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  • in reply to: Anyone have Spotify? #140846
      • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
      • Total Posts: 14

      I’m on and ready for my link 😀

      in reply to: Anyone have Spotify? #140817
        • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
        • Total Posts: 14

        Perhaps we can make a fantasy playlist? Or mystery? I write in both those genres. 🙂

        in reply to: Anyone have Spotify? #140532
          • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
          • Total Posts: 14


          1. I can make covers for these playlists if you want. I love making playlist covers for my own stuff.

          2. Can you send the link again? I didn’t get to it in time. XD

          in reply to: Anyone have Spotify? #140298
            • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
            • Total Posts: 14

            The link seemed to work out fine, so I vote for a link. 😀

            in reply to: Anyone have Spotify? #140194
              • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
              • Total Posts: 14

              Wait, wait…it worked for me now! It didn’t show up on my browser, but it does on my phone. Oh well. But now it works for me! Yay! XD

              in reply to: Anyone have Spotify? #140190
                • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                • Total Posts: 14

                Nope. Still didn’t work. Not for me, anyway. I’m glad it worked for u though, @starshiness.

                in reply to: Anyone have Spotify? #140181
                  • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                  • Total Posts: 14

                  Have you considered just making the playlist public for anyone to add to it? That would be a lot easier and we wouldn’t even need to find/use a link. We can just find your profile and find it in your public playlist section on your profile.

                  in reply to: Anyone have Spotify? #140107
                    • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                    • Total Posts: 14

                    Sorry, I was watching a movie and didn’t check this thread again. The “for writing 2” playlist doesn’t work for me, sorry.

                    in reply to: Anyone have Spotify? #140086
                      • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                      • Total Posts: 14


                      My Spotify is Cathryn V. My pfp is a pic of me with my guitar.

                      in reply to: Anyone have Spotify? #139947
                        • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                        • Total Posts: 14

                        Heyo! I do have a Spotify and would love to do collab playlists! I make playlists for every major story I write (I practically live music XD).

                          • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                          • Total Posts: 14

                          One time I was listening to “Bring Me to Life” by Evanescence, and this urban fantasy/romance idea came to me while listening to the bridge. Then my dad was watching the highlights of Daredevil (the movie, not the TV show) and I saw the “All is Lost” scene for Matt Murdock – and a lightbulb went off in my head. I had a climax moment for my MC! 😀

                          But I’ve never gotten a story idea from a song idea before. That was new for me.

                          in reply to: A Rather Belated Introduction #103999
                            • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                            • Total Posts: 14

                            Hey there Madelyn, I’m Cathryn! I’m a big Conan Doyle and Tolkien fan as well! I love most genres of music (just don’t get me started on metal). I like to play music (I’m an avid guitar player), but I’m terrible at songwriting. Like, super terrible. So we all have our weaknesses. 😀 I’m an ESTP, I think. I’ve never taken an official test, so I’m not 100% sure.

                            In answer to your questions…

                            1) A good book is a balance of four things: well-developed characters, a credible theme, an amazing setting, and an enthralling plot.

                            2) I want to start my own publishing/editing company, although I’m still in the research phase for that. Editing is a hobby of mine. I would also like to be the guitarist for a band one day, but that’s a super distant dream. As is being a hairdresser.

                            in reply to: Hello hello! #99304
                              • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                              • Total Posts: 14

                              @Lydia S

                              Well, I’m a big fan of Sara Ella’s Unblemished trilogy. I’m about to start Book Three, and I already know I’m going to be a mess at the end. I also really like Brittany Fichter’s Classical Kingdoms series. (Two of her books are Peter Pan retellings.)

                              1) Oh, hard one. Let me see… at the moment, I’d say Jill Williamson, Sara Ella, and R. M. Archer.

                              2) Oh, easy one! Werewolves, classic vampires (I haven’t read or watched anything of Twilight, but I prefer the classic vampire from Dracula and mythology), and the third… gryffins. Definitely gryffins.

                              3) Well, I’m a reader. And I also love writing. But I’m not going to cheat on third question. I enjoy playing guitar, I play around with designing stuff on Canva, and I do enjoy singing to songs on Spotify. 🙂

                              in reply to: Hello hello! #99131
                                • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                                • Total Posts: 14

                                Hey there, I’m Cathryn. I’m new here (but you probably already guessed that). I’ve been writing for around five years now. I love contemporary fantasy and epic fantasy. I have never read the big secular speculative books lie Hunger Games or Harry Potter. I do read quite a bit of indie, but I don’t mind. I love all forms of chocolate, except fruit + chocolate and mint + chocolate. My siblings have diagnosed me with being forever obsessed with Peter Pan. 😀

                              Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)