Active 6 years, 12 months ago- Rank: Charismatic Rebel
- Total Posts: 23
Joy replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@ceaseless-prayer Awesome, thanks! 🙂
Let’s see, who else… This is kinda fun!
@bekreations @singforjoy @jenali @livgiordano @emily-d @slylilhuntress @pickupyourpenandwrite @amily-huddleston @joisebeth @I-really-wish-I-could-tag-more…
Joy replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@jadamae @ceaseless-prayer @emily-d @aedesia
Would y’all also like to be on my Official KPA Character List? If so, describe yourselves! 😀
Rochellaine replied to the topic Can anyone proof my film sript? Please? in the forum Film 7 years, 1 month ago
@ceaseless-prayer I tried cutting it into smaller posts, but still couldn’t post it. It’s really weird. I also tried doing a public message of it to you like I did in the first place to contact you, but apparently that didn’t work either.
Here is a google document into which I copied my comments. Let’s see if you can view this one. 🙂
Rochellaine posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago
@ceaseless-prayer I just replied to your film script topic, but for some reason it’s not showing up. When I clicked “submit” again, it said it was a duplicate reply, which seems to mean that it should have shown up, but it still didn’t. So could you let me know if you got the post in an email or something? If you don’t have it either, I saved…[Read more]
Grace H. replied to the topic Can anyone proof my film sript? Please? in the forum Film 7 years, 1 month ago
@ceaseless-prayer I just read through the entire thing and…wow! This is such a thought-out piece of work. It’s amazing that you get to help shoot this whole thing, and act in it as well!
If I have time I may scroll through it and find a few little details that I saw… but I remember that in the first or second page you still had a…[Read more]
Alia replied to the topic Can anyone proof my film sript? Please? in the forum Film 7 years, 1 month ago
@ceaseless-prayer, sorry got busy. I’ll read it today or tomorrow
Grace H. replied to the topic Can anyone proof my film sript? Please? in the forum Film 7 years, 2 months ago
@ceaseless-prayer I think you attached a PDF file (it ends with Ian calling over the phone, “you know, just within boundaries”) so I’m not exactly sure that’s what you wanted–?
But I’ve read the story, and so far, I think it’s pretty cool even though the PDF doesn’t contain all of it yet. I can kind of see where you’re going with the death…[Read more]
SeekJustice replied to the topic Can anyone proof my film sript? Please? in the forum Film 7 years, 2 months ago
If you open your google doc, go to SHARE and get a sharable link, and then post the sharable link here, your readers should be able to see it. You will also need to put it on the setting ANYONE CAN EDIT or ANYONE CAN COMMENT, if you want them to be able to give feedback. Hope that’s helpful!
Rochellaine replied to the topic Can anyone proof my film sript? Please? in the forum Film 7 years, 2 months ago
@ceaseless-prayer Oh my goodness! Does that link have a reference to Oak Brook College of Law? What’s your connection? I’m a third year student.
Alia replied to the topic Can anyone proof my film sript? Please? in the forum Film 7 years, 2 months ago
@ceaseless-prayer, I would be willing to do it, but even with the new link I still cant seem to be able to access it
Joy replied to the topic Can anyone proof my film sript? Please? in the forum Film 7 years, 2 months ago
@ceaseless-prayer you could try copying it to a Google Doc if you use Google 🙂
Grace H. replied to the topic Can anyone proof my film sript? Please? in the forum Film 7 years, 2 months ago
@ceaseless-prayer Awesome! I’d like to proofread it for you, but like Dekreel said, I don’t think we can access the link via the website you’re using. Could you maybe share through a document or some other medium?
Joy replied to the topic Can anyone proof my film sript? Please? in the forum Film 7 years, 2 months ago
@ceaseless-prayer A film script! OOOOOOOHHH! 😀 😀
I can’t seem to access it though, it keeps trying to give me a tutorial
Michael Stanton started the topic Time Sensitive Mission (with reward) | Due July 15 in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 8 months ago
The Dark Overlord emerges from a dark passage that spills dark wisps of dark…er…ness. Yeah, Darkness. Anyway, it is super cool and it totally sets the mood. The mood of Whoa, this is probably REALLY important. The Dark Overlord opens his word-hoard and the following reaches your ears.
“My dear Troll-Thingys and Serf, Question-Asker and Profe…[Read more]
Michael Stanton replied to the topic The Notepad of Brainstorming in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 9 months ago
@bethanysinkyroses, I’m going to tag @aratrea (Josiah) because he just actually took KP to a homeschool conference.
I would definitely like to see KP at more homeschooling conferences because it is a place where we are most likely to be able to interact with our target audience (Young Christian Authors, or their parents in this case). I know at…[Read more]
Michael Stanton replied to the topic Handout for Distribution Among Friends: Brainstorming Needed in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 9 months ago
Just to keep the creative juices flowing, here is a link to the kp brochure pdf that @theliterarycrusader made for kp.
I’ll also create a thread where we can compile KP resources.
For these sorts of projects (and most projects) I like to work my way backwards from the end-goal of such initiatives. It would seem to me that the end goal of this…[Read more]
Michael Stanton replied to the topic Handout for Distribution Among Friends: Brainstorming Needed in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 9 months ago
Just to keep the creative juices flowing, here is a link to the kp brochure pdf that @theliterarycrusader made for kp.
I’ll also create a thread where we can compile KP resources.
For these sorts of projects (and most projects) I like to work my way backwards from the end-goal of such initiatives. It would seem to me that the end goal of this…[Read more]
bethanys.inky.roses replied to the topic Handout for Distribution Among Friends: Brainstorming Needed in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 9 months ago
@ceaseless-prayer @winter-rose I want it to fit where I put my tracts (in my purse). Does it need to be any smaller than postcard size for you?
bethanys.inky.roses replied to the topic Handout for Distribution Among Friends: Brainstorming Needed in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 9 months ago
@ceaseless-prayer @winter-rose I want it to fit where I put my tracts. Does it need to be any smaller than postcard size for you?
bethanys.inky.roses replied to the topic Handout for Distribution Among Friends: Brainstorming Needed in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 9 months ago
Hey fellow serfs,
This is an idea that needs brainstorming. I started the topic a few days ago, but I never tagged anyone.…[Read more] - Load More
@rochellaine I got mixed up and replied to your comment on my script forum. I didn’t get it. Maybe you can send it here? 🙂