of doing a few things really well rather than…[Read more]
Kathleen replied to the topic You have the ability to read a book for the first time again… in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 8 months ago
Ooo, yeah. I feel like Harry Potter would be one of those series so many people would love to read for the first time again. Especially because it’s really nostalgic for a lot of people as well. It’d be kinda like reliving a piece of your childhood.
Narnia would be so fun to read for the first time again!…[Read more]
R.M. Archer replied to the topic Calling all bloggers! in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 9 months ago
Oh, that’s you! Cool! (I’m a bit slow to connect accounts across platforms sometimes, lol.)
If something else is working better and you’re enjoying it more, there’s nothing wrong with focusing on that for a while. A blog, like any other platform, is meant to serve you. If it’s not doing that yet, maybe it’s not a good fit, maybe it’s not a…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic You have the ability to read a book for the first time again… in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 9 months ago
@kathleenramm The 20th Century Boys manga series. I want to experience the suspense and emotions of the whole series, trying to find out who Friend is…
Kathleen started the topic You have the ability to read a book for the first time again… in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 9 months ago
You have the ability to read one book for the first time again, which book would you choose? Why?
Okay, this is such a cop-out, but I genuinely don’t have an answer to this.Maybe it’s because I haven’t read enough books, or maybe it’s because I really like rereading books so reading them for the first time again hasn’t really been something I’ve…[Read more]
Kathleen replied to the topic Side Characters (FP,WS) in the forum Characters 2 years, 9 months ago
Well, yeah, I tend to be around quite a few people with opposing worldviews. Though it usually ends up with far more conflict and split paths than heroic character arcs that inspire the people around them, haha.
Kathleen replied to the topic Side Characters (FP,WS) in the forum Characters 2 years, 9 months ago
I think it’s great that you have a character that displays what the end of the MC’s character arc will be, so maybe for your students it could be the opposite of that. They could be the resistance to the MC’s character arc.
They would demonstrate different world views on the theme of “changing the world for the better”, Which would…[Read more]
Kathleen replied to the topic Age Gap in the forum Characters 2 years, 9 months ago
From what I see from age gaps, I think it’s more about the stage person is at in life rather than the actual number of years. (Though, the number of years is important too)
Like a fifteen-year-old dating, a twenty-year-old is a lot different than a twenty-year-old dating a twenty-five-year-old.
One is perfectly fine, the other…[Read more]
Kathleen replied to the topic What Makes An Allegory Impactful? in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 years, 9 months ago
I really like allegories that are subtle. Where the story alone stands strong by itself and the allegory just adds a layer of depth and core themes.Mainly because, if the story I am reading is very obviously an allegory, all I can think about is the story its an allegory of instead of the story itself, which gets in the way of me…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic If Hollywood adapted your novel… in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 9 months ago
@valtmy Change all the races of my characters for the sake of diversity (though idk why they would my MC is Asian), adding a love triangle (or three), change the ending (by making it happy isntead of vague and tragic and open), and adding a lot more daddy issues than I originally intended there to be.
Kathleen replied to the topic About Me- a Book Reader and Writer! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 9 months ago
I haven’t listened to much musical theater, however the scores I have heard I really enjoyed! Do you have a favorite musical?
Ah, John Williams is the guy. I don’t think I know a single person that doesn’t enjoy at least some of his work. Him, and John Powell are probably my favorite movie score composers. Do you…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Have you ever written a sad ending to a story? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 9 months ago
@kathleenramm A lot. Well, not sure. Most of my endings are bittersweet; in fact, I can’t think of a single fully happy ending. But there was one story (that I think you’ve read?) where every single character loses everything and there’s no way to recover that, and it was the result of all their own choices throughout the story.
Still one of my…[Read more]
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