Active 4 years, 9 months ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 256
Kathleen replied to the topic TOTW – What's Your Favorite Type of Scene in Stories? in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 9 months ago
Yes! I’m glad someone gave plot twists the appreciation they deserve! I love stories that keep you on your toes. I mean, if you already know how the story is going to play out from the beginning, then what’s the point of reading it?
What story has your favorite plot twist?
I too have the same struggle of not knowing…[Read more]
Kate Flournoy replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Tagging @Daeus and @Hope for being the most amazing beta/alpha readers and writing buddies anyone could ever ask for. You guys have both seriously been major instruments in my writing journey and I wouldn’t be where I am without you.
Also tagging my numero uno fan, @Emma-flournoy. Yeah, yeah. We’ve said all the sappy stuff a million times over.…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic Farewell Josiah in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@corissa-maiden-of-praise All Kapeefer literature deserves to be in the Compendium! Kapeefer literature is so rare, that of course it has to have its own website 😉
Ben Powell replied to the topic Farewell Josiah in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@dekreel @corissa-maiden-of-praise Alright! It’s up.
It gave me an excellent excuse to finally read the Legend of King Daeus
The Compendium is already fulfilling its purpose. 😀
Anne of Lothlorien replied to the topic Farewell Josiah in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
I’m surprised we haven’t had people dying over this yet. The KP medical ward hasn’t been used in a while, I don’t think. Maybe I should just die so the doctor can have someone to do…
*contemplates* *decides* *keels over dead*
*pops back up*
Wonderful poem @corissa-maiden-of-praise! I think that verse is becoming more important to me, what…[Read more]
Jane Maree replied to the topic Farewell Josiah in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
Now I’m getting all emotional and Josiah isn’t even leaving leaving. xD *wipes eyes*
Seriously though, I loved that poem @Corissa-maiden-of-praise
NC Stokes replied to the topic Farewell Josiah in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@aratrea I’m very glad you’ll still be around!
@corissa-maiden-of-praise I can neither confirm or deny that… 😉
Josiah DeGraaf replied to the topic Farewell Josiah in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@corissa-maiden-of-praise Aww; thanks. 🙂 I appreciate it a lot. You all are the bestisest people on the bestisest place on the internet. That Ecclesiastes passage is a very relevant passage for me during this time!
@daughteroftheking Yeah; I’ll still be around the forum (especially when tagged), but there’s going to be some new people taking on…[Read more]
NC Stokes replied to the topic Farewell Josiah in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@corissa-maiden-of-praise And now I go back and read the announcement… Because sometimes I like to pretend I’m a time traveler and do the future first and then go back to the past. 😛
NC Stokes replied to the topic Farewell Josiah in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
Aww, I didn’t know you were leaving, @aratrea ! You will be missed. Take good care of that frog and keep up the writing awesomeness!
@corissa-maiden-of-praise this is a great poem. <3
Emma Flournoy posted an update 7 years ago
@Corissa-Maiden-of-Praise Hey Brianna, thank you for the card with the cute stickers and things you sent! That was a pleasant surprise. And the card’s SO pretty. Sheet music and flowers—lovely combo. 😉
I’m definitely looking forward to Spring as well. Especially all the growing stuff, and the just-right weather.
Thanks so much. 😀 -
Joy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@aratrea @sierra-r @corissa-maiden-of-praise @epicaddie2 @dragon-snapper @jenwriter17 @anne-of-lothlorien @rochellaine @the-real-kapeefer
(or at least my thought process when I joined…)
Joy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
The GIF-hiders: An Easter Story
Part Three: The Flight to the Castle
That afternoon, Jenna opened the door of her house to a whooshing noise just outside, and she gasped at the sight of a sleek, dark red dragon, peering at her silently with yellow eyes.
Jenna’s mouth couldn’t help but fall open, even after hours of mental preparation. But now…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
Compilations of some of my favorite screenshots of @aratrea and @the-real-kapeefer
@sierra-r @epicaddie2 @rochellaine @corissa-maiden-of-praise @dragon-snapper @anyone
Snapper replied to the topic Sector One: Insurrection – Betas in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years, 2 months ago
@jenwriter17 I’ll be sure to tag you. I will after all, need something after beta-readers for the finishing touches. 😀
@dekreel Nope. Never too late. 😀
@corissa-maiden-of-praise Worry not. I totally understand that. 🙂
Snapper replied to the topic Sector One: Insurrection – Betas in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years, 3 months ago
Snapper started the topic Sector One: Insurrection – Betas in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years, 3 months ago
‘Sup Kapeefers!
Over my nice hiatus, I finished editing the first draft of one of my novels, Sector One: Insurrection. I’m pretty excited about it too, especially since I can send it out to more betas. AKA You all! 😀
I’ll try to throw together a half-decent synopsis to explain it.
Ike Benrai inherited a lot from his father. His looks. His…[Read more]
LivyLynn replied to the topic Hello, Kingdom Writers! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 6 months ago
@christi-eaton Thanks for the welcome! 🙂
@lifeofkatie Oh fun! I’m not a very good guitar player, but it’s enough to play some songs and write, so it works for me, haha. I really admire people who study it seriously and have become amazing at it!
I just recently started my blog, so I’m still feeling out a variety of topics, but I mostly write…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Character/Fiction inspired Typography/Art in the forum Art 7 years, 6 months ago
And then there’s the really annoying character in the Sector One: Insurrection. I introduce, Raruus.
@daeus @kate-flournoy @mariposa @daughteroftheking @corissa-maiden-of-praise @catwing @aislinn-mollisong @jane-maree
NC Stokes replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 6 months ago
@corissa-maiden-of-praise I always look like I’ve been fighting with a baby squirrel. It’s a fashion statement. Yeah, some of it isn’t as bad as I expect. You know, like the epic saga (complete with illustrations!!) of a man and his cat who were being chased by a land-dwelling shark, and were saved from being trapped in ice (not by the shark,…[Read more]
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*grins* Glad you got it! Spring is definitely a wonderful time of year. Anne of Lothlorien actually started Operation Winter Cheer, so she’s partly to “blame” as well. 😉
Then I thank you as well, Morgan. 😉